195 research outputs found

    Conjunctival chemosis: A case series of systemic causes

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    Conjunctival chemosis is a common ophthalmic finding that presents with a wide range of severity, symptoms, signs, and underlying etiologies. Although most cases of conjunctival chemosis are ocular in nature (allergy, infection, irritation), atypical presentations such as dusky conjunctival hue, corkscrew conjunctival veins, and periorbital edema, should prompt further investigation for a systemic cause.  In atypical cases, reviewing the patient’s medical history and medications, physically examining and auscultating the patient’s heart and lungs, and obtaining vitals (i.e. blood pressure, pulse, weight), are crucial parts of the investigation for a potential systemic source. This article reviews systemic causes for conjunctival chemosis and provides case examples to demonstrate evaluative and management techniques for optometrists to make a distinction between ocular and systemic conjunctival chemosis.  &nbsp

    Gaze Stabilization for Humanoid Robots: a Comprehensive Framework

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    6 pages, appears in 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid RobotsGaze stabilization is an important requisite for humanoid robots. Previous work on this topic has focused on the integration of inertial and visual information. Little attention has been given to a third component, which is the knowledge that the robot has about its own movement. In this work we propose a comprehensive framework for gaze stabilization in a humanoid robot. We focus on the problem of compensating for disturbances induced in the cameras due to self-generated movements of the robot. In this work we employ two separate signals for stabilization: (1) an anticipatory term obtained from the velocity commands sent to the joints while the robot moves autonomously; (2) a feedback term from the on board gyroscope, which compensates unpredicted external disturbances. We first provide the mathematical formulation to derive the forward and the differential kinematics of the fixation point of the stereo system. We finally test our method on the iCub robot. We show that the stabilization consistently reduces the residual optical flow during the movement of the robot and in presence of external disturbances. We also demonstrate that proper integration of the neck DoF is crucial to achieve correct stabilization

    P02-10 Abnormal emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant visual stimuli in first episode schizophrenia: f-MRI investigation

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    Aims:Affective deficits (flat affect, a diminished expression of emotion, anhedonia, and lowered ability to experience pleasure) are very common in schizophrenia. In emotion feeling, the crucial role of the insula, rather than of the primary somatosensory cortices, strongly suggests that the neural substrate for emotions is not merely sensorial. It is more likely that the activation of the insula representation of the viscero-motor activity is responsible for feeling of disgust. A recent MRI study demonstrated specific left anterior insular volume reduction in chronic schizophrenia patients: sustainable is the suggestion that emotion of disgust or of taste may be related to the experience of pleasure, which probably is compromise in schizophrenics.We investigated fMRI brain activations in first episode schizophrenic subjects with negative symptoms and in healthy subjects elicited by pleasant and unpleasant visual stimuli.Method:Ten first-episode schizophrenic subjects with normal IQ were recruited from the psychiatric service "SMILE" of San Salvatore Hospital and 10 healthy volunteers matched for age and education were scanned during observation of pleasant and unpleasant visual stimuli. Functional images were acquired with a 1.5T MRI scanner. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast was obtained using EPI T2* weighted images.Results:The most important result of the study was the demonstration that anterior insula was activated by the exposure to disgusting stimula in normal subjects but not in schizophrenic subjects.Conclusion:This failure of the neural systems used to support emotional attribution is consistent with pervasive problems in experiencing emotions by schizophrenics

    Causes systémiques de la chimiose conjonctivale : série de cas

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    La chimiose conjonctivale est une affection ophtalmique couramment observée qui présente divers degrés de gravité et un large éventail de symptômes, de signes et d’étiologies sous-jacentes. Bien que la plupart des cas soient de nature oculaire (allergie, infection, irritation), les manifestations atypiques comme la teinte empourprée de la conjonctive, les veines conjonctivales en tire-bouchon et l’œdème périorbital devraient inciter à chercher une cause systémique. Lorsque la chimiose est atypique, l’examen des antécédents médicaux et des médicaments du patient, l’examen physique du cœur et l’examen thoracique ainsi que la prise des signes vitaux (tension artérielle, pouls, poids) sont essentiels à l’identification de la source systémique potentielle. Cet article passe en revue les causes systémiques de la chimiose conjonctivale et présente des exemples de cas qui démontrent les techniques d’évaluation et de prise en charge permettant aux optométristes d’établir une distinction entre la chimiose conjonctivale oculaire et la chimiose conjonctivale systémique.&nbsp

    Aromatic characterization of Moscato Giallo by GC-MS/MS and stable isotopic ratio analysis of the major volatile compounds

