15 research outputs found

    How is the adequacy of micronutrient intake assessed across Europe? A systematic literature review

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    EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned is a network of excellence funded by the European commission, and established to address the problem of differences between countries in micronutrient recommendations as well as to understand how nutritional information including requirements and adequacy of intake is processed among different population groups. The aims of the present paper were to review the methods used for the adequacy assessment of the intake of six micronutrients of public health concern (vitamin A, folate, vitamin B12, Fe, Zn and iodine) in non-European and European nutrition surveys carried out on the apparently healthy population and to compare in particular the adequacy across surveys for folate intake. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify nutrition surveys that assessed micronutrient intake adequacy. The search yielded 9049 records, out of which 337 were eligible for the selected micronutrients. The majority (83·9%) of the European surveys compared the adequacy of the nutrient intake against the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA); only a few surveys (8·0%) used the estimated average requirement cut-point method, while none of them used the probability approach. The comparison of folate inadequacy across eight countries revealed that about 25% of the adult female population had inadequate intakes when judged against the different recommendations used by the respective investigators, but nearly 75% had inadequate intakes when compared against the estimated average requirement cut-point value of 320μg/d. The present review showed that different methods were applied across Europe to estimate the adequacy of micronutrient intake, which led to different prevalence estimates of micronutrient inadequac

    Overview of methods used to evaluate the adequacy of nutrient intakes for individuals and populations

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    The objective of the present paper is to review the methods of measuring micronutrient intake adequacy for individuals and for populations in order to ascertain best practice. A systematic review was conducted to locate studies on the methodological aspects of measuring nutrient adequacy. The results showed that for individuals, qualitative methods (to find probability of adequacy) and quantitative methods (to find confidence of adequacy) have been proposed for micronutrients where there is enough data to set an average nutrient requirement (ANR). If micronutrients do not have ANR, an adequate intake (AI) is often defined and can be used to assess adequacy, provided the distribution of daily intake over a number of days is known. The probability of an individual's intake being excessive can also be compared with the upper level of safe intake and the confidence of this estimate determined in a similar way. At the population level, adequacy can be judged from the ANR using the probability approach or its short cut - the estimated average requirement cut-point method. If the micronutrient does not have an ANR, adequacy cannot be determined from the average intake and must be expressed differently. The upper level of safe intake can be used for populations in a similar way to that of individuals. All of the methodological studies reviewed were from the American continent and all used the methodology described in the Institute of Medicine publications. The present methodology should now be adapted for use in Europ

    Projected Prevalence of Inadequate Nutrient Intakes in Europe

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence of nutrient intake inadequacy in Europe, applying the Nordic Nutritional Recommendations in the context of the EURRECA Network of Excellence. Methods: Nutrient data was obtained from the European Nutrition and Health Report II. Those nutritional surveys using a validated food frequency questionnaire or diet history and a food diary/register with at least 7 days of registers or with an adjustment for intraindividual variability were included. The nutrients analyzed were: vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, and iodine. The estimated average requirement cut point was applied to estimate inadequacy. The Nordic and Institute of Medicine nutrient recommendations were used as references. Results: The mean prevalence of inadequacy was below 11% for zinc, iron, and vitamin B-12 (only in the elderly), and it was 11-20% for copper in adults and the elderly and for vitamin B-12 in adults and vitamin C in the elderly. The prevalence was above 20% for vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, selenium, and iodine in adults and the elderly and for vitamin C in adults. Conclusions: Vitamin C, vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, selenium, and iodine were the nutrients showing a higher prevalence of inadequate intakes in Europe. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Actividad física en la población infantil y juvenil española en el tiempo libre. Estudio enKid (1998-2000)

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    Introducción y objetivos: La práctica regular de actividad física se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales de los planes de salud pública debido a su relación con la prevención de numerosas enfermedades crónicas. La infancia y la adolescencia son momentos clave para iniciar el hábito del ejercicio físico. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis descriptivo de la práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y los factores socioeconómicos que influyen en ella en una muestra representativa de la población infantil y juvenil española. Métodos: Se estudiaron 3.185 individuos de 2 a 24 años a los que se administró un cuestionario sobre actividad física y variables socioeconómicas. Resultados: Alrededor del 70% de los niños y adolescentes españoles no realizan actividad física regular en su tiempo libre, especialmente las chicas. Con la edad, se produce un aumento de la actividad física hasta los 10-13 años, a partir de entonces disminuye su práctica. El nivel socioeconómico y el nivel de estudios de la madre influyen positivamente en el grado de actividad física de la población. Conclusiones: El ejercicio físico en el tiempo libre no es un hábito en la mayoría de la población infantil y juvenil española. Las campañas de salud dirigidas a su promoción deben tener en cuenta las variables socioeconómicas que influyen en su práctica y mejorar la disponibilidad de instalaciones deportivas o recreativas de manera que toda la población tenga acceso a ellas

    Tendencias del estado nutricional de la población española: resultados del sistema de monitorización nutricional de Cataluña (1992-2003).

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    Fundamento: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los cambios producidos en los hábitos alimentarios y el estado nutricional de la población catalana, a lo largo de 10 años a partir de la información procedente de las dos Encuestas Nutricionales de Cataluña desarrolladas en 1992-93 y 2002-03. Método: 2641 indivíduos en 1992-93 y 2060 en 2002-03 de 10 a 75 años que participaron en las encuestas. Se utilizaron dos recordatorios de 24 horas, un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo y un cuestionario general sobre actividad física, conocimientos y actitudes sobre alimentación y uso de suplementos alimentarios. Se midió el peso (kg), la talla (cm) y el perímetro de la cintura (PC) (cm). Se realizó un análisis bioquímico en una submuestra de la población. Se evaluaron colesterol total, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL, triglicéridos y ß-caroteno, a-tocoferol y retinol. Resultados: Se observa un descenso en la ingesta de fruta, verdura y patata, carne y pescado, y un aumento en el consumo de derivados lácteos y comida rápida (especialmente entre los jóvenes). Se produce un ascenso en el valor medio de índice de masa corporal (IMC) en hombres y de PC en hombres y mujeres. El valor de IMC desciende entre las mujeres (excepto entre las más jóvenes). La prevalencia de obesidad aumenta en hombres (de 9,9% a 16,6%), pero no en mujeres. Desciende la colesterolemia media, a expensas del valor de HDL colesterol. Disminuye el porcentaje de población sedentaria en el tiempo libre. Conclusiones: Es necesaria una política de nutrición que sea efectiva en la promoción de una alimentación acorde con las recomendaciones nutricionales y la dieta mediterránea

    The Mediterranean Diet and Nutritional Adequacy: A Review

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    The Mediterranean dietary pattern, through a healthy profile of fat intake, low proportion of carbohydrate, low glycemic index, high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant compounds, and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the risk of certain pathologies, such as cancer or Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). Nutritional adequacy is the comparison between the nutrient requirement and the intake of a certain individual or population. In population groups, the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy can be assessed by the probability approach or using the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) cut-point method. However, dietary patterns can also be used as they have moderate to good validity to assess adequate intakes of some nutrients. The objective of this study was to review the available evidence on the Nutritional Adequacy of the Mediterranean Diet. The inclusion of foods typical of the Mediterranean diet and greater adherence to this healthy pattern was related to a better nutrient profile, both in children and adults, with a lower prevalence of individuals showing inadequate intakes of micronutrients. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet could be used in public health nutrition policies in order to prevent micronutrient deficiencies in the most vulnerable population groups