28 research outputs found

    Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference, Afar Rift Consortium

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    The Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism (MRAV) Conference took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia January 10-13, 2012, convened by members of the Afar Rift Consortium, an international team investigating active magmatism and deformation in the Afar region. Over 200 people from around the world attended. The conference participants primarily presented the results of work on ongoing rifting processes in Afar, but work was also presented that addressed other portions of the East African Rift, comparable rift settings elsewhere, rifting processes in general, and the hazards and resources associated with the East African Rift. The scientific program outlined the current state of knowledge in the East African rift and placed recent discoveries within the broader context of rift-related research globally. Central to the meeting was the presentation of results from thematic, multi-collaborator, international programs (e.g. Afar Consortium, RiftLink, Actions Marges), individual research groups, and industrial partners. The rich detail and modern datasets presented at the meeting highlight the importance of the existing infrastructure of international research in East Africa, which should be leveraged by GeoPRISMS to effectively focus resources in the extensive East African Rift System primary site

    Upper Mantle Pollution during Afar Plume-Continental Rift Interaction

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    International audienceNew Pb, Sr, Nd, Hf, and He isotope data for Quaternary basalts, erupted from Debre Zeyit, Butajira, and the Wonji Fault Belt of the Main Ethiopian Rift, show systematic mixing relationships involving three distinct mantle sources. The Pb, Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic arrays converge in a specific region of isotopic multi-space where they define the composition of the Afar mantle plume (centered about (206)Pb/(204)Pb = 19 center dot 5, (87)Sr/(86)Sr = 0 center dot 7035, epsilon(Nd) = +4 center dot 6, epsilon(Hf) = +9 center dot 3, (3)He/(4)He > 15 R(A)). This plume end-member has an identical composition to that observed previously in oceanic basalts. The distinct isotopic arrays for the various volcanic areas in the Main Ethiopian Rift vary spatially in a systematic manner, and may be viewed as pseudo-binary mixing arrays. This further suggests that the Afar mantle plume interacts with the local continental lithosphere and upper mantle asthenosphere (mid-ocean ridge basalt-like source) through an ordered sequence of mixing events. Simple mixing models require that the mass proportions of continental lithosphere and upper mantle involved in magma generation must be nearly constant within each volcanic area, but that the proportion of plume material decreases regularly with distance southwestward along the Main Ethiopian Rift, away from the central axis of the plume. This systematic behavior means that continental lithosphere can become detached and mixed into the shallow mantle prior to the flow of upwelling plume material beneath the developing rift system. Detachment and mixing into the asthenosphere during continental rift evolution is an important process for producing the range of ambient upper mantle compositions sampled by mid-ocean ridge volcanism away from island hotspots

    The Cenozoic magmatism of East Africa: Part V – Magma sources and processes in the East African Rift

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    The generation of magmas in the East African Rift System (EARS) is largely the result of either: (A) melting of easily fusible compositions located within the lithospheric mantle due to thermobaric perturbations of the lithosphere, or (B) melting of the convecting upper mantle due to decompression caused by thinning of the plate during extension. Melt generated from amphibole- or phlogopite-bearing metasomes within the lithospheric mantle yields alkaline, silica-undersaturated lavas, while more silica-saturated lavas are primarily a function of melting material within the convecting upper mantle. Sourcing of silica-undersaturated melts within the lithospheric mantle is consistent with the observed tendency for initial melts within any given region to exhibit trace element characteristics consistent with melting of lithospheric metasomes, likely reflecting the initial destabilization and thinning of the lithospheric mantle. With continued lithospheric thinning, the trend towards more silica-saturated compositions coincides with a shift towards compositions interpreted as melting of the convecting upper mantle. Contributions from these two sources may oscillate where extension is pulsed – melts of the convecting upper mantle are favored during periods of plate thinning; melting of either existing or recently formed metasomes may be favored during periods of relative extensional quiescence. The isotopic systematics of East African magmatism reveals significant complexity as to the specific reservoirs that may participate in the melting processes noted above. The lithospheric mantle beneath East Africa has undergone enrichment through the percolation of sub-lithospheric derived melts and fluids over an extended interval, which close to the Tanzania craton, has resulted in a layered lithospheric mantle exhibiting extreme isotopic ratios. Elsewhere, the lithospheric mantle has also undergone enrichment but given the more juvenile age of this lithosphere, less extreme isotopic values have developed. Material rising from the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province (LLSVP) has also metasomatized the lithospheric mantle, and thus lavas exhibiting a trace element signature linked to melting within the lithospheric mantle may exist as any number of reservoirs or mixtures of the same. Material derived from the convecting upper mantle incorporates the Afar Plume endmember, a depleted mantle endmember, and some form of lithospheric endmember. The isotopic characteristics of magma suites from throughout the region form arrays that broadly converge on the composition of the Afar Plume, despite some complexity where the plume material has formed a hybrid plume-lithosphere component. The convergence of these arrays strongly supports a model whereby the prevalent composition of material rising from the African LLSVP beneath the EARS is broadly equivalent to the composition of the Afar Plume

    Introduction: Anatomy of rifting: Tectonics and magmatism in continental rifts, oceanic spreading centers, and transforms

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    Research at continental rifts, mid-ocean ridges, and transforms has shown that new plates are created by extensional tectonics, magma intrusion, and volcanism. Studies of a wide variety of extensional processes ranging from plate thinning to magma intrusion have helped scientists understand how continents are broken apart to form ocean basins. However, deformation processes vary significantly during the development of continental rifts and mid-ocean ridges. In addition, ocean ridges are offset along their length by major transform faults, the initiation of which is poorly understood. Data documenting active processes have proven difficult to obtain because most ridges are submerged with only rare portions of the divergent plate boundary being exposed on land. Therefore our current knowledge about the length and time scales of magmatism and faulting during rift evolution as well as the mechanisms of initial development of mid-ocean ridges and transforms is limited. In this themed issue we present contributions that document the wide variety of processes acting at divergent plate boundaries and transforms in order to synthesize some of the most relevant research topics about plate extension and to identify the important questions that remain unanswered. <br/

