10 research outputs found


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    A road-cut exposure located on the southern flank of the Arbuckle anticline along the Interstate-35 provided the opportunity to document in detail the lithological heterogeneities of the uppermost 81 feet of the Woodford Shale. This outcrop comprises portions of the middle and upper informal Woodford members. Lithologically, strata mostly consist of dark-colored, organic-rich mudrocks, which are rhythmically stacked into cm-scale cycles of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ beds mimicking brittle-ductile couplets. At the bed scale, based on weathering responses, the Woodford Shale is represented by two highly distinctive rock types: ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ beds. To document such typical high-frequency cyclicity, two samples were collected at every foot (one soft and one hard). In total, 157 samples were collected, from which a comprehensive multi-scale characterization was performed including several laboratory techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral composition, X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) for elemental composition and chemostratigraphy, total organic carbon (TOC) for organic richness, Rock-Eval pyrolysis for kerogen quality, thin sections and SEM for petrography, micro-rebound tests for rock hardness and uniaxial compressive strength tests (UCS) for mechanical properties. Laboratory results from this study corroborated the outcrop-based distinction between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ beds, as determined by systematic contrasts in mineral/elemental composition, rock fabric and mechanical properties. Experimentally, ‘Soft’ beds are ductile since they sustained more plastic deformation before failure; these beds are usually finely laminated, fissile, clay-rich (> 15 wt.%), and have very high TOC and organic proxies (Mo, U), low Si/Al ratios, and high detrital proxies (Ti, Zr, K, Al). Rock brittleness, UCS, Young’s modulus and hardness values are usually low for ‘soft’ beds. ‘Hard’ beds on the other hand are brittle since they sustained little to none plastic deformation before failure on lab experiments; these beds are massive, quartz-rich (> 90 wt. %), and have lower TOC contents and organic proxies (Mo, U), low detrital proxies (Ti, Zr, K, Al) and much higher UCS, Young’s modulus, brittleness and hardness values. The high-resolution characterization results from this thesis provided insights for the prediction of rock properties for the two dominant and distinctive rock types within the Woodford Shale, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ beds; giving rise to speculate that if proper physical distinction is made between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ beds in cores or outcrops, few samples would work fine to upscale rock properties within larger intervals with incomplete sets of data, thus reducing costs/time related to acquiring large datasets from numerous analytical techniques. Correlations between outcrop-based gamma-ray profiles and subsurface gamma-ray logs demonstrated good lateral and vertical continuity with systematic stacking patterns. Thus, outcrop-based rock characteristics can be projected into the subsurface to logs in un-cored wells to identify zones for optimum drilling and completion in the Woodford Shale and analog reservoirs

    Puesta en marcha de una planta procesadora de alimento concentrado para peces en Maria Labaja (bolívar).

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    La presente investigación se realizó en los municipios de María Labaja y Mahates (Departamento de Bolívar), durante los meses de enero a julio de 1995. Este trabajo consistió, principalmente en la puesta en funcionamiento de la Planta Procesadora de Alimento Concentrado para cultivar peces. La Planta presentó una capacidad de producción de 115 ton/año, la cual logra abastecer los requerimientos de alimento del cultivo de TiLapia Roja (01 hromis sp)_en Puerto Santander (Municipio de María Labaja) y zonas alerlaftas Se elaboraron dos dietas con contenidos proteicos de 30,12 g/100g para la dieta uno (D1) y 27 g/100g para la dieta dos (D2), con base en las necesidades alimenticias de la Tilapia Roja (Oreocbromis IP) que se cultiva en la región, a partir de harinas de sangre, pescado y carne, y de productos y subproductos agrícolas de la zona. Además, se utilizó una dieta control con un contenido de proteina de 24 8/100g, elaborada y comercializada por Purina S. A. Se evaluaron las dietas en las ciénagas de Maria Labaja (municipio de Maria Labaja) y El Zarzal ( municipio de Mabates) en jaulas experimentales, con Tilapia Roja (Oreochromis sp) de peso promedio inicial de 10g, utilizando una densidad de siembra de 150 peces/m3 . Se proporcionó alimento con base en la biomasa total, suministrando el 5% en el primer mes, el 4% en el segundo, el 3% en el tercero y el 2% en el cuarto mes. Se realizaron biometrias quincenalmente a una muestra al azar del 10% del total de peces por jaulas, obteniendo pesos promedios en g/dia en Maria Labaja de 1,983, 1,773 y1,733, para la dietas uno (D1), dos (D2) y control (DC), respectivamente; y en Mabates de 1,925, 1,800 y 1,800, para las dietas uno (D1), dos (D2) y control (DC), respectivamente. Los Factores de Conversión Alimenticia (F C A), obtenidos en Maria Labaja fueron de 1,119, para los peces alimentados con la dieta uno (D1); 1,155, para los peces alimentarlos con la dieta dos (1)2) y 1,149, para los peces alimentado con la dieta control (DC). En Mahates se obtuvieron Factores de Conversión Alimenticia (F.C.A) de 1,143, 1,271 y 1,163, para las dietas uno (D1), dos (1)2) y control (DC), respectivamente Las dietas elaboradas presentaron un costo de producción por kilogramo de 316paraladietauno(D1),316 para la dieta uno (D1), 306 para la dieta dos (132), los cuales se encontraron por debajo del precio de venta de la dieta control (DC), el cual es de $455/kg

