1,695 research outputs found

    Simulation of a mechanical thrombectomy device based in the use of self-expandable stents for the blood clots extraction

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    Recently, we have presented some studies concerning the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device developed in the UK - GPTAD - which has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself, thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Based on the idea of a modification of the previous device, in this work, we present a model based in the use of stents like the SolitaireTM FR, which is in contact with the clot itself. In the case of such devices, the stent is self-expandable and the extraction of the blood clot is faciliatated by the stent, which must be inside the clot. Such stents are generally inserted in position by using the guidewire inserted into the catheter. This type of modeling could potentially be useful in showing how the blood clot is moved by the various different forces involved. The modelling has been undertaken by analyzing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model an artery and blood clot for range of forces for the guidewire. In each case we determine the interaction between blood clot, stent and artery

    La producción de objetos plata en la cultura ibérica

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    Las tendencias actuales en la investigación de la cultura material de las so ciedades antiguas se caracterizan por las colaboraciones interdisciplinares, con el fm de obtener una más amplia y variada información que permita mayores po sibilidades en la valoración de los objetos, y en la interpretación histórica del pe ríodo al que pertenezcan. Esta comunicación es un primer avance de los resul tados obtenidos en un proyecto de investigación de la producción de objetos en metales nobles, del Sur Peninsular, que persigue esos objetivos

    Nitric Oxide Level Is Self-Regulating and Also Regulates Its ROS Partners

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    This work was supported by the EX12-BIO-296 grant from the Andalucian Regional Government (Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo) and by ERDF-cofinanced grant BIO2012-36742 (MINECO) in Spain. The authors would like to thank Mr. Michael O'shea for the English editing.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Audio-visual Production as a Path of Cooperation in Europe. Eurimages Funds

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse co-production in Europe through the funds of the Eurimages program from its origin, in 1989 to 2016, and to determine a pattern of co-production among the main film producer nations in Europe: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. For that purpose, a statistical analysis is carried out using several data sources: the Lumiere database, the reports from the European Audiovisual Observatory, as well as those from several national film institutions (such as the ICAA in Spain, or the CNC in France), or even the webpages of the Eurimages program and the Ibermedia one. Among the main results, it should be underlined that Eurimages has contributed to the increase of European films through co-production, but not to the increase of film audience, being far from that of American films. Nevertheless, if compared to national films, Eurimages has favoured both the transnational circulation of films and their consumption. Moreover, the main reasons to choose partners to co-produce are both cultural and economic, based on language, geographical proximity, common history and having a more developed film industry with a generous film support. With this article we want to contribute to update the literature about co-production in Europe using Eurimages funds.JEL Codes - L82; L88; Z1

    Deporte para la guerra, versus deporte para la paz. Reflexiones sobre el carácter educativo del deporte

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    En este artículo se trata de suscitar el debate entre el deporte para la guerra o deporte para la paz, entre el deporte competitivo y el deporte educativo, entre el deporte extraescolar y el deporte escolar, entre el deporte de espectador y el deporte de acción. Basándonos en el sistema educativo español que declara como fines de la educación, entre otros, la formación para la paz, la cooperación y la solidaridad entre los pueblos, lo cual creemos posible a través del deporte, y además lo fundamentamos en las opiniones de diferentes autores de reconocido prestigio que, a lo largo de los años han avalado esta ideaThis article is about a suscited the debate between the sport for the war or sport for the peace, between the competitive sport and educated one, between the recreation sport and the school's one, between the passive sport and the active one. Let's go to the Spanish Educative System, which declares like an education's finish, into others, formation for peace, cooperation and solidarity between peoples, which are possible thought the sport, and we fundament it on the differents importants writer’s opinion that, it has been availed many years ago

    Second Language Writing: use of the World Wide Web to Improve Specific Writing

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    [EN] Different strategies should be considered when teaching writing in a second language, as successful writing involves, among other things, the ability to integrate information learnt by the writer in different kinds of contexts. Nowadays, the World Wide Web is a very useful source of information for second language students, as they can obtain information about very specific topics and practise a second language. In this paper, our main objective is to detail how the use of the World Wide Web can benefit the language skills of university students. Apart from practising a second language, students obtain useful information related to the specific subjects they study to achieve an Industrial Engineering degree in Spain. The purpose of this pilot study is twofold, to improve their performance in a second language (English) and to widen their knowledge of specific topics. The results obtained in this pilot study are shown and the benefits of the use of the World Wide Web are detailed.S235239116

    Corporate social responsibility in portfolio selection: A "goal games" against nature approach

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    Nowadays, there is an uprising social pressure on big companies to incorporate into their decision-making process elements of the so-called social responsibility. Among the many implications of this fact, one relevant one is the need to include this new element in classic portfolio selection models. This paper meets this challenge by formulating a model that combines goal programming with "goal games" against nature in a scenario where the social responsibility is defined through the introduction of a battery of sustainability indicators amalgamated into a synthetic index. In this way, we have obtained an efficient model that only implies solving a small number of linear programming problems. The proposed approach has been tested and illustrated by using a case study related to the selection of securities in international markets

    Informe sobre análisis y evolución del fenómeno de las redes sociales en España

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    This work presents a report about current of the Social Networks in Spain. These tools are very important to the communication and the interchange of events. The academic community is interested in the scientific and technological side too. The most relevant networks are presented. Rising new networks are studied too. Then we analyze the control that the Social Networks have on the economy and business and the links of the users. Finally we present side effects of the use of these tools.Resumen: Este trabajo establece un informe sobre el estado actual de las redes sociales en España. La importancia que en el momento actual tienen tales herramientas para la comunicación y el intercambio de eventos es totalmente indiscutible. Importancia también la tiene para la comunidad académica en su vertiente tanto científica como tecnológica. Se presentan los aspectos más significativos de las redes sociales de mayor relevancia y en sendas tablas se contrastan entre sí. También se revisan ejemplos de nuevas redes que comienzan a abrirse paso en la actualidad. Después se estudia la repercusión que sobre la economía y la empresa puedan tener las redes sociales y los tipos de vinculación que los usuarios tienen con ellas. Para terminar se tratan los efectos secundarios que puede tener el uso de estos medios.Abstract: This work presents a report about current of the Social Networks in Spain. These tools are very important to the communication and the interchange of events. The academic community is interested in the scientific and technological side too. The most relevant networks are presented. Rising new networks are studied too. Then we analyze the control that the Social Networks have on the economy and business and the links of the users. Finally we present side effects of the use of these tools