1,840 research outputs found

    Spectral variability of classical T Tauri stars accreting in an unstable regime

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    Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) are variable in different time-scales. One type of variability is possibly connected with the accretion of matter through the Rayleigh-Taylor instability that occurs at the interface between an accretion disc and a stellar magnetosphere. In this regime, matter accretes in several temporarily formed accretion streams or `tongues' which appear in random locations, and produce stochastic photometric and line variability. We use the results of global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of matter flows in both stable and unstable accretion regimes to calculate time-dependent hydrogen line profiles and study their variability behaviours. In the stable regime, some hydrogen lines (e.g. H-beta, H-gamma, H-delta, Pa-beta and Br-gamma) show a redshifted absorption component only during a fraction of a stellar rotation period, and its occurrence is periodic. However, in the unstable regime, the redshifted absorption component is present rather persistently during a whole stellar rotation cycle, and its strength varies non-periodically. In the stable regime, an ordered accretion funnel stream passes across the line of sight to an observer only once per stellar rotation period while in the unstable regime, several accreting streams/tongues, which are formed randomly, pass across the line of sight to an observer. The latter results in the quasi-stationarity appearance of the redshifted absorption despite the strongly unstable nature of the accretion. In the unstable regime, multiple hot spots form on the surface of the star, producing the stochastic light curve with several peaks per rotation period. This study suggests a CTTS that exhibits a stochastic light curve and a stochastic line variability, with a rather persistent redshifted absorption component, may be accreting in the unstable accretion regime.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gamma-ray Flares and VLBI Outbursts of Blazars

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    A model is developed for the time dependent electromagnetic - radio to gamma-ray - emission of active galactic nuclei, specifically, the blazars, based on the acceleration and creation of leptons at a propagating discontinuity or {\it front} of a Poynting flux jet. The front corresponds to a discrete relativistic jet component as observed with very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI). Equations are derived for the number, momentum, and energy of particles in the front taking into account synchrotron, synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC), and inverse-Compton processes as well as photon-photon pair production. The apparent synchrotron, SSC, and inverse-Compton luminosities as functions of time are determined. Predictions of the model are compared with observations in the gamma, optical and radio bands. The delay between the high-energy gamma-ray flare and the onset of the radio is explained by self-absorption and/or free-free absorption by external plasma. Two types of gamma-ray flares are predicted depending on pair creation in the front.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to ApJ. 10 figures can be obtained from R. Lovelace by sending postal address to [email protected]

    Spinning-Down of Moving Magnetars in the Propeller Regime

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    We use axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations to investigate the spinning-down of magnetars rotating in the propeller regime and moving supersonically through the interstellar medium. The simulations indicate that magnetars spin-down rapidly due to this interaction, faster than for the case of a non-moving star. From many simulation runs we have derived an approximate scaling laws for the angular momentum loss rate, \dot{L} \propto \~\eta_m^{0.3}\mu^{0.6}\rho^{0.8}{\cal M}^{-0.4} \Omega_*^{1.5}, where \rho is the density of the interstellar medium, \cal M is Mach number, \mu is the star's magnetic moment, \Omega_* is its angular velocity, and \eta_m is magnetic diffusivity. A magnetar with a surface magnetic field of 10^{13} - 10^{15} G is found to spin-down to a period P > 10^5-10^6 s in \sim 10^4 - 10^5 years. There is however uncertainty about the value of the magnetic diffusivity so that the time-scale may be longer. We discuss this model in respect of Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) and the isolated neutron star candidate RXJ1856.5-3754.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRAS. See version with better resolution figures and animation at http://astrosun2.astro.cornell.edu/us-rus/propeller.ht

    Global 3D Simulations of Disc Accretion onto the classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri

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    The magnetic field of the classical T Tauri star BP Tau can be approximated as a superposition of dipole and octupole moments with respective strengths of the polar magnetic fields of 1.2 kG and 1.6 kG (Donati et al. 2008). We adopt the measured properties of BP Tau and model the disc accretion onto the star. We observed in simulations that the disc is disrupted by the dipole component and matter flows towards the star in two funnel streams which form two accretion spots below the dipole magnetic poles. The octupolar component becomes dynamically important very close to the star and it redirects the matter flow to higher latitudes. The spots are meridionally elongated and are located at higher latitudes, compared with the pure dipole case, where crescent-shaped, latitudinally elongated spots form at lower latitudes. The position and shape of the spots are in good agreement with observations. The disk-magnetosphere interaction leads to the inflation of the field lines and to the formation of magnetic towers above and below the disk. The magnetic field of BP Tau is close to the potential only near the star, inside the magnetospheric surface, where magnetic stress dominates over the matter stress. A series of simulation runs were performed for different accretion rates. They show that an accretion rate is lower than obtained in many observations, unless the disc is truncated close to the star. The torque acting on the star is about an order of magnitude lower than that which is required for the rotational equilibrium. We suggest that a star could lose most of its angular momentum at earlier stages of its evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing

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    This training manual includes term project methodical guide on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing" in English. The main purpose of the training manual is to provide students the theoretical and methodological assistance at performance the term project on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing". The manual contains the initial data and reference material needed to perform the calculations. The manual is intended for the students of speciality 6.050304 "Oil and gas production" in English

    Three-dimensional simulations of rotationally-induced line variability from a Classical T Tauri star with a misaligned magnetic dipole

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    We present three-dimensional (3-D) simulations of rotationally induced line variability arising from complex circumstellar environment of classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) using the results of the 3-D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of Romanova et al., who considered accretion onto a CTTS with a misaligned dipole magnetic axis with respect to the rotational axis. The density, velocity and temperature structures of the MHD simulations are mapped on to the radiative transfer grid, and corresponding line source function and the observed profiles of neutral hydrogen lines (H-beta, Pa-beta and Br-gamma) are computed using the Sobolev escape probability method. We study the dependency of line variability on inclination angles (i) and magnetic axis misalignment angles (Theta). By comparing our models with the Pa-beta profiles of 42 CTTS observed by Folha & Emerson, we find that models with a smaller misaligngment angle (Theta<~15 deg.) are more consistent with the observations which show that majority of Pa-beta are rather symmetric around the line centre. For a high inclination system with a small dipole misalignment angle (Theta ~ 15 deg.), only one accretion funnel (on the upper hemisphere) is visible to an observer at any given rotational phase. This can cause an anti-correlation of the line equivalent width in the blue wing (v0) over a half of a rotational period, and a positive correlation over other half. We find a good overall agreement of the line variability behaviour predicted by our model and those from observations. (Abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. A version with full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.physics.unlv.edu/~rk/preprint/inclined_dipole.pd