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    Among the Moscato grapes, Moscato Giallo is a winegrape variety characterized by a highcontent of free and glycosylated monoterpenoids, which gives very aromatic wines. Thearomatic bouquet of Moscato Giallo is strongly influenced by the high concentration of linalool, geraniol, linalool oxides, limonene, α-terpineol, citronellol, HO-trienol, HO-diols, 8-Hydroxylinalool, geranic acid and β-myrcene, that give citrus, rose, and peach notes. Except the quali-quantitative analysis, no investigations regarding the isotopic values of the target volatile compounds are documented in literature. Stable isotope ratio analysis represents a modern and powerful tool used by the laboratories responsible for official consumer protection, for the food quality and genuineness assessment. In this study, samples of Moscato Giallo were collected during the harvest season in 2019 from two Italian regions:Trentino – Alto Adige and Veneto, known lands for the cultivation of this aromatic variety. The flavor compounds were extracted from grapes and wines, after alcoholic fermentation of grape juice, and analysed by GC-MS/MS. The results confirmed the presence of typical terpenoids both in free and glycosylated form, responsible for the characteristic aroma of Moscato Giallo variety. The aromatic compounds were also analysed by GC-C\Py-IRMS for a preliminary investigation. The compound-specific isotope ratio analysis allowed to determine the carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotopic signatures of the major volatile compounds for the first time

    Aromatic characterisation of Moscato Giallo by GC-MS/MS and validation of stable isotopic ratio analysis of the major volatile compounds

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    Among the Moscato grapes, Moscato Giallo is a winegrape variety characterised by a high content of free and glycosylated monoterpenoids, which gives wines very intense notes of ripe fruit and flowers. The aromatic bouquet of Moscato Giallo is strongly influenced by the high concentration of linalool, geraniol, linalool oxides, limonene, α-terpineol, citronellol, hotrienol, diendiols, trans/cis-8-hydroxy linalool, geranic acid and myrcene, that give citrus, rose, and peach notes. Except for quali-quantitative analysis, no investigations regarding the isotopic values of the target volatile compounds in grapes and wines are documented in the literature. Nevertheless, the analysis of the stable isotope ratio represents a modern and powerful tool used by the laboratories responsible for official consumer protection, for food quality and genuineness assessment. To this aim, the aromatic compounds extracted from grapes and wine were analysed both by GC-MS/MS, to define the aroma profiles, and by GC-C/Py-IRMS, for a preliminary isotope compound-specific investigation. Seventeen samples of Moscato Giallo grapes were collected during the harvest season in 2021 from two Italian regions renowned for the cultivation of this aromatic variety, Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto, and the corresponding wines were produced at micro-winery scale. The GC-MS/MS analysis confirmed the presence of the typical terpenoids both in glycosylated and free forms, responsible for the characteristic aroma of the Moscato Giallo variety, while the compound-specific isotope ratio analysis allowed us to determine the carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotopic signatures of the major volatile compounds for the first tim

    Compact Real-time avoidance on a Humanoid Robot for Human-robot Interaction

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    With robots leaving factories and entering less controlled domains, possibly sharing the space with humans, safety is paramount and multimodal awareness of the body surface and the surrounding environment is fundamental. Taking inspiration from peripersonal space representations in humans, we present a framework on a humanoid robot that dynamically maintains such a protective safety zone, composed of the following main components: (i) a human 2D keypoints estimation pipeline employing a deep learning based algorithm, extended here into 3D using disparity; (ii) a distributed peripersonal space representation around the robot's body parts; (iii) a reaching controller that incorporates all obstacles entering the robot's safety zone on the fly into the task. Pilot experiments demonstrate that an effective safety margin between the robot's and the human's body parts is kept. The proposed solution is flexible and versatile since the safety zone around individual robot and human body parts can be selectively modulated---here we demonstrate stronger avoidance of the human head compared to rest of the body. Our system works in real time and is self-contained, with no external sensory equipment and use of onboard cameras only

    The lifetime prevalence and impact of generalized anxiety disorders in an epidemiologic Italian National Survey carried out by clinicians by means of semi-structured interviews

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    Background: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most reported diagnoses in psychiatry, but there is some discrepancy between the cases identified in community studies and those identified in tertiary care. This study set out to evaluate whether the use of clinicians as interviewers may provide estimates in a community survey close to those observed in primary or specialized care. Methods: This is a community survey on a randomly selected sample of 2338 adult subjects. The Advanced Neuropsychiatric Tools and Assessment Schedule (ANTAS) was administered by clinicians, providing lifetime diagnosis based on the DSM-IV-TR. Health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) was measured with the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: Overall, 55 (2.3%) subjects met the criteria for GAD, with greater prevalence in women (3.6%) than in men (0.9%): OR = 4.02; 95%CI: 1.96\u20138.26. Up to 40% of those with GAD had at least another diagnosis of mood, anxiety, or eating disorders. The mean score of SF-12 in people with GAD was 32.33 \ub1 6.8, with a higher attributable burden than in other conditions except for major depressive disorder. Conclusions: We found a relatively lower lifetime prevalence of GAD than in community surveys based on lay interviewers and a structured interview. The identified cases of GAD showed a strong impact on the quality of life regardless of co-morbidity and high risk in women, suggesting a profile similar to the one identified from studies in primary and specialized care

    Interplay Among Psychopathologic Variables, Personal Resources, Context-Related Factors, and Real-life Functioning in Individuals With Schizophrenia: A Network Analysis

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    Enhanced understanding of factors associated with symptomatic and functional recovery is instrumental to designing personalized treatment plans for people with schizophrenia. To date, this is the first study using network analysis to investigate the associations among cognitive, psychopathologic, and psychosocial variables in a large sample of community-dwelling individuals with schizophrenia
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