    Remote sensing-based assessment of mangrove ecosystems in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: a systematic review

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    Mangrove forests in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are facing multiple threats from natural and anthropogenic-driven land use change stressors, contributing to altered ecosystem conditions. Remote sensing tools can be used to monitor mangroves, measure mangrove forest-and-tree-level attributes and vegetation indices at different spatial and temporal scales that allow a detailed and comprehensive understanding of these important ecosystems. Using a systematic literature approach, we reviewed 58 remote sensing-based mangrove assessment articles published from 2010 through 2022. The main objectives of the study were to examine the extent of mangrove distribution and cover, and the remotely sensed data sources used to assess mangrove forest/tree attributes. The key importance of and threats to mangroves that were specific to the region were also examined. Mangrove distribution and cover were mainly estimated from satellite images (75.2%), using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) derived from Landsat (73.3%), IKONOS (15%), Sentinel (11.7%), WorldView (10%), QuickBird (8.3%), SPOT-5 (6.7%), MODIS (5%) and others (5%) such as PlanetScope. Remotely sensed data from aerial photographs/images (6.7%), LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) (5%) and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)/Drones (3.3%) were the least used. Mangrove cover decreased in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait between 1996 and 2020. However, mangrove cover increased appreciably in Qatar and remained relatively stable for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over the same period, which was attributed to government conservation initiatives toward expanding mangrove afforestation and restoration through direct seeding and seedling planting. The reported country-level mangrove distribution and cover change results varied between studies due to the lack of a standardized methodology, differences in satellite imagery resolution and classification approaches used. There is a need for UAV-LiDAR ground truthing to validate country-and-local-level satellite data. Urban development-driven coastal land reclamation and pollution, climate change-driven temperature and sea level rise, drought and hypersalinity from extreme evaporation are serious threats to mangrove ecosystems. Thus, we encourage the prioritization of mangrove conservation and restoration schemes to support the achievement of related UN Sustainable Development Goals (13 climate action, 14 life below water, and 15 life on land) in the GCC countries

    Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis acquired in an HIV-positive patient

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    The disease epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a rare genodermatosis, autosomal recessive in most cases, characterized by susceptibility to infection by types of HPV of the genus β (EV-HPV) that do not occur in immunocompetent clinics. With the increased survival of immunosuppressed patients, especially with AIDS, a form of the disease called epidermodysplasia verruciformis acquired from a clinician similar to the genetic disease has been reduced, but challenging to manage, since an antiretroviral therapy leads to a cutaneous one, making patients more resistant to any treatment modality

    Geological Characterization and Evaluation of Reservoir Quality in The Montney Formation in West-Central Alberta