    Geochemical evidence of mantle reservoir evolution during progressive rifting along the western afar margin

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    The Afar triple junction, where the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and African Rift System extension zones converge, is a pivotal domain for the study of continental-to-oceanic rift evolution. The western margin of Afar forms the southernmost sector of the western margin of the Red Sea rift where that margin enters the Ethiopian flood basalt province. Tectonism and volcanism at the triple junction had commenced by similar to 31 Ma with crustal fissuring, diking and voluminous eruption of the Ethiopian-Yemen flood basalt pile. The dikes which fed the Oligocene-Quaternary lava sequence covering the western Afar rift margin provide an opportunity to probe the geochemical reservoirs associated with the evolution of a still active continental margin. Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology reveals that the western Afar margin dikes span the entire history of rift evolution from the initial Oligocene flood basalt event to the development of focused zones of intrusion in rift marginal basins. Major element, trace element and isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf) data demonstrate temporal geochemical heterogeneities resulting from variable contributions from the Afar plume, depleted asthenospheric mantle, and African lithosphere. The various dikes erupted between 31 Ma and 22 Ma all share isotopic signatures attesting to a contribution from the Afar plume, indicating this initial period in the evolution of the Afar margin was one of magma-assisted weakening of the lithosphere. From 22 Ma to 12 Ma, however, diffuse diking during continued evolution of the rift margin facilitated ascent of magmas in which depleted mantle and lithospheric sources predominated, though contributions from the Afar plume persisted. After 10 Ma, magmatic intrusion migrated eastwards towards the Afar rift floor, with an increasing fraction of the magmas derived from depleted mantle with less of a lithospheric signature. The dikes of the western Afar margin reveal that magma generation processes during the evolution of this continental rift margin are increasingly dominated by shallow decompressional melting of the ambient asthenosphere, the composition of which may in part be controlled by preferential channeling of plume material along the developing neo-oceanic axes of extension. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Transcrustal magmatic systems: evidence from andesites of the southern Taupo Volcanic Zone

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    Studies synthesizing field work, numerical simulations, petrology, geochemistry and geophysical observations indicate that the compositional diversity of arc lavas results from evolution of mantle-derived magmas by mixing, assimilation and fractional crystallization. This evolution occurs within complexes called transcrustal magmatic systems. The mafic lower parts of such zones, called hot zones, are difficult to probe. However, a satellite vent near the stratovolcano Ruapehu in the southern Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand) comprises materials that may originate from a hot zone. Magnesian andesites (Mg#60–65 ) from the Ohakune scoria cone contain primitive olivine (Fo85–91 ), high-Mg# clinopyroxene (Mg#81–88) and orthopyroxene (Mg#76–83), but lack plagioclase. Disequilibrium of Ohakune crystals and groundmass suggests that the crystal cargo of Ohakune andesites was scavenged from deeper and more primitive levels of the magmatic system. Mineral constraints on temperature and pressure indicate that the hot zone initially formed at mid-to lower-crustal pressures (3.5–7.0 ± 2.8 kbar). We interpret the mafic mineralogy and presence of disequilibrium features as evidence that these andesites and their crystal cargo are products of a hot zone in the middle to lower crust. Products of the hot zone may appear before products of the systems that form the bases of mature stratovolcanoes such as Ruapehu

    The role of continental lithosphere metasomes in the production of HIMU-like magmatism on the northeast African and Arabian plates

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    International audienceIntraplate alkaline lavas typically exhibit isotopic characteristics that require a source with long-term isolation from the convecting asthenosphere, such as in the sub-continental lithosphere mantle or a mantle boundary layer. Melting of metasomatically enriched domains, or metasomes, within the lithospheric mantle provides a viable mechanism for generating the geochemical characteristics of intraplate alkaline basalts. The origins and distribution of these metasomes have been attributed to recent enrichment of the lithosphere by a mantle plume or ancient events that occurred during the early evolution of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle. Here, we present a geochemical study of Ethiopian Miocene intraplate alkaline lavas: melts of a lithospheric mantle that was enriched metasomatically during lithospheric stabilization and by recent plume-lithosphere interaction. We find that these lavas have geochemical characteristics consistent with melting of an amphibole-bearing lithospheric-mantle metasome. New Pb and Hf isotope data for these lavas require a HIMU-like source component, similar to other alkaline lavas erupted through the Horn of Africa, Sudan, and Egypt, and adjacent Arabian plate lithospheres. The isotopic characteristics of this component are distinct from the Afar plume mantle source and instead are consistent with the long-term evolution of a lithospheric metasome created during a Neoproterozoic subduction event associated with the Pan-African orogeny. The widespread distribution of easily fusible lithospheric metasomes within the continental lithosphere mantle may facilitate magma generation without the need for substantial lithospheric thinning or elevated mantle potential temperatures. Mantle heterogeneity of this nature has implications for the source origin of HIMU magmas associated with continental lithosphere

    Editorial: the role of intraplate magmas and their inclusions in Earth's mantle evolution

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    [Excerpt] The differentiation of our planet into distinct geochemical reservoirs, and the attendant heterogeneous distribution of the chemical components, provides a challenge in constraining the composition of the Earth. With this challenge comes opportunity, because the diverse probes of Earth's interior yield critical insights into the dynamic processes that shape the planet