1,106 research outputs found

    Laparoscopically assisted percutaneous inguinal ring closure for resolution of inguinal/scrotal hernias in rams: cadaveric study and three cases report

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate a laparoscopically assisted percutaneous suture (LAPS) procedure to treat inguinal hernia (IH) while preserving testicles in rams. An ex vivo experiment with six ram cadavers and a report of three clinical cases are discussed. In cadavers, both internal inguinal rings (IIR) were partially closed by LAPS. Two LAPS methods were tested: (1) using a laparoscopic portal closure device and (2) using a suture loop inserted through needles in each IIR. After each procedure, the closure was laparoscopically evaluated and the number of U- sutures was recorded. The procedure was also performed on three client-owned rams with unilateral non-strangulated IH and the occurrence of re-herniation was followed up. In cadavers, LAPS of the IIRs could be easily and satisfactorily performed with either of the two systems, requiring one to three U-sutures per IIR. No differences were observed between the two surgical procedures. In two clinical cases, the procedure was successfully performed without reoccurrence of herniation or alterations in reproductive behavior in the following 3 and 6 months. In the third case, the hernia was reduced but a retroperitoneal emphysema during laparoscopy prevented hernioplasty and the animal herniated again. In conclusion, LAPS of IIR can be used as a simple and feasible treatment to preserve testicles in rams with IH

    Percutaneous ultrasound-guided carotid access and puncture closure with angio-seal in horses

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    Background: There are different indications for endovascular surgery in horses, mainly the treatment of guttural pouch mycosis. Traditionally, these procedures are carried out by open arteriotomy of the common carotid artery (CCA), although less invasive percutaneous ultrasound-guided carotid access (PUGCA) has been described in experimental horses. In human medicine, commercial closure systems are used to seal these arterial puncture sites and reduce complications. The aims of this study are to retrospectively describe our experience with PUGCA in clinical cases and to report, for the first time, the use of the commercial vascular closure device Angio-Seal after PUGCA in horses. Methods: Retrospective study of clinical case records. Collected parameters, including the feasibility of the PUGCA and variables related to the safety and efficacy of the use of the Angio-Seal. Results: Twelve PUGCA procedures in 11 horses were included. In all cases, the artery was effectively accessed, and the planned procedure could be performed. In two cases, haematoma/bleeding due to incorrect use of the Angio-Seal was recorded. This complication rate (16.66%) was lower than that obtained in other studies using PUGCA in horses, but where the puncture was sealed by manual compression only. Main limitations: A control group of clinical cases with PUGCA but without using Angio-Seal is not available. Conclusions: Clinical data confirm previous experimental results, which showed that PUGCA is safe and effective in horses. The Angio-Seal system, regardless of possible complications due to incorrect use, can be used safely and effectively in horses. Further studies comparing arterial access site management using manual compression or Angio-Seal would be necessary to state if its routine use in horses is advisable

    Development of a laparoscopic technique for inguinal hernioplasty in standing horses

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    Background Most previously described techniques for laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty (IH) in horses require advanced laparoscopic skills. Our objective was to describe a new laparoscopic IH technique using a surgical anchoring system. Methods Standing laparoscopic IH was performed unilaterally in eight experimental stallions, using the contralateral inguinal canal (IC) as a control. A polyether ether ketone harpoon was anchored in the craniolateral aspect of the vaginal ring, and an extracorporeal knot was used to fix the device. Clinical evaluation, including testicular palpation and lameness examination, was conducted before and for 4 weeks after surgery. Repeat laparoscopy was performed 28 days later. Results Standing laparoscopic IH was performed in all horses with a surgical time of 38 ± 12.85 minutes. In two animals, a small peritoneal tear occurred that did not require repair. No other complications were recorded. On repeat laparoscopy, all devices were in place, and the IC remained partially closed in all horses. Limitations The procedure was performed on normal experimental horses and has not been employed on horses that have had an inguinal hernia. Conclusions This new standing laparoscopic hernioplasty technique provides another potential method for simple partial closure of the IC in stallions at risk of or with history of inguinal herniation

