468 research outputs found

    Environmental Issues, Economic Interests, and Legal Solutions

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    This paper seeks to provide lines of approach and hypotheses for a historical and geographic contextualisation of the jurisprudential texts of the Digest. It focuses upon the matter of water sharing in rural landscapes. After examining different landscapes, it argues that legal solutions proposed by Roman jurists originally applied to the situation of competition for natural resources observed in the periphery of Rome and were linked with the development of the city between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC

    A Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Significant Overlap of Transcription and DNA Repair in Stationary Phase Yeast

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    The association between transcription and DNA repair is acknowledged as a player in the generation of mutations in a non-random fashion in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Previous studies demonstrated that the transcription complex is capable of directing DNA repair to sites of transcription. This process is especially important to growth-arrested cells, in which many DNA repair capacities are diminished; it may also lead to mutations preferentially in transcribed genes. Using microarray analysis of growth-arrested yeast cultures, we demonstrated on a genomic scale, the co-localization of a DNA-turnover marker, indicative of DNA-repair-associated DNA synthesis, with genes persistently transcribed during stationary phase. This may serve as a clue regarding the non-random manner in which non-dividing cells may potentially mutate in the absence of replication, solely as a result of their inherent, transcriptional stress response

    An Olfactory Receptor Pseudogene whose Function emerged in Humans

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    Human olfactory receptor, hOR17-210, is identified as a pseudogene in the human genome. Experimental data has shown however, that the gene product of cloned hOR17-210 cDNA was able to bind an odorant-binding protein and is narrowly tuned for excitation by cyclic ketones. Supported by experimental results, we used the bioinformatics methods of sequence analysis, computational protein modeling and docking, to show that functionality in this receptor is retained due to sequence-structure features not previously observed in mammalian ORs. This receptor does not possess the first two transmembrane helical domains (of seven typically seen in GPCRs). It however, possesses an additional TM that has not been observed in other human olfactory receptors. By incorporating these novel structural features, we created two putative models for this receptor. We also docked odor ligands that were experimentally shown to bind hOR17-210 model. We show how and why structural modifications of OR17-210 do not hinder this receptor's functionality. Our studies reveal that novel gene rearrangement that result in sequence and structural diversity in has a bearing on OR and GPCR function and evolution

    Selected Probate Questions

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    I. In a Contested Probate Case, Will the Failure of Either Party to Introduce Any Evidence Affect the Right to Appeal? II. Who Are the Proper Parties to an Appeal from a Decree Denying or Granting Probate? III. To What Extent Is the Following Evidence Admissible in a Contested Probate Case? … A. Declaration of the Testator … B. Expert Medical Opinion. In What Form Should the Questions Be Asked? … C. The Attorney for the Testator … D. The Testator’s Physician … E. The Testator’s Widow. Do the Husband-Wife Disqualification or Privilege Statutes, or the Dead Man Statute Apply? … F. Prior Wills … G. Should the Judge Ever Call a Witness on His Own Motion? IV. In a Claim against the Estate Arising from an Automobile Accident, Can the Claimant Testify? (This Suggests Dead Man Statute.) Where the Claimant Was a Guest in Deceased’s Car? Where Claimant Was Driver of Other Car? Where Claimant Was Passenger in Other Car? What Effect Does Claim or Proof of Contributory Negligence Have under Waiver Clause of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1202? V. In a Claim against the Estate, Can the Administrator Counterclaim? VI. What Is the Obligation of the Administrator to Serve Notice of the Hearings on Creditors? VII. If the Executor Starts an Action in District Court, Can the Defendant Counterclaim in That Action? VIII. When Does Distribution to Income Beneficiaries Begin under a Testamentary Trust? IX. What Happens under a Passive Trust? X. How Large Should be the Bond of a Corporate Fiduciary? XI. What Is the Effect of a Testamentary Clause Waiving Bond? XII. If a Bond Is Required, How Should Premium Be Allocated between Income Beneficiaries and Remaindermen? Should the Will Provide for This? XIII. Questions Which Arise When the Testator Died, Domiciled in Another State, and There Are Assets in Nebraska … A. Is Nebraska Administration Necessary? … B. To What Extent Do Local Creditors Have Preference to Local Assets? … C. Is a Foreign Decree Admitting a Will to Probate Res Judicata? … D. Should Distribution under an Ancillary Administration Be Made Directly to the Heirs, Legatees, and Devisees, or to the Original Administrator? XIV. When Do Claims against Estates Draw Interest? XV. What Is the Effect on the Administrator’s Personal Liability if the Estate Is Not Settled within One Year? XVI. New Legislation Paper delivered at the Institute on Probate Administration presented by the University of Nebraska College of Law and the Junior Bar Section of the Nebraska State Bar Association, September 18 and 19, 1959


