927 research outputs found

    Massive pericardial effusion caused by hypothyroidism.

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    Although mild pericardial effusion is a usual finding in patients with hypothyroidism, massive pericardial effusion or pericardial tamponade is rare and customarily related to severe hypothyroidism. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism should be considered in the differential of patients presenting with unexplained pericardial effusion, even when signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are nonexistent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does d-cycloserine facilitate the effects of homework compliance on social anxiety symptom reduction?

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    BACKGROUND: Prior studies examining the effect of d-cycloserine (DCS) on homework compliance and outcome in cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) have yielded mixed results. The aim of this study was to investigate whether DCS facilitates the effects of homework compliance on symptom reduction in a large-scale study for social anxiety disorder (SAD). METHODS: 169 participants with generalized SAD received DCS or pill placebo during 12-session exposure-based group CBT. Improvements in social anxiety were assessed by independent raters at each session using the Liebowitz social anxiety scale (LSAS). RESULTS: Controlling for LSAS at the previous session, and irrespective of treatment condition, greater homework compliance in the week prior related to lower LSAS at the next session. However, DCS did not moderate the effect of homework compliance and LSAS, LSAS on homework compliance, or the overall augmenting effect of DCS on homework compliance. Furthermore, LSAS levels were not predictive of homework compliance in the following week. CONCLUSION: The findings support the general benefits of homework compliance on outcome, but not a DCS-augmenting effect. The comparably small number of DCS-enhanced sessions in this study could be one reason for the failure to find a facilitating effect of DCS

    Collaborative Agency in Youth Online and Offline Creative Production in Scratch

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    Few studies have focused on how youth develop agency to organize and participate in online unstructured creative collaborations. This paper describes and analyzes how youth programmers organized collaborative groups in response to a programming “Collab Challenge” in the Scratch Online Community and in an accompanying workshop with high school students. The analyses focused on modalities of online collaborations, determined the breadth of online participation, and examined local teens’ awareness of the online community. The discussion addresses youth’s collaborative agency in these new networked contexts, studied the role that online social awareness plays in completing tasks and makes recommendations for the support of online programming communities

    Relación entre densidad y propiedades de tableros hdf producidos por un proceso seco.

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de tableros de fibras duros con densidades entre 810 y 1117 kg/m3. Los tableros de 3 mm de espesor fueron fabricados en un proceso seco.Se evaluaron las propiedades MOR y MOE en flexión, tracción paralela, absorción de agua, hinchamiento, hinchamiento no recuperable (springback), expansión lineal, expansión del espesor y humedad de equilibrio.La expansión lineal, la expansión del espesor y la humedad de equilibrio, se determinaron luego de climatizar a 3 humedades relativas; 40, 65 y 90% con una temperatura constante de 20 ºC.Los resultados demostraron que existe una correlación entre la densidad del tablero y las propiedades tracción paralela, MOR, MOE, absorción de agua y expansión lineal. Para el caso de los ensayos mecánicos, a medida que aumenta la densidad se incrementan las resistencias. La absorción de agua tiende a disminuir cuando la densidad del tablero aumenta. La expansión lineal se incrementa con aumentos de la densidad del tablero. El hinchamiento y la expansión del espesor no presentaron una dependencia de la densidad.The aim of the work was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of HDF-boards with densities between 810 and 1117 kg/m3. Panels of 3mm in thickness, were produced by a dry process.Bending strength (MOR and MOE), tensile strength parallel to board surface, water absorption, thickness swelling, springback, linear and thickness expansion and equilibrium moisture content were determined.Linear expansion, thickness expansion and equilibrium moisture content were meassured after climatization at 20 ºC for 3 relative humidity conditions; 40, 65 and 90%.A correlation between board density and mechanical properties, water absorption, lineal expansion was determined. With increasing panel density, higher mechanical properties and lineal expansion were obtained. Water absorption decreased when the density of the board increases. Thickness swelling and thickness expansion did not present a relationship with board density

    Construção da primeira micoteca de Mycosphaerella Musicola Leach do Estado da Bahia.

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    O fungo Mycosphaerella musicola Leach é o agente causal da Sigatoka-amarela em bananeira. Essa doença é reduz da área foliar verde da planta, refletindo em menor produtividade. O objetivo do trabalho foi iniciar uma coleção de isolados de M. musicola coletados no Estado da Bahia. As amostras foram coletadas nas principais microrregiões produtoras de banana, a saber: Bom Jesus da Lapa ( Bom Jesus da Lapa), Ilhéus-Itabuna ( Presidente Tancredo Neves, Wenceslau Guimarães, Barro Preto, Gandu e Teolândia), Valença ( Morro de São Paulo) e Vitória da Conquista (Morro de São Paulo). A partir de 141 amostras coletadas consegui-se isolar e preservar 56 isolados (39,72%) em duplicata nos métodos de Castellani, BDA, BDA+Glicerol, Tiras de papel e Esferas de vidro. A primeira micoteca de Mycosphaerella musicola Leach do Estado da Bahia está sendo construída

    Variabilidade genética de isolados do fungo causador da Sigatoka- Amarela em bananeira no Estado da Bahia com o uso de SSR.

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    A bananeira assume importância econômica e social em todo o mundo, cultivada em mais de 130 países tropicais e subtropicais, principalmente por pequenos agricultores. O Brasil, em 2010 produziu 6,9 milhões de toneladas em uma área de 487 mil ha (FAO, 2012). Esta cultura apresenta importância na geração de empregos, sendo responsável pela renda de milhões de famílias. Embora este cenário seja bastante promissor, a maioria das variedades de bananeira disponível é suscetível à Sigatoka-amarela, causada pelo fungo Mycosphaerella musicola Leach, onde a aplicação sistemática de fungicidas ainda é a principal meio de controle.1 CD-ROM

    What shapes the phylogenetic structure of anuran communities in a seasonal environment? The influence of determinism at regional scale to stochasticity or antagonistic forces at local scale.

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    Ecological communities are structured by both deterministic and stochastic processes. We investigated phylogenetic patterns at regional and local scales to understand the influences of seasonal processes in shaping the structure of anuran communities in the southern Pantanal wetland, Brazil. We assessed the phylogenetic structure at different scales, using the Net Relatedness Index (NRI), the Nearest Taxon Index (NTI), and hylobetadiversity indexes, as well as a permutation test, to evaluate the effect of seasonality. The anuran community was represented by a non-random set of species with a high degree of phylogenetic relatedness at the regional scale. However, at the local scale the phylogenetic structure of the community was weakly related with the seasonality of the system, indicating that oriented stochastic processes (e.g. colonization, extinction and ecological drift) and/or antagonist forces drive the structure of such communities in the southern Pantanal