1,109 research outputs found


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    The Karangsari area of Blitar City has many natural resources, especially sweet star fruit, almost all surrounding communities make a living star fruit farmers and also have businesses that diversify sweet star fruit into various preparations such as sweets, syrups, meatballs, and many more. This Averrhoa Tea product is a new product which is one of the results of the diversification of sweet star fruit. The problem faced by the new product is that there is no product development so that people are still hesitant to try Averrhoa Tea products. This study aims to identify the right strategy in product development at Averrhoa Tea business in Blitar City. The location of this research was conducted in Blitar City. This study was conducted for 1 month, from May to June 2023. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the research location through ..

    Methane anomalies over TAG hydrothermal field on Mid Atlantic Ridge

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    Black smoker type hydrothermal venting was discovered in July 1985 at the TAG hydrothermal field in the rift valley of the Mid Atlantic Ridge near 26N. We present here, the first methane profiles in the seawater column over this black smoker along with methane profiles away from the black smokers for comparison. The CH4 plume, spreading over 400 m above the seafloor, shows a maximum concentration of 105 nl/l at 3450 m (238 m above the bottom), correlated with a positive temperature anomaly (0.02°C). CH4 concentrations up to 2422 nl/l, correlated with a huge positive increase of in situ temperature (0.349°C), have been measured in samples taken 5 m above the sea floor, showing an important CH4 input in this slow spreading site which is similar to inputs from fast spreading sites like the East Pacific Rise

    Hubungan Kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana dengan Keberagaman Activity Support di Sekitarnya (Lokasi Activity Support : Ruas Jalan Ganceng)

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    Kawasan kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana terletak di jalan raya Kranggan yang sedang berkembang permukimannya. Dan pada Kenyataannya activity support terus berkembang di sekitar kampus ini. Apakah pertumbuhan activity support ada karena keberadaan kampus ataukah karena Perumahan-Perumahan baru di sekitarnya? Ini merupakan permasalahan yang diangkat pada penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengupasnya adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Dan hasil survey yang didapat ternyata memang menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen yang dituju oleh activity support- activity support ini adalah para mahasiswa kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana. Penelitian ini mengambil responden yang berada di jalan Ganceng yang terletak di samping kampus, dan disarankan bagi peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian serupa yang mengambil responden dari lokasi lain

    Studi Perbandingan Kenyamanan Pengguna RPTRA (Studi Kasus: RPTRA Akasia dan RPTRA Pandawa)

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    Salah satu kebutuhan manusia dalam menjalani hidup ini adalah melakukan kegiatan pada ruang terbuka. Ruang terbuka saat ini, sudah cukup mulau bermunculan, dan banyak yang dinamakan Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA). RPTRA mulai ada pada tahun 2015, sebagai salah satu USAha untuk mewujudkan program Kota Layak Anak (KLA). RPTRA yang berada di tengah area Perumahan ini, ada yang dibangun atas dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) serta ada yang dibangun atas dana Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan ada atau tidaknya perbedaan pada kedua RPTRA yang dibangun dengan sumber dana yang berbeda tersebut. Dengan metode penelitian yang dilakukan, yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian ditujukan untuk melihat perbedaannya

    30GT Fishing Vessel Electrical System Design

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    The ship electrification process is the process of installing or providing electric power to supply all the electrical power needs for ships. In general, main electricity supply will be provided, and emergency supplies in the form of batteries or emergency generators that are able to survive supplying emergency loads such as navigation equipment, navigation lights, and emergency lighting for about 3 hours. Another consideration in the electrification process on fishing vessels is also aimed at reducing dependence or even replacing conventional fuel. Of course, not all machines or equipment that are usually operated with conventional fuel can be directly replaced with electrical energy. The implementation of electrification on fishing boats takes into account the technological and cultural aspects of fishermen so that not all of them will be directly replaced by electrical energy

    Changes in symptoms of asthma and rhinitis by sensitization status over ten years in a cohort of young Chilean adults

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the net changes in prevalence of symptoms of asthma and rhinitis over 10 years in a cohort of young by baseline sensitization status. METHODS: One thousand one hundred ninety three Chilean adults subjects aged 22-28 living in a semi-rural area of central Chile answered a lifestyle and the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaires. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) and skin prick test (SPT) to eight allergens were measured at baseline in 2001. Ten years later, 772 participants completed the questionnaires again. Estimates of adjusted net changes in prevalence of symptoms by sensitization status at baseline and association between sensitization status at baseline and respiratory symptoms ten years later were assessed. RESULTS: A quarter of the participants were sensitized to at least one allergen in 2001. Prevalence of wheeze had a net change per year of -0.37 % (95 % Confidence Interval -0.71 to 0.02 %; p = 0.067). Self-reported nasal allergies in the last 12 months increased by 0.83 % per year (95 % CI 0.49 to 1.17 %; p < 0.001). Those sensitized to either cat fur (OR 1.76; CI 1.01 to 3.05), cockroach, (OR 2.09; 1.13 to 3.86) blend of grass and pollens (1.78; 95 % CI 1.08 to 2.92), or weeds (OR 1.77; 95 % CI 1.01 to 3.12) in 2001 were more likely to have wheeze in the last 12 months 10 years later. CONCLUSION: Symptoms of asthma remained stable or slightly changed over 10 years in adults, whilst rhinitis and nasal allergies greatly increased. Being sensitized to at least one allergen is a risk factor for persistent symptoms of asthma and rhinitis, but not for determining net changes of symptoms over time. The underlying causes for the contrasting trends between asthma and nasal allergy are unknow
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