163 research outputs found

    Visual Information Retrieval in Endoscopic Video Archives

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    In endoscopic procedures, surgeons work with live video streams from the inside of their subjects. A main source for documentation of procedures are still frames from the video, identified and taken during the surgery. However, with growing demands and technical means, the streams are saved to storage servers and the surgeons need to retrieve parts of the videos on demand. In this submission we present a demo application allowing for video retrieval based on visual features and late fusion, which allows surgeons to re-find shots taken during the procedure.Comment: Paper accepted at the IEEE/ACM 13th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) in Prague (Czech Republic) between 10 and 12 June 201

    Computational modeling of epithelial wound healing: Short and long term chemo-mechanical mechanisms

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    During the lifetime of all living multicellular organisms, wounds in their tissues are frequently observed. Thecapability of closing those gaps is fundamental for a healthy development. If done deficiently, many diseasesmay occur from simple inflammation to tumor formation. The wound healing process in epithelial tissueoccurs in three different stages. The first one is the assembly of a supra-cellular actomyosin cable and itsmigration towards the wound edge, triggered by biochemical processes in which calcium plays a distinctiverole. How this process is orchestrated following damage remains unclear. Later, after its positioning, thecable contracts driving the tissue towards the gap and reducing the wound area. Finally, cell migrationtowards the interior of the wound ends up sealing the tissue. In this work, we make use of a mechanicalcontinuum model for the first two stages in order to developed and 2D finite element simulations within amonolithically fully implicit implementation. The model for the actomyosin cable formation involves thecoupling of transient calcium ions transport, with actin fibers and myosin motors recruitment and non-linearmechanical response of the tissue. The contraction stage, the active deformation of the previously formedactomyosin cable is taken into account. The relative motion of the myosin motors over the actin filaments ismodeled so there exists an active tissue contraction in the direction of those fibers. Upon implementation,the model is capable of performing a wide range of biophysical situations reported experimentally, as wedemonstrate in our numerical results. We have been able to rationalize through computational mechanicsthe firing of calcium in the wound right after damage infliction as well as the consequent formation of actinring, reproducing nicely what has been reported in biological literature. Thereafter, the numerical modelof acto-myosin contraction, fully integrated with the non-linear mechanics of the problem, correlates withthe mechanics of wound closure at the actin-ring contraction stage. More importantly, the approach is thefirst of its kind in the modeling of epithelial and embryonic cell layers, where a wide number of complexmechanics has been integrated and solved though computational methods in engineering. We believe thatthe simulations will help to unravel new insights in open questions of developmental biology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Extraordinary Aggressive Behavior from the Giant Coral Reef Fish, Bolbometopon muricatum, in a Remote Marine Reserve

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    Human impacts to terrestrial and marine communities are widespread and typically begin with the local extirpation of large-bodied animals. In the marine environment, few pristine areas relatively free of human impact remain to provide baselines of ecosystem function and goals for restoration efforts. Recent comparisons of remote and/or protected coral reefs versus impacted sites suggest remote systems are dominated by apex predators, yet in these systems the ecological role of non-predatory, large-bodied, highly vulnerable species such as the giant bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) has received less attention. Overfishing of Bolbometopon has lead to precipitous declines in population density and avoidance of humans throughout its range, contributing to its status as a candidate species under the U. S. Endangered Species Act and limiting opportunities to study unexploited populations. Here we show that extraordinary ecological processes, such as violent headbutting contests by the world’s largest parrotfish, can be revealed by studying unexploited ecosystems, such as the coral reefs of Wake Atoll where we studied an abundant population of Bolbometopon. Bolbometopon is among the largest of coral reef fishes and is a well known, charismatic species, yet to our knowledge, no scientific documentation of ritualized headbutting exists for marine fishes. Our observations of aggressive headbutting by Bolbometopon underscore that remote locations and marine reserves, by inhibiting negative responses to human observers and by allowing the persistence of historical conditions, can provide valuable opportunities to study ecosystems in their natural state, thereby facilitating the discovery, conservation, and interpretation of a range of sometimes remarkable behavioral and ecological processes

    Giant cell arteritis presenting as scalp necrosis

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    The differential of scalp ulceration in older patients should include several causes, such as herpes zoster, irritant contact dermatitis, ulcerated skin tumors, postirradiation ulcers, microbial infections, pyoderma gangrenosum, and giant cell arteritis. Scalp necrosis associated with giant cell arteritis was first described in the 1940s. The presence of this dermatological sign within giant cell arteritis represents a severity marker of this disease, with a higher mean age at diagnosis, an elevated risk of vision loss and tongue gangrene, as well as overall higher mortality rates, in comparison to patients not presenting this manifestation. Even though scalp necrosis due to giant cell arteritis is exceptional, a high level of suspicion must be held for this clinical finding, in order to initiate prompt and proper treatment and avoid blindness

    Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography of the atrial septal defects

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    Transesophageal echocardiography has advantages over transthoracic technique in defining morphology of atrial structures. Even though real time three-dimensional echocardiographic imaging is a reality, the off-line reconstruction technique usually allows to obtain higher spatial resolution images. The purpose of this study was to explore the accuracy of off-line three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in a spectrum of atrial septal defects by comparing them with representative anatomic specimens

    Análisis de implementación de un sistema de cogeneración para la reducción de costos energéticos de la industria azucarera en Sayán

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    En la presente investigación se evaluó la factibilidad económica de la implementación de un sistema de cogeneración de la industria azucarera en el distrito de Sayán, provincia de Huaura, departamento de Lima, La industria azucarera tiene una demanda significativa de energía térmica para sus procesos industriales, por lo que se requiere implementar un sistema de cogeneración para aumentar la eficiencia de la planta, y cubrir la demanda térmica y eléctrica que requiere, dejando de comprar la energía eléctrica que se requiere a Coelvisac, la investigación que se llevó a cabo fue correlacional, Se tomo como muestra la población de una planta industrial azucarera. Los instrumentos tomados para nuestra investigación son los archivos de los registros de datos para la variable independiente y los datos tomados en excel para evaluar los costos para la variable dependiente, El resultado principal es la evaluación de la reducción de los costos energéticos con la implementación del sistema de cogeneración. En la conclusión principal, se registró con la implementación del sistema de cogeneración una reducción del costo anual de $/. 1,806,903.2, así como los indicadores de TIR igual a 19%, un VAN positivo y un tiempo del retorno de la inversión igual a 4.68 años

    Neonatal Neurobehavior and Diffusion MRI Changes in Brain Reorganization Due to Intrauterine Growth Restriction in a Rabbit Model

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    Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects 5–10 % of all newborns and is associated with a high risk of abnormal neurodevelopment. The timing and patterns of brain reorganization underlying IUGR are poorly documented. We developed a rabbit model of IUGR allowing neonatal neurobehavioral assessment and high resolution brain diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the study was to describe the pattern and functional correlates of fetal brain reorganization induced by IUGR. Methodology/Principal Findings: IUGR was induced in 10 New Zealand fetal rabbits by ligation of 40–50 % of uteroplacental vessels in one horn at 25 days of gestation. Ten contralateral horn fetuses were used as controls. Cesarean section was performed at 30 days (term 31 days). At postnatal day +1, neonates were assessed by validated neurobehavioral tests including evaluation of tone, spontaneous locomotion, reflex motor activity, motor responses to olfactory stimuli, and coordination of suck and swallow. Subsequently, brains were collected and fixed and MRI was performed using a high resolution acquisition scheme. Global and regional (manual delineation and voxel based analysis) diffusion tensor imaging parameters were analyzed. IUGR was associated with significantly poorer neurobehavioral performance in most domains. Voxel based analysis revealed fractional anisotropy (FA) differences in multiple brain regions of gray and white matter, including frontal, insular, occipital and temporal cortex, hippocampus, putamen, thalamus, claustrum, medial septa

    Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector platanero del departamento de Risaralda

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito fundamental, indagar sobre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial -RSE- en las empresas del sector platanero en el Departamento de Risaralda y su respectivo nivel de implementación; para ello, se recurren a técnicas cuantitativas dentro del análisis descriptivo inmerso en la contextualización y análisis de los resultados obtenidos del instrumento aplicado en la captura de información. Específicamente, se realizó un muestreo a conveniencia con identificación de 30 productores de plátano con experiencia promedio cercana a los 2 años en este mercado; determinando que el 70% de las empresas consideradas no aplica la RSE y proporcionalmente el grupo de menor participación, es decir, aquellas que evidencian algún nivel de implementación de estas prácticas, justifican dichos esfuerzos por las favorables condiciones socio-económicas y de competitividad que finalmente obtienen en el segundo renglón agrícola regional, después de la actividad cafetera

    Fish and habitat community assessments on North Carolina shipwrecks: potential sites for detecting climate change in the graveyard of the Atlantic

