15 research outputs found

    Korelasi Merger Tiga Bank Syariah dan Kesadaran Masyarakat Terhadap Produk Perbankan Syariah

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    Perbankan Syariah baru saja mencatatkan sejarah baru. Tiga Bank Syariah milik Pemerintah berhasil merger dengan nama Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Tercatat kinerja semester I-2020 total aset BSI hasil merger mencapai Rp 214,6 triliun dengan modal inti lebih dari Rp 20,4 triliun. Dengan nilai aset dan modal inti tersebut, bank syariah hasil merger akan masuk jajaran 10 besar bank terbesar di Indonesia dari sisi aset segi kapitalisasi pasar. Namun begitu, pengetahuan masyarakat akan produk perbankan syariah di Indonesia belum memuaskan. Survei yang dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) tahun 2016 menunjukan bahwa hanya 21,84 % masyarakat yang menggunakan terhadap produk perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kepustakaan dan Pemikiran Kritis Penulis. Dengan sifat penelitian adalah deskriptif. Sumber primer adalah jurnal dan karya Ilmiah lainya. Data sekunder dari buku penunjang dan website. Analisa yang diterapkan adalah kuantitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, menyimpulkan bahwa ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kesadaran masyarakat akan produk perbankan syariah diantaranya a. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang bank syariah. b. Jaringan operasional bank syariah yang masih terbatas c. Sosialisasi yang dilakukan bank syari’ah masih kurang  massif mempengaruhi terhadap daya tangkap dan pola pikir seseorang. Sedangkan usulan dari peneliti terhadap BSI yang paling utama adalah terus memberikan sosialisasi akan produk perbankan syariah

    Sensation Seeking Pada Perempuan Pendaki Gunung

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    Various accidental phenomena of female climber often occur as extreme acts as a form of search gratification of sensation. This study aims to understand the search sensation in women mountaineers. This research was conducted in Surakarta city with the informant were 6 women who had climbed the mountain and less than 32 years old. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach with phenomenological research model, data collection using semi structured interview. This research resulted in an overview sensation seeking women mountaineers from the aspects and factors of sensation seeking. There are 2 criteria of mountain climbers that are beginner climber and professional climbers. There are 2 beginner climber informants and 4 professional climbing informants. Level of sensation in the results seen from the criteria of climbers are 2 informants beginner climber get the sensation seeking is tend to be low and 4 informants climber professionals get the sensation seeking tend to be high. Overview sensation seeking women mountaineers are challenged to make the climb and was happy when able to reach the top, gain new experiences, engage in activities that are less responsible, able to handle boredom when saturated with the state. However, in the aspect of behavior without bond tends to be less prominent because only 2 informants who do such behavior, ie said dirty and littering. The sensation seeking factor obtained by hereditary factor is indicated from his desire to get a challenge when climbing the mountain, indication of genetic factors in the form of close family that is mother, father, grandfather who is also a climber and environmental factors is indicated by the frequent of mountain climbing informers to be together with friends -her friend

    Pemanfaatan Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Bl) Sebagai Bahan Baku Keripik

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    Pemanfaatan porang lebih lanjut membutuhkan teknologi untuk menghilangkan senyawa kalsium oksalat sehingga pemanfaatan porang kedepannya dapat lebih maksimal. Masyarakat Desa Rejosari mengharapkan umbi porang dapat dikelola sendiri menjadi suatu produk makanan karena selama ini masyarakat rejosari hanya menjual porang dalam bentuk umbi mentah. Dengan adanya pelatihan pembuatan kripik dari umbi porang diharapkan dapat membantu perekonomian masyarakat Desa Rejosari. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu pengolahan umbi porang agar tidak menghasilkan rasa gatal sampai menajdi bahan baku keripik (pengumpulan bahan, perendaman bahan, proses pengeringan dan pengukusan) dan tahap kedua, pengolahan umbi porang menjadi keripik. Dari kegiatan ini diperoleh hasil 85 persen masyarakat Desa Rejosari telah berhasil membuat keripik dari Umbi Porang dan tidak merasakan efek gatal. Kata kunci—Keripik, Porang, Pangan, Umbi.Abstract The use of porang further requires technology to remove iron oxalate so that future utilization of porang can be maximized. The people of Rejosari Village hope that porang tubers can be managed themselves into food products because so far the Rejosari community only sells porang in the form of raw tubers. With training on making chips from porang tubers, they are expected to be able to help the people of Rejosari Village. Activities carried out through two cups, namely processing porang tubers so as not to cause fear until they become raw material for chips (collecting materials, soaking, digging and steaming) and the second process, processing porang tubers into chips. From this activity, 85 percent of Rejosari Village residents have succeeded in making chips from the Porang Bulbs and did not experience any adverse effects.Keywords—Bulbs, Chips, Food, Poran

