121 research outputs found

    The impact of Russian borrowings on the English language

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    The English language is one of the most versatile and beautiful languages in the world. Throughout history it was influenced by many languages and the Russian language was among them. But, in comparison with other languages, Russian did not contribute much to the English language formation. Nevertheless, the issue considered in the paper, has been studied by some respectable scientists in the field of linguistics and theory of translation. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the phenomenon of borrowings in general and the influence of Russian borrowings on the English language in particular. Английский язык - один из самых многогранных и красивых языков в мире. В ходе истории английский язык подвергался влиянию многих языков, в том числе и русского языка. Однако, по сравнению с другими языками, русский оказал достаточно скромное влияние на формирование английского. Несмотря на это, проблема заимствований из русского языка, рассматриваемая в данной работе, изучалась достаточно известными и уважаемыми учеными в области лингвистики и переводоведения. Основной целью данного исследования является анализ явления заимствования в целом и влияние заимствований из русского языка на английский язык в частности

    Features of the Blood Pressure Variability of Athletes with Different Levels of Functional State of the Body

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    To determine the features of the distribution of the parameters of the systolic (SBPV) and diastolic (DBPV) blood pressure variability dependent on the level of functional state (FS) of the athletes’ body "Spiroarteriocardiorhythmograph" was used. 104 male athletes, at the age of 20.6 ± 0.9, who were engaged in various sports, were analyzed. Taking into account the level of the FS, they were divided into 3 groups: the first group with a high level of FS was 39 people (“high”), the second group was 46 (“average”), the third group was 19 (“low”). This report analyzes the differences in the ranks of the parameters of the SBPV and DBPV – TPSBP (mmHg2), VLFSBP (mmHg2), LFSBP (mmHg2), HFSBP (mmHg2), LF/HFSBP (mmHg2/mmHg2), TPDBP (mmHg2), VLFDBP (mmHg2), LFDBP (mmHg2), HFDBP (mmHg2), LF/HFDBP (mmHg2/mmHg2) There were no possible differences in any registered SBPV values. We can speak about the reducing tendency in regulatory influences in all frequency grades, with the exception of high-frequency ones (HFSBP mmHg2), which is invalid tendency. After analyzing the DBPV data it becomes clear that in terms of VLFDBP (mmHg2) possible differences between “high” and “low” are quite pronounced. The analysis of the distribution ranks of the SBPV and DBPV parameters showed that the data on the measurement of the blood pressure variability in ultra-short measurements allows a sufficiently clear differentiation of the “low” level of FS, which is characterized by an increase in the total power of regulatory influences on the SBP due to supra-segmental effects and sympathetic effects, as well as an increase in low-frequency effects on DBP


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    The purpose of the article is to consider the unifi ed digital contract rules of online sales in the European Union within the context of Digital Single Market Strategy in order to defi ne their legal perspectives, obstacles and activities to overcome them. Recently, the idea of legal regimes’ globalization within the framework of existing economic, political and integration unions has gained great favor. The most significant and successful among them are: the European Union, Big Twenty (the G20), BRICS, the Euro-Asian Economic Community (EurAsEC). In the framework of these unions the initiative to create common legal and economic conditions for the movement of goods and services, via the Internet as well, in order to achieve economic and legal advantages has been enthusiastically taken at work. However, despite evident benefi ts and legal perspectives of these processes, there are a number of obstacles relating to Digital contract rules of online sales within the Single Digital Market Strategy context so that have become the subject of this article study. Having analyzed the legislations and the scientists’ opinion on this issue, the authors have identified and considered some of the obstacles and offered a number of activities for their elimination

    Issues of Interaction of Penitentiary Agencies and Institutions with the Departments on Combating Crime in Ukraine and Poland

