123 research outputs found

    Le rôle de la culture dans l'intégration des immigrants russophones en Estrie

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    Notre mémoire s’articule principalement autour des sujets suivants : intégration des immigrants, médiation culturelle, culture et surtout la culture russe dans le contexte de l’immigration. Plus spécifiquement, notre recherche porte sur le rôle de la culture dans l’intégration des immigrants russophones en Estrie. Étudier le cas des immigrants russophones à Sherbrooke nous semble très intéressant car, au premier regard, la communauté russophone de Sherbrooke semble répondre à la fois aux objectifs de la politique de la régionalisation du Québec et aux objectifs des immigrants (intégration socio-économique et culturelle dans la société d’accueil, visibilité, transmission culturelle). Alors quels sens les immigrants russophones donnent-ils à leur culture et quel rôle celle-ci joue-t-elle dans leur intégration en Estrie? Les témoignages de quinze immigrants russophones ont été recueillis au moyen d’entrevues individuelles et cinq observations directes ont été faites au cours des activités organisées par la communauté de la langue russe de Sherbrooke. Les données ont été analysées selon une méthode qualitative. La théorie de la gestion de l’anxiété/incertitude de l’ajustement interculturel et d’autres études dans le domaine de la communication interculturelle ont servi de base théorique pour notre recherche. Les immigrants russophones conçoivent l’intégration réussie en termes de santé psychologique et de satisfaction générale avec la culture d’adoption (intégration psychologique), ainsi qu’en termes d’interactions efficaces avec les membres de la société hôte (intégration socioculturelle). La culture d’origine est ritualisée et favorise une attitude nostalgique. Les activités organisées par la communauté de la langue russe de l’Estrie permettent aux russophones de partager la nostalgie de leurs pays d’origine (Russie, Ukraine, Biélorussie et Kazakhstan) en tant qu’étape de l’intégration. En outre, ces activités constituent un appui informatif et psychologique pour les immigrants russophones. Finalement, l’organisation des événements ouverts aux Québécois aide à briser les stéréotypes et contribue indirectement à l’intégration


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    The use of authentic films offers great opportunities for developing the range of skills and abilities required in all aspects of speech activity. This type of activity is particularly important for students who study Russian outside the language environment. This article examines the criteria for selecting video films as linguo-didactic material, which can be used in teaching foreign higher education students with advanced language skills based on modern methodological principles, i.e. communicative approaches and linguo-cultural information about the studied country, as well as increasing personal motivation among students for learning. Analyzing the results of a trial survey conducted among foreign students, as well as identifying the linguistic and extra-linguistic features of selected films, the authors suggest ways to use video with the help of new technologies. Article visualizations

    Regulation of the Duration of Spawning Cycles of Catfish in Industrial Aquaculture

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    This article is devoted to the study of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus eggs produced at different durations of the inter-spawning interval. Eggs were produced artificially using sex hormones. In industrial aquaculture, the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus does not reproduce naturally. Therefore, the problem of obtaining high-quality eggs that will be used for in-vitro fertilization is urgent. To implement artificial spawning of fish in industrial aquaculture, it is necessary to correctly choose the effective hormonal stimulator and empirically select its dose. Sex hormones are involved in regulating the duration of the inter-spawning interval and affect the quality of eggs produced both for fertilization and for food purposes. The pituitary gland of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus and surfagon were used as gametogenesis stimulators. The aim of the work was to study the optimal duration of the inter-spawning interval and the effect of hormonal inducers used to stimulate artificial spawning in industrial aquaculture. The use of the catfish pituitary gland in fresh or acetonated form as a hormonal stimulator provided higher-quality eggs, compared to the synthetic hormonal drug - surfagon. Stimulation with acetonated pituitary injections reduced the inter-spawning interval of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus to three months, and the use of surfagon prolonged the inter-spawning interval to four months. Reducing the duration of the inter-spawning interval is important for the production of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus eggs for food purposes. Studies have shown that reducing the optimal duration of the inter-spawning interval negatively affects the quality of the produced eggs and their quantity. This research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, project No. 18-016-00127. Keywords: aquaculture, African Catfish Clarias gariepinus, eggs, inter-spawning period, sex hormones, oocyte

