7,741 research outputs found

    Stability of syzygy bundles

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    We show that given integers NN, dd and nn such that N2{N\ge2}, (N,d,n)(2,2,5){(N,d,n)\ne(2,2,5)}, and N+1n(d+NN){N+1\le n\le\tbinom{d+N}{N}}, there is a family of nn monomials in K[X0,,XN]K[X_0,\ldots,X_N] of degree dd such that their syzygy bundle is stable. Case N3{N\ge3} was obtained independently by Coand\v{a} with a different choice of families of monomials [Coa09]. For (N,d,n)=(2,2,5){(N,d,n)=(2,2,5)}, there are 55 monomials of degree~22 in K[X0,X1,X2]K[X_0,X_1,X_2] such that their syzygy bundle is semistable.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Long-term effects of school quality on health and lifestyle: evidence from comprehensive schooling reforms in England

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    Members of the National Child Development Study cohort attended very different types of secondary schools, as their schooling lay within the transition period of the comprehensive education reform in England and Wales. This provides a natural setting to explore the impact of educational attainment and of school quality on health and health-related behavior later in life. We use a combination of matching methods and parametric regressions to deal with selection effects and to evaluate differences in adult health outcomes and health-related behavior for cohort members exposed to the old selective and to the new comprehensive educational systems

    Quality of schooling and inequality of opportunity in health

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    This paper explores the role of quality of schooling as a source of inequality of opportunity in health. Substantiating earlier literature that links differences in education to health disparities, the paper uses variation in quality of schooling to test for inequality of opportunity in health. Analysis of the 1958 NCDS cohort exploits the variation in type and quality of schools generated by the comprehensive schooling reforms in England and Wales. The analysis provides evidence of a statistically significant and economically sizable association between some dimensions of quality of education and a range of health and health-related outcomes. For some outcomes the association persists, over and above the effects of measured ability, social development, academic qualifications and adult socioeconomic status and lifestyle

    Seguridad del paciente.

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    Las infecciones nosocomiales suponen un sobrecoste económico y un aumento de mortalidad. Varios programas (BZ y NZ) se han ido implantando con éxito a lo largo de los años para reducir su incidencia. Aquí exploramos cambios en el perfil del paciente tras la aplicación de los programas. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, unicéntrico, realizado en 223 pacientes tomando la base de datos del estudio ENVIN para extraer las características y factores de riesgo intrínsecos y extrínsecos de los pacientes que adquirieron al menos una infección nosocomial asociada a dispositivos en la UCI del hospital universitario Rio Hortega en el periodo de marzo 2009 a octubre 2015. Hemos encontrado un incremento significativo en el tiempo desde el inicio del factor de riesgo hasta la primera infección nosocomial, de 10.41 (DS 10.28) días en 2009 a 14.42 (DS 12) días en 2015 (p<0.007). Otra variable a destacar ha sido el porcentaje de pacientes con una sola infección nosocomial, que ha pasado del 59.3%(16) en 2009 al 87.5%(21) en 2015 (p<0.034). El perfil del paciente que sufre una infección nosocomial relacionada con dispositivos no parece haber cambiado en exceso después de los programas de prevención. Sin embargo parece que han influenciado a la hora de reducir y retrasar la aparición de infecciones nosocomiales.Grado en Medicin

    Some numerical verification examples for plane stress elasto-viscoplasticity

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    This paper presents analytical, semi-analytical and numerical reference examples which can be employed for code verification of elasto-viscoplastic models under plane stress conditions. Mainly because of the overstress function the algorithms traditionally employed in elasto-plastic implementations must be rewritten to correctly impose the plane stress state along with the viscoplastic flow. The viscoplastic formulation presented here considers the strain-rate hardening effects by means of a hardening law that are assumed to have terms depending on the strain rate, which removed can represent a Voce type hardening. The proposed verification tests were employed for the numerical verification of an in-house implementation of the so-called stress-projected procedure inside the finite element method context. Although the focus of this paper is on the stressprojected algorithms the examples presented here can be employed for the verification of other algorithms intended to impose the plane stress state in viscoplasticit

    Four temptations against urban renewel: an approach to fur current urban processes

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    Comunicación presentada en 25 European Network housing Research International Conference. Tarragona 19 al 22 junio 2013The new paradigm of urban social and economic rehabilitation is replacing the current sprawl growth model. But four temptations must be considered: 1) The high-density. This process is possible in sprawl model, but its quantification does not seem to be clear, because after a certain threshold of occupancy per unit area, the city seems to collapse and social and environmental benefits disappear, appearing reversal processes city to country in search of a minimum quality of life standards. There is not a model for appropriate density. It depends on the way of life of population, the traditional city model. 2) The replacement. Architectonic and urban rehabilitation must be preferred to replacement, except for certain cases to be legally taxed. But as the city cannot be densified and orderly, without the prior replacement of the building, may fit this temptation. Even replacing the building can be made without considering high building standards 3) The gentrification. There is a wide doctrine and experience about this phenomenon with serious social consequences. It is very tempting to replace the building, due to improve requirement of broad levels of quality, entering a game of speculation, so common in our real estate market. 4) The eco-city. Comprehensive projects are building spaces with low levels of energy consumption. Fall into this temptation means to continue the extensive city model we have been developing, creating new cities far from the existing but incorporating saving measures, and continuing resource consumptio