    Equine mesenchymal stem cells influence the proliferative response of lymphocytes: effect of inflammation, differentiation and MHC-compatibility

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    Immunomodulation and immunogenicity are pivotal aspects for the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Since the horse is highly valuable as both a patient and translational model, further knowledge on equine MSC immune properties is required. This study analysed how inflammation, chondrogenic differentiation and compatibility for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) influence the MSC immunomodulatory–immunogenicity balance. Equine MSCs in basal conditions, pro-inflammatory primed (MSC-primed) or chondrogenically differentiated (MSC-chondro) were co-cultured with either autologous or allogeneic MHC-matched/mismatched lymphocytes in immune-suppressive assays (immunomodulation) and in modified one-way mixed leukocyte reactions (immunogenicity). After co-culture, frequency and proliferation of T cell subsets and B cells were assessed by flow cytometry and interferon-ɣ (IFNɣ) secretion by ELISA. MSC-primed showed higher regulatory potential by decreasing proliferation of cytotoxic and helper T cells and B cells. However, MHC-mismatched MSC-primed can also activate lymphocytes (proliferative response and IFNɣ secretion), likely due to increased MHC-expression. MSC-chondro maintained their regulatory ability and did not increase their immunogenicity, but showed less capacity than MSC-primed to induce regulatory T cells and further stimulated B cells. Subsequent in vivo studies are needed to elucidate the complex interactions between MSCs and the recipient immune system, which is critical to develop safe and effective therapies

    Barrio de Vite

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    Traballo realizado para a materia de Desenvolvemento Rexional e Desenvolvemento Local do Grao en Economía en virtude do Proxecto de innovación en Aprendizaxe-Servizo (ApS). Curso 2018-2019Neste traballo vamos a realizar unha análise socioeconómica do barrio de Vite, situado na cidade de Santiago de Compostela. O obxectivo principal é coñecer a situación do territorio e valorar as propostas de mellora que se lle poden aplicar. Para realizar o traballo fixemos varias entrevistas á xente do Barrio e puxémonos en contacto co persoal do Centro Sociocultural, reunindo así información para poñer de manifesto os diferentes problemas que presenta o Barrio e intentar darlles solución co fin de que os seus habitantes se sintan máis orgullosos de vivir en Vit

    C-Reactive protein as a therapeutic target in age-related macular degeneration.

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a retinal degenerative disease, is the leading cause of central vision loss among the elderly population in developed countries and an increasing global burden. The major risk is aging, compounded by other environmental factors and association with genetic variants for risk of progression. Although the etiology of AMD is not yet clearly understood, several pathogenic pathways have been proposed, including dysfunction of the retinal pigment epithelium, inflammation, and oxidative stress. The identification of AMD susceptibility genes encoding complement factors and the presence of complement and other inflammatory mediators in drusen, the hallmark deposits of AMD, support the concept that local inflammation and immune-mediated processes play a key role in AMD pathogenesis that may be accelerated through systemic immune activation. In this regard, increased levels of circulating C-reactive protein (CRP) have been associated with higher risk of AMD. Besides being a risk marker for AMD, CRP may also play a role in the progression of the disease as it has been identified in drusen, and we have recently found that its monomeric form (mCRP) induces blood retinal barrier disruption in vitro. In this review, we will address recent evidence that links CRP and AMD pathogenesis, which may open new therapeutic opportunities to prevent the progression of AMD

    C-reactive protein as a therapeutic target in age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a retinal degenerative disease, is the leading cause of central vision loss among the elderly population in developed countries and an increasing global burden. The major risk is aging, compounded by other environmental factors and association with genetic variants for risk of progression. Although the etiology of AMD is not yet clearly understood, several pathogenic pathways have been proposed, including dysfunction of the retinal pigment epithelium, inflammation, and oxidative stress. The identification of AMD susceptibility genes encoding complement factors and the presence of complement and other inflammatory mediators in drusen, the hallmark deposits of AMD, support the concept that local inflammation and immune-mediated processes play a key role in AMD pathogenesis that may be accelerated through systemic immune activation. In this regard, increased levels of circulating C-reactive protein (CRP) have been associated with higher risk of AMD. Besides being a risk marker for AMD, CRP may also play a role in the progression of the disease as it has been identified in drusen, and we have recently found that its monomeric form (mCRP) induces blood retinal barrier disruption in vitro. In this review, we will address recent evidence that links CRP and AMD pathogenesis, which may open new therapeutic opportunities to prevent the progression of AMD

