826 research outputs found

    A technique using a nonlinear helicopter model for determining trims and derivatives

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    A technique is described for determining the trims and quasi-static derivatives of a flight vehicle for use in a linear perturbation model; both the coupled and uncoupled forms of the linear perturbation model are included. Since this technique requires a nonlinear vehicle model, detailed equations with constants and nonlinear functions for the CH-47B tandem rotor helicopter are presented. Tables of trims and derivatives are included for airspeeds between -40 and 160 knots and rates of descent between + or - 10.16 m/sec (+ or - 200 ft/min). As a verification, the calculated and referenced values of comparable trims, derivatives, and linear model poles are shown to have acceptable agreement

    Rethinking our understanding of the pathogenesis of necrotic enteritis in chickens

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    For decades, low doses of antibiotics have been used widely in animal production to promote growth. However, there is a trend to reduce this use of antibiotics in feedstuffs, and legislation is now in place in Europe to prohibit their use in this way. As a consequence, economically important diseases, such as necrotic enteritis (NE) of chickens, that are caused by Clostridium perfringens have become more prevalent. Recent research is creating a paradigm shift in our understanding of the pathogenesis of NE and is now providing information that will be necessary to monitor and control the incidence of NE in poultry

    A retrospective review of the adverse effects of biological therapy and reasons for its discontinuation in a resource-limited setting

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    Background. Biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapies have become the gold standard of treatment for refractory rheumatic conditions in well-resourced countries. There is a significant risk of infection and reactivation of latent infections, in particular tuberculosis, with the use of biological therapies. Their safety and reasons for discontinuation in a resource-limited environment are still unclear.Objectives. The primary objective was to describe the nature and frequency of adverse events as well as the main reason for discontinuation of biological treatment.Methods. We conducted a retrospective, descriptive folder review of all patients started on biological therapy for rheumatic conditions from November 2011 to December 2016.Results. A total of 31 patients were included. The rheumatic diseases included in the study were ankylosing spondylitis (AS) (35%), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (19%), systemic lupus erythematosus (16%), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (13%), vasculitides (10%) and psoriatic arthritis (7%). Adverse events occurred in 26 patients (84%). Serious adverse events occurred in 14 patients (45%) with recurrent uveitis being the most common, occurring in 5 patients (16%). One patient developed pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Discontinuation or switching of biological therapy occurred in 13 patients (42%), with the main reasons being serious adverse events in 7 patients (23%) and treatment failure in 6 (19%). The median (interquartile range (IQR)) Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index score improved from 6.4 (5 - 7.4) to 2.8 (0.9 - 5.0), a statistically significant difference of –3.5 (p=0.001) (95% confidence interval (CI) –5.3 - –1.7) over a median (IQR) of 20 (9 - 30) months in the AS group. The median (IQR) Clinical Disease Activity Index score improved from 39 (34.5 - 43) to 21 (18.7 - 25.5), a statistically significant difference of –17.4 (p=0.044) (95% CI –34.1 - –0.7) over a median (IQR) of 39 (21 - 50) months in the RA group.Conclusions. Recurrent uveitis occurred in almost half of the patients with AS and was also the main reason for discontinuation of biological therapy. We did not document an increased risk of PTB. Disease activity scores showed significant improvement. The study is limited by the small number of patients on biological therapy, a reflection of the impact of severe resource constraints

    The Electron Temperature Gradient in the Galactic Disk

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    We derive the electron temperature gradient in the Galactic disk using a sample of HII regions that spans Galactocentric distances 0--17 kpc. The electron temperature was calculated using high precision radio recombination line and continuum observations for more than 100 HII regions. Nebular Galactocentric distances were calculated in a consistent manner using the radial velocities measured by our radio recombination line survey. The large number of nebulae widely distributed over the Galactic disk together with the uniformity of our data provide a secure estimate of the present electron temperature gradient in the Milky Way. Because metals are the main coolants in the photoionized gas, the electron temperature along the Galactic disk should be directly related to the distribution of heavy elements in the Milky Way. Our best estimate of the electron temperature gradient is derived from a sample of 76 sources for which we have the highest quality data. The present gradient in electron temperature has a minimum at the Galactic Center and rises at a rate of 287 +/- 46 K/kpc. There are no significant variations in the value of the gradient as a function of Galactocentric radius or azimuth. The scatter we find in the HII region electron temperatures at a given Galactocentric radius is not due to observational error, but rather to intrinsic fluctuations in these temperatures which are almost certainly due to fluctuations in the nebular heavy element abundances. Comparing the HII region gradient with the much steeper gradient found for planetary nebulae suggests that the electron temperature gradient evolves with time, becoming flatter as a consequence of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way's disk.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures (accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Stratospheric Data Analysis System (STRATAN)