    Doksisiklin sebagai Inhibitor Mmp-2 dan Mmp-9 pada Dermatitis Paederus dengan Metode Gelatin Zimografi

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    Tomcat (Paederus sp.) venom can bring a condition called dermaconecrosis. Initially, paederin toxins was thought that come from the body of Tomcat (Paederus sp.). However, based on Piel's research, the genes come from biosynthesis of tomcat (Paederus sp.) venom is more approach to Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes than body itself. In other fact, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can secrete enzymes metalloprotease (MMP), especially extracellular MMP-2 and MMP-9. MMP-2 and MMP-9 are gelatinase that can destroy the gelatin on human skin. There has been no previous report about the treatment of dermatitis paederus based on the mechanism of action except for the use of corticosteroids as symptomatic drugs. Because of that, researcher hypotheses that MMP-2 and MMP-9 have a role on dermatitis paederus and doxycycline can inhibit that process as MMP inhibitor and antibiotics component. The research design is quasi-experimental research, in vitro with a post-test only control group design. The research steps are Tomcat (Paederus sp.) venom extraction, doxycycline solution preparation, and electrophoresis of gelatin zymografi. The independent variables are induction of Tomcat (paederin sp.) venom and the doses of doxycycline, while the dependent variable is the density of the gel. Gel density was measured using densitometry software ImageJ and calibrated as optical density. This study describes the first time the mechanism Paederus dermatitis caused by MMP-2 and MMP-9, so that the first line of therapy that can be used is doxycycline with an effective dose of 10 mM in vitro

    Utilization Of Indole-3-Carbinol As Flavin Monooxygenase 3 (Fmo3) Inhibitor In Aterosklerotic Prevention

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, reaching 30% of all mortality. The most common cause of cardiovascular disease is the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels. Treatment has been done to overcome atherosclerosisonly curative and still no preventive. Processes that play a role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque is very complex and one of the causes deposition of plaques is the formation of the compound trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in the body. TMAO that has produced can increase the accumulation of cholesterol in macrophages so that increasing the formation of foam cells in the arterial wall. These compounds are derived from trimethylamine (TMA), which is converted into TMAO by enzyme flavin monooxygenase (FMO). FMO enzyme that is able to make an impact in the formation of TMAO is flavin monooxygenase 1 (FMO1) and flavin monooxygenase 3 (FMO3). However, FMO3 showed activity ten times greater than FMO1 in turning TMA into TMAO. Indole-3-carbinol can be a role for this enzyme inhibitor so that the therapeutic use of indole-3-carbinol is expected to inhibit TMAO. Therefore, the authors propose the use of research in the form of indole-3-carbinol as an inhibitor of flavin monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in atherosclerosis prevention efforts. The study design used was pure experimental research design (true experimental design) with post test only randomized control group design. Mice (Mus musculus) males were treated indole-3-carbinol and then is given atherogenic diet for the provision of intravenous adrenaline 0.00084 mg / 20 gBW and egg yolks 0.2 cc / day. The treatment group consisted of a positive control, negative control, treatment A (10 mg / kg BW of indole-3-carbinol), B (200 mg / kg BW I3C), and C (500 mg / kg BW I3C). The data observed in the form of cholesterol, foam cell histopathological picture of the aorta and the density of the band FMO3 activity. Blood cholesterol levels showed a decrease in accordance with increase in dose. Cholesterol control of negative group, positive, A, B and C respectively of 119.4 28.94 mg / dL, 246 8.52 mg / dL, 224 15.30 mg / dL, 170.6 12.54 mg / dL, and 154.8 14.46 mg / dL (p <0.05). Histopathologic features foam cell in the aorta of mice showed an improvement with the increase in dose. FMO3 enzyme activity also showed a decrease when compared to the positive control in the optical density relative scale along with rising doses of indole-3-carbinol given. This shows that the use of indole-3-carbinol is very effective in atherosclerosis prevention efforts

    CRISPR-Cas9 through AAV delivery system as a gene therapy in Parkinson’s disease

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    The global population living with Parkinson’s disease is estimated to reach 9.4 million people, which has increased significantly since 2016, with a total of 6 million people. Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease of the substantia nigra that causes a decrease in dopamine production and is characterized by the appearance of cytoplasmic misfold proteins called Lewy bodies. The study found that abnormalities or mutations in the SNCA and LRRK2 genes correlated with the overproduction of the ɑ-synuclein protein, which forms Lewy bodies that cause Parkinson's. Current Parkinson's medications only temporarily replace lost dopamine but do not treat the direct cause of Parkinson's; this research used qualitative literature study with content analysis, observation, and development; the use of CRISPR-Cas9 through AAV genetic engineering in repairing SNCA and LRRK2 mutant gene. This genetic therapy works by cutting the mutant DNA base sequences in the SNCA and LRRK2 genes and then replacing them with normal sequences through a homology-direct repair mechanism. As a result, the abnormalities or mutations that cause Parkinson's in these two genes can be corrected, so that dopaminergic levels in the brain can return to normal and excessive accumulation of α-synuclein protein can be suppressed


