12 research outputs found

    Management of Autoimmune Encephalitis: An Observational Monocentric Study of 38 Patients

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    Over the last years the clinical picture of autoimmune encephalitis has gained importance in neurology. The broad field of symptoms and syndromes poses a great challenge in diagnosis for clinicians. Early diagnosis and the initiation of the appropriate treatment is the most relevant step in the management of the patients. Over the last years advances in neuroimmunology have elucidated pathophysiological basis and improved treatment concepts. In this monocentric study we compare demographics, diagnostics, treatment options and outcomes with knowledge from literature. We present 38 patients suffering from autoimmune encephalitis. Antibodies were detected against NMDAR and LGI1 in seven patients, against GAD in 6 patients) one patient had coexisting antibodies against GABAA and GABAB), against CASPR2, IGLON5, YO, Glycine in 3 patients, against Ma-2 in 2 patients, against CV2 and AMPAR in 1 patient; two patients were diagnosed with hashimoto encephalitis with antibodies against TPO/TG. First, we compare baseline data of patients who were consecutively diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis from a retrospective view. Further, we discuss when to stop immunosuppressive therapy since how long treatment should be performed after clinical stabilization or an acute relapse is still a matter of debate. Our experiences are comparable with data from literature. However, in contrary to other experts in the field we stop treatment and monitor patients very closely after tumor removal and after rehabilitation from first attack

    Interferon beta-1a sc at 25 years: a mainstay in the treatment of multiple sclerosis over the period of one generation.

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    INTRODUCTION Interferon beta (IFN beta) preparations are an established group of drugs used for immunomodulation in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Subcutaneously (sc) applied interferon beta-1a (IFN beta-1a sc) has been in continuous clinical use for 25 years as a disease-modifying treatment. AREAS COVERED Based on data published since 2018, we discuss recent insights from analyses of the pivotal trial PRISMS and its long-term extension as well as from newer randomized studies with IFN beta-1a sc as the reference treatment, the use of IFN beta-1a sc across the patient life span and as a bridging therapy, recent data regarding the mechanisms of action, and potential benefits of IFN beta-1a sc regarding vaccine responses. EXPERT OPINION IFN beta-1a sc paved the way to effective immunomodulatory treatment of MS, enabled meaningful insights into the disease process, and remains a valid therapeutic option in selected vulnerable MS patient groups

    Detection Methods for Autoantibodies in Suspected Autoimmune Encephalitis

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    This review provides an overview on different antibody test methods that can be applied in cases of suspected paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) and anti-neuronal autoimmune encephalitis (AIE) in order to explain their diagnostic value, describe potential pitfalls and limitations, and discuss novel approaches aimed at discovering further autoantibodies. Onconeuronal antibodies are well-established biomarkers for PNS and may serve as specific tumor markers. The recommended procedure to detect onconeuronal antibodies is a combination of indirect immunohistochemistry on fixed rodent cerebellum and confirmation of the specificity by line assays. Simplification of this approach by only using line assays with recombinant proteins bears the risk to miss antibody-positive samples. Anti-neuronal surface antibodies are sensitive and specific biomarkers for AIE. Their identification requires the use of test methods that allow the recognition of conformation dependent epitopes. These commonly include cell-based assays and tissue based assays with unfixed rodent brain tissue. Tissue based assays can detect most of the currently known neuronal surface antibodies and thus enable broad screening of biological samples. A complementary testing on live neuronal cell cultures may confirm that the antibody recognizes a surface epitope. In patients with peripheral neuropathy, the screening may be expanded to teased nerve fibers to identify antibodies against the node of Ranvier. This method helps to identify a novel subgroup of peripheral autoimmune neuropathies, resulting in improved immunotherapy of these patients. Tissue based assays are useful to discover additional autoantibody targets that play a role in diverse autoimmune neurological syndromes. Antibody screening assays represent promising avenues of research to improve the diagnostic yield of current assays for antibody-associated autoimmune encephalitis

    Contrasting disease patterns in seropositive and seronegative neuromyelitis optica: A multicentre study of 175 patients

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnostic and pathophysiological relevance of antibodies to aquaporin-4 (AQP4-Ab) in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) has been intensively studied. However, little is known so far about the clinical impact of AQP4-Ab seropositivity. OBJECTIVE: To analyse systematically the clinical and paraclinical features associated with NMO spectrum disorders in Caucasians in a stratified fashion according to the patients' AQP4-Ab serostatus. METHODS: Retrospective study of 175 Caucasian patients (AQP4-Ab positive in 78.3%). RESULTS: Seropositive patients were found to be predominantly female (p 1 myelitis attacks in the first year were identified as possible predictors of a worse outcome. CONCLUSION: This study provides an overview of the clinical and paraclinical features of NMOSD in Caucasians and demonstrates a number of distinct disease characteristics in seropositive and seronegative patients

    7-Tesla MRI demonstrates absence of structural lesions in patients with vestibular paroxysmia

