2,452 research outputs found

    Synthesis of phosphoramidite monomers equipped with complementary bases for solid-phase DNA oligomerization

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    We describe the preparation of two monomers that bear complementary nucleobases at the edges (guanine-2′-deoxycytidine and 2- aminoadenine-2′-deoxyuridine) and that are conveniently protected and activated for solid-phase automated DNA synthesis. We report the optimized synthetic routes leading to the four nucleobase derivatives involved, their crosscoupling reactions into dinucleobase-containing monomers, and their oligomerization in the DNA synthesizerFunding from the European Research Council (ERC-Starting Grant 279548 PROGRAM-NANO) and MINECO (CTQ2014-57729-P, SAF2017-87305-R and CTQ2017- 84727-P) is gratefully acknowledge

    Dietary level of fibre and age at weaning affect the proliferation of Clostridium perfrigens in the caecum, the incidence of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy and the performance of fattening rabbits

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fibre content and weaning age on Clostridium perfringens proliferation in the caecum and fattening mortality in growing rabbits farmed in a facility having Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy. The experiment consisted in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two weaning ages (28 days vs. 42 days) and two levels of dietary neutral detergent fibre assayed with a heat stable amylase and expressed exclusive of residual ash (aNDFom; 330 g/kg vs. 425 g/kg). Controls were made during two consecutive experimental periods that differed in hygienic environmental conditions by modifying the intensity of cleaning and disinfection in the farm previous to the trial. An interaction (P<0.001) was detected among the independent variables studied on Cl. perfringens enumeration in the caecal contents, as minimal values for this trait were obtained in non-medicated animals reared in a clean environment, and especially when they were weaned at a later age and fed the diet with the lower fibre content. The treatments studied also led to a variation in fattening mortality (from 4.7% to 34.0%), which was highly and positively correlated (P<0.001) to the average Cl. perfringens caecal counts in each combination of treatments. The results of the current study indicate that high counts of Cl. perfringens in the caecum can be used as an indicator of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy, and suggest that strategies designed to control its proliferation in the caecum might help to limit fattening mortality in rabbit fed diets not-medicated with antibiotics

    Plasmon tunability in metallodielectric metamaterials

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    The dielectric properties of metamaterials consisting of periodically arranged metallic nanoparticles of spherical shape are calculated by rigorously solving Maxwell's equations. Effective dielectric functions are obtained by comparing the reflectivity of planar surfaces limiting these materials with Fresnel's formulas for equivalent homogeneous media, showing mixing and splitting of individual-particle modes due to inter-particle interaction. Detailed results for simple cubic and fcc crystals of aluminum spheres in vacuum, silver spheres in vacuum, and silver spheres in a silicon matrix are presented. The filling fraction of the metal f is shown to determine the position of the plasmon modes of these metamaterials. Significant deviations are observed with respect to Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory for large f, and multiple plasmons are predicted to exist in contrast to Maxwell-Garnett theory.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Distributed deep reinforcement learning resource allocation scheme for industry 4.0 Device-To-Device scenarios

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    This paper proposes a distributed deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methodology for autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to manage radio resources in an indoor factory with no network infrastructure. Hence, deep neural networks (DNN) are used to optimize the decision policy of the robots, which will make decisions in a distributed manner without signalling exchange. To speed up the learning phase, a centralized training is adopted in which a single DNN is trained using the experience from all robots. Once completed, the pre-trained DNN is deployed at all robots for distributed selection of resources. The performance of this approach is evaluated and compared to 5G NR sidelink mode 2 via simulations. The results show that the proposed method achieves up to 5% higher probability of successful reception when the density of robots in the scenario is high.This work has been partially funded by Junta de Andalucía (projects EDEL4.0:UMA18-FEDERJA-172 and PENTA:PY18-4647) and Universidad de Málaga (I Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica). Ramoni Adeogun is supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research, grant no. DFF 9041-00146B. The authors would like to express their profound gratitude to Nokia Standardization Aalborg and Aalborg University for funding the first author’s research stay. The authors thank Assoc. Prof. Gilberto Beradinelli for his comments on the manuscript

    Máster en Educación Matemática en Colombia

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    El grupo Didáctica de la Matemática: Pensamiento Numérico (FQM-193), del Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI) ha venido colaborando con la Universidad de los Andes de Bogotá, Colombia en la realización de un máster de profundización para profesores de matemáticas de secundaria en ejercicio. La primera versión de este máster se inició en enero de 2010. El programa busca contribuir al desarrollo del conocimiento didáctico de los profesores en formación, al guiarlos en la puesta en práctica de un ciclo del análisis didáctico e involucra esquemas metodológicos y de evaluación que se adaptan a su carácter semi virtual. En este trabajo se describirá el diseño curricular del programa y se presentarán unas primeras impresiones acerca de su desarrollo

    A pilot randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of infant massage on the acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence in parents of babies with Down syndrome