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    The Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) was the nation’s first sanctuary, originally established in 1975 to protect the famous civil war ironclad shipwreck, the USS Monitor. Since 2008, sanctuary sponsored archeological research has branched out to include historically significant U-boats and World War II shipwrecks within the larger Graveyard of the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina. These shipwrecks are not only important for their cultural value, but also as habitat for a wide diversity of fishes, invertebrates and algal species. Additionally, due to their unique location within an important area for biological productivity, the sanctuary and other culturally valuable shipwrecks within the Graveyard of the Atlantic are potential sites for examining community change. For this reason, from June 8-30, 2010, biological and ecological investigations were conducted at four World War II shipwrecks (Keshena, City of Atlanta, Dixie Arrow, EM Clark), as part of the MNMS 2010 Battle of the Atlantic (BOTA) research project. At each shipwreck site, fish community surveys were conducted and benthic photo-quadrats were collected to characterize the mobile conspicuous fish, smaller prey fish, and sessile invertebrate and algal communities. In addition, temperature sensors were placed at all four shipwrecks previously mentioned, as well as an additional shipwreck, the Manuela. The data, which establishes a baseline condition to use in future assessments, suggest strong differences in both the fish and benthic communities among the surveyed shipwrecks based on the oceanographic zone (depth). In order to establish these shipwrecks as sites for detecting community change it is suggested that a subset of locations across the shelf be selected and repeatedly sampled over time. In order to reduce variability within sites for both the benthic and fish communities, a significant number of surveys should be conducted at each location. This sampling strategy will account for the natural differences in community structure that exist across the shelf due to the oceanographic regime, and allow robust statistical analyses of community differences over time

    Factores asociados a complicaciones en la hernioplastía inguinal en un hospital de las fuerzas armadas del Perú, 2013-2017: Factors associated with complications in inguinal hernioplasty in a hospital of the armed forces of Peru, 2013-2017

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the factors associated with complications in inguinal hernioplasty in a hospital of the armed forces of Peru, 2013-2017. Methods: Observational, quantitative, retrospective, analytical type case and control study. There were 52 cases and 104 controls, obtained under the spreadsheet and chosen by simple probabilistic sampling. We analyzed the association measures through the Odds Ratio (OR). A 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was used and the chi-squared statistic was applied with a statistical significance level of less than 0.05. Results: It was found that seroma was the most frequent complication. With regard to sex, an OR was observed: 1.41; 95% CI: 0.655 - 3.05; p 0.375, for age, an OR was obtained: 4.56; 95% CI: 2.24 - 9.28; p 0.00. For obesity, an OR was found: 28.52; 95% CI: 10.9-74.60; 0.00. In the diameter of the hernial ring, OR was obtained: 1.83; 95% CI: 0.76 - 4.39; p 0.17. With respect to the surgical technique, the analysis showed an OR: 2.52; 95% CI: 1.13 - 5.58. Finally, with respect to surgical time, an OR was found: 12.37; 95% CI: 5.23-29.26; p 0.00. Conclusion: It is concluded that there are risk factors associated with complications after inguinal hernioplasty such as age greater than or equal to 65 years, obesity, conventional type surgical technique and operative time equal to or greater than 90 minutes. Key words: Associated factors; Complications; Inguinal hernioplasty. (source: MeSH NLM) DOI:  10.25176/RFMH.v18.n3.1588RESUMEN Objetivos: Determinar los factores asociados a complicaciones en la hernioplastía inguinal en un hospital de las fuerzas armadas del Perú, 2013-2017. Métodos: Estudio observacional, cuantitativo, retrospectivo, analítico tipo casos y control. Se contó con 52 casos y 104 controles, obtenidos bajo hoja de cálculo y escogidos por muestreo probabilístico simple. Se analizó las medidas de asociación a través del Odds Ratio (OR). Se utilizó un intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC 95%) y se aplicó el estadístico chi cuadrado con un nivel de significancia estadística menor a 0,05. Resultados: Se encontró que la complicación más frecuente fue el seroma. Con respecto al sexo, se observó un OR: 1,41; IC 95%: 0,655 – 3,05; p 0.375, para la edad, se obtuvo un OR: 4,56; IC 95%: 2,24 – 9,28; p 0.00. Para la obesidad, se evidenció un OR: 28,52; IC 95%: 10,9 – 74,60; 0.00. En el diámetro del anillo herniario, se obtuvo OR: 1,83; IC 95%: 0,76 – 4,39; p 0.17. Con respecto a la técnica quirúrgica, el análisis evidenció un OR: 2,52; IC 95%: 1,13 – 5,58. Por último, con respecto al tiempo quirúrgico, se encontró un OR: 12,37; IC 95%: 5,23 – 29,26; p 0.00. Conclusión: Se concluye que existen factores de riesgo asociados a complicaciones post hernioplastía inguinal como la edad mayor o igual a 65 años, obesidad, técnica quirúrgica tipo convencional y tiempo operatorio igual o mayor a 90 minutos. Palabras clave: Factores asociados; Complicaciones; Hernioplastía inguinal. (fuente: DeCS BIREME) DOI:  10.25176/RFMH.v18.n3.158