    A numerical analysis of formation of the surface relief: A single inclusion model

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    The influence of the material inhomogeneity on free surface roughening under uniaxial loading is simulated numerically in the framework of the mechanics of heterogeneous media, using a model of a single cubic inclusion embedded in a matrix as an example. Mechanical problems in 2D and 3D formulations are solved numerically by the finite-difference and finite-element methods. The stress-strain state responsible for the free surface roughening is examined. The effects of the inclusion orientation and location relative to the free surface and inclusion-to-matrix elastic modulus ratio on the surface relief characteristics are discussed


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    O objetivo deste artigo é revelar as manifestações pessoais e confirmações da autorrealização dos alunos para determinar seu bem-estar psicológico no processo de aprendizado na escola superior russa. No estudo, foi utilizado o método de análise do tesauro, através do qual os autores processaram as respostas dos alunos em uma pesquisa especial. Esse método tornou possível destacar os marcadores semânticos da autorrealização dos alunos com seu agrupamento subsequente em três tesauros significado: o tesauro de prontidão para a autorrealização; tesauro de ações de autorrealização; tesauro de ativadores de autorrealização. De acordo com os dados da pesquisa, o estudo identificou três principais dominantes narrativas do bem-estar psicológico dos alunos na educação, tais como: envolvimento do ego no processo educacional, divulgação abrangente de capacidades pessoais e aceitação na comunidade universitária. Esses dominantes formaram a base de critérios de um estudo especial para determinar o nível de autorrealização dos alunos e seu bem-estar psicológico no ensino universitário. Os resultados resumidos mostraram que o processo de educação universitária fornece as condições e oportunidades necessárias para a autorrealização para a maioria dos estudantes entrevistados durante este estudo.The purpose of this article is to reveal personal manifestations and confirmations of students' self-fulfillment in order to identify their psychological well-being in the process of learning in the Russian higher school. The study applied the method of thesaurus analysis by which the authors processed students' responses during a special survey. This method made it possible to highlight the semantic markers of students' self-fulfillment with their subsequent clustering into three sense thesauri: the thesaurus of self-fulfillment readiness; thesaurus of the self-fulfillment actions; thesaurus of self- fulfillment activators. In accordance with the data of the survey, the study identified three leading narrative dominants of students' psychological well-being in learning: ego-inclusion in the educational process, comprehensive disclosure of personal abilities and acceptance in the university community. These dominants formed the basis for a special study to determine the level of students' self-fulfillment and their psychological well-being in university training. The summarized results showed that the process of university education provides the necessary conditions and opportunities for self-fulfillment of most of the students surveyed in the study.El propósito de este artículo es revelar las manifestaciones personales y las confirmaciones de la autorrealización de los estudiantes para determinar su bienestar psicológico en el proceso de educación en la escuela superior rusa. En el estudio, se utilizó el método de análisis de tesauros, a través del cual los autores procesaron las respuestas de los estudiantes en una encuesta especial. Este método permitió distinguir los marcadores semánticos de la autorrealización de los estudiantes con su posterior agrupación en tres tesauros sentido: el tesauro de la preparación para la autorrealización; el tesauro de las acciones de autorrealización; el tesauro de las activadoras de autorrealización. De acuerdo con los datos de la encuesta, el estudio identificó tres narrativas dominantes del bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes en de aprendizaje, como: la implicación del ego en el proceso educativo, la divulgación versátil de las capacidades personales y la aceptación en la comunidad universitaria. Estos dominantes formaron la base de criterios de un estudio especial para determinar el nivel de autorrealización de los estudiantes y su bienestar psicológico en la educación universitaria. Los resultados resumidos mostraron que el proceso de educación universitaria proporciona las condiciones y oportunidades necesarias para la autorrealización de la mayoría de los estudiantes entrevistados durante este estudio


