209 research outputs found

    Reichskammergericht und Bundesverfassungsgericht

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    Internet in Lateinamerika: zwischen e-commerce und angepaĂźter Nutzung

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    ""Boom Internet en America Latina", "Latino Internet Revolution": Ende Juni/Anfang Juli 1999 machten diese und ähnliche Schlagzeilen in vielen Zeitungen und Internet-Newslettern die Runde. Die lateinamerikanische Internet-Gemeinde vergrößere sich in Rekordzeit, der PC-Absatz breche ebenfalls weltweit alle Bestmarken. 15% der lateinamerikanischen Haushalte seien angeblich online, mittels fast 6 Millionen Internet-Zugängen. Und der elektronische Handel (e-commerce) sei unweigerlich auf dem Vormarsch. Lanciert werden diese Meldungen oftmals von Firmen, die ein Eigeninteresse daran besitzen, die Größenordnung der Internet-Verbreitung in Lateinamerika hochzureden. So sichern sie sich Aufmerksamkeit der Finanz- und Wirtschaftswelt und erreichen wachsende Aktiengewinne und Profite durch Werbeeinnahmen. Übersehen werden dabei geflissentlich nicht nur die strukturellen Defizite in den Infrastrukturvoraussetzungen, sondern auch die Tatsache, dass die Mehrzahl der Internet-NutzerInnen in Lateinamerika immer noch nicht die Wirtschaftsunternehmen und ihre Kunden sind, sondern politisch und sozial engagierte Menschen und Organisationen. Diesen Nutzungsvoraussetzungen und -möglichkeiten soll, nach einer ersten Bestandsaufnahme der Entwicklung, im folgenden nachgegangen werden." (Autorenreferat

    30 Jahre IAB : Dokumentation der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Tagung "Beiträge der Wissenschaft zur Lösung der Beschäftigungskrise" am 6. November 1997 in Schloß Bellevue in Berlin. Grußworte und Eröffnungsansprache des Bundespräsidenten

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    Das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit bestand 1997 dreißig Jahre. Das Jubiläum wurde mit einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung begangen, auf der international ausgewiesene Experten aus der Arbeitsmarktforschung sowie die Spitzen der Bundesanstalt und der Selbstverwaltung der BA zusammen mit den Mitarbeitern des Instituts Rückschau hielten und über neue Ansätze nachdachten. Der Tagungsbericht wird eingeleitet durch Grußworte und die Eröffnungsansprache des Bundespräsidenten. Die wissenschaftlichen Referate von Werner Tegtmeier, Martin Bolte, Ronald Schettkat, Nigel Meager, Bo Hammer, Michael Burda, Hans-Werner Sinn und Gerhard Kleinhenz sind gesondert dokumentiert. (IAB2)Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Politikberatung, IAB, Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung

    Grundtypen des Sozialrechts

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    The shear viscosity of gauge theory plasma with chemical potentials

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    We consider strongly coupled gauge theory plasma with conserved global charges that allow for a dual gravitational description. We study the shear viscosity of the gauge theory plasma in the presence of chemical potentials for these charges. Using gauge theory/string theory correspondence we prove that at large 't Hooft coupling the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density is universal.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Protein phosphatase 4 controls circadian clock dynamics by modulating CLOCK/BMAL1 activity

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    In all organisms with circadian clocks, post-translational modifications of clock proteins control the dynamics of circadian rhythms, with phosphorylation playing a dominant role. All major clock proteins are highly phosphorylated, and many kinases have been described to be responsible. In contrast, it is largely unclear whether and to what extent their counterparts, the phosphatases, play an equally crucial role. To investigate this, we performed a systematic RNAi screen in human cells and identified protein phosphatase 4 (PPP4) with its regulatory subunit PPP4R2 as critical components of the circadian system in both mammals an

    Unravelling homologous recombination repair deficiency and therapeutic opportunities in soft tissue and bone sarcoma.

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    Defects in homologous recombination repair (HRR) in tumors correlate with poor prognosis and metastases development. Determining HRR deficiency (HRD) is of major clinical relevance as it is associated with therapeutic vulnerabilities and remains poorly investigated in sarcoma. Here, we show that specific sarcoma entities exhibit high levels of genomic instability signatures and molecular alterations in HRR genes, while harboring a complex pattern of chromosomal instability. Furthermore, sarcomas carrying HRDness traits exhibit a distinct SARC-HRD transcriptional signature that predicts PARP inhibitor sensitivity in patient-derived sarcoma cells. Concomitantly, HRDhigh^{high} sarcoma cells lack RAD51 nuclear foci formation upon DNA damage, further evidencing defects in HRR. We further identify the WEE1 kinase as a therapeutic vulnerability for sarcomas with HRDness and demonstrate the clinical benefit of combining DNA damaging agents and inhibitors of DNA repair pathways ex vivo and in the clinic. In summary, we provide a personalized oncological approach to treat sarcoma patients successfully

    Design and performance of the multiplexing spectrometer CAMEA

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    The cold neutron multiplexing secondary spectrometer CAMEA (Continuous Angle Multiple Energy Analysis) was commissioned at the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ at the Paul Scherrer Institut at the end of 2018. The spectrometer is optimised for an efficient data collection in the horizontal scattering plane, allowing for detailed and rapid mapping of excitations under extreme conditions. The novel design consists of consecutive, upward scattering analyzer arcs underneath an array of position sensitive detectors mounted inside a low permeability stainless-steel vacuum vessel. The construction of the world's first continuous angle multiple energy analysis instrument required novel solutions to many technical challenges, including analyzer mounting, vacuum connectors, and instrument movement. These were solved by extensive prototype experiments and in-house developments. Here we present a technical overview of the spectrometer describing in detail the engineering solutions and present our first experimental data taken during the commissioning. Our results demonstrate the tremendous gains in data collection rate for this novel type of spectrometer design

    Duration of invasive mechanical ventilation prior to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is not associated with survival in acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by coronavirus disease 2019

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    BACKGROUND: Duration of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) prior to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) affects outcome in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) related ARDS, the role of pre-ECMO IMV duration is unclear. This single-centre, retrospective study included critically ill adults treated with ECMO due to severe COVID-19-related ARDS between 01/2020 and 05/2021. The primary objective was to determine whether duration of IMV prior to ECMO cannulation influenced ICU mortality. RESULTS: During the study period, 101 patients (mean age 56 [SD ± 10] years; 70 [69%] men; median RESP score 2 [IQR 1–4]) were treated with ECMO for COVID-19. Sixty patients (59%) survived to ICU discharge. Median ICU length of stay was 31 [IQR 20.7–51] days, median ECMO duration was 16.4 [IQR 8.7–27.7] days, and median time from intubation to ECMO start was 7.7 [IQR 3.6–12.5] days. Fifty-three (52%) patients had a pre-ECMO IMV duration of > 7 days. Pre-ECMO IMV duration had no effect on survival (p = 0.95). No significant difference in survival was found when patients with a pre-ECMO IMV duration of < 7 days (< 10 days) were compared to ≥ 7 days (≥ 10 days) (p = 0.59 and p = 1.0). CONCLUSIONS: The role of prolonged pre-ECMO IMV duration as a contraindication for ECMO in patients with COVID-19-related ARDS should be scrutinised. Evaluation for ECMO should be assessed on an individual and patient-centred basis. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13613-022-00980-3
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