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    Background The emotional state of parents of babies with Down syndrome affects their babies’ development and their parent–child bonding. The aim for this study was to conduct a pilot randomised controlled evaluation of the effect of infant massage on parents of babies with Down syndrome. Methods This pilot study compared two groups (intervention and control), each with 16 parents of babies with Down syndrome. Indices of acceptance, engagement and awareness of influence were measured at two different time points (pre-test and after 5 weeks) using the ‘This Is My Baby’ Interview. The allocation of families to each group was randomised. The experimental group performed infant massage, applied by the parents, for 5 weeks, every day for at least 10 min. The massage protocol was based on the methodology created by Vimala McClure. Parents in the control group received the intervention after completion of the study. Results The indices of acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence improved in the experimental group and in the control group. The 2 × 2 mixed-model analysis of variance indicates a statistically significant group-by-time interaction for all indices (P < 0.001), which was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusions The application of infant massage, by parents to their babies, improves the rates of acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence of parents of babies with Down syndrome in the short termFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Resuspension, Redistribution, and Deposition of Oil-Residues to Offshore Depocenters After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    The focus of this study was to determine the long-term fate of oil-residues from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DwH) oil spill due to remobilization, transport, and re-distribution of oil residue contaminated sediments to down-slope depocenters following initial deposition on the seafloor. We characterized hydrocarbon residues, bulk sediment organic matter, ease of resuspension, sedimentology, and accumulation rates to define distribution patterns in a 14,300 km2 area southeast of the DwH wellhead (1,500 to 2,600 m water depth). Oil-residues from the DwH were detected at low concentrations in 62% of the studied sites at specific sediment layers, denoting episodic deposition of oil-residues during 2010–2014 and 2015–2018 periods. DwH oil residues exhibited a spatial distribution pattern that did not correspond with the distribution of the surface oil slick, subsurface plume or original seafloor spatial expression. Three different regions were apparent in the overall study area and distinguished by the episodic nature of sediment accumulation, the ease of sediment resuspension, the timing of oil-residue deposition, carbon content and isotopic composition and foram fracturing extent. These data indicate that resuspension and down-slope redistribution of oil-residues occurred in the years following the DwH event and must be considered in determining the fate of the spilled oil deposited on the seafloor

    Molecular Markers of Biogenic and Oil-Derived Hydrocarbons in Deep-Sea Sediments Following the Deepwater Horizon Spill

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    Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (DWHOS), the formation of an unexpected and extended sedimentation event of oil-associated marine snow (MOSSFA: Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation) demonstrated the importance of biology on the fate of contaminants in the oceans. We used a wide range of compound-specific data (aliphatics, hopanes, steranes, triaromatic steroids, polycyclic aromatics) to chemically characterize the MOSSFA event containing abundant and multiple hydrocarbon sources (e.g., oil residues and phytoplankton). Sediment samples were collected in 2010–2011 (ERMA-NRDA programs: Environmental Response Management Application – Natural Resource Damage Assessment) and 2018 (REDIRECT project: Resuspension, Redistribution and Deposition of Deepwater Horizon recalcitrant hydrocarbons to offshore depocenter) in the northern Gulf of Mexico to assess the role of biogenic and chemical processes on the fate of oil residues in sediments. The chemical data revealed the deposition of the different hydrocarbon mixtures observed in the water column during the DWHOS (e.g., oil slicks, submerged-plumes), defining the chemical signature of MOSSFA relative to where it originated in the water column and its fate in deep-sea sediments. MOSSFA from surface waters covered 90% of the deep-sea area studied and deposited 32% of the total oil residues observed in deep-sea areas after the DWHOS while MOSSFA originated at depth from the submerged plumes covered only 9% of the deep-sea area studied and was responsible for 15% of the total deposition of oil residues. In contrast, MOSSFA originated at depth from the water column covered only 1% of the deep-sea area studied (mostly in close proximity of the DWH wellhead) but was responsible for 53% of the total deposition of oil residues observed after the spill in this area. This study describes, for the first time, a multi-chemical method for the identification of biogenic and oil-derived inputs to deep-sea sediments, critical for improving our understanding of carbon inputs and storage at depth in open ocean systems

    Proteome analysis of human serum proteins adsorbed onto different titanium surfaces used in dental implants

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    Titanium dental implants are commonly used due to their biocompatibility and biochemical properties; blasted acid-etched Ti is used more frequently than smooth Ti surfaces. In this study, physico-chemical characterisation revealed important differences in roughness, chemical composition and hydrophilicity, but no differences were found in cellular in vitro studies (proliferation and mineralization). However, the deposition of proteins onto the implant surface might affect in vivo osseointegration. To test that hypothesis, protein layers formed on discs of both surface type after incubation with human serum were analysed. Using mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), 218 proteins were identified, 30 of which were associated with bone metabolism. Interestingly, Apo E, antithrombin and protein C adsorbed mostly onto blasted and acid-etched Ti, whereas the proteins of the complement system (C3) were found predominantly on smooth Ti surfaces. These results suggest that physico-chemical characteristics could be responsible for the differences observed in the adsorbed protein layer.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [MAT 2014-51918-C2-2-R], Universidad de Castellón [P11B2014-19], Plan de Promoción de la Investigación de la Universidad Jaume I under grant [Predoc/2014/25] and Generalitat Valenciana under grant [Grisolia/2014/016]. The authors would like to thank Antonio Coso and Jaime Franco (GMI-Ilerimplant) for their inestimable contribution to this study, and Iraida Escobes (CIC bioGUNE) for her valuable technical assistance