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    The article focuses on smart learning technologies such as wiki, video and audio podcasts which are used both online and offline in a foreign language teaching process. These technologies are applied to complement traditional methods of teaching, enhance the learning motivation of students, provide them with possibilities to realize their intellectual and creative potential

    Determinantes sociais e psicológicos de estados depressivos em estudantes do segundo grau

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    The purpose of the study is to determine how the demand for self-actualization, level of development, and satisfaction, combined with the degree of social isolation of adolescents, affects their risk of depression. A total of 600 adolescents aged 15-16 were surveyed (random sample, 320 girls and 280 boys). A high level of positive correlation was revealed between the indicators of self-esteem of social isolation of adolescents and the severity of their depressive states, as well as a negative correlation of depressive states with indicators of the level of their self-actualization. The study showed that social exclusion can be both a cause and a consequence of various depressive states. This study confirmed the importance of examining the tendency of adolescents to show depression, and it is essential to take into account even low levels of depression.El propósito del estudio es determinar cómo la demanda de autorrealización, el nivel de desarrollo y satisfacción, combinado con el grado de aislamiento social de los adolescentes, afecta su riesgo de depresión. Materiales y métodos. Se encuestó a un total de 600 adolescentes de 15 a 16 años (muestra aleatoria, 320 niñas y 280 niños). Se reveló un alto nivel de correlación positiva entre los indicadores de autoestima del aislamiento social de los adolescentes y la gravedad de sus estados depresivos, así como una correlación negativa de los estados depresivos con indicadores del nivel de su autorrealización. Discusión. El estudio mostró que la exclusión social puede ser tanto causa como consecuencia de diversos estados depresivos. Conclusión. Este estudio confirmó la importancia de examinar la tendencia de los adolescentes a mostrar depresión, y es fundamental tener en cuenta incluso los niveles bajos de depresión.O objetivo do estudo é determinar como a demanda por autorrealização, nível de desenvolvimento e satisfação, combinados com o grau de isolamento social dos adolescentes, afeta seu risco de depressão. Foram pesquisados 600 adolescentes de 15 a 16 anos (amostra aleatória, 320 meninas e 280 meninos). Foi revelado um alto nível de correlação positiva entre os indicadores de autoestima de isolamento social dos adolescentes e a gravidade de seus estados depressivos, bem como uma correlação negativa dos estados depressivos com indicadores do nível de sua autorrealização. O estudo mostrou que a exclusão social pode ser causa e consequência de vários estados depressivos. Este estudo confirmou a importância de examinar a tendência dos adolescentes a apresentarem depressão, sendo essencial levar em conta mesmo níveis baixos de depressão

    Pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle species and varieties

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    Studies to assess the pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle were conducted on the ecosystem dendrological territory of the Siberian Botanical garden of TSU (Tomsk). Objects of research: 8 varieties and 4 species of blue honeysuckle – ‘Velvet’, ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Ogneny Opal’, ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’, Lonicera altaica, L. edulis, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii. It was found that the ‘Ogneny Opal’ and ‘Velvet’ varieties have low fertility, and the ‘Berel’ and L. edulis have an average fertility. Other varieties and species of honeysuckle have high pollen fertility. The viability of pollen with high values is more than 60 % – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Lazurnaya’, L. turczaninovii, L. kamtschatica, with average values from 40% to 60 % – ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’ and L. altaica, with low values – less than 40 % – ‘Velvet’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Ogneny Opal’ and L. edulis. High pollen productivity – more than 20,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Tomichka’, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii and L. edulis, average productivity - from 10,000 to 20,000 pollen grains – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Selena’ and L. altaica, low productivity – less than 10,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Velvet’, ‘Ogneny Opal’. It is recommended to use at least 10% of varieties with high pollen viability and pollen productivity as pollinators when creating industrial honeysuckle plantations: ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, and ‘Berel’