555 research outputs found

    Histoloxía Vexetal

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    Grao en Enxeñaría Técnica ForestalA Histoloxía Vexetal é o estudo dos tecidos que compoñen as plantas, a súa disposición e a súa función dentro delas. Constitúe o elo básico da organización das plantas superiores. A célula vexetal primitiva, marcada pola presenza dunha parede externa que a distingue da célula animal, vai sufrindo modificacións ó longo do proceso evolutivo ata alcanzar un elevado grado de especialización. O máis alto é a especialización no proceso de condución que, a semellanza dos animais, levou á vascularización da planta. O nome Plantas Vasculares recolle este concepto. Algunhas destas plantas evolucionaron ademais desenvolvendo unhas estruturas reprodutoras características: as sementes. Orixe e fin do ciclo vital do grupo de plantas chamadas por este motivo Espermatófitas. Na Unidade Didáctica Histoloxía Vexetal imos coñecer as bases da estrutura das plantas con semente.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Connect with the public: strategic design of user communities by convergent TV

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    RESUMEN: Los desafíos de la interacción humana pasan por la necesidad básica de conectar. La digitalización en televisión derivó en un entorno convergente que fortalece la "desmasificación de los medios de comunicación de masas". Los consumos cada vez más personalizados, selectivos, compartidos y comentados obligan a estrategias que permitan conectar directamente con cada usuario que, al mismo tiempo, busca su propia conexión con otros públicos y con el medio. En este artículo se parte del interés estratégico de las comunidades de usuarios en la TV convergente, especialmente entre el público millennial. Se concluye que apenas se han desarrollado aún sus potencialidades y se abre una vía de discusión para mejorar la conexión entre la programación transmedia y las audiencias.ABSTRACT: The challenges of human interaction go through the basic need to connect. TV digitization resulted in a converged environment that strengthens the "de-massification of the mass media". The increasingly personalized, targeted, shared and commented consumption require strategies to connect directly to each user, while seeking his own connection with other public and with the media. This article is part of the strategic interests of the user communities in the converging TV, especially among the millennial audience. We conclude that have barely yet developed its potential and opens an avenue of discussion to improve the connection between the transmedia programming and audiences

    Education and communication public policy: Discussions and developments

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    Resumen: Las relaciones de la ciudadanía con los medios de comunicación son cada vez más complejas y hacen necesario planificar y proyectar la educación en un contexto hipermediático, planteando nuevos retos: en la educación se integra la responsabilidad de formar a los ciudadanos para consumir y producir en un ecosistema de medios con capacidades y potencialidades para los nuevos públicos. En esta relación estratégica entre educación y comunicación, las políticas públicas deben fortalecer las condiciones que favorezcan la capacitación personal, uniendo la creatividad con la comprensión de las estructuras, procesos y técnicas que refuercen un consumo crítico. Se ofrece una panorámica de los avances que se han producido en torno a la alfabetización en los nuevos medios, a partir de un análisis de contenido desde la definición de este concepto por la UNESCO en 1979 hasta la actualidad, pasando por el New Curriculum for Teachers on Media and Information Literacy de 2011 y el Mapping Media Education in the World de 2009. También se recogen los principales debates abiertos en un contexto global que debe reforzar el valor de la diversidad ante el gran desafío de la convergencia. El empoderamiento de la ciudadanía es un valor indudable que favorecerá su inclusión cultural y su participación crítica en la esfera mediática convirtiéndose en prosumidores mediáticos y digitalizados, para lo que las políticas públicas en educación y comunicación deben seguir avanzando y sumando esfuerzos.Abstract: Relations between citizens and mass media are becoming increasingly complex, making it necessary to plan and design education in a hypermediatic society, where new challenges arise: education has got the primary responsibility of training citizens to consume and produce in a media ecosystem with great capacities and potentialities for new audiences. In this strategic relation between education and communication, public policies should strengthen a framework that encourages personal empowerment, combining creativity with understanding of the structures, processes and techniques that enhance critical consumption. This paper offers an overview of the advances that have occurred with regard to the new media literacy, based on content analysis, from the definition of this concept by UNESCO in 1979 to the present, through ?New Curriculum for Teachers on Media and Information Literacy? of 2011 and ?Mapping Media Education in the World? of 2009. Additionally, we deal with the main discussions held in a global context because it is imperative to reinforce the value of diversity in the face of the great convergence challenge. The empowerment of citizenship is an unquestionable value that will be beneficial to their cultural inclusion and their critical participation in the media sphere, so that they become media and digital prosumers, and to this effect public policies in education and communication must continue advancing and joining efforts. Palabras clave: educación en medios, políticas públicas, convergencia, análisis de contenido, alfabetización mediática.Este trabajo se ha desarrollado al amparo del Proyecto español I+D+I “Youtubers e instagrammers: La competencia mediática en los prosumidores emergentes” (RTI2018-093303-B-I00) (MINECO/FEDER)

    Proposal media literacy for gender stereotypes in the media. Results and evaluation of the virtual chat room "Faces of Women"

