431 research outputs found

    Indicadores de saúde reprodutiva na América Latina e no Caribe

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    Incluye BibliografíaNeste estudo, que tem por objetivo analisar indicadores de saúde reprodutiva na America Latina e no Caribe, optou-se por trabalhar com os seguintes países: Brasil, o Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia, Colômbia, Cuba, Jamaica, México e Nicarágua, que ,por sua diversidade geográfica, ofereciam uma perspectiva mais acurada sobre o universo em questão. Neste trabalho foram analisados os seguintes indicadores de saúde reprodutiva: mortalidade materna, gravidez na adolescência, planejamento familiar e HIV/AIDS. Optou-se também por incluir o aborto como um indicador de saúde reprodutiva posto que transversalisa as demais dimensões, incidindo sobre as mesmas. Foram utilizados como principal fonte de consulta destes indicadores de saúde reprodutiva os sítios eletrônicos da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL), do Development Health Survey (DHS) e das Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milênio nas Nações Unidas (MDGS.UN). E, além destas, foram consultadas outras fontes como os sítios dos Ministérios da Saúde dos países em estudo, da UNAIDS, do PNUD, da OMS e da OPAS dentre outros. Procurou-se. traçar um panorama das fontes de informação sobre esta temática, destacando o tipo de informação produzida e sua dimensão temporal. Neste sentid o foram analisados os os anos mais recentes disponibilizados em cada fonte de pesquisa, tomando como ponto de partida o ultimo ano em que foram encontradas informações disponíveis e retrocedendo três anos. Cada dimensão de saúde reprodutiva foi analisada obedecendo a abordagem metodológica similar. Neste sentido, cada indicador foi contextualizado de forma similar, indicando dificuldades e apresentando algumas recomendações quanto a sua melhoria. O objetivo desde estudo é contribuir, com essas informações e sugestões para a proposição de melhorias e para a universalização do acesso à serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva

    Engineered industrial yeast for resveratrol de novo production from wine waste

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is widely used as a cell factory to produce several chemicals of interest, from biofuels to high-value natural products. Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound with strong antioxidant activity, naturally present in plants such as grapes, that can be synthesized by fermentation. Its microbial biosynthesis is a valuable alternative to its plant extraction or chemical synthesis, both complex and unsustainable. Nevertheless, its biosynthesis is mostly attained from expensive substrates such as p-coumaric acid. Therefore, there is a demand for cheaper substrates, namely carbon sources. Portugal and Spain are two of the largest wine manufacturers in the world, and this vast production generates a substantial amount of wine wastes like grape pomace or wine lees. Wine lees, consisting of residual fermentative microorganisms and other particles, have high organic content and ethanol, among other components. They have been previously proposed as economic nutrients for microbial production of biochemical products but could also be used as substrate. Furthermore, there is a significant surplus of grape must that is not used for wine production, which could serve as a carbon source for biotechnological processes that generate value-added products. Here, a robust industrial diploid strain engineered with the resveratrol biosynthetic pathway[1] via CRISPR/Cas9 was used for resveratrol production from carbon sources. Initially, overexpression of genes from the Pentose Phosphate Pathway coupled with the expression of AtATR2 and ScCYB5 for enhancement of cytochrome P450 activity increased resveratrol titre by 55%. Subsequently, resveratrol production using wine waste as substrate was assessed. Grape must fermentation, using glucose and fructose as carbon sources, led to a production of 259 mg/L of resveratrol. In addition, fermentation of wine lees achieved a titre of 264 mg/L of resveratrol using ethanol as sole carbon source. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of resveratrol production exclusively from ethanol. The use of wine wastes expands the palette of feedstocks available for the establishment of sustainable processes in a circular bioeconomy.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit; Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/130739/2017 to Carlos E. Costa, and BIOVINO (0688_BIOVINO_6_E)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Yeast cell factory development for biorefineries

