27 research outputs found

    Aportacions a la flora vascular dels Pirineus centrals: plantes de la Vall d'Àneu

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    Contribution to the knowledge of vascular flora of Central Pyrenees. Saxifraga cotyledon L. is recorded for the first time from catalan Pyrenees. Commentaries on the chrology of species and the cartography of the more interesting taxa are given

    Algunes plantes dels Pre-pirineus

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    The Genus viola in the Balearic Islands

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    S'ha dut a terme l'estudi del gènere Viola a les illes Balears. Es proposen dues noves combinacions nomenclaturals: Viola suavis Bieb. subsp. barceloi (Nyman) Orell & Romo, comb. nova i Viola odorata L. subsp. stolonifera (Rodríguez Femenías) Orell & Romo, comb. nova. Es descriuen tres noves notosubspècies de l'illa de Mallorca: Viola alba L. nothosubsp. neusii Orell & Romo, nothosubsp. nova (=Viola alba subsp. dehnhardtii x V. jaubertiana); Viola alba L. nothosubsp. bonaefidei Orell & Romo, nothosubsp. nova (=V. alba subsp. dehnhardtii x V. suavis subsp. barceloi); i Viola suavis Bieb. nothosubsp. cardonae nothopsubsp. nova (=Viola suavis subsp. barceloi x V. jaubertiana). S'exposen la corologia i l'ecologia dels tàxons de Viola presents a les Illes i es valoren algunes citacions antigues, probablement errònies.Following the study of Balearic taxa of the genus Viola, two new nomenclatural combinations are proposed: Viola suavis Bieb. subsp. barceloi (Nyman) Orell & Romo, comb. nova; and Viola odorata L. subsp. stolonifera (Rodríguez Femenías) Orell & Romo, comb. nova. Three new nothosubspecies from the island of Majorca are described: Viola alba L. nothosubsp. neusii Orell & Romo, nothosusp. nova (= Viola alba subsp. dehnhardtii x V. jaubertiana); Viola alba L. nothosubsp. bonaefidei Orell & Romo, nothosubsp. nova (= V. Alba subsp. dehnhardtii x V. suavis subsp. barceloi); and Viola suavis Bieb. nothosubsp. cardonae nothosubsp. nova (= Viola suavis subsp. barceloi x V. Jaubertiana). The chorology and ecology of the Balearic taxa of the genus Viola are presented and some of the oldest reports, which are probably erroneous, are discussed

    First genome size assessments in Carduncellus and its related genera Femeniasia and Phonus (Asteraceae, Cardueae), with data on 21 taxa

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    Genome size of 18 species of the genus Carduncellus, two species of the related genus Phonusand the monotypic genus Femeniasia (F. balearica) has been assessed by flow cytometry for the first time. Ploidy levels were assigned using genome size data together with previously reported chromosome counts. A phylogenetic framework was built to visualize how cytogenetic traits distributed across taxa. The results confirmed three ploidy levels (2x, 4x and 6x), with a predominance of diploids. The 2C values ranged from 3.24 pg in Carduncellus calvusto 11.16 pg in C. erio-cephalus, whereas monoploid genome size (1Cx) ranged from 1.29 pg in C. duvauxii (4x)to 2.30 pg in Phonus rhiphaeus (2x). The mean 1Cx for tetraploids was lower than for diploids. For each ploidy level, genome size values of Carduncellus, Femeniasia and Phonus were found to be higher than those of Carthamus. This result is consistent with a trend frequently observed in plants, of higher genome sizes in long life cycle taxa compared to short-lived relative

    Vegetación higronitrófila de los embalses del curso superior del Segre y de la Noguera Pallaresa (Prepirineos Centrales)

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    Descripció de la vegetació higronitròfila dels embassaments dels cursos superiors dels rius Segre i Noguera Pallaresa. Hom proposa els següents nous sintàxons: Xanthio-Polygonetum persicariae O. de Bolòs 1957 subass. rorippetosum sylvestris Molero and Romo, subss. nova i Filaginello uliginosae_Veronicetum peregrinae Molero and Romo, ass. nova, ambdues dins de l'aliança Chenopodion rubri Timar 1950; sobre llims lleugerament salins es presenta la nova associació Junco gerardi-Crypsietum schoenoidis Molero and Romo, inclosa dins d'aliança Heleochloion Br.-Bl. 195

    Algunes plantes dels Pre-pirineus

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    Corologia del gènere Petrorhagia als Països Catalans i a la Península Ibèrica

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    The presence and distribution of the species of the genus Petrorhagia in the Iberian Peninsula is studied. Four species of Petrorhagia (Ser.) Link.: P. nanteuilii, P. prolifera, P. saxifraga and P. dubia are recorded in the Catalan Countries and Iberia. The cartography of taxa and an account of their distribution are given

    Aportacions a la flora vascular dels Pirineus centrals: plantes de la Vall d'Àneu

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    Contribution to the knowledge of vascular flora of Central Pyrenees. Saxifraga cotyledon L. is recorded for the first time from catalan Pyrenees. Commentaries on the chrology of species and the cartography of the more interesting taxa are given

    Aportacions a la flora dels Prepirineus centrals catalans

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    Se comenta la presencia y corología de algunos táxones no conocidos anteriormente del Prepirineo central catalán: Bassia hyssopifolia, Crypsis schoenoides, Lepidium virginicHm, Pucanellia fasáculata. Para otros táxones, con muy pocas citas previas para Cataluña, se amplían notablemente sus áreas de distribución: Adonis aestivalis subsp. aestivalis, Cbenopodium botryoides, Odontites pyrenaea subsp. pyrenaea, Oenothera biennis subsp. suaveolens, Rorippa islándica, Sorbus mougeotii. Veronica peregrina se indica por segunda vez en Cataluña. Panicum antidótale, es una planta adventicia indicada por primera vez en la Península Ibérica