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    Bailov, A. V. Issues of Interaction of Penitentiary Agencies and Institutions with the Departments onCombating Crime in Ukraine and Poland [Електронний ресурс] / Anton V. Bailov, Ivan O. Romanchuk // Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2017. – № 38. – С. 5-11. – Режим доступу: http://easternlaw.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/romanchuk_bailov_38.pdfУ статті аналізуються питання взаємодії пенітенціарних органів та установ з іншими правоохоронними органами України та Польщі. Автори вказують, що боротьба зі злочинністю є спільною метою всіх правоохоронних органів, яка досягається тільки шляхом взаємодії останніх один з одним. Визначено форми взаємодії пенітенціарних органів та установ з підрозділами по боротьбі зі злочинністю в Україні та Польщі. Автори виконали порівняльний аналіз законодавства обох країн з цього питання і розробили деякі пропозиції щодо його удосконалення.The issues of interaction of penitentiary agencies and institutions with other law enforcement agencies in Ukraine and Poland have been analyzed in the article. The authors point out that crime combating is the common objective of all law enforcement agencies, which is achieved only by the way of interaction of the latter between each other. Forms of interaction of penitentiary agencies and institutions with the departments on combating crime in Ukraine and Poland have been determined. The authors have accomplished the comparative analysis of the legislation of both countries regarding this issue and has elaborated some propositions on its improvement. The authors emphasize that crime combating is one of the most important components of functioning and development of any state; it is an instrument that assists the society to be steadily developed and to be secured. Considering stated above we can confirm that fighting (combating) against crime is one of the main overall objectives of law enforcement agencies in the state. Therefore, the activities of all law enforcement agencies along with direct functions provided by the legislation are somehow reduced to one common objective – combating crime. This is also related to penitentiary agencies and institutions that are law enforcement agencies as well. To analyze the processes of interaction of penitentiary agencies and institutions with the departments on combating crime in Ukraine and Poland the authors consider it necessary to determine what kind of law enforcement agencies operate in both countries and what system of penitentiary agencies and institutions is functioning in these countries. Therefore, the issues of interaction of penitentiary agencies and institutions with other law enforcement agencies in Ukraine and Poland have been analyzed in the article. The authors point out that crime combating as the common objective of all law enforcement agencies is achieved only by the way of the interaction of the latter between each other. Forms of interaction of penitentiary agencies and institutions with the departments on combating crime in Ukraine and Poland have been determined. The authors have accomplished the comparative analysis of the legislation of both countries regarding this issue and has elaborated some propositions on its improvement.В статье анализируются вопросы взаимодействия пенитенциарных органов и учреждений с другими правоохранительными органами Украины и Польши. Авторы указывают, что борьба с преступностью является общей целью всех правоохранительных органов, которая достигается только путем взаимодействия последних друг с другом. Определены формы взаимодействия пенитенциарных органов и учреждений с подразделениями по борьбе с преступностью в Украине и Польше. Авторы выполнили сравнительный анализ законодательства обеих стран по этому вопросу и разработали некоторые предложения по его усовершенствованию


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    The purpose of the article is to consider the unifi ed digital contract rules of online sales in the European Union within the context of Digital Single Market Strategy in order to defi ne their legal perspectives, obstacles and activities to overcome them. Recently, the idea of legal regimes’ globalization within the framework of existing economic, political and integration unions has gained great favor. The most significant and successful among them are: the European Union, Big Twenty (the G20), BRICS, the Euro-Asian Economic Community (EurAsEC). In the framework of these unions the initiative to create common legal and economic conditions for the movement of goods and services, via the Internet as well, in order to achieve economic and legal advantages has been enthusiastically taken at work. However, despite evident benefi ts and legal perspectives of these processes, there are a number of obstacles relating to Digital contract rules of online sales within the Single Digital Market Strategy context so that have become the subject of this article study. Having analyzed the legislations and the scientists’ opinion on this issue, the authors have identified and considered some of the obstacles and offered a number of activities for their elimination


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    The article is aimed at the consideration of the problems occurring in the field of economic and legal integration of fundamental principles concerning the innovations, the innovation process and the types of innovations. The priority of economy innovation development and the suffi cient legal regulation of this process in the global community is determinated in the article. The basic notions of Innovation law such as: “innovation”, “innovative activity”, “innovation process” are carefully examined and analyzed in detail. The authors have classified the innovation types on various grounds. They came to the conclusion, that there is the necessity to establish a common understanding of the above mentioned notions, to develop the integrated mechanisms to stimulate innovative activity of all innovation process participants. The dominating method of research is a comparative analysis of the basic notions, economic prerequisites and Innovation law


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    The article is devoted to the core revelation of leading mechanisms of psychological and pedagogical conditions, aimed at cadets’ intellectual-creative potential during foreign language lessons in a military high school. The following process is represented by five main conditions: the formation of steady emotional-volitional personality features; building up an inner pillar of spirituality and moral values aimed at edifying and creativity; application of complex methods, forms and measures of cadets’ intellectual-creative potential in a military high school, providing system character and integrity during foreign language training; building pedagogical sphere of cadets’ intellectual-creative potential development; consistency of educational, scientific and characterbuilding types of activities in the sphere of intellectual-creative potential stimulation; dialogical co-creation of a teacher and cadets. . These conditions are based on the principles of motivational and creative activity, problematicity, integration and practical orientation. Each stage of psychological-pedagogical conditions assumes certain components development for further formation of intellectual-creative potential.We assume the notion of intellectual-creative potential as an integrative feature of personality, representing a series of motivational, cognitive, practice-organizational and reflexive aspects.All these aspects are to be forwarded and applied in order to reach particular goals both instrumental (providing temporary values) and existential (providing potential broadening of self-realization and development). The article points out that development of intellectual-creative potential assumes development of inner personal reserves, personal breakthrough, which will definitely promote a prospective specialist in military sphere with constant desire and everlasting opportunity for self-development during all daily professional living activities.Статья посвящена раскрытию сущности и механизмов реализации психолого-педагогических условий, направленных на развитие интеллектуально-творческого потенциала курсантов на учебных занятиях по иностранному языку в военном вузе. Данный процесс представлен пятью ключевыми условиями: формированием устойчивых эмоционально-волевых качеств, внутреннего духовно-ценностного стержня курсанта, ориентированного на созидание и творчество; реализацией комплекса методов, форм и средств развития интеллектуально-творческого потенциала курсанта военного вуза при обеспечении ее системности и целостности в процессе иноязычного образования; формированием организационно-педагогической сферы развития интеллектуально-творческого потенциала будущих военных специалистов; единства учебной, научной и воспитательной работы в сфере стимулирования интеллектуально-творческого потенциала деятельности курсанта, построенной на принципах мотивационно-творческой активности, проблемности, интегративности и практической направленности; диалогическим сотворчеством преподавателя и курсанта. Каждый этап реализации психолого-педагогических условий предполагает развитие определенных компонентов интеллектуально-творческого потенциала, который автор рассматривает как интегральное качество личности, представляющее собой совокупность мотивационного, когнитивного, организационно-деятельностного и рефлексивно-оценочного аспектов.Данные аспекты могут быть мобилизованы и приведены в действие для достижения целей как инструментальных, обеспечивающих овладение терминальными ценностями, так и экзистенциальных, предполагающих расширение самих потенций и возможностей самореализации личности. В статье подчеркивается, что развитие интеллектуально-творческого потенциала является раскрытием глубинных резервов личности, обеспечивающим будущему военному специалисту желание и возможность саморазвиваться на протяжении всей своей профессиональной жизнедеятельности