    Angular analysis of B0→D∗−D∗+s with D∗+s→D+sγ decays

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    The first full angular analysis of the B0→D∗−D∗+s decay is performed using 6 fb−1 of pp collision data collected with the LHCb experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The D∗+s→D+sγ and D*− → D¯¯¯¯0π− vector meson decays are used with the subsequent D+s → K+K−π+ and D¯¯¯¯0 → K+π− decays. All helicity amplitudes and phases are measured, and the longitudinal polarisation fraction is determined to be fL = 0.578 ± 0.010 ± 0.011 with world-best precision, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The pattern of helicity amplitude magnitudes is found to align with expectations from quark-helicity conservation in B decays. The ratio of branching fractions [ℬ(B0→D∗−D∗+s) × ℬ(D∗+s→D+sγ)]/ℬ(B0 → D*−D+s) is measured to be 2.045 ± 0.022 ± 0.071 with world-best precision. In addition, the first observation of the Cabibbo-suppressed Bs → D*−D+s decay is made with a significance of seven standard deviations. The branching fraction ratio ℬ(Bs → D*−D+s)/ℬ(B0 → D*−D+s) is measured to be 0.049 ± 0.006 ± 0.003 ± 0.002, where the third uncertainty is due to limited knowledge of the ratio of fragmentation fractionsS

    A meta-analysis and a functional study support the influence of mtDNA variant m.16519C on the risk of rapid progression of knee osteoarthritis

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    [Abstract] Objectives: To identify mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic variants associated with the risk of rapid progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to characterise their functional significance using a cellular model of transmitochondrial cybrids. Methods: Three prospective cohorts contributed participants. The osteoarthritis initiative (OAI) included 1095 subjects, the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee included 373 and 326 came from the PROspective Cohort of Osteoarthritis from A Coruña. mtDNA variants were screened in an initial subset of 450 subjects from the OAI by in-depth sequencing of mtDNA. A meta-analysis of the three cohorts was performed. A model of cybrids was constructed to study the functional consequences of harbouring the risk mtDNA variant by assessing: mtDNA copy number, mitochondrial biosynthesis, mitochondrial fission and fusion, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative stress, autophagy and a whole transcriptome analysis by RNA-sequencing. Results: mtDNA variant m.16519C is over-represented in rapid progressors (combined OR 1.546; 95% CI 1.163 to 2.054; p=0.0027). Cybrids with this variant show increased mtDNA copy number and decreased mitochondrial biosynthesis; they produce higher amounts of mitochondrial ROS, are less resistant to oxidative stress, show a lower expression of the mitochondrial fission-related gene fission mitochondrial 1 and an impairment of autophagic flux. In addition, its presence modulates the transcriptome of cybrids, especially in terms of inflammation, where interleukin 6 emerges as one of the most differentially expressed genes. Conclusions: The presence of the mtDNA variant m.16519C increases the risk of rapid progression of knee OA. Among the most modulated biological processes associated with this variant, inflammation and negative regulation of cellular process stand out. The design of therapies based on the maintenance of mitochondrial function is recommended

    SIMPA: caricaturas didácticas como apoyo visual al aprendizaje de la patología equina

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    Se presenta una actividad docente que se comenzó a realizar durante 2015-2016 en la Asignatura de Integración en Équidos (4º del Grado en Veterinaria, Universidad de Zaragoza). La actividad está basada en el empleo de unas caricaturas didácticas (un dibujo de un caballo ficticio, al que hemos llamado SIMPA) que sintetizan las principales características de las patologías equinas, las cuales han sido desarrolladas por Akikazu Ishihara (dibujante y veterinario de caballos japonés) y están disponibles en su página web1. Las caricaturas han sido la base de preguntas periódicas (casos) que se han enviado a los alumnos a través de Moodl
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