41 research outputs found

    Relações hídricas do açaizeiro em mata de várzea do estuário do Amazonas.

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    As relações hídricas do açaizeiro(Euterpe oleracea Mart.) foram avaliadas em plantas adultas, vegetando em ecossistemas típicos de mata inundável do estuário amazônico, com o objetivo de verificar os possíveis efeitos da inundação periódica total ou parcial dos sistemas radiculares e de outros fatores ambientais sobre o fluxo de água no sistema solo-planta-atmosfera. Foram avaliados, nas épocas chuvosa e seca, a condutância estomática ao fluxo de vapor d?água, o potencial hídrico foliar, o teor relativo de água dos tecidos foliares e o teor relativo de água no ponto de perda de turgor dos tecidos dos folíolos, relacionando-os com o défice de pressão de vapor d?água da atmosfera (DPV), radiação solar e altura das marés. O açaizeiro tem uma condutância máxima baixa (0,160 mol.m-2.s-1) em relação a outras palmeiras e os seus estômatos respondem mais à radiação solar do que ao DPV. Observou-se também que a espécie é adaptada a ambientes de hipoxia do sistema radicular e que as inundações periódicas, por efeito das marés, não afetam a absorção de água pelas raízes. Também na época seca (estação das marés baixas), esta espécie mantem a absorção de água em níveis suficientes para suprir a demanda transpiratória

    an experimental approach with a trauma film paradigm

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    Background Intrusive memories of traumatic events are a core feature of post- traumatic stress disorder but little is known about the neurobiological formation of intrusions. The aim of this study was to determine whether the activity of the noradrenergic system during an intrusion-inducing stressor would influence subsequent intrusive memories. Method We conducted an experimental, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 118 healthy women. Participants received a single dose of either 10 mg yohimbine, stimulating noradrenergic activity, or 0.15 mg clonidine, inhibiting noradrenergic activity, or placebo. Subsequently, they watched an established trauma film which induced intrusions. The number of consecutive intrusions resulting from the trauma film, the vividness of the intrusions, and the degree of distress evoked by the intrusions were assessed during the following 4 days. Salivary cortisol and α-amylase were collected before and after the trauma film. Results A significant time × treatment interaction for the number of intrusions and the vividness of intrusions indicated a different time course of intrusions depending on treatment. Post-hoc tests revealed a delayed decrease of intrusions and a delayed decrease of intrusion vividness after the trauma film in the yohimbine group compared with the clonidine and placebo groups. Furthermore, after yohimbine administration, a significant increase in salivary cortisol levels was observed during the trauma film. Conclusions Our findings indicate that pharmacological activation of the noradrenergic system during an emotionally negative event makes an impact on consecutive intrusive memories and their vividness in healthy women. The noradrenergic system seems to be involved in the formation of intrusive memories

    Time Savings Using a Digital Workflow versus a Conventional for Intraocular Lens Implantation in a Corporate Chain Hospital Setting [Corrigendum]

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    Rombold F, Niederdellmann C, Pariti R, Khayat B. Clin Ophthalmol. 2024;18:113-119. On page 113, Abstract, Results subheading, “The digital cataract workflow resulted in shorter mean (± standard deviation [SD]) preoperative assessments with lesser variability among individual assessments than the existing workflow (14.15 ± 1.86 vs 21.41 ± 1.18 min, respectively); with a time saving of 35%” should have been “The digital cataract workflow resulted in shorter mean (± standard deviation [SD]) preoperative assessments with lesser variability among individual assessments than the existing workflow (14.15 ± 1.18 vs 21.41 ± 2.26 min, respectively); with a time saving of 35%”. On page 115, Results section, Preoperative Assessments, 2nd paragraph, “The overall mean (±SD) process time for the preoperative assessments was reduced in the digital cataract workflow (14.15 [±1.86] min) compared to the existing conventional workflow (21.41 [±1.18] min) with an overall time saving of approximately 35% (Table 1)” should have been “The overall mean (±SD) process time for the preoperative assessments was reduced in the digital cataract workflow (14.15 [±1.18] min) compared to the existing conventional workflow (21.41 [±2.26] min) with an overall time saving of approximately 35% (Table 1)”. On page 116, Table 1, Preoperative assessments# row, the standard deviation values in the 3rd and 4th columns were flipped in error, 14.15 ± 1.86 should be 14.15 ± 1.18 and 21.41 ± 1.18 should be 21.41 ± 2.26. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused by these errors and for any confusion that may have arisen as a result. They would like to assure the readers that these corrections do not affect the results or conclusions of the paper

    An inclusive Research and Education Community (iREC) model to facilitate undergraduate science education reform

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    Funding: This work was supported by Howard Hughes Medical Institute grants to DIH is GT12052 and MJG is GT15338.Over the last two decades, there have been numerous initiatives to improve undergraduate student outcomes in STEM. One model for scalable reform is the inclusive Research Education Community (iREC). In an iREC, STEM faculty from colleges and universities across the nation are supported to adopt and sustainably implement course-based research – a form of science pedagogy that enhances student learning and persistence in science. In this study, we used pathway modeling to develop a qualitative description that explicates the HHMI Science Education Alliance (SEA) iREC as a model for facilitating the successful adoption and continued advancement of new curricular content and pedagogy. In particular, outcomes that faculty realize through their participation in the SEA iREC were identified, organized by time, and functionally linked. The resulting pathway model was then revised and refined based on several rounds of feedback from over 100 faculty members in the SEA iREC who participated in the study. Our results show that in an iREC, STEM faculty organized as a long-standing community of practice leverage one another, outside expertise, and data to adopt, implement, and iteratively advance their pedagogy. The opportunity to collaborate in this manner and, additionally, to be recognized for pedagogical contributions sustainably engages STEM faculty in the advancement of their pedagogy. Here, we present a detailed pathway model of SEA that, together with underpinning features of an iREC identified in this study, offers a framework to facilitate transformations in undergraduate science education.Peer reviewe

    Glucocorticoide im subakuten Stadium von Punctate Inner Choroidopathy

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    Retinale Blutungen bei Kataraktoperation

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    Visual quality of life before and after vitreomacular surgery of Macular Pucker

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    Hydroxyacetophenone Derivatives from Baccharis glutinosa

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