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    A state of the art stratospheric analyses using a coupled stratosphere/troposphere data assimilation system is produced. These analyses can be applied to stratospheric studies of all types. Of importance to this effort is the application of the Stratospheric Data Analysis System (STRATAN) to constituent transport and chemistry problems

    The surprising external upturn of the Blue Straggler radial distribution in M55

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    By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population of the low density galactic globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809) over its entire radial extent. The BSS projected radial distribution is found to be bimodal, with a central peak, a broad minimum at intermediate radii, and an upturn at large radii. Similar bimodal distributions have been found in other globular clusters (M3, 47 Tucanae, NGC 6752, M5), but the external upturn in M55 is the largest found to date. This might indicate a large fraction of primordial binaries in the outer regions of M55, which seems somehow in contrast with the relatively low (\sim 10%) binary fraction recently measured in the core of this cluster.Comment: in press on Ap

    Characterizing landscape-scale erosion using 10Be in detrital fluvial sediment: Slope-based sampling strategy detects the effect of widespread dams

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    Concentrations of in situ 10Be measured in detrital fluvial sediment are frequently used to estimate long-term erosion rates of drainage basins. In many regions, basin-averaged erosion rates are positively correlated with basin average slope. The slope dependence of erosion allows model-based erosion rate estimation for unsampled basins and basins where human disturbance may have biased cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediment. Using samples collected from southeastern North America, we demonstrate an approach that explicitly considers the relationship between average basin slope and erosion rate. Because dams and reservoirs are ubiquitous on larger channels in the field area, we selected 36 undammed headwater subbasins (average area 10.6 km2) from which we collected river sand samples and measured 10Be concentrations. We used these data to train a predictive model that relates average basin slope and 10Be-inferred erosion rate. Applying our model to 28 basins in the same region previously studied with 10Be, we find that the model successfully predicts erosion rates for basins of different sizes if they are undammed or if samples were collected \u3e25 km downstream of dams. For samples collected closer to dams, measured erosion rates exceed modeled erosion rates for two-thirds of the samples. In three of four cases where paired samples were collected upstream of reservoirs and downstream of the impounding dam, 10Be concentrations were lower downstream. This finding has implications for detrital cosmogenic studies, whether or not samples were collected directly downstream of dams, because dams obstruct most major rivers around the world, effectively trapping sediment that originated upstream

    Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in Old, Metal-Rich Stellar Systems

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    Twenty years ago, Burstein et al. (1984)suggested that strong CN and Hbeta absorption meant younger ages among globular clusters in the Andromeda galaxy (M31), unless blue stars above the main-sequence turnoff or on the horizontal branch were uncommonly prominent. Here we test these suggestions by fitting the detailed mid-ultraviolet (2280-3120A) and optical (3850-4750A) spectra of one moderately metal-rich M31 globular cluster, G1. We explore the effects of a wide range of non-solar temperatures and abundance ratios, by combining a small set of theoretical stellar spectra like those of Peterson et al. (2001) that were calculated using extensively updated atomic-line constants. To match the mid-UV fluxes of G1, we find that hot components with Teff >= 8000K must be included. We obtain a very good fit with cool and hot blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars, but less satisfactory fits for blue straggler stars, those hotter than the main-sequence turnoff. The G1 color-magnitude diagram does show cool BHB stars, and the color of its giant branch supports the metallicity of one-sixth the solar value that we deduce. The turnoff temperature of the best-fit model is consistent with that of turnoff stars in galactic globular clusters and the field halo, indicating G1 is comparably old. Because metal-rich cool BHB and extremely blue HB stars have now been found within our own Galaxy, we suggest that these hot horizontal-branch stars be considered in fitting spectra of metal-rich populations such as the Andromeda globular clusters, to avoid possible underestimates of their ages. We plan to make the relevant spectral calculations available as part of our Hubble Treasury Program
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