6 research outputs found

    Children’s and adolescents’ rising animal-source food intakes in 1990–2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity

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    Animal-source foods (ASF) provide nutrition for children and adolescents’ physical and cognitive development. Here, we use data from the Global Dietary Database and Bayesian hierarchical models to quantify global, regional and national ASF intakes between 1990 and 2018 by age group across 185 countries, representing 93% of the world’s child population. Mean ASF intake was 1.9 servings per day, representing 16% of children consuming at least three daily servings. Intake was similar between boys and girls, but higher among urban children with educated parents. Consumption varied by age from 0.6 at <1 year to 2.5 servings per day at 15–19 years. Between 1990 and 2018, mean ASF intake increased by 0.5 servings per week, with increases in all regions except sub-Saharan Africa. In 2018, total ASF consumption was highest in Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey, and lowest in Uganda, India, Kenya and Bangladesh. These findings can inform policy to address malnutrition through targeted ASF consumption programmes.publishedVersio

    Incident type 2 diabetes attributable to suboptimal diet in 184 countries

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    The global burden of diet-attributable type 2 diabetes (T2D) is not well established. This risk assessment model estimated T2D incidence among adults attributable to direct and body weight-mediated effects of 11 dietary factors in 184 countries in 1990 and 2018. In 2018, suboptimal intake of these dietary factors was estimated to be attributable to 14.1 million (95% uncertainty interval (UI), 13.8–14.4 million) incident T2D cases, representing 70.3% (68.8–71.8%) of new cases globally. Largest T2D burdens were attributable to insufficient whole-grain intake (26.1% (25.0–27.1%)), excess refined rice and wheat intake (24.6% (22.3–27.2%)) and excess processed meat intake (20.3% (18.3–23.5%)). Across regions, highest proportional burdens were in central and eastern Europe and central Asia (85.6% (83.4–87.7%)) and Latin America and the Caribbean (81.8% (80.1–83.4%)); and lowest proportional burdens were in South Asia (55.4% (52.1–60.7%)). Proportions of diet-attributable T2D were generally larger in men than in women and were inversely correlated with age. Diet-attributable T2D was generally larger among urban versus rural residents and higher versus lower educated individuals, except in high-income countries, central and eastern Europe and central Asia, where burdens were larger in rural residents and in lower educated individuals. Compared with 1990, global diet-attributable T2D increased by 2.6 absolute percentage points (8.6 million more cases) in 2018, with variation in these trends by world region and dietary factor. These findings inform nutritional priorities and clinical and public health planning to improve dietary quality and reduce T2D globally.publishedVersio

    ReligionskunskapsÀmnets relevans i ett sekulariserat samhÀlle / The relevance of Religion Education in a secular society

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    Syftet med vÄrt examensarbete Àr att först och frÀmst ta reda pÄ om dagens elever verkligen Àr sekulariserade. Oberoende om svaret Àr ja eller nej vill vi ta reda pÄ hur detta pÄverkar religionsundervisningen. Dessutom vill vi ta reda pÄ hur vi, som blivande ÀmneslÀrare i religionskunskap, kan göra religionsundervisningen sÄ vardagsanpassad som möjligt? För att fÄ svar pÄ vÄra frÄgestÀllningar har vi först sammanstÀllt tidigare forskning för att ge en överblick kring var den pÄgÄende forskningen stÄr om Àmnet. Den tidigare forskningen behandlar den pÄgÄende diskussionen kring om Sverige, och övriga Europa Àr sekulariserat eller inte. Dessutom har vi definierat olika begrepp relevanta för vÄr undersökning. Styrdokumenten har Àven beskrivits för att ge en överblick kring den förÀndring den har genomgÄtt i önskan om att göra den sÄ vardagsaktuell som möjligt. Slutligen har vi beskrivit olika pedagogiska redskap för vilka har en viktig del i religionsundervisningen.VÄr egen undersökning har genomförts med sÄvÀl lÀrare som elever i Ärskurs 8-9 för att fÄ reda pÄ om sekulariseringen rÄder i deras skola samt vad bÄde lÀrare och elever anser om Àmnet religionskunskap. Svaren har vi analyserat i relation till tidigare forskning för att slutligen komma fram till ett resultat. Resultatet visar att sekulariseringen rÄder frÀmst pÄ skolor som inte har nÄgon mÄngkultur i relation till etnicitet och tro. Men oberoende pÄ om sekulariseringen Àr stark eller inte tycker eleverna överlag att religionsundervisningen Àr nÄgot positivt som de beskriver som ett spÀnnande och roligt Àmne. Slutligen kommer vi fram till att lÀrarna mÄnga gÄnger saknar redskapen för att vardagsanpassa undervisningen till eleverna. Detta framkommer Àven av eleverna som överlag svarat att de anser att religionsundervisningen inte relaterar till deras liv

    Expression of HSF2 decreases in mitosis to enable stress-inducible transcription and cell survival

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    Unless mitigated, external and physiological stresses are detrimental for cells, especially in mitosis, resulting in chromosomal missegregation, aneuploidy, or apoptosis. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) maintain protein homeostasis and promote cell survival. Hsps are transcriptionally regulated by heat shock factors (HSFs). Of these, HSF1 is the master regulator and HSF2 modulates Hsp expression by interacting with HSF1. Due to global inhibition of transcription in mitosis, including HSF1-mediated expression of Hsps, mitotic cells are highly vulnerable to stress. Here, we show that cells can counteract transcriptional silencing and protect themselves against proteotoxicity in mitosis. We found that the condensed chromatin of HSF2-deficient cells is accessible for HSF1 and RNA polymerase II, allowing stress-inducible Hsp expression. Consequently, HSF2-deficient cells exposed to acute stress display diminished mitotic errors and have a survival advantage. We also show that HSF2 expression declines during mitosis in several but not all human cell lines, which corresponds to the Hsp70 induction and protection against stress-induced mitotic abnormalities and apoptosis

    Expression of HSF2 decreases in mitosis to enable stress-inducible transcription and cell survival

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    Unless mitigated, external and physiological stresses are detrimental for cells, especially in mitosis, resulting in chromosomal missegregation, aneuploidy, or apoptosis. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) maintain protein homeostasis and promote cell survival. Hsps are transcriptionally regulated by heat shock factors (HSFs). Of these, HSF1 is the master regulator and HSF2 modulates Hsp expression by interacting with HSF1. Due to global inhibition of transcription in mitosis, including HSF1-mediated expression of Hsps, mitotic cells are highly vulnerable to stress. Here, we show that cells can counteract transcriptional silencing and protect themselves against proteotoxicity in mitosis. We found that the condensed chromatin of HSF2-deficient cells is accessible for HSF1 and RNA polymerase II, allowing stress-inducible Hsp expression. Consequently, HSF2-deficient cells exposed to acute stress display diminished mitotic errors and have a survival advantage. We also show that HSF2 expression declines during mitosis in several but not all human cell lines, which corresponds to the Hsp70 induction and protection against stress-induced mitotic abnormalities and apoptosis