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    RESUMEN: Educar en la sociedad actual requiere avanzar hacia nuevas formas de alfabetización que favorezcan una actitud crítica hacia los medios de comunicación, como responsabilidad compartida por diversos actores. En este trabajo se propone un recurso innovador para mejorar la educación mediática, dirigida a diferentes colectivos, abordando los estereotipos sexistas que aparecen en diferentes medios, mediante la ludoteca virtual “Rostros de Mujer”. A continuación se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras su implementación, así como la valoración de un grupo de expertos y expertas a los que se ha entrevistado. Las conclusiones nos permiten progresar hacia el logro de una ciudadanía mediática, que interactúa con los medios de comunicación, analizando críticamente los mensajes y las pantallas, gracias al desarrollo de la competencia mediática.ABSTRACT: Educating today's society requires moving towards to new forms of literacy that promote a critical attitude towards the media, as a responsibility shared by various actors. In this paperwork, we propose an innovative resource to improve media education, aimed at different groups, addressing gender stereotypes that appear in different media of communication through the virtual chat rooms called "Faces of Women". Below you can find the results obtained after its implementation, and the evaluation of a group of experts who have been interviewed. The results allow us to make progress towards achieving citizenship media, which interacts with the media, critically analyzing messages and screens, due to the development of media skills.Apoyado por Ministerio de Educación de España: Proyecto I+D “La enseñanza obligatoria ante la competencia en comunicación audiovisual en un entorno digital”(EDU2010-21395- C03-03

    Reproductive Biology of Olive Trees (Arbequina cultivar) at the Northern Limit of Their Distribution Areas

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    In recent years, North-western Spain has experienced an increase in the cultivated area of olive trees. The main propitious areas for olive groves are the Miño and Sil basins, as a consequence of their Oceanic climate with Mediterranean influence. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of reproductive biology, phenological and aerobiological behaviour of olive trees in the most northerly new plantation areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The study was carried out in an olive grove growing Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’ located in Quiroga (Lugo) from 2016 to 2018. The phenological observations were based upon the main growth stages following the Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt and Chemical industry (BBCH) scale. To predict the onset of flowering, a thermal time model was used in order to quantify the chill requirements, and growing degree-days were applied to determine the heat requirement. The production, viability and germination rates of Olea pollen were evaluated from samples selected in nine individual trees for the phenological survey. The aerobiological study was conducted by means of a Hirst-type pollen trap located in the centre of the olive grove. The vegetative period of the olive tree in the study area lasted an average of 259 days. The important phenological stage 6 (flowering) was the shortest stage. An average of 704 Chilling Hours (CH) with a threshold of 2.5 °C was required to overcome the chilling period, 1139 Growing Degree Days (GDD) for the beginning of flowering, and 4463 GDD for harvest. The pollen production per anther was 82589 grains (± 14084 pollen grains), with a rate of 81% viability and 12% pollen tube germination. The main pollen season started on average on May 20th and ended on June 16th with an average duration of 27 days and an annual pollen integral of 833 pollen grains. The low pollen concentrations could be a consequence of the Northern location of the forest, in a bioclimatic transition zone between the Eurosiberian and the Mediterranean areas, at the limit of olive tree distributionThis research was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional) through the recognition as Grupo de Referencia Competitivo de Investigación (GRC GI-1809 BIOAPLIC “Biodiversidad y Botánica Aplicada”, ED431C 2019/07), the Agrupación Estratégica de Investigación BioReDes (ED431E 2018/09) and the BV1 Reference Competitive Research Groups ED431C 2017/62 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain). This work was partially funded by Xunta de Galicia CITACA “Cluster de Investigación y Transferencia Agroalimentaria de Campus del Agua” Strategic Partnership (Reference: ED431E 2018/07) and the AGL2014-60412-R Economy and Competence Ministry of Spain Government projectS

    Fungal Diseases in Two North-West Spain Vineyards: Relationship with Meteorological Conditions and Predictive Aerobiological Model

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    Grey mould, powdery mildew, and downy mildew are the most frequent fungal diseases among vineyards worldwide. In the present study, we analysed the influence of the fungi causing these diseases (Botrytis, Erysiphe, and Plasmopara, respectively) on two viticulture areas from North-western (NW) Spain during three growth seasons (2016, 2017, and 2018). The obtained results showed the predominant concentration of the Botrytis airborne spores, mainly from the beginning of the Inflorescence emerge phenological stage (S-5) until the end of the Flowering phenological stage (S-6). Erysiphe and Plasmopara airborne spore peak concentrations were more localised around Flowering (S-6) and Development of fruits (S-7) phenological stages. We applied a Spearman’s correlation test and a Principal Component Analysis to determine the influence of the meteorological parameters on the concentration of airborne spores. Taking into account the variables with the highest correlation coefficient, we developed multiple regression models to forecast the phytopathogenic fungal spore concentrations. The Botrytis model regression equation explained between 59.4–70.9% of spore concentration variability. The Erysiphe equation explained between 57.6–61% and the Plasmopara explained between 39.9–55.8%. In general, we found better prediction results for mean daily concentrations than sporadic spore peaksThe authors thank to the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional) the financial support for the recognition as Grupo de Referencia Competitivo de Investigación (GRC GI–1809 BIOAPLIC, ED431C 2019/07), the Agrupación Estratégica de Investigación BioReDes (ED431E 2018/09), the CITACA Strategic Partnership ED431E 2018/07 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and the grant number AGL2014-60412-Rofthe Economy and Competence Ministry of Spain Government. González–Fernández E. is supported by the FPU Formación de Profesorado Universitario grant from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesS