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    Hydrocarbons hosted in low-permeability siltstones of the Montney Formation in western Canada are currently being exploited with multi-staged fractured horizontal wells. However, a significant challenge for development is effectively targeting zones for lateral placement and hydraulic fracture stimulation within the typically thick (200-350 m) gross Montney interval. Moreover, at the vertical resolution of standard well logs, the Montney display limited variability, with significant cm-scale changes in geological properties –which can affect reservoir quality– being undetectable. Therefore, this thesis, focused on the Kakwa Field in west-central Alberta, presents a comprehensive characterization of small- and large-scale variations in geological properties using core and drill cutting samples. A high-resolution data set (2.5 cm spacing), including profile measurements of elemental composition, permeability, and rock hardness measured on a complete Montney core, led to the identification of potential geological controls on reservoir quality. The presence of fine-grained laminations (organic-rich), dolomite and anhydrite- cementation, and the abundance of clays, pyrite, and organic matter, have a negative effect on the permeability of Montney reservoirs. The high-resolution data set also allowed the identification of organic-rich mudstone beds throughout the Middle Montney member. Although the organic-rich mudstone facies are interbedded with siltstone facies throughout the upper Middle Montney, they have been generally overlooked due to their small thickness (<10 cm). Through the integration of detailed sedimentologic core descriptions, petrographic evaluations, and laboratory analyses, significant findings were made from the organic-rich mudstone beds: 1) they host primary organic matter (kerogen Type II) with petroleum generative potential. Hence, organic-rich mudstone beds are proposed as partial contributors to the hydrocarbons hosted in relatively organic-lean adjacent siltstone beds; 2) based on sedimentological evidence (e.g., poorly sorted and clay-rich matrix, lack of sedimentary structures), their deposition is associated with hypopycnal flows, highlighting the importance of fluvial processes in the sediment transport of the Montney Formation; 3) they have low hardness (which can be translated into low stiffness and/or rock strength), and, when interbedded with higher-hardness beds, can potentially act as weak interfaces causing blunting of fractures, thus impacting hydraulic fracture growth. The observations gathered from core data were directly applied in a case study that showcases the integration of geological, petrophysical, and geomechanical properties derived from drill cutting samples, well logs, and drilling data, to identify superior reservoir quality intervals along a Montney horizontal well. Significant m-scale heterogeneities were observed in reservoir properties along the 2.5 km length of the well. Superior reservoir quality intervals were associated with predominantly massive, porous siltstone facies, and relatively inferior reservoir quality intervals were associated with either dolomite-cemented facies or laminated siltstones. The primary outcomes from this characterization served as input for a semianalytical model built to predict hydraulic fracture stage performance (as evaluated from predicted hydrocarbon production). Motivated by the importance of rock types to reservoir quality characterization along horizontal wells, an image processing workflow to identify, classify, and quantify rock types using SEM images of drill cuttings is proposed; importantly, a fully labeled data set containing more than 16,000 SEM images of drill cuttings is open-sourced. Lastly, a laboratory-based study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of three methods to clean drill cuttings contaminated with oil-based muds. The reviewed cleaning methods involve the use of 1) an organic solvent (dichloromethane), 2) a furnace (180 °C), and 3) a trademark surfactant. Overall, solvent cleaning was determined to be the best method to remove drilling mud contamination, including the oil and mud fines

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una comercializadora internacional “Leather Export Alron Ltda” de cuero en el departamento del Quindío, para exportar a Alemania

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    comercializadora internacional de cuero curtido al cromo Wet Blue (cuero azul) en el departamento del Quindío, estableciendo el nombre comercial Leather Export Alron. El cuero presenta un proceso al cual se utilizan sales y ácidos al cromo, obteniendo un excelente producto, y de igual forma apetecido a nivel mundial. De tal manera, que al realizar un estudio de mercado por medio de la matriz de selección, se determino que Alemania seria el país potencial para realizar la exportar de la materia prima como tal,teniendo en cuente el ingreso de divisas y la aceptación en el mercado, ya que este país carecen de esta materia prima, por lo cual se evidencio la gran oportunidad del mercado frente a los negocios internacionales gracias a la fortaleza en la calidad y aprovechando de la capacidad de producción que tienen las curtiembres en el departamento del Quindío. De igual forma se realizo el estudio técnico destacando el proceso interno y externos como tal de la comercializadora, teniendo en cuenta el procedimiento desde el acopio de cuero, control y calidad, logística nacional e internación, selección de personal, maquinaria y equipo entre otros. Una vez realizado todos los estudios, y con la innovación de servicios y procesos se determina que el Departamento del Quindío puede ser potencial en la exportación del cuero curtido al cromo. Igualmente demostrando por medio del estudio financiero que la creación de la comercializadora determina la eficacia de la inversión y la productividad del proyecto.Capítulo I: Anteproyecto ...................................................................... 16Capítulo II: Estudio de mercado ......................................................... 40Capítulo III: Estudio técnico y de ingeniería ........................................ 69Capítulo IV: Aspectos legales ............................................................ 113PregradoAdministrador de Negocio

    Dimensión fractal y relación área superficial/volumen de algas del fitoplancton de lagos colombianos

