1,799 research outputs found

    PIRATE: A Remotely-Operable Telescope Facility for Research and Education

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    We introduce PIRATE, a new remotely-operable telescope facility for use in research and education, constructed from 'off-the-shelf' hardware, operated by The Open University. We focus on the PIRATE Mark 1 operational phase where PIRATE was equipped with a widely- used 0.35m Schmidt-Cassegrain system (now replaced with a 0.425m corrected Dall Kirkham astrograph). Situated at the Observatori Astronomic de Mallorca, PIRATE is currently used to follow up potential transiting extrasolar planet candidates produced by the SuperWASP North experiment, as well as to hunt for novae in M31 and other nearby galaxies. It is operated by a mixture of commercially available software and proprietary software developed at the Open University. We discuss problems associated with performing precision time series photometry when using a German Equatorial Mount, investigating the overall performance of such 'off-the-shelf' solutions in both research and teaching applications. We conclude that PIRATE is a cost-effective research facility, and also provides exciting prospects for undergraduate astronomy. PIRATE has broken new ground in offering practical astronomy education to distance-learning students in their own homes.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 14 pages, 11 figure

    Green tea polyphenols in cardiometabolic health: A critical appraisal on phytogenomics towards personalized green tea

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    Cardiovascular disease is a chronic multifactorial health complication that is either directly or indirectly associated with pathophysiological mechanisms, including pro-oxidation, pro-inflammation, vascular and endothelial dysfunction, impaired platelet function, thrombosis, and others. The therapeutic options to circumvent cardiovascular complications include several phytomedicines, including green tea polyphenols. However, while many experimental and clinical studies report distinct mechanisms by which the polyphenols of green tea elicit a beneficial role in cardiometabolic health, the translation and applications of green tea polyphenols in clinics have yet to gain their optimal use on the broader population. This review critically appraises the various reported mechanisms of green tea polyphenols in modulating cardio-metabolic health and associated phyto-genomic challenges. Further, our review highlights the probability of gene polymorphic associated therapeutic variations in individuals using green tea for cardio-metabolic effects and the necessity to personalize green tea for clinical use, thereby improvising the risk-benefit ratio

    Scoring system to facilitate diagnosis of Gaucher disease

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    Background: Gaucher disease (GD) manifests heterogeneously and other conditions are often misdiagnosed in its place, leading to diagnostic delays. The Gaucher Earlier Diagnosis Consensus (GED‐C) initiative proposed a point‐scoring system (PSS) based on the signs and covariables that are most indicative of GD to help clinicians identify which individuals to test for GD. Aims: To validate the PSS retrospectively in a test population including patients with GD and other conditions with overlapping manifestations. Methods: Four cohorts of adults with GD, liver disease (LD), haematological malignancy (HM) or immune thrombocytopenia were identified from hospital records. Clinical data were audited for GED‐C factors identified as potentially indicative of GD and aggregate scores calculated (sum of scores/number of factors) based on published PSS weightings. Threshold discriminatory PSS scores, sensitivity and specificity were determined by receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results: Among 100 patients (GD, n = 25; non‐GD, n = 75), analyses based on 11 possible factors estimated group mean (standard deviation) PSS scores of: GD (n = 14), 1.08 (0.25); non‐GD (n = 38), 0.58 (0.31). Mean between‐group difference (95% confidence interval (CI)) was (−0.49 (−0.68, −0.31)) and area under the ROC analysis curve (95% CI) was 0.88 (0.78, 0.97). A threshold PSS score of 0.82 identified all 14 patients with GD in the analysis set (100% sensitivity) and 27 of 38 patients in the non‐GD group (71% specificity). Patients with LD and HM were most likely to have manifestations overlapping GD. Conclusions: Preliminary validation of the GED‐C PSS discriminated effectively between patients with GD and those with overlapping signs

    Combined Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Transcriptomic Analysis Identifies the P3/P4 Transition as a Key stage in Rice Leaf Photosynthetic Development

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    Leaves are derived from heterotrophic meristem tissue that, at some point, must make the transition to autotrophy via the initiation of photosynthesis. However, the timing and spatial coordination of the molecular and cellular processes underpinning this switch are poorly characterized. Here, we report on the identification of a specific stage in rice (Oryza sativa) leaf development (P3/P4 transition) when photosynthetic competence is first established. Using a combined physiological and molecular approach, we show that elements of stomatal and vascular differentiation are coordinated with the onset of measurable light absorption for photosynthesis. Moreover, by exploring the response of the system to environmental perturbation, we show that the earliest stages of rice leaf development have significant plasticity with respect to elements of cellular differentiation of relevance for mature leaf photosynthetic performance. Finally, by performing an RNA sequencing analysis targeted at the early stages of rice leaf development, we uncover a palette of genes whose expression likely underpins the acquisition of photosynthetic capability. Our results identify the P3/P4 transition as a highly dynamic stage in rice leaf development when several processes for the initiation of photosynthetic competence are coordinated. As well as identifying gene targets for future manipulation of rice leaf structure/function, our data highlight a developmental window during which such manipulations are likely to be most effective