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    The development and establishment of biorefineries are key factors for the sustainable growth of a society based on a bioeconomy. However, to make these bioprocesses economically feasible, intensified and flexible processes, responsive to feedstock and market fluctuations, have to be considered. Fermentation is a core operation unit in this process, typically performed by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In intensified lignocellulose conversion processes the yeast has to be able to work under very demanding conditions, that is, low pH, presence of fermentation inhibitors, high temperature and solid loadings, simultaneous consumption of C6 and C5 sugars[1,2]. Thus, the development of efficient yeast cell factories is mandatory for bringing lignocellulose-tobioethanol processes to a next level and also for upgrading these systems for the sustainable production of bioethanol and high-value biochemicals (such as xylitol and arabitol), a vital endeavor to successfully implement a bioeconomy. We will present examples of intensified and productive conditions attained by metabolic engineering strategies applied over robust industrial yeast chassis. The presented results attest the feasibility of intensifying biomass-to-ethanol processes[3] and show how this integrated strategy has the potential to be the driver for the emergence of economical and sustainable processes for biofuels and high-value chemicals production from lignocellulosic biomass.Study supported by FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI01-0145-FEDER-006684), Project MultiBiorefinery (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403), and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety Analysis Methods for Complex Systems in Aviation

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    Each new concept of operation and equipment generation in aviation becomes more automated, integrated and interconnected. In the case of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), this evolution allows drastically decreasing aircraft weight and operational cost, but these benefits are also realized in highly automated manned aircraft and ground Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems. The downside of these advances is overwhelmingly more complex software and hardware, making it harder to identify potential failure paths. Although there are mandatory certification processes based on broadly accepted standards, such as ARP4754 and its family, ESARR 4 and others, these standards do not allow proof or disproof of safety of disruptive technology changes, such as GBAS Precision Approaches, Autonomous UAS, aircraft self-separation and others. In order to leverage the introduction of such concepts, it is necessary to develop solid knowledge on the foundations of safety in complex systems and use this knowledge to elaborate sound demonstrations of either safety or unsafety of new system designs. These demonstrations at early design stages will help reducing costs both on development of new technology as well as reducing the risk of such technology causing accidents when in use. This paper presents some safety analysis methods which are not in the industry standards but which we identify as having benefits for analyzing safety of advanced technological concepts in aviation

    Characterization of the Inner Knot of the Crab: The Site of the Gamma-ray Flares?

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    One of the most intriguing results from the gamma-ray instruments in orbit has been the detection of powerful flares from the Crab Nebula. These flares challenge our understanding of pulsar wind nebulae and models for particle acceleration. We report on the portion of a multiwavelength campaign using Keck, HST, and Chandra concentrating on a small emitting region, the Crab's inner knot, located a fraction of an arcsecond from the pulsar. We find that the knot's radial size, tangential size, peak flux, and the ratio of the flux to that of the pulsar are correlated with the projected distance of the knot from the pulsar. A new approach, using singular value decomposition for analyzing time series of images, was introduced yielding results consistent with the more traditional methods while some uncertainties were substantially reduced. We exploit the characterization of the knot to discuss constraints on standard shock-model parameters that may be inferred from our observations assuming the inner knot lies near to the shocked surface. These include inferences as to wind magnetization, shock shape parameters such as incident angle and poloidal radius of curvature, as well as the IR/optical emitting particle enthalpy fraction. We find that while the standard shock model gives good agreement with observation in many respects, there remain two puzzles: (a) The observed angular size of the knot relative to the pulsar--knot separation is much smaller than expected; (b) The variable, yet high degree of polarization reported is difficult to reconcile with a highly relativistic downstream flow.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Desnutrição recente, crônica e pregressa em quatro localidades do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    In order to compare the prevalence of PCM in four localities and to contribute to the nosographic mapping of malnutrition in the State of Pernambuco (Brazil) the nutritional intake of about 1,712 children under 6 years of age, living in Recife (coastal area), Ferreiros (forest area), Brejo da Madre de Deus (arid area), and Afogados da Ingazeira (scrubland), was classified; for this the following methods were used: the Gomez, the Ariza-Macias, and the Seoane-Lathan (modified). According to the Gomez classification and from a statistical point of view, the prevalence of malnutrition was higher in the countryside than in Recife. The weight/height ratio does not clearly show the situation in three of the communities under study. Moreover, the modified Seoane-Lathan method revealed no significant difference in the three types of malnutrition (recent, chronic, and past) between Recife and the other cities, with the exception of Brejo da Madre de Deus.Foram estudadas 1.712 crianças menores de 6 anos, residentes nas cidades de Recife (Zona Litorânea), Ferreiros (Zona da Mata), Brejo da Madre de Deus (Zona do Agreste) e Afogados da Ingazeira (Zona do Sertão) - Estado de Pernambuco (Brasil) - com o propósito de comparar a prevalência da desnutrição protéico-energética (DPE) nas quatro localidades e contribuir para o mapeamento nosográfico da desnutrição do Estado. A situação nutricional das crianças foi determinada através dos critérios de Gomez, Ariza-Macias e Seoane-Lathan modificado. A relação peso/altura não discrimina muito bem a situação de três das comunidades estudadas. Segundo o critério de Seoane-Lathan modificado, são comprovadas diferenças significativas na prevalência de desnutrição dos três tipos (recente, crônica e pregressa) entre o Recife e as cidades do interior, com exceção da situação na Zona do Agreste (Brejo da Madre de Deus)

