152 research outputs found
Verbände in Deutschland: Potenzial und Relevanz für den Meeting-Markt Schweiz
Grosse Verbandskongresse bringen einem Standort Wertschöpfung und Ansehen, fördern neben den ökonomischen Effekten aber auch den Wissenstransfer in einer Region. Sie fungieren als Schaufenster für die regionale Ökonomie und Wissenschaft. So ist es naheliegend, dass Kongressveranstalter zu einem wichtigen Segment im Geschäftstourismus zählen. Auch Verbände aus dem Markt Deutschland können für die Schweizer Meeting-Branche eine interessante Zielgruppe darstellen, da auch sie Veranstaltungen in der Schweiz durchführen. Die Forschungsarbeit soll die Relevanz und das Potenzial der deutschen Verbandskongresse in der Schweiz aufzeigen. Dabei gilt es herauszufinden, welche Cluster von deutschen Verbänden für die Schweizer Meeting-Regionen und -Destinationen von Bedeutung sind, welches Potenzial sie aufweisen und wie man diese durch die Convention Bureaus (CVB’s) in der Schweiz optimal erreichen kann
Equity pricing and stock market anomalies
A review and interpretation of stock market anomalies in their effect on the pricing of equity
Extracellular Ca2+ modulates ADP-evoked aggregation through altered agonist degradation: implications for conditions used to study P2Y receptor activation
ADP is considered a weak platelet agonist due to the limited aggregation responses it induces in vitro at physiological concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ [(Ca2+)o]. Lowering [Ca2+]o paradoxically enhances ADP-evoked aggregation, an effect that has been attributed to enhanced thromboxane A2 production. This study examined the role of ectonucleotidases in the [Ca2+]o-dependence of platelet activation. Reducing [Ca2+]o from millimolar to micromolar levels converted ADP (10 μmol/l)-evoked platelet aggregation from a transient to a sustained response in both platelet-rich plasma and washed suspensions. Blocking thromboxane A2 production with aspirin had no effect on this [Ca2+]o-dependence. Prevention of ADP degradation abolished the differences between low and physiological [Ca2+]o resulting in a robust and sustained aggregation in both conditions. Measurements of extracellular ADP revealed reduced degradation in both plasma and apyrase-containing saline at micromolar compared to millimolar [Ca2+]o. As reported previously, thromboxane A2 generation was enhanced at low [Ca2+]o, however this was independent of ectonucleotidase activity. P2Y receptor antagonists cangrelor and MRS2179 demonstrated the necessity of P2Y12 receptors for sustained ADP-evoked aggregation, with a minor role for P2Y1. In conclusion, Ca2+-dependent ectonucleotidase activity is a major factor determining the extent of platelet aggregation to ADP and must be controlled for in studies of P2Y receptor activation
Determinants of Expected Stock Returns: Large Sample Evidence from the German Market
This paper conducts a comprehensive asset pricing study based on a unique dataset for the German stock market. For the period 1963 to 2006 we show that value characteristics and momentum explain the cross-section of stock returns. Corresponding factor portfolios have significant premiums across various double-sorted characteristic-based test assets. In a horse race of competing asset pricing models the Fama-French 3-factor model does a poor job in explaining average stock returns. The Carhart 4-factor model performs much better, but a 4-factor model containing an earnings-to-price factor instead of a size factor does even slightly better
A New Empirical Approach to Explain the Stock Market Yield: A Combination of Dynamic Panel Estimation and Factor Analysis
This paper presents an empirical approach that combines competing paradigms of modeling in empirical capital market research. The approach simultaneously estimates the explanatory power of fundamentals, expectations, and historic yield patterns, making it possible to test the extent to which the efficient market hypothesis, fundamental data analysis, and behavioral finance contribute to explaining stock market yield. The core of the approach is a dynamic panel model (Arellano-Bond estimator with an MA restriction of the residuals), complemented with an upstream factor analysis to reduce multicollinearity. Due to the complexity of the data set, a great many parameters that influence the yield can be determined. Highly significant parameter estimates are possible even though the information in the data set is interdependent. For the German stock market (the 160 companies listed in DAX, MDAX, SDAX, and TecDAX), the quarterly yield is analyzed for the period between 2004 and 2009. The model has high explanatory power for the entire observation period, even in light of the fact that the period includes the financial crisis of 2008
Overconfident Investors, Predictable Returns, and Excessive Trading
The last several decades have witnessed a shift away from a fully rational paradigm of financial markets toward one in which investor behavior is influenced by psychological biases. Two principal factors have contributed to this evolution: a body of evidence showing how psychological bias affects the behavior of economic actors; and an accumulation of evidence that is hard to reconcile with fully rational models of security market trading volumes and returns. In particular, asset markets exhibit trading volumes that are high, with individuals and asset managers trading aggressively, even when such trading results in high risk and low net returns. Moreover, asset prices display patterns of predictability that are difficult to reconcile with rational-expectations–based theories of price formation. In this paper, we discuss the role of overconfidence as an explanation for these patterns
Initial Public Offerings and the Firm Location
The firm geographic location matters in IPOs because investors have a strong preference for newly issued local stocks and provide abnormal demand in local offerings. Using equity holdings data for more than 53,000 households, we show the probability to participate to the stock market and the proportion of the equity wealth is abnormally increasing with the volume of the IPOs inside the investor region. Upon nearly the universe of the 167,515 going public and private domestic manufacturing firms, we provide consistent evidence that the isolated private firms have higher probability to go public, larger IPO underpricing cross-sectional average and volatility, and less pronounced long-run under-performance. Similar but opposite evidence holds for the local concentration of the investor wealth. These effects are economically relevant and robust to local delistings, IPO market timing, agglomeration economies, firm location endogeneity, self-selection bias, and information asymmetries, among others. Findings suggest IPO waves have a strong geographic component, highlight that underwriters significantly under-estimate the local demand component thus leaving unexpected money on the table, and support state-contingent but constant investor propensity for risk
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