49 research outputs found


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    During the past century, many scientific discoveries and industrialization greatly contributed to the progress in medicine and significantly improved a quality of life of psychiatric patients. Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder. Due to synthesis of numerous high quality antipsychotic medications, a great progress in the treatment of it has been made during the last 50 years. In five thousand years of the recorded history, it is known that in the early times, people used different methods and procedures in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia. In recent decades after great discoveries, medicine based on facts has also faced a number of disappointments. The medicine gradually begins to understand that some of the alternatives used earlier in centuries are complementary methods that were unnecessarily suppressed and excluded from the treatment. On the other hand, a number of countries where this is legally possible is growing and there is also an increasing number of patients seeking alternative and complementary methods in the treatment of schizophrenia. The aim of this paper is to encourage and reflect upon the meaning of alternative and complementary methods in the treatment of schizophrenia as well as to try and prevent forgetting their meaning whenever it is justified and based on facts

    The dubbing of animated films in Croatia

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    This descriptive study offers a detailed description of the process of dubbing animated films into Croatian. Considering the large number of animated films dubbed into Croatian and the surprising lack of data about this industry in Croatia, this paper aims to present a thorough description of all stages of the dubbing process, from the initial request of a dubbed version of an animated film until the moment the final product of this process reaches the audience. In this description of the state of the art in Croatia, special attention is given to the role of the translator in the dubbing process. The description of the Croatian dubbing practices is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with people employed in the dubbing industry, as well as on personal observation of a dubbing session at Croatian Radio and Television (HRT), Croatia's public broadcaster. Finally, the dubbing process in Croatia is compared with the dubbing practices of Western Europe’s most developed dubbing industries, leading to a conclusion about the state of the art not only in Croatia but also in other European countries


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    Background: Although the connection between body and soul is written in the Bible, research papers haven\u27t given much attention to it until the past few decades. Recently, both here and abroad, there have been more studies that investigate the prevalence of various somatic disorders in psychiatric patients, including metabolic syndrome. Objective: The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and it’s components in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Subjects and methods: Metabolic syndrome and its components were investigated in 60 patients with chronic PTSD conditioned by the war and in 60 patients treated for somatic problems by their family physician in Mostar. Results: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was statistically significantly higher in patients with PTSD (48.3%) than in the control group (25%) (P=0.008) and the number of its individual components (test group 2.38±1.30 compared to control group 1.72±1.24) (P=0.005). PTSD patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome had significantly more frequent hyperglycemia (P=0.010) and abdominal obesity (P=0.044) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased in patients with PTSD compared to the control group


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    The stigmatization of mentally ill patients has negative labelling, marginalization and exclusion of people simply because they have a mental illness. Stigma has negative consequences for the individual and his family, as well as for psychiatry as a profession and the entire community. Stigma weakens the mentally ill, reinforcing a sense of alienation, which has negative consequences on the course of the illness. The media can inform the public about the treatment of mentally ill patients by conveying correct information, who can then act positively towards improving the quality of treatment. Stigma and self-stigma create a feeling of low self-esteem and fear of rejection, due to which mentally ill people avoid the media and very rarely speak publicly about their illness. The realization of information rights is very delicate and it is reflected through two opposing but substantially equivalent human rights: 1. Right to information, 2. Right to privacy. Which of the two rights will get advantage depends on the circumstances of each case and journalism ethics. The relationship of psychiatry with the media and especially the media with psychiatry must be extremely correct and professional, based on facts, and not on the pursuit of media sensationalism. The media can significantly reduce the current level of stigmatization of the mentally ill by adequate and correct reports, and thereby facilitate their role in family and society. Lack of knowledge and understanding of mental illness contributes to stigmatization. Education of patients, their families and journalists is crucial if we want to better understand people with mental illness and reduce stigma