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    Vestibular parxoysmia is rare vestibular disorder. A neurovascular cross-compression between the vestibulochochlear nerve and an artery seems to be responsible for short attacks of vertigo in this entity. A neurovascular cross-compression can be seen in up to every fourth subject. The significance of these findings is not clear, as not all subjects suffer from symptoms. The aim of the present study was to assess possible structural lesions of the vestibulocochlear nerve by means of high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and whether high field MRI may help to differentiate symptomatic from asymptomatic patients. 7 Tesla MRI was performed in six patients with vestibular paroxysmia and confirmed neurovascular cross-compression seen on 1.5 and 3.0 MRI. No structural abnormalities were detected in any of the patients in 7 Tesla MRI. These findings imply that high field MRI does not help to differentiate between symptomatic and asymptomatic neurovascular cross-compression and that the symptoms of vestibular paroxysmia are not caused by structural nerve lesions. This supports the hypothesis that the nystagmus associated with vestibular paroxysmia has to be conceived pathophysiologically as an excitatory vestibular phenomenon, being not related to vestibular hypofunction. 7 Tesla MRI outperforms conventional MRI in image resolution and may be useful in vestibular disorders

    Lower serum cholesterol levels as a risk factor for critical illness polyneuropathy: a matched case–control study

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    Abstract Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) is a frequent and underdiagnosed phenomenon among intensive care unit patients. The lipophilic nature of neuronal synapses may result in the association of low serum cholesterol levels with a higher rate of CIP development. We aimed to investigate this issue in critically ill patients. All cases diagnosed with CIP in our tertiary care hospital between 2013 and 2017 were 1:1 matched with controls without the condition by age, sex, and ICD diagnoses. The main risk factors examined were the differences in change between initial and minimum serum total cholesterol levels, and minimum serum total cholesterol levels between matched pairs. Other predictors were serum markers of acute inflammation. We included 67 cases and 67 controls (134 critically ill patients, 49% female, 46% medical). Serum total cholesterol levels decreased more profoundly in cases than controls (median: −74 (IQR −115 to −24) vs. −39 (IQR −82 to −4), median difference: −28, 95% CI [−51, −5]), mg/dl). Minimum serum total cholesterol levels were lower in the cases (median difference: −24, 95% CI [−39, −9], mg/dl). We found significant median differences across matched pairs in maximum serum C-reactive protein (8.9, 95% CI [4.6, 13.2], mg/dl), minimum albumin (−4.2, 95% CI [−6.7, −1.7], g/l), decrease in albumin (−3.9, 95% CI [−7.6, −0.2], g/l), and lowest cholinesterase levels (−0.72, 95% CI [−1.05, −0.39], U/l). Subsequently, more pronounced decreases in serum total cholesterol levels and lower minimum total cholesterol levels during critical care unit hospitalizations may be a risk factor for CIP

    Time to diagnosis in multiple sclerosis: Epidemiological data from the German Multiple Sclerosis Registry

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    Objective: To investigate the time to diagnosis in multiple sclerosis (MS) in Germany. Methods: Analysis of real-world registry data from the German Multiple Sclerosis Registry (GMSR) and performing a primary analysis in patients where month-specific registration of the dates of onset and diagnosis was available. Results: As of January 2020, data of a total of 28,658 patients with MS were extracted from the GMSR, with 9836 patients included in the primary analysis. The mean time to diagnosis was shorter following the introduction of the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based McDonald criteria in 2001. This effect was most pronounced in younger adults below the age of 40 years with relapsing onset multiple sclerosis (ROMS), with a decrease from 1.9 years in 2010 to 0.9 years in 2020, while unchanged in patients aged 40-50 years (1.4 years in 2010 and 1.3 years in 2020). In the limited number of paediatric onset MS patients, the time to diagnosis was longer and did not change (2.9 years). Conclusion: The current sensitive MRI-based diagnostic criteria have likely contributed to an earlier diagnosis of MS in Germany in younger adults aged 18-39 years with ROMS. Whether this translated to earlier initiation of disease-modifying treatment or had a beneficial effect on patient outcomes remains to be demonstrated

    Neuromyelitis optica in Austria in 2011: to bridge the gap between neuroepidemiological research and practice in a study population of 8.4 million people.

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    BACKGROUND: In 2008 the Austrian Task Force for Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) started a nation-wide network for information exchange and multi-centre collaboration. Their aim was to detect all patients with NMO or NMO spectrum disorders (NMO-SD) in Austria and to analyse their disease courses and response to treatment. METHODS: (1) As of March 2008, 1957 serum samples (of 1557 patients) have been tested with an established cell based immunofluorescence aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-ab) assay with a high sensitivity and specificity (both >95%). All tests were performed in a single reference laboratory (Clinical Dept. of Neurology of the Innsbruck Medical University). (2) A nation-wide survey with several calls for participation (via email newsletters, articles in the official journal of the Austrian Society of Neurology, and workshops) was initiated in 2008. All collected data will be presented in a way that allows that every individual patient can be traced back in order to ensure transparency and to avoid any data distortion in future meta-analyses. The careful and detailed presentation allows the visualization and comparison of the different disease courses in real time span. Failure and response to treatment are made visible at one glance. Database closure was 31 December 2011. All co-operators were offered co-authorship. RESULTS: All 71 NMO- or NMO-SD patients with AQP4-ab positivity (age range 12.3 to 79.6 years) were analysed in detail. Sex ratio (m:f = 1:7) and the proportion of patients without oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid (86.6%) were in line with previously published results. All identified patients were Caucasians. CONCLUSIONS: A nationwide collaboration amongst Austrian neurologists with good network communications made it possible to establish a database of 71 AQP4-ab positive patients with NMO/NMO-SD. This database is presented in detail and provides the basis for further studies and international cooperation in order to investigate this rare disease