16 research outputs found

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acquired disorders affecting the immune system: A case-control study

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    The relationship of a number of subacute or chronic infectious diseases, connective tissue or autoimmune disorders, allergic conditions, and surgical excision of lymphoid tissue with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was examined in a case-control study involving 342 cases and 342 matched controls. In both analyses of all matched pairs and those pairs in which both subjects were respondents, no statistically significant association was found between a history of subacute viral infections or subacute and chronic bacterial infections and CLL. Connective tissue or autoimmune disorders also were found not to be associated with CLL. Examination of the association between several allergic conditions and CLL suggested a protective effect as did a doseresponse analysis, although none of the individual disorders showed a statistically significant relationship; however, a test for linear trend was significant (P=.04). Similarly, examination of the relationship between surgical excision of lymphoid tissue in several anatomic locations and CLL showed a protective effect, statistically significant for tonsillectomy-adenoidectomy (odds ratio = 0.69; 95% confidence interval = 0.48, 0.98). A statistically significant negative dose-response relationship, substantiating the protectiveness of the effect, was found. © 1986, Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Sharing experiences: towards an evidence based model of dengue surveillance and outbreak response in Latin America and Asia

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    BACKGROUND The increasing frequency and intensity of dengue outbreaks in endemic and non-endemic countries requires a rational, evidence based response. To this end, we aimed to collate the experiences of a number of affected countries, identify strengths and limitations in dengue surveillance, outbreak preparedness, detection and response and contribute towards the development of a model contingency plan adaptable to country needs. METHODS The study was undertaken in five Latin American (Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru) and five in Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Vietnam). A mixed-methods approach was used which included document analysis, key informant interviews, focus-group discussions, secondary data analysis and consensus building by an international dengue expert meeting organised by the World Health Organization, Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (WHO-TDR). RESULTS Country information on dengue is based on compulsory notification and reporting ("passive surveillance"), with laboratory confirmation (in all participating Latin American countries and some Asian countries) or by using a clinical syndromic definition. Seven countries additionally had sentinel sites with active dengue reporting, some also had virological surveillance. Six had agreed a formal definition of a dengue outbreak separate to seasonal variation in case numbers. Countries collected data on a range of warning signs that may identify outbreaks early, but none had developed a systematic approach to identifying and responding to the early stages of an outbreak. Outbreak response plans varied in quality, particularly regarding the early response. The surge capacity of hospitals with recent dengue outbreaks varied; those that could mobilise additional staff, beds, laboratory support and resources coped best in comparison to those improvising a coping strategy during the outbreak. Hospital outbreak management plans were present in 9/22 participating hospitals in Latin-America and 8/20 participating hospitals in Asia. CONCLUSIONS Considerable variation between countries was observed with regard to surveillance, outbreak detection, and response. Through discussion at the expert meeting, suggestions were made for the development of a more standardised approach in the form of a model contingency plan, with agreed outbreak definitions and country-specific risk assessment schemes to initiate early response activities according to the outbreak phase. This would also allow greater cross-country sharing of ideas

    Creating a transatlantic research enterprise for preventing Alzheimer's disease

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    In recognition of the global problem posed by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, an international think-tank meeting was convened by Biocat, the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, and the Lou Ruvo Brain Institute in February 2009. The meeting initiated the planning of a European Union-North American collaborative research enterprise to expedite the delay and ultimate prevention of dementing disorders. The key aim is to build parallel and complementary research infrastructure that will support international standardization and inter-operability among researchers in both continents. The meeting identified major challenges, opportunities for research resources and support, integration with ongoing efforts, and identification of key domains to influence the design and administration of the enterprise

    Trends in the incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and cognitive impairment in the United States

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    Declines in heart disease and stroke mortality rates are conventionally attributed to reductions in cigarette smoking, recognition and treatment of hypertension and diabetes, effective medications to improve serum lipid levels and to reduce clot formation, and general lifestyle improvements. Recent evidence implicates these and other cerebrovascular factors in the development of a substantial proportion of dementia cases. Analyses were undertaken to determine if corresponding declines in age-specific prevalence and incidence rates for dementia and cognitive impairment have occurred in recent years. Data spanning 1 or 2 decades were examined from community-based epidemiologic studies in Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana, and from the Health and Retirement Study, a national survey. Although a marginal decline was observed in the Minnesota cohort, no clinically significant trends were apparent in the community studies. A significant reduction in cognitive impairment measured by neuropsychological testing was identified in the national survey. Cautious optimism appears justified