1,255 research outputs found

    New observations with the gamma ray imager SIGMA

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    Results from the use of the gamma ray telescope SIGMA are given. An identification and an extensive study was done of sources contributing to the emission of the Galactic center region above 30 keV. A strong line was observed at 480 keV from Nova Muscae, which may be interpreted as an annihilation line with a redshift due to the presence of a compact object. The soft x-ray tails observed by SIGMA in some transient sources already identified as soft x-ray transients might be a common characteristic of these objects and has to be explained. The unusual spectrum of NGC4151 with a break around 50 keV can characterize a particular state of this kind of object. If it is the case, it has interesting implications for the origin of the Cosmic Diffuse Background

    The 1998 November 14 Occultation of GSC 0622-00345 by Saturn. II. Stratospheric Thermal Profile, Power Spectrum, and Gravity Waves

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    On 1998 November 14, Saturn and its rings occulted the star GSC 0622-00345. The occultation latitude was 55.5 degrees S. This paper analyzes the 2.3 {\mu}m light curve derived by Harrington & French. A fixed-baseline isothermal fit to the light curve has a temperature of 140 +/- 3 K, assuming a mean molecular mass of 2.35 AMU. The thermal profile obtained by numerical inversion is valid between 1 and 60 {\mu}bar. The vertical temperature gradient is >0.2 K/km more stable than the adiabatic lapse rate, but it still shows the alternating-rounded-spiked features seen in many temperature gradient profiles from other atmospheric occultations and usually attributed to breaking gravity (buoyancy) waves. We conduct a wavelet analysis of the thermal profile, and show that, even with our low level of noise, scintillation due to turbulence in Earth's atmosphere can produce large temperature swings in light-curve inversions. Spurious periodic features in the "reliable" region of a wavelet amplitude spectrum can exceed 0.3 K in our data. We also show that gravity-wave model fits to noisy isothermal light curves can lead to convincing wave "detections". We provide new significance tests for localized wavelet amplitudes, wave model fits, and global power spectra of inverted occultation light curves by assessing the effects of pre- and post-occultation noise on these parameters. Based on these tests, we detect several significant ridges and isolated peaks in wavelet amplitude, to which we fit a gravity wave model. We also strongly detect the global power spectrum of thermal fluctuations in Saturn's atmosphere, which resembles the "universal" (modified Desaubies) curve associated with saturated spectra of propagating gravity waves on Earth and Jupiter.Comment: LaTeX/emulateapj, 13 pages, 7 figure

    LSA silicon material task closed-cycle process development

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    The initial effort on feasibility of the closed cycle process was begun with the design of the two major items of untested equipment, the silicon tetrachloride by product converter and the rotary drum reactor for deposition of silicon from trichlorosilane. The design criteria of the initial laboratory equipment included consideration of the reaction chemistry, thermodynamics, and other technical factors. Design and construction of the laboratory equipment was completed. Preliminary silicon tetrachloride conversion experiments confirmed the expected high yield of trichlorosilane, up to 98 percent of theoretical conversion. A preliminary solar-grade polysilicon cost estimate, including capital costs considered extremely conservative, of $6.91/kg supports the potential of this approach to achieve the cost goal. The closed cycle process appears to have a very likely potential to achieve LSA goals