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    The article tackles a problem of disputable issues coming alongside the implementation of public interests for the protection of violated private property rights in the European Union member states and the Russian Federation in regard of the possibility to collect additional (compensatory) or punitive amounts above the prescribed. The article provides an overview of various approaches to defi ne the notion “the right to judicial protection” and the “protection method” in European and Russian legal doctrines. The authors highlight controversial issues of imposing additional (compensatory) payments in Great Britain and Germany as a vivid example of various legal systems in action. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the global task - to develop a mechanism of additional compensation for violated rights in the legislation of the EU, EU member states and the Russian Federation with the focus on proprietary rights

    Gender features of sensorimotor function in young people with motor asymmetry

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    We have examined 745 healthy young adults aged 21,4±2,6 (including 493 men and 252-women) by using the appliance «Computer movements measurer». Having investigated the sexual features of sensor-motor function taking into account the motor asymmetry we have found that the most likely (p&lt;0,05) differences between the central (switch of central units), subcortical (movement cycle durability) and medullary (reaction time to light) mechanisms of movements appear in left-handed women. The significant results show that there is the polynomial relationship between the left and right hand accuracy measures by taking into account the motor asymmetry in both men and women.</p

    Логико-вероятностная оценка риска ущербов от аварийного излива воды из бассейна суточного регулирования Зарамагской ГЭС-1

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    Наведено результати оцінки ризику збитків від аварійного виливу води з басейну добового регулювання Зарамагської ГЕС-1, що будується в Росії на ріці Ардон. Розглянуто три можливі сценарії аварійного виливу води з басейну з різними очікуваними збитками. Під час оцінки ймовірності аварії на гідроспоруді за модельними сценаріями використано логіко-імовірнісний метод дерев відмов та статистично-експериментальні дані щодо відмов і несправностей обладнання та пошкодження гідроспоруд у процесі експлуатації. Оцінка узагальненого ризику збитків від аварії проводилася в рамках класичної моделі ризику у вигляді добутку збитку та ймовірності його реалізації з використанням байєсівського перетворення ймовірностей. У результаті досліджень встановлено найбільш ризикований сценарій можливої аварії, який слід приймати до уваги під час розробки заходів щодо підвищення безпеки гідроспоруд.The results of assessment of risk of damages due to fail water pouring out the daily regulation basin of the Zaramagskaya HPP-1 which is under construction in Russia on the river Ardon are given. Three possible scenarios for emergency spills water from the pool with different expected losses are considered. The logic-probabilistic fault tree method and statistical and experimental data on failures and malfunctions of equipment and damage of hydraulic structures in service were used in assessment of the accident probability. Assessment of overall risk of damages of the accident was carried out in the frame of classical risk model as a product of damage and its probability using Bayesian probability transformation. As a result of studies the most risky scenario of the possible accident that should be taken into account while designing measures to improve the safety of hydraulic structures of the hydro power plant is found.Приведены результаты оценки риска ущербов от аварийного излива воды из бассейна суточного регулирования Зарамагской ГЭС-1, строящейся в России на р. Ардон. Рассмотрены три возможных сценария аварийного излива воды 0441 из бассейна с различными ожидаемыми ущербами. При оценке вероятности аварии был использован логико-вероятностный метод деревьев отказов и статистически-экспериментальные данные относительно отказов и неисправностей оборудования и повреждения гидросооружений в процессе эксплуатации. Оценка обобщенного риска ущербов от аварии осуществлялась в рамках классической модели риска в виде произведения ущерба и вероятности его реализации с использованием байесовского преобразования вероятностей. В результате исследований установлен наиболее рискованный сценарий возможной аварии, который следует принимать во внимание при разработке мероприятий по повышению безопасности гидросооружений ГЭС