    Seventy years of sex education in Health Education Journal: a critical review

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    This paper examines key debates and perspectives on sex education in Health Education Journal (HEJ), from the date of the journal’s first publication in March 1943 to the present day. Matters relating to sexuality and sexual health are revealed to be integral to HEJ’s history. First published as Health and Empire (1921 – 1942), a key purpose of the journal since its inception has been to share information on venereal disease and its prevention within the UK and across the former British Empire. From 1943 to the present day, discussions on sex education in the newly-christened HEJ both reflect and respond to evolving socio-cultural attitudes towards sexuality in the UK. Changing definitions of sex education across the decades are examined, from the prevention of venereal disease and moral decline in war-time Britain in the 1940s, to a range of responses to sexual liberation in the 1960s and 1970s; from a focus on preventing sexually-transmitted infections, teenage pregnancy and HIV in the 1980s, to the provision of sexual health services alongside sex education in the 2000s. Over the past 70 years, a shift from prevention of pre-marital sexual activity to the management of its outcomes is apparent; however, while these changes over time are notable, perhaps the most striking findings of this review are the continuities in arguments for and against the discussion of sexual issues. After more than 70 years of debate, it would seem that there is little consensus concerning motivations for and the content of sex education

    Systems analysis of transcription factor activities in environments with stable and dynamic oxygen concentrations.

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    Understanding gene regulation requires knowledge of changes in transcription factor (TF) activities. Simultaneous direct measurement of numerous TF activities is currently impossible. Nevertheless, statistical approaches to infer TF activities have yielded non-trivial and verifiable predictions for individual TFs. Here, global statistical modelling identifies changes in TF activities from transcript profiles of Escherichia coli growing in stable (fixed oxygen availabilities) and dynamic (changing oxygen availability) environments. A core oxygen-responsive TF network, supplemented by additional TFs acting under specific conditions, was identified. The activities of the cytoplasmic oxygen-responsive TF, FNR, and the membrane-bound terminal oxidases implied that, even on the scale of the bacterial cell, spatial effects significantly influence oxygen-sensing. Several transcripts exhibited asymmetrical patterns of abundance in aerobic to anaerobic and anaerobic to aerobic transitions. One of these transcripts, ndh, encodes a major component of the aerobic respiratory chain and is regulated by oxygen-responsive TFs ArcA and FNR. Kinetic modelling indicated that ArcA and FNR behaviour could not explain the ndh transcript profile, leading to the identification of another TF, PdhR, as the source of the asymmetry. Thus, this approach illustrates how systematic examination of regulatory responses in stable and dynamic environments yields new mechanistic insights into adaptive processes

    Infrastructure to Improve Beef Business Outcomes in the Queensland Gulf

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    There are significant economic and environmental issues impacting on the short and long term viability of family-run breeding enterprises in the Queensland Gulf. Falling cattle prices and increased business costs threaten the social and financial well-being of many beef producers. Set stocking and overgrazing combine to reduce native 3P (productive, palatable and perennial) grass frequency and herd productivity. The Ryan family on Greenhills Station at George-town in the Queensland Gulf embarked on a 5 year water and fencing infrastructure development program aiming to improve pasture utilisation, land condition and long term carrying capacity

    Relationship of Metabolizable Protein Balance, Purine Derivative Excretion, and 3-Methyl Histidine Excretion to Feed Efficiency in Individually Fed Finishing Heifers

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    Individually fed heifers were used to determine the relationship of 3-methyl histidine, purine derivatives, and metabolizableprotein balance to feed efficiency. Heifers were fed finishing dietsthat were either deficient or sufficient in metabolizable protein. Urine samples were collected and analyzed for early, late, and entire feeding period concentrations of 3-methyl histidine, purine derivatives, and creatinine. Results from this study indicated a negative relationship between feed efficiency and metabolizable protein balance, and no relationship between 3-methyl histidine excretion and feed efficiency, suggesting that protein turnover and microbial protein synthesis are not related to feed efficienc

    Quaternary Stratigraphy and Stratigraphic Nomenclature Revisions in Kansas

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    This paper outlines Quaternary nomenclature changes to Zeller (1968) that have been adopted by the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS). The KGS formally recognizes two series/epochs for the Quaternary: the Holocene and Pleistocene. Pleistocene stage/age names Kansan, Aftonian, Nebraskan, and Yarmouthian are abandoned and replaced with the broader term "pre-Illinoian." Formation names Bignell, Peoria, Gilman Canyon, and Loveland are maintained for loess units. Formation names for the following alluvial lithostratigraphic units are abandoned: Crete, Sappa, Grand Island, Fullerton, and Holdrege. The Severance Formation is adopted as a new lithostratigraphic unit for thick packages of late Pleistocene alluvium and colluvium in Kansas. The DeForest Formation is accepted as a valid lithostratigraphic unit for deposits of fine-grained Holocene alluvium in Kansas. Formation names Iowa Point, Nickerson, and Cedar Bluffs for glacial tills and Atchison and David City for glaciofluvial deposits are abandoned. The Afton and Yarmouth Soils are abandoned as pedostratigraphic units, whereas the Sangamon Geosol and Brady Geosol are maintained