363 research outputs found

    DNA binding properties of a chemically synthesized DNA binding domain of hRFX1

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    The RFX DNA binding domain (DBD) is a novel highly conserved motif belonging to a large number of dimeric DNA binding proteins which have diverse regulatory functions in eukaryotic organisms, ranging from yeasts to human. To characterize this novel motif, solid phase synthesis of a 76mer polypeptide corresponding to the DBD of human hRFX1 (hRFX1/DBD), a prototypical member of the RFX family, has been optimized to yield large quantities (∼90 mg) of pure compound. Preliminary two-dimensional 1H NMR experiments suggested the presence of helical regions in this sequence in agreement with previously reported secondary structure predictions. In gel mobility shift assays, this synthetic peptide was shown to bind in a cooperative manner the 23mer duplex oligodeoxynucleotide corresponding to the binding site of hRFX1, with a 2:1 stoichoimetry due to an inverse repeat present in the 23mer. The stoichiometry of this complex was reduced to 1:1 by decreasing the length of the DNA sequence to a 13mer oligonucleotide containing a single half-site. Surface plasmon resonance measurements were achieved using this 5′-biotylinated 13mer oligonucleotide immobilized on an avidin-coated sensor chip. Using this method an association constant (Ka = 4×105/M/s), a dissociation constant (Kd = 6×10−2/s) and an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD = 153 nM) were determined for binding of hRFX1/DBD to the double-stranded 13mer oligonucleotide. In the presence of hRFX1/DBD the melting temperature of the 13mer DNA was increased by 16°C, illustrating stabilization of the double-stranded conformation induced by the peptid

    Uranyl interaction with the hydrated (0001) basal face of gibbsite: A combined theoretical and spectroscopic study

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    International audienceThe sorption of uranyl cations and water molecules on the basal (001) face of gibbsite was studied by combining vibrational and fluorescence spectroscopies together with density functional theory ͑DFT͒ computations. Both the calculated and experimental values of O–H bond lengths for the gibbsite bulk are in good agreement. In the second part, water sorption with this surface was studied to take into account the influence of hydration with respect to the uranyl adsorption. The computed water configurations agreed with previously published molecular dynamics studies. The uranyl adsorption in acidic media was followed by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and Raman spectrometry measurements. The existence of only one kind of adsorption site for the uranyl cation was then indicated in good agreement with the DFT calculations. The computation of the uranyl adsorption has been performed by means of a bidentate interaction with two surface oxygen atoms. The optimized structures displayed strong hydrogen bonds between the surface and the-yl oxygen of uranyl. The uranium-surface bond strength depends on the protonation state of the surface oxygen atoms. The calculated U – O surface bond lengths range between 2.1–2.2 and 2.6– 2.7 Å for the nonprotonated and protonated surface O atoms, respectively

    Fos but not Cart (cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript) is overexpressed by several drugs of abuse: a comparative study using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction in rat brain.

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    International audienceIt has been reported that cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (Cart) peptides can increase locomotor activity and produce a conditioned place preference. To establish whether or not Cart can be consider as a valuable marker of addiction we performed a comparative study of the expression of Cart and Fos genes by several drugs of abuse. This was achieved using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction in four rat brain structures: prefrontal cortex, caudate putamen, nucleus accumbens and hippocampus. As expected, a significant induction of the immediate early gene Fos was observed after acute administration of morphine, cocaine, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol. On the contrary none of these drugs was able to produce a significant change in Cart mRNA levels demonstrating that the expression of this gene is not modulated by drugs of abuse in these brain structures

    Immunophenotypic Lymphocyte Profiles in Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a deadly vector-born disease caused by an extracellular parasite, the trypanosome. Little is known about the cellular immune responses elicited by this parasite in humans. We used multiparameter flow cytometry to characterize leukocyte immunophenotypes in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 33 HAT patients and 27 healthy controls identified during a screening campaign in Angola and Gabon. We evaluated the subsets and activation markers of B and T lymphocytes. Patients had a higher percentage of CD19+ B lymphocytes and activated B lymphocytes in the blood than did controls, but lacked activated CD4+ T lymphocytes (CD25+). Patients displayed no increase in the percentage of activated CD8+ T cells (HLA-DR+, CD69+ or CD25+), but memory CD8 T-cell levels (CD8+CD45RA−) were significantly lower in patients than in controls, as were effector CD8 T-cell levels (CD8+CD45RA+CD62L−). No relationship was found between these blood immunophenotypes and disease severity (stage 1 vs 2). However, CD19+ B-cell levels in the CSF increased with disease severity. The patterns of T and B cell activation in HAT patients suggest that immunomodulatory mechanisms may operate during infection. Determinations of CD19+ B-cell levels in the CSF could improve disease staging

    Sensitization to the conditioned rewarding effects of morphine modulates gene expression in rat hippocampus.

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    Opiates addiction is characterized by its long-term persistence. In order to study the enduring changes in long-term memory in hippocampus, a pivotal region for this process, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to compare hippocampal gene expression in morphine and saline-treated rats. Animals were subjected to an extended place preference paradigm consisting of four conditioning phases. Sensitization to the reinforcing effects of the drug occurred after three conditioning phases. After 25 days of treatment rats were euthanized and the complementary DNA (cDNA) from the hippocampus of morphine-dependent and saline-treated animals were then screened for differentially expressed cDNAs. The selected 177 clones were then subjected to a microarray procedure and 20 clones were found differentially regulated. The pattern of regulated genes suggests impairments in neurotransmitter release and the activation of neuroprotective pathways


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho busca averiguar se o processo administrativo sancionatório na aviação cumpre os princípios da lei dos processos administrativos (lei 9.784/99). O estudo se faz relevante pois é um campo ainda pouco estudado e precisa ser tratado com seriedade já que é uma das formas de demonstração do ius puniendi estatal. O objetivo do trabalho é verificar se os processos administrativos que resultam em multas para os operadores de aeronaves cumprem os princípios constitucionais e legais. Sendo assim, será desenvolvido um estudo sobre os aspectos que envolvem as sanções administrativas. Além disso, será trabalhado sobre os limites da presunção de veracidade da Administração Pública, bem como será investigada a relação entre os princípios da lei dos processos administrativos (lei 9.784/99) com os processos administrativos em estudo. Ao final, será apresentada uma análise de dois processos administrativos relacionados ao tema em discussão. Nessa análise é possível identificar algumas falhas da Administração Pública, tanto na concepção do processo administrativo em questão (normas aplicadas através de Portarias) quanto no desenvolvimento com relação aos princípios que deveriam ser observados. Percebe-se, por fim, a necessidade de aperfeiçoar o processo administrativo no seio da Junta de Julgamento de Aeronáutica, órgão responsável por todo o desenvolvimento desse processo. Essa pesquisa serve para apontar apenas alguns dos aspectos mais relevantes que necessitam uma posterior atenção e um número maior de estudos na área para que haja uma evolução nesse ramo do Direito