241 research outputs found

    Surgical Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusions

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    Light Logics and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus

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    The so-called light logics have been introduced as logical systems enjoying quite remarkable normalization properties. Designing a type assignment system for pure lambda calculus from these logics, however, is problematic. In this paper we show that shifting from usual call-by-name to call-by-value lambda calculus allows regaining strong connections with the underlying logic. This will be done in the context of Elementary Affine Logic (EAL), designing a type system in natural deduction style assigning EAL formulae to lambda terms.Comment: 28 page

    Development and validation of a GC-MS method for the detection and quantification of clotiapine in blood and urine specimens and application to a postmortem case

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    INTRODUCTION: Clotiapine is an atypical antipsychotic of the dibenzothiazepine class introduced in a few European countries since 1970, efficient in treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients. There is little published data on the therapeutic and toxic concentrations of this drug. AIMS: The aim of the present study is the development and validation of a method that allows the detection and quantification of clotiapine in blood and urine specimens by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). METHODS: Validation was performed working on spiked postmortem blood and urine samples. Samples were extracted with liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) technique at pH 8.5 with n-hexane/dichloromethane (85/15 v/v) and analysis was followed by GC-MS. Methadone-d9 was used as internal standard. RESULTS: The limit of detection (LOD) was 1.2 and 1.3 ng/mL for urine and blood, respectively, while the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 3.9 and 4.3 ng/mL, respectively. Linearity, precision, selectivity, accuracy, and recovery were also determined. The method was applied to a postmortem case. The blood and urine clotiapine concentrations were 1.32 and 0.49 μg/mL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A reliable GC-MS method for the detection and quantification of clotiapine in blood and urine samples has been developed and fully validated and then applied to a postmortem case

    Alternative animal protein sources for aquaculture: a preliminary study on nutritional traits of Mediterranean brocade (Spodoptera littoralis, Boisduval) larvae

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    In formulating diets for farmed aquatic species, the main ingredi- ent used is fish meal (FM). Due to the growth that aquaculture is experiencing throughout the world, the increasing demand of feeds is resulting in a FM price increase that represents an eco- nomic limit for fish farming. The need to seek protein sources alternative to FM is a matter of great interest. Among others, the use of insect larvae as feed for fish represents an interesting alter- native. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional traits of mediterranean brocade larvae (Spodoptera littoralis Bois.) in view of their possible use as feedstuffs for rainbow trout. A sample of mediterranean brocade larvae (MBL) (VI instar) and one of pupae (MBP) were assayed for fat (EE), ash (ASH) and crude pro- tein (CP) contents by conventional methods. Amino-acidic profile was obtained by HPLC on sample hydrolysates. Relative digestibil- ity of protein (RDP) was estimated by the Lazo (1988) method. Data, expressed on DM basis, were compared with those of a com- mercial feed (CF). The fat content of MBL was lower than that recorded for CF (9.4% vs 13.6%) while MBP showed a very high value (30.3% DM). Ashes in MBL (7.7%) and MBP (6.7%) were lower than in the CF (10.9%). The CP content of MBL (44.3%) was slightly higher than the CF (40.0%) but lower than in MBP (59.1%). The RDP of MBL and MBP were about a half of the value observed in CF (27.2%). Both MBL and MBP showed a lower per- centage of essential amino acids (AA) (35.8%, 36.8%) compared to CF (39.4%) even if the AA profiles were in line with the require- ments found in literature for rainbow trout. In conclusion, these preliminary results suggest that preimaginal stages of S. littoralis may be of interest in fish feeding, though more exhaustive studies have to be performed to fully assess their use as alternative for fish meal

    Periodontal Disease and Environmental Cadmium Exposure

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    guidance on design and construction of the built environment against wildland urban interface fire hazard a review

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    Abstract Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires, a worldwide problem, are gaining more importance over time due to climate change and increased urbanization in WUI areas. Some jurisdictions have provided standards, codes and guidelines, which may greatly help planning, prevention and protection against wildfires. This work presents a wide systematic review of standards, codes and guidelines for the design and construction of the built environment against WUI fire hazard from North American, European, Oceanic countries, alongside with trans-national codes. The main information reviewed includes: the definition of WUI hazards, risk areas and related severity classes, the influence of land and environmental factors, the requirements for building materials, constructions, utilities, fire protection measures and road access. Some common threads among the documents reviewed have been highlighted. They include similar attempts at: (a) defining WUI risk areas and severity classes, (b) considering land factors including the defensible space (also known as ignition zones), (c) prescribing requirements for buildings and access. The main gaps highlighted in the existing standards/guidelines include lacks of detailed and widespread requirements for resources, fire protection measures, and lacks of taking into account environmental factors in detail. The main design and construction principles contained in the reviewed documents are largely based on previous research and/or good practices. Hence, the main contributions of this paper consist in: (a) systematically disseminate these guidance concepts, (b) setting a potential basis for the development of standards/guidelines in other jurisdictions lacking dedicated WUI fire design guidance, (c) highlighting gaps in existing standards/guidelines to be addressed by current and future research