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    Con base en la información sobre la ecología y la taxonomía del fitoplancton obtenidaen estudios realizados en lagos de tres regiones colombianas con diferentescaracterísticas geográficas, altitudinales y biológicas se interpreta la morfologíafuncional y los patrones de variación de AS/V de 227 especies. El Análisis deCorrespondencia Canónica (ACC) utilizado establece el significado de la temperaturasuperficial del agua, la alcalinidad, el sodio, el fósforo (total y reactivo soluble), lamezcla térmica y la luz sobre los caracteres morfológicos medidos en las algas delfitoplancton

    Home care services in children at Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt in Bogota, Colombia: january to july 2013

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    RESUMEN Introducción: La hospitalización domiciliaria ha surgido como una alternativa a la hospitalización tradicional, ya que brinda un mejor ambiente durante la recuperación del paciente. El objetivo del estudio fue medir la tasa de reingreso de la hospitalización domiciliaria dentro del Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt en Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y método: Estudio de corte transversal. Se incluyeron 661 niños afiliados al programa de hospitalización domiciliaria entre enero y julio del 2013. Resultados: La tasa de reingreso en las primeras 72 horas fue del 2% (13 pacientes), siendo mayor en los recién nacidos (OR 4,2 - p=0,039) y patologías cráneo faciales (OR 12,1 - p=0,046). Esta tasa de reingreso fue menor que aquella evaluada en otro estudio en los que consideraron, a diferencia del presente estudio, a niños sin criterios de hospitalización; además de representar menores costos para el sistema de salud. Conclusión: Se observó una tasa de reingreso hospitalario del 2% en las primeras 72 horas lo cual permite considerar la hospitalización domiciliaria como una alternativa válida para el paciente pediátrico. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(3):43-8.ABSTRACT Introduction: The home care services have emerged as an alternative to traditional hospitalization, providing a better environment for patient recovery. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the readmission rate of home care services at Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt Bogotá, Colombia. Materials and method: Cross-sectional study. 661 patients of the home care services program were included in the study from January to July 2013. Results: We found a 72 hours - hospital readmission rate of 2% (13 patients), being higher in newborns (OR 4.2 - p=0,039) and patients with craniofacial pathologies (OR 12.1 - p=0,046). The readmission rate was lower than that assessed in another study in which they considered, unlike the present study, children without hospitalization criteria; besides representing lower costs to the health system. Conclusion: It was found a readmission rate of 2% in the first 72 hours, which allow consider home care services as a valid alternative to the pediatric patient. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(3):43-8

    Table_1_Remote sensing-based assessment of mangrove ecosystems in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: a systematic review.pdf

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    Mangrove forests in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are facing multiple threats from natural and anthropogenic-driven land use change stressors, contributing to altered ecosystem conditions. Remote sensing tools can be used to monitor mangroves, measure mangrove forest-and-tree-level attributes and vegetation indices at different spatial and temporal scales that allow a detailed and comprehensive understanding of these important ecosystems. Using a systematic literature approach, we reviewed 58 remote sensing-based mangrove assessment articles published from 2010 through 2022. The main objectives of the study were to examine the extent of mangrove distribution and cover, and the remotely sensed data sources used to assess mangrove forest/tree attributes. The key importance of and threats to mangroves that were specific to the region were also examined. Mangrove distribution and cover were mainly estimated from satellite images (75.2%), using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) derived from Landsat (73.3%), IKONOS (15%), Sentinel (11.7%), WorldView (10%), QuickBird (8.3%), SPOT-5 (6.7%), MODIS (5%) and others (5%) such as PlanetScope. Remotely sensed data from aerial photographs/images (6.7%), LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) (5%) and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)/Drones (3.3%) were the least used. Mangrove cover decreased in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait between 1996 and 2020. However, mangrove cover increased appreciably in Qatar and remained relatively stable for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over the same period, which was attributed to government conservation initiatives toward expanding mangrove afforestation and restoration through direct seeding and seedling planting. The reported country-level mangrove distribution and cover change results varied between studies due to the lack of a standardized methodology, differences in satellite imagery resolution and classification approaches used. There is a need for UAV-LiDAR ground truthing to validate country-and-local-level satellite data. Urban development-driven coastal land reclamation and pollution, climate change-driven temperature and sea level rise, drought and hypersalinity from extreme evaporation are serious threats to mangrove ecosystems. Thus, we encourage the prioritization of mangrove conservation and restoration schemes to support the achievement of related UN Sustainable Development Goals (13 climate action, 14 life below water, and 15 life on land) in the GCC countries.</p

    O rei está nu: gênero e sexualidade nas práticas e decisões no STF

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