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    UD. Tiga Berlian merupakan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) yang bergerak dalam penjualan bahan bangunan. Pekerja pengangkutan dalam observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti mengaku mengalami keluhan musculoskeletal pada bagian leher, punggung atas dan punggung bawah. Beban kerja terlalu berat dan postur kerja yang kurang baik menjadi faktor utama perlu adanya desain dan manufaktur alat angkut besi eizer. Analisis Nordic body map, RULA dan metode rasional dipilih dan digunakan peneliti sebagai tool untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. Hasil analisis Nordic body yang menunjukkan adanya anggota tubuh operator yang menderita sakit digunakan sebagai dasar lanjutan dalam menentukan seberapa besar resiko kerja yang telah dilakukannya. Hasil dari kedua analisis ini menjadi input awal bagi peneliti untuk melakukan tahapan desain dan manufaktur alat angkut menggunakan metode rasional. Metoda ini dipilih agar desain yang dihasilkan nantinya lebih sistematis. Teknologi computer aided desain (CAD) digunakan untuk mendapatkan 2D/3D desain alat angkut. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor RULA mengalami penurunan sebesar 43%. Metode rasional mendapatkan tujuan perancangan yaitu: aman, nyaman, fleksibel dan efektif. Pada metode tersebut juga didapatkan karakteristik teknis beserta bobotnya yang diurutkan sebagai berikut: kekuatan material handling, tinggi material handling, desain rangka, tipe komponen perakit, spesifikasi block katrol. Dilanjutkan dengan pembangkitan alternatif yang memiliki empat (rangka kanan, rangka kiri, rangka atas, pengait katrol). Setelah tahap pembangkitan alternatif didapatkan material yang digunakan untuk pembuatan alat angkut besi eizer sebagai berikut: rangka kanan (pipa baja), rangka kiri (pipa baja), rangka atas (pipa baja), dan pengait atas (bearing). Setelah melakukan metode tersebut maka diimplementasikan alat angkut besi eizer yang dapat mengangkut beban dengan kapasitas 2.0 ton

    Antigens HLA-G, sHLA- G and sHLA- class I in reproductive failure.

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    It can be supposed that relation between HLA-G polymorphism and sHLA-G protein expression are associated with successful embryo implantation and pregnancy maintenance. The aim of the study was the estimation specific differences in expression of sHLA-G and sHLA- class I antigens in women with reproductive failure in comparison with fertile women. The study sample enrolled 80 women, divided into 2 groups. The study group (B) enrolled 60 women with reproductive failure including 20 women with 3 recurrent spontaneous abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy (RSA), 20 women with empty sac (ES) and 20 women with 3 consecutive in-vitro fertilization failures (IVFf). The control group (C) enrolled 20 fertile women with at least 2 children. Soluble HLA- class I antigens (sHLA-I) and soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) were determined using ELISA test kits from IBio Vendor Labolatory Medicine, Inc. HLA-G allele found in individuals in our study were identified by comparing the obtained bp sequences of exon 2., 3. and 4. with bp sequences of HLA-G antigen published at the Nolan Research Institute website. The highest concentration of sHLA-I is noted among women with HLA-G 10401 allele which differed significantly for the mean sHLA-I concentration calculated for all the remaining alleles (

    The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey. VIII. Final Data Release -- The Effect of Group Environment on the Gas Content of Massive Galaxies

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    We present the final data release from the GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (GASS), a large Arecibo program that measured the HI properties for an unbiased sample of ~800 galaxies with stellar masses greater than 10^10 Msun and redshifts 0.025<z<0.05. This release includes new Arecibo observations for 250 galaxies. We use the full GASS sample to investigate environmental effects on the cold gas content of massive galaxies at fixed stellar mass. The environment is characterized in terms of dark matter halo mass, obtained by cross-matching our sample with the SDSS group catalog of Yang et al. Our analysis provides, for the first time, clear statistical evidence that massive galaxies located in halos with masses of 10^13-10^14 Msun have at least 0.4 dex less HI than objects in lower density environments. The process responsible for the suppression of gas in group galaxies most likely drives the observed quenching of the star formation in these systems. Our findings strongly support the importance of the group environment for galaxy evolution, and have profound implications for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, which currently do not allow for stripping of the cold interstellar medium in galaxy groups.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version with supplementary material available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/GASS/pubs.php . GASS released data can be found at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/GASS/data.ph

    Ocular manifestations in a newborn from a pregnancy complicated by an antiphospholipid syndrome – a case report

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    The paper presents a case of ophthalmologic manifestations, episcleritis and retinal branch vein thrombosis, in a neonate born to a mother with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) in the course of systemic lupus erythematosus. Female neonate (birth weight 1150 g, Apgar scores 6, 7 and 7) was born with respiratory distress syndrome, moderate anemia and grades I and II intraventricular hemorrhage. Ophthalmic examination revealed an enormous pre-retinal hemorrhage with accompanying thrombotic changes typical of retinal vein in the fundus of the left eye. Episcleritis was found in the anterior segment of the eye and later confirmed by ultrasound. Laboratory tests showed increased levels of maternal antibodies aCL IgG, antyβ2GP1 IgG and antyβ2GP1 IgM. No ANA, LA and SS-A/SS-B antibodies were detected. Increased concentrations of aCL IgG and a lengthening APTT were observed in newborn blood at first but the parameters normalized by 6 months of age. Our observations allowed us to conclude that early examination of neonates born to mothers with antiphospholipid syndrome is essential as it allows fast identification of pathological retinal changes by means of assessing the presence of aPL antibodies

    Leveraging knowledge graphs to update scientific word embeddings using latent semantic imputation

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    The most interesting words in scientific texts will often be novel or rare. This presents a challenge for scientific word embedding models to determine quality embedding vectors for useful terms that are infrequent or newly emerging. We demonstrate how \gls{lsi} can address this problem by imputing embeddings for domain-specific words from up-to-date knowledge graphs while otherwise preserving the original word embedding model. We use the MeSH knowledge graph to impute embedding vectors for biomedical terminology without retraining and evaluate the resulting embedding model on a domain-specific word-pair similarity task. We show that LSI can produce reliable embedding vectors for rare and OOV terms in the biomedical domain.Comment: Accepted for the Workshop on Information Extraction from Scientific Publications at AACL-IJCNLP 202
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