    The all-sky distribution of 511 keV electron-positron annihilation emission

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    We present a map of 511 keV electron-positron annihilation emission, based on data accumulated with the SPI spectrometer aboard ESA's INTEGRAL gamma-ray observatory, that covers approximately 95% of the celestial sphere. 511 keV line emission is significantly detected towards the galactic bulge region and, at a very low level, from the galactic disk. The bulge emission is highly symmetric and is centred on the galactic centre with an extension of 8 deg. The emission is equally well described by models that represent the stellar bulge or halo populations. The disk morphology is only weakly constrained by the present data, being compatible with both the distribution of young and old stellar populations. The 511 keV line flux from the bulge and disk components is 1.05e-3 ph cm-2 s-1 and 0.7e-3 ph cm-2 s-1, respectively, corresponding to a bulge-to-disk flux ratio in the range 1-3. Assuming a positronium fraction of 0.93 this translates into annihilation rates of 1.5e43 s-1 and 3e42 s-1, respectively. The ratio of the bulge luminosity to that of the disk is in the range 3-9. We find no evidence for a point-like source in addition to the diffuse emission, down to a typical flux limit of 1e-4 ph cm-2 s-1. We also find no evidence for the positive latitude enhancement that has been reported from OSSE measurements; our 3 sigma upper flux limit for this feature is 1.5e-4 ph cm-2 s-1. The disk emission can be attributed to the beta+ decay of the radioactive species 26Al and 44Ti. The bulge emission arises from a different source which has only a weak or no disk component. We suggest that Type Ia supernovae and/or low-mass X-ray binaries are the prime candidates for the source of the galactic bulge positrons. Light dark matter annihilation could also explain the observed 511 keV bulge emission characteristics.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Worldwide tests of generic attractants, a promising tool for early detection of non-native cerambycid species

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    A large proportion of the insects which have invaded new regions and countries are emerging species, being found for the first time outside their native range. Being able to detect such species upon arrival at ports of entry before they establish in non-native countries is an urgent challenge. The deployment of traps baited with broad-spectrum semiochemical lures at ports-of-entry and other high-risk sites could be one such early detection tool. Rapid progress in the identification of semiochemicals for cerambycid beetles during the last 15 years has revealed that aggregation-sex pheromones and sex pheromones are often conserved at global levels for genera, tribes or subfamilies of the Cerambycidae. This possibly allows the development of generic attractants which attract multiple species simultaneously, especially when such pheromones are combined into blends. Here, we present the results of a worldwide field trial programme conducted during 2018-2021, using traps baited with a standardised 8-pheromone blend, usually complemented with plant volatiles. A total of 1308 traps were deployed at 302 sites covering simultaneously or sequentially 13 European countries, 10 Chinese provinces and some regions of the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia (Siberia) and the Caribbean (Martinique). We intended to test the following hypotheses: 1) if a species is regularly trapped in significant numbers by the blend on a continent, it increases the probability that it can be detected when it arrives in other countries/continents and 2) if the blend exerts an effective, generic attraction to multiple species, it is likely that previously unknown and unexpected species can be captured due to the high degree of conservation of pheromone structures within related taxa. A total of 78,321 longhorned beetles were trapped, representing 376 species from eight subfamilies, with 84 species captured in numbers greater than 50 individuals. Captures comprised 60 tribes, with 10 tribes including more than nine species trapped on different continents. Some invasive species were captured in both the native and invaded continents. This demonstrates the potential of multipheromone lures as effective tools for the detection of 'unexpected' cerambycid invaders, accidentally translocated outside their native ranges. Adding new pheromones with analogous well-conserved motifs is discussed, as well as the limitations of using such blends, especially for some cerambycid taxa which may be more attracted by the trap colour or other characteristics rather than to the chemical blend.O

    Early SPI/INTEGRAL contraints on the morphology of the 511 keV line emission in the 4th galactic quadrant

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    We provide first constraints on the morphology of the 511 keV line emission from the galactic centre region on basis of data taken with the spectrometer SPI on the INTEGRAL gamma-ray observatory. The data suggest an azimuthally symmetric galactic bulge component with FWHM of ~9 deg with a 2 sigma uncertainty range covering 6-18 deg. The 511 keV line flux in the bulge component amounts to (9.9+4.7-2.1) 10e-4 ph cm-2 s-1. No evidence for a galactic disk component has been found so far; upper 2 sigma flux limits in the range (1.4-3.4) 10e-3 ph cm-2 s-1 have been obtained that depend on the assumed disk morphology. These limits correspond to lower limits on the bulge-to-disk ratio of 0.3-0.6.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&