    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)

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    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) expands observation space by simultaneously adding polarization measurements to the array of source properties currently measured (energy, time, and location). IXPE will thus open new dimensions for understanding how X-ray emission is produced in astrophysical objects, especially systems under extreme physical conditions - such as neutron stars and black holes. Polarization singularly probes physical anisotropies - ordered magnetic fields, aspheric matter distributions, or general relativistic coupling to black-hole spin - that are not otherwise measurable. Hence, IXPE complements all other investigations in high-energy astrophysics by adding important and relatively unexplored information to the parameter space for studying cosmic X-ray sources and processes, as well as for using extreme astrophysical environments as laboratories for fundamental physics. Keywords: X-ray astronomy, X-ray polarimetry, X-ray imagin

    Leishmaniasis, Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease, and Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy, Europe

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    We report 2 cases of leishmaniasis in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases in Greece. To assess trends in leishmaniasis reporting in this patient population, we searched the literature for similar reports from Europe. Reports increased during 2004–2008, especially for patients treated with anti–tumor necrosis factor agents

    Anemias in children from two health centers in Recife (Brazil)

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    The prevalence of anemias in preschool children at two health centers in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, was investigated. A total of 1,306 children, aged 6-60 months, were selected. The prevalence of anemias was almost twice as high in the children at the Health Center Lessa de Andrade, supported by the state government, as that found at the Health Center in Areias, belonging to the Federal Health service (INAMPS). The low hemoglobin levels, which varied from 41 to 77% in the sample of this age group, was found to be higher in children under two years of age. Besides being related to the age, and to the per capita income of the families, of the children under study, a statistical association was detected between anemia and nutritional status assessed by Gomez's classification.Foi estudada a prevalência de anemia em 1.306 crianças, com idade compreendida entre 6 e 60 meses, de duas unidades de saúde, em Recife, PE, (Brasil). Na clientela pediátrica do Centro de Saúde Lessa de Andrade, mantido pelo Governo do Estado, a ocorrência de anemias era quase duas vezes superior à encontrada no Posto de Assistência Médica de Areias, pertencente ao Instituto Nacional de Assistência Médica e Previdência Social (INAMPS). A prevalência de valores baixos de hemoglobina predominava nas crianças abaixo de 2 anos de idade, variando de 41% a 77% nos extratos amostrais distribuídos nesta faixa etária. Além da relação com a idade, observou-se associação estatística entre ocorrência de anemias e estado nutricional definido pela classificação de Gomez e ainda, com a renda "per capita" das famílias das crianças examinadas. O trabalho faz parte de um estudo colaborativo sobre as anemias, em estados do nordeste do Brasil

    Startup de ergonomia como solução para o teletrabalho na pandemia

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    Mudanças econômicas, sociais e de formas de trabalho incentivam os novos desafios em busca de soluções em modelos de negócios disruptivos. Particularmente, a partir de 2020 houve a necessidade de desenvolver um modelo de negócio inovador, para atender a uma demanda ergonômica, ocasionada pela pandemia do Covid-19. Segundo a ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE STARTUPS - ABS (2022), é preciso ser cada vez mais rápido, conectado e atualizado para atender as demandas do mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi sistematizar as etapas de uma startup de ergonomia como solução para atender online e de modo escalonável, pessoas em teletrabalho. As etapas foram: idealização, validação / produto mínimo viável, operação e tração. Os resultados foram a própria sistematização das etapas de uma Startup a qual permitiu concluir que é possível considerar um modelo de negócio inovador na área de ergonomia e que este tipo de empresa deve ser melhor explorado em estudos que venham a comprovar resultados relacionados a qualidade de vida, conforto e segurança no teletrabalho