82 research outputs found

    El perfil de los preparadores laborales en el empleo con apoyo

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    Este trabajo analiza la figura del preparador laboral en varios servicios de empleo con apoyo. Se efectúa un análisis de corte cualitativo basado en el estudio de casos. Se realizaron 23 entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales y 36 observaciones participantes en diferentes fases del empleo con apoyo. Los resultados revelan la heterogeneidad de los perfiles vinculados con varias áreas de conocimiento, así como una diversidad de funciones relacionadas con los roles que ejerce el preparador laboral condicionado por el número de profesionales que desempeñan su actividad en la institución. Las competencias más significativas se interrelacionan con las destrezas personales y habilidades comunicativas. Se recomienda que desde los programas de empleo se potencien programas de reciclaje profesional para suplir déficits formativos y doten a los profesionales de las competencias adecuadas para la intervención en cada servicio

    Interactive Learning Environments for the Educational Improvement of Students With Disabilities in Special Schools

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    Providing an inclusive and quality education for all contributes toward the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. High-quality learning environments based on what works in education benefit all students and can be particularly beneficial for children with disabilities. This article contributes to advance knowledge to enhance the quality of education of students with disabilities that are educated in special schools. This research analyses in which ways, if any, interactive learning environments can be developed in special schools and create better learning opportunities for children with disabilities. A case study was conducted with students with disabilities (N = 36) and teaching staff in a special school, involving interviews and focus groups. We argue that rethinking the learning context by introducing instruction models based on interaction benefit children with disabilities and provide high-quality learning and safe and supportive relationships for these students, thereby promoting their educational and social inclusion

    Aplicación de smartphone en el análisis colorimétrico de réplicas de pinturas rupestres

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar las posibilidades que ofrece el análisis de imagen efectuado sobre soporte fotográfico obtenido con smartphone en la caracterización colorimétrica de los pigmentos utilizados en el arte rupestre prehistórico. Con este fin, se procedió a la elaboración experimental de pigmentos minerales, siguiendo distintas recetas basadas en datos arqueológicos y etnológicos, y se aplicaron sobre una superficie de roca carbonatada similar al soporte donde se localizan las pinturas rupestres holocenas del arco mediterráneo. Cada trazo elaborado con las distintas recetas fue fotografiado con un smartphone en ambiente controlado y analizado con un espectrómetro de fluorescencia de rayos X portátil para evaluar la relación entre los niveles elementales de los pigmentos y los parametros de color obtenidos por análisis de imagen.Los autores agradecen la financiación recibida por la Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana para el proyecto Prometeo “Smartphone y Química Analítica Verde” (PROMETEO 2019-056). Gianni Gallello agradece la ayuda Beatriz Galindo (BEAGAL18/00110) financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el Ministerio de Universidades del Gobierno de España. Esther López- Montalvo agradece la financiación recibida en el marco del proyecto MACOPREH MITI-CNRS (2017- 2019)

    Implicit Motor Imagery for Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Case–Control Study.

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    Implicit motor imagery (IMI), with an image laterality discrimination (LD) task, has been proposed as a useful therapeutic tool to restore body schema in patients with chronic pelvic pain (CPP). The aim of this study was to analyse the existence of differences between patients with CPP and healthy individuals in order to justify the use of IMI. An observational, cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling was designed as a one-to-one matched case–control study. Through a web link designed for this purpose, a total of 40 abdominoperineal images were shown to 130 participants during the laterality task. Outcome measures were pain intensity (visual analogue scale, VAS), accuracy, response time (RT), and CPPQ-Mohedo score (Chronic Pelvic Pain Questionnaire—Mohedo). This was an observational, cross-sectional study with a total of 64 CPP patients and 66 healthy individuals. The comparative analysis between groups revealed significant differences in accuracy, CPPQ-Mohedo and VAS (p < 0.001), but not in RT; in patients with CPP, accuracy was correlated with a lower CPPQ-Mohedo score and RT and, the greater the pain intensity, the higher the CPPQ-Mohedo score and RT, and the lower the accuracy. In the LD task, the patients with CPP made more mistakes than the healthy individuals. IMI could be a useful and complementary tool in the therapeutic approach for patients with CPP.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Determinación de zonas isotérmicas y selección de estaciones meteorológicas representativas en Aragón como base para la estimación del impacto del cambio climático sobre la posible relación entre mortalidad y temperatura