    Permian tetrapod localities in the Nurra region (NW Sardinia, Italy): The State of the Art

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    The Nurra area in NW Sardinia is quite well known for the outcropping of a thick succession of more than 600 m of post‐ Variscan continental deposits (Fig. 1), with several dedicated studies and contribution already starting from the first half of the twentieth century (e.g. Lotti, 1931; Oosterbaan, 1936; Pecorini, 1962; Vardabasso, 1966; Gasperi and Gelmini, 1980)...Fil: Romano, Marco. University of the Witwatersrand; SudáfricaFil: Citton, Paolo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Ronchi, Ausonio. Università di Pavia; ItaliaFil: Nicosia, Umberto. Università di Roma; Itali

    Transmembrane domain–dependent partitioning of membrane proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The length and hydrophobicity of the transmembrane domain (TMD) play an important role in the sorting of membrane proteins within the secretory pathway; however, the relative contributions of protein–protein and protein–lipid interactions to this phenomenon are currently not understood. To investigate the mechanism of TMD-dependent sorting, we used the following two C tail–anchored fluorescent proteins (FPs), which differ only in TMD length: FP-17, which is anchored to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by 17 uncharged residues, and FP-22, which is driven to the plasma membrane by its 22-residue-long TMD. Before export of FP-22, the two constructs, although freely diffusible, were seen to distribute differently between ER tubules and sheets. Analyses in temperature-blocked cells revealed that FP-17 is excluded from ER exit sites, whereas FP-22 is recruited to them, although it remains freely exchangeable with the surrounding reticulum. Thus, physicochemical features of the TMD influence sorting of membrane proteins both within the ER and at the ER–Golgi boundary by simple receptor-independent mechanisms based on partitioning

    Influence of dietary vitamin E supplementation on cholesterol oxidation and fresh colour in beef aged for 3 and 14 days

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    The effects of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the susceptibility to lipid oxidation and colour of the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle aged in vacuum packaged conditions for 3 or 14 days were studied. For this purpose, Charolais cattle were fed on a diet providing daily 60 mg (control) or 5500 mg of vitamin E per animal (supplemented) for 30 and 60 days before slaughter. Dietary vitamin E supplementation increased the liver vitamin E content, but not in the LT muscle of treated animals. The vitamin supplementation for 30 and 60 days has shown non-consistent effects in reducing cholesterol oxidation products of vacuum-packed aged meat. However, the vitamin E supplementation for 60 days was effective on Lightness stability in LT muscle during vacuum-packed ageing. Overall, from the practical standpoint, this study suggests that supranutritional supplementation up to 60 days may not increase the vitamin E content of Charolais LT muscle giving little, if any, benefits on meat colour and cholesterol oxidation. However, the present study suggests that it would be interesting to determine in which extent specific oxysterols are related to the meat colour and whether colour parameters can be useful for predicting the formation of cholesterol oxidation products along the industrial meat production chain.The effects of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the susceptibility to lipid oxidation and colour of the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle aged in vacuum packaged conditions for 3 or 14 days were studied. For this purpose, Charolais cattle were fed on a diet providing daily 60mg (control) or 5500mg of vitamin E per animal (supplemented) for 30 and 60 days before slaughter. Dietary vitamin E supplementation increased the liver vitamin E content, but not in the LT muscle of treated animals. The vitamin supplementation for 30 and 60 days has shown non-consistent effects in reducing cholesterol oxidation products of vacuum-packed aged meat. However, the vitamin E supplementation for 60 days was effective on Lightness stability in LT muscle during vacuum-packed ageing. Overall, from the practical standpoint, this study suggests that supranutritional supplementation up to 60 days may not increase the vitamin E content of Charolais LT muscle giving little, if any, benefits on meat colour and cholesterol oxidation. However, the present study suggests that it would be interesting to determine in which extent specific oxysterols are related to the meat colour and whether colour parameters can be useful for predicting the formation of cholesterol oxidation products along the industrial meat production chain

    Progress Report 1: Resilience and Adaptation to Climatic Extreme Wildfires (RACE Wildfires)

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    This is the first progress report of the international project funded by the National Research Council of Canada called Resilience and Adaptation to Climatic Extreme Wildfires (RACE Wildfires). In this first phase, the research performed included two main tasks: 1) the development of a sub-model for the representation of the impact of reduced visibility conditions on driving speed and 2) the development of a conceptual model for the study of the impact of the pandemic on shelter availability and destination choice. An experimental dataset collected in a virtual reality environment has been used to develop a sub-model for macroscopic traffic models considering the impact of reduced visibility conditions on driving speed. An application of a calibrated traffic model considering the impact of smoke has been performed using the WUI-NITY platform, an open multi-physics platform which includes wildfire spread, pedestrian response and traffic modelling. Verification testing has been performed as well. A conceptual framework for the development of a destination choice model to be applied in wildfire scenarios has also been developed