    Caracterización del subsistema de plantas me-dicinales en los patios traseros (Patyotyoty) de la comunidad de Amado Nervo, Municipio de Yajalón, Chiapas; México

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    Se realizó un estudio con el propósito de hacer una caracterización de los traspatios (PATY OTYOTY), en la comunidad Amado Nervo, municipio de Yajalón Chiapas, que contempló un inventario de las plantas medicinales que se encuentran en ellos, además del uso y manejo de las mismas. El estudio hace una descripción en general de los recursos naturales con que cuentan los PATY OTYOTY (atrás de la casa) y aborda con mayor minuciosidad las plantas medicinales. Para recabar la información se utilizó la técnica de entrevista semi estructurada, observación directa y diario de campo. El tamaño de la muestra se calculó por muestreo aleatorio simple (Zar, 1999), y se aplicó a 39 traspatios. Los resultados indican que en la comunidad de Amado Nervo cuenta con 1391 habitantes y 277 familias, existen siete parteras que se encuentran registradas por la clínica del IMSS. El inventario realizado indica que las plantas son para uso familiar, no hay comercialización con fines de lucro y las más frecuentemente encontradas son: albaca, ajenjo, ajo, cempasúchil, chanita, hierbabuena, hinojo, maguey morado, chaya, orozúz, árnica, yäxbak, orégano, poleo, ruda, té de zacate, sábila y perejil. Se encontró que el 26% de los Paty Otyoty no tienen plantas medicinales mientras que el 61 % aplican abono orgánico para la producción. Se concluye que el uso de medicamentos alópatas como el de plantas medicinales es utilizado con frecuencia para recuperar el estado de salud de las personas, se reconoce que el 39% de los habitantes recurre a ellas como única alternativa debido a la escases de recursos económicos

    Targets, Mechanisms and Cytotoxicity of Half-Sandwich Ir(III) Complexes Are Modulated by Structural Modifications on the Benzazole Ancillary Ligand

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    Cancers are driven by multiple genetic mutations but evolve to evade treatments targeting specific mutations. Nonetheless, cancers cannot evade a treatment that targets mitochondria, which are essential for tumor progression. Iridium complexes have shown anticancer properties, but they lack specificity for their intracellular targets, leading to undesirable side effects. Herein we present a systematic study on structure-activity relationships of eight arylbenzazole-based Iridium(III) complexes of type [IrCl(Cp*)], that have revealed the role of each atom of the ancillary ligand in the physical chemistry properties, cytotoxicity and mechanism of biological action. Neutral complexes, especially those bearing phenylbenzimidazole (HL1 and HL2), restrict the binding to DNA and albumin. One of them, complex 1[C,NH-Cl], is the most selective one, does not bind DNA, targets exclusively the mitochondria, disturbs the mitochondria membrane permeability inducing proton leak and increases ROS levels, triggering the molecular machinery of regulated cell death. In mice with orthotopic lung tumors, the administration of complex 1[C,NH-Cl] reduced the tumor burden. Cancers are more vulnerable than normal tissues to a treatment that harnesses mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus, complex 1[C,NH-Cl] characterization opens the way to the development of new compounds to exploit this vulnerabilityWe acknowledge the “la Caixa” Foundation (LCF/PR/PR12/11070003), Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades-FEDER (RTI2018-102040-B-100) and Junta de Castilla y León-FEDER (BU305P18) for financial support. Networking support by COST Action CA18202 (NECTAR) is also acknowledged

    Isolation of Ovicidal Fungi from Fecal Samples of Captive Animals Maintained in a Zoological Park

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    There are certain saprophytic fungi in the soil able to develop an antagonistic effect against eggs of parasites. Some of these fungal species are ingested by animals during grazing, and survive in their feces after passing through the digestive tract. To identify and isolate ovicidal fungi in the feces of wild captive animals, a total of 60 fecal samples were taken from different wild animals kept captive in the Marcelle Natureza Zoological Park (Lugo, Spain). After the serial culture of the feces onto Petri dishes with different media, their parasicitide activity was assayed against eggs of trematodes (Calicophoron daubneyi) and ascarids (Parascaris equorum). Seven fungal genera were identified in the feces. Isolates from Fusarium, Lecanicillium, Mucor, Trichoderma, and Verticillium showed an ovicidal effect classified as type 3, because of their ability to adhere to the eggshell, penetrate, and damage permanently the inner embryo. Penicillium and Gliocladium developed a type 1 effect (hyphae attach to the eggshell but morphological damage was not provoked). These results provide very interesting and useful information about fungi susceptible for being used in biological control procedures against parasitesThis research was partly supported by the Research Projects AGL2012-34355 and CTM2015-65954-R (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain; FEDER). María S. Arias is recipient of a “Parga Pondal” postdoctoral research fellowship (Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S