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    ABSTRACT Bagus, Adi, 2018. Effect of Price, Promotion, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (A case study on ASF gadget accessories mojokerto customers) Final project / thesis, Marketing Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Majapahit Islamic University (UNIM). Advisor I: Eny Setyariningsih, S.E, M.M. Advisor II: M. Syamsul Hidayat, SE., MM Price, promotion and quality of service are elements that influence activities in the company that function to create competitive advantage for the company. Companies are required to be able to meet the needs and desires of customers by providing the best and quality services, so that customers will feel their own satisfaction and feel valued so that they are happy and willing to be regular customers. This study aims to determine the effect of price, promotion and service quality on customer satisfaction on the ASF accessories mojokerto gadget. The type of research used by the author is a type of quantitative research. Source of data used is primary data, namely data obtained from questionnaires distributed to research respondents. The population of this study was 275 customers, with a total sample of 163 respomden. Sampling technique according to Slovin formula. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. Based on multiple linear analysis using the F-test, simultaneously the variables of customer satisfaction in the ASF accessories gadget are influenced by price, promotion, and service quality can be seen from the results of the F test conducted at a significant level of 0.05 F count value (11.039)> F-table (1,564), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the results of the t test, it is known that the t variable price (X1) is 2.197, the promotion variable (X2) is 3.331 and the service quality variable (X3) is 2.245. T count> T table, it can be concluded that all the variables studied (Price, promotion and service quality) partially have a significant influence on customer satisfaction in the gadget accessories ASF store. Keywords: Price, Promotion, Service quality, Customer satisfactio

    Analisis sistem pengelolaan calon jamaah haji dalam menggunakan jasa KBIH (studi kasus di KBIH Nurul Huda Semarang)

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    Manajemen adalah suatu keadaan terdiri dari proses yang ditunjukan oleh garis(line) mengarah kepada proses perencanaan pengorganisasian, kepemimpinan, dan pengendalian,yang mana keempat proses tersebut saling mempunyai fungsi masing-masing untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi. Manajemen haji merupakan suatu proses pengaturan atau pengelolaan dibidang haji dengan menggunakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen baik itu planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, dan evaluating untuk mencapai suatu tujuan, sehingga terlaksana secara efektif dan efisien. Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) merupakan mitra kerja pemerintah dalam hal ini adalah Departemen Agama untuk membimbing jamaah haji. Sebagai salah satu pihak penyelenggara ibadah haji, KBIH diharapkan mampu memberikan pembinaan, pelayanan serta perlindungan yang sebaik-baiknya kepada calon jamaah haji dan jamaah haji. Upaya tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan cara menyempurnakan sistem dan manajemen penyelenggaraan ibadah haji, yakni dengan cara meningkatkan pembinaan, pelayanan, dan perlindungan kepada jamaah haji. Dengan adanya penyempurnaan sistem dan manajemen penyelenggaraan ibadah haji, diharapkan pelaksanaan ibadah haji bisa berjalan aman, tertib, lancar dan nyaman sesuai dengan tuntunan agama, serta jamaah dapat menjalankan ibadah secara mandiri sehingga diperoleh haji mabrur. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan, di mana di dalam penelitian ini di gunakan beberapa literatur yang sekiranya berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang di angkat oleh penulis. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel, yaitu pengelolaan jamaah haji sebagai variabel bebas (independent) dan pengguna jasa KBIH sebagai variabel terikat (dependent). Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. KBIH Nurul Huda adalah lembaga yang bergerak dibidang jasa, yaitu melaksanakan bimbingan terhadap calon jamaah yang akan melaksanakan ibadah haji agar mereka dapat melaksanakan dengan baik dan sesuai syariat yang ditentukan. KBIH Nurul Huda Berdiri pada tahun 2003, setiap tahun selalu memberangkatkan rata-rata 60 jamaah haji, dengan pengelolaan yang baik sehingga dapat mengelola seluruh jamaah haji dengan baik, KBIH Nurul Huda sampai saat ini mendapatkan tempat tersendiri di hati masyarakat yang benar-benar menginginkan kwalitas dalam beribadah haji