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    Fundamento: En regiones extensas y diversificadas, como Ara¬gón, se cree la necesidad de dividirlas en áreas en función de las varia¬bles atmosféricas disponibles, para seleccionar una estación meteoroló¬gica representativa. El objeto de este artículo es determinar la existencia de regiones isotérmicas y seleccionar las estaciones representativas con el fin de estudiar la correlación entre variables de temperatura y morta-lidad diaria. Métodos: Se seleccionaron datos diarios de temperatura máxima y mínima para el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1987 y diciembre de 2006. Para determinar las zonas isotérmicas se realizó un análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos y un análisis factorial discriminante, así co-mo un tratamiento previo de datos de relleno de lagunas y detección de heterogeneidades en las series climáticas. Se analizaron datos de 93 estaciones (44 en Huesca, 15 en Teruel y 34 en Zaragoza). Resultados: De los resultados del análisis para la regionalización de Aragón extrajimos que un solo factor explica la varianza de cada se¬rie. En temperaturas máximas ese único factor explicó el 93,43% de la varianza y la estación que representó un mayor factor de correlación fue Huesca-Monflorite (correlación=0,984). Para temperaturas mínimas un único factor explicó el 90,88% de la varianza, siendo la estación con mayor factor de correlación Pallaruelo de Monegros (correla-ción=0,976). Conclusiones: Se consideró que Aragón es una única región isotér¬mica con una única estación representativa de la variabilidad de las temperaturas, Zaragoza-Aeropuerto, con una correlación en temperatu-ras máximas de 0,980 y en mínimas de 0,974.S

    Collaborative membrane activity and receptor-dependent tumor cell targeting for precise nanoparticle delivery in CXCR4+ colorectal cancer

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    Altres ajuts: EU COST Action CA 17140. AV received an ICREA ACADEMIA award.By the appropriate selection of functional peptides and proper accommodation sites, we have generated a set of multifunctional proteins that combine selectivity for CXCR4 cell binding and relevant endosomal escape capabilities linked to the viral peptide HA2. In particular, the construct T22-GFP-HA2-H6 forms nanoparticles that upon administration in mouse models of human, CXCR4 colorectal cancer, accumulates in primary tumor at levels significantly higher than the parental T22-GFP-H6 HA2-lacking version. The in vivo application of a CXCR4 antagonist has confirmed the prevalence of the CXCR4 tumor tissue selectivity over unspecific cell penetration, upon systemic administration of the material. Such specificity is combined with improved endosomal escape, what overall results in a precise and highly efficient tumor biodistribution. These data strongly support the functional recruitment as a convenient approach to generate protein materials for clinical applications. More precisely, they also support the unexpected concept that enhancing the unspecific membrane activity of a protein material does not necessarily compromise, but it can even improve, the selective cell targeting offered by an accompanying functional module. Statement of Significance: We have shown here that the combination of cell-penetrating and tumor cell-targeting peptides dramatically enhances precise tumor accumulation of protein-only nanoparticles intended for selective drug delivery, in mouse models of human colorectal cancer. This fact is a step forward for the rational design of multifunctional protein nanomaterials for improved cancer therapies

    Protein nanoparticles are nontoxic, tuneable cell stressors

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    Aim: nanoparticle-cell interactions can promote cell toxicity and stimulate particular behavioral patterns, but cell responses to protein nanomaterials have been poorly studied. - Results: by repositioning oligomerization domains in a simple, modular self-assembling protein platform, we have generated closely related but distinguishable homomeric nanoparticles. Composed by building blocks with modular domains arranged in different order, they share amino acid composition. These materials, once exposed to cultured cells, are differentially internalized in absence of toxicity and trigger distinctive cell adaptive responses, monitored by the emission of tubular filopodia and enhanced drug sensitivity. - Conclusion: the capability to rapidly modulate such cell responses by conventional protein engineering reveals protein nanoparticles as tuneable, versatile and potent cell stressors for cell-targeted conditioning

    Self-assembling toxin-based nanoparticles as self-delivered antitumoral drugs

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    Loading capacity and drug leakage from vehicles during circulation in blood is a major concern when developing nanoparticle-based cell-targeted cytotoxics. To circumvent this potential issue it would be convenient the engineering of drugs as self-delivered nanoscale entities, devoid of any heterologous carriers. In this context, we have here engineered potent protein toxins, namely segments of the diphtheria toxin and the Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin as self-assembling, self-delivered therapeutic materials targeted to CXCR4 cancer stem cells. The systemic administration of both nanostructured drugs in a colorectal cancer xenograft mouse model promotes efficient and specific local destruction of target tumor tissues and a significant reduction of the tumor volume. This observation strongly supports the concept of intrinsically functional protein nanoparticles, which having a dual role as drug and carrier, are designed to be administered without the assistance of heterologous vehicles

    Nanostructured porous silicon micropatterns as a tool for substrate-conditioned cell research

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    The localized irradiation of Si allows a precise patterning at the microscale of nanostructured materials such as porous silicon (PS). PS patterns with precisely defined geometries can be fabricated using ion stopping masks. The nanoscale textured micropatterns were used to explore their influence as microenvironments for human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). In fact, the change of photoluminescence emission from PS upon aging in physiological solution suggests the intense formation of silanol surface groups, which may play a relevant role in ulterior cell adhesion. The experimental results show that hMSCs are sensitive to the surface micropatterns. In this regard, preliminary β-catenin labeling studies reveal the formation of cell to cell interaction structures, while microtubule orientation is strongly influenced by the selective adhesion conditions. Relevantly, Ki-67 assays support a proliferative state of hMSCs on such nanostructured micropatterns comparable to that of standard cell culture platforms, which reinforce the candidature of porous silicon micropatterns to become a conditioning structure for in vitro culture of hMSCsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from MICINN under research project MAT2008-06858-C02-01/NAN and Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under Project Microseres. Technical support from L García Pelayo is greatly appreciate