    Ovladavanje rodom imenica kod hrvatskih učenika njemačkog jezika

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit zum Thema Genuserwerb bei kroatischen DaF-Lernenden ist in vier Abschnitte gegliedert. Zu Beginn wird das Thema mit eigenen Worten eingeleitet, danach folgen die theoretischen Grundlagen, die Analyse und das Schlusswort. Es werden sowohl das deutsche als auch das kroatische Genussystem zusammengefasst und miteinander verglichen. Darauf folgt die Beschreibung des Instruments, der Probanden und des Analyserasters. Das Korpus setzt sich aus 60 schriftlichen Texten der GymnasialschĂŒler zusammen und befasst sich mit Nomen und deren Genus. Anhand der Theorie wird eine Analyse durchgefĂŒhrt und die Ergebnisse werden tabellarisch dargestellt und interpretiert. In der Schlussfolgerung werden alle Erkenntnisse und Vermutungen zusammengefasst.Tema je ovoga rada Ovladavanje rodom imenica kod hrvatskih učenika njemačkoga jezika. Rad je podijeljen u četiri poglavlja – najprije se vlastitim riječima uvodi u temu, zatim slijede teoretska osnova, analiza te zaključak. Predstavit će se te međusobno usporediti njemački i hrvatski sustav roda imenica nakon čega će biti opisani instrument, ispitanici i tablica koja je posluĆŸila za analizu podataka. IstraĆŸivani korpus sastoji se od 60 učeničkih pisanih radova i bavi se imenicama i njihovim rodom. Analiza će biti provedena na osnovu teorije, a rezultati tabelarno prikazani te interpretirani. Naposljetku će biti saĆŸeti zaključci proizaiĆĄli iz ovoga istraĆŸivanja

    ÖversĂ€ttning av kulturspecifika uttryck i tidningstexter : masteruppsats

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    ÖversĂ€ttning Ă€r i princip en process som försöker skapa förbindelser mellan olika kulturer. NĂ€r man översĂ€tter, överför man inte bara kĂ€lltextens innehĂ„ll, dvs. sprĂ„ket, utan ocksĂ„ den kultur som kĂ€lltexten Ă€r inbĂ€ddad i. Men det finns inte tvĂ„ sprĂ„k som Ă€r helt lika; det finns ingen absolut ekvivalens mellan sprĂ„k och Ă€nnu mindre mellan kulturer. ”SprĂ„ken Ă€r ju inte varandras spegelbilder, lika litet Ă€r samhĂ€llena och kulturerna det” (Ingo 2007: 126). Det rĂ€cker alltsĂ„ inte att översĂ€tta bara sprĂ„ket. ”För att texten pĂ„ mĂ„lsprĂ„ket skall vara klanderfri och vĂ€lfungerande för lĂ€saren, rĂ€cker det inte alltid med att blott och bart ’översĂ€tta’ – hur vĂ€lgjord översĂ€ttningen Ă€n Ă€r” (Ingo 2007: 134). Man mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn först till den kultur som ligger bakom kĂ€lltexten och sedan till den kultur som den nya översatta texten Ă€r infogad i. NĂ€r man översĂ€tter kulturer, kan det naturligtvis hĂ€nda att vissa kulturspecifika element inte kan översĂ€ttas direkt till mĂ„lsprĂ„ket. SĂ„dana svĂ„righeter stöter man pĂ„ nĂ€stan utan undantag nĂ€r man översĂ€tter eftersom sprĂ„k Ă€r kraftigt förankrade i kulturer. Det kommer alltid att finnas kulturspecifika begrepp som kan vara svĂ„ra att översĂ€tta och översĂ€ttaren mĂ„ste anstrĂ€nga sig att överföra dessa elements betydelser till den andra kulturen. Man kan sĂ€ga att översĂ€ttning krĂ€ver bĂ„de goda kunskaper i bĂ„de kĂ€llsprĂ„k och mĂ„lsprĂ„k och i dessa tvĂ„ sprĂ„ks kulturer. Ingo (2007: 29) talar om en kĂ€nd metafor om översĂ€ttare som brobyggare och pĂ„pekar att det inte handlar bara om att foga samman sprĂ„k utan hela kulturer