95 research outputs found

    Planification, control and monitoring of a professional service of engineering building a model of quality management in accordance to ISO 9001.

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    Este trabajo propone una documentación original, de desarrollo propio, relacionada con la planificación, control y seguimiento de un encargo de trabajo profesional de ingeniería de edificación dentro de un Modelo de Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, cuya implantación pretende mejorar los resultados de los servicios prestados y aumentar la satisfacción del cliente.This paper proposes an original documentation self-developed, related to the planning, control and monitoring of professional work of engineering building commissioned within a System Model Quality Management, whose implementation aims to improve the results and increase the customer satisfactionAdministración y Dirección de EmpresasIngeniería, Industria y Construcció

    The professional powers of Building Engineers compared to Technical Architect in Spain

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    La titulación de graduado en Ingeniería de Edificación es merecedora de un serio y pro-fundo estudio con objeto de colaborar en la definición de las futuras atribuciones profesionales que le deberían ser otorgadas por el legislador, ya que actualmente tan solo le han sido concedidas las mismas que al profesional titulado en Arquitectura Téc-nica. Se fundamenta este análisis en la duración (4 cursos) de los estudios universitari-os que deben realizar los nuevos titulados para la obtención del título de grado, que superan en un año a los cursados por el Arquitecto Técnico (3 cursos), así como en los nuevos perfiles profesionales contemplados en el Libro Blanco del Ingeniero de Edifi-cación y las nuevas competencias establecidas en la Orden ECI/3855/2007. Como re-sultado del estudio se obtiene una propuesta de ampliación con 14 nuevas atribuciones profesionales.The degree of Building Engineering deserves an earnest and thorough study with the aim of participating in the definition of future professional powers that should be granted by the legislature, since as of today it has only received the same authorities as those granted to Architectural Technologists. This analysis is based both in the length of the university studies that the new graduates have to carry out in order to obtain the degree (4 years), exceeding in one year those executed by Technical Archi-tect (3 years), as well as on the new professional profiles comprised in the White Book of the Building Engineer and the new fields of expertise established in the Order ECI/3855/2007. As a result of the study an extension proposal is obtained, containing 14 new professional responsibilities.Administración y Dirección de EmpresasIngeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of the sensory deviation responsible for the origin of the special sherry wines "palo cortado" type

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the biochemical changes and microbiological processes involved in the sensory deviation of “sobretablas” wines during biological aging, which leads to the origin of special or rare “palo cortado” wines. Industrial trials of biological aging of “sobretablas” wines with the potential for the development of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were performed to study this phenomenon. The results showed that sensory deviation was due to the development of malolactic fermentation (MLF) together with an attenuated aerobic metabolism of “flor” yeast. Malolactic fermentation (MLF) was promoted by the presence of malic acid concentrations that were higher than 1 g/L and the coexistence of LAB and “flor” velum yeast. Ethyl lactate, acetoin and 2,3-butanediol are some of the volatile compounds that are responsible for this sensory deviation. Wines with high levels of gluconic and malic acids (> 1 g/L) can cause, with very low probability, the sensory deviation of “palo cortado”. A lysozyme dose of 12 g/hL is an effective treatment to avoid malolactic fermentation (MFL) and sensory deviation. Understanding the biochemical and microbiological changes involved in sensory deviation can be useful to wineries as markers to identify the origin of the special sherry wines "palo cortado" type

    Sex assessment from the proximal femur in the Spanish population based on three-dimensional computed tomography metric analysis

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    The studies published in recent years have shown that the linear measurements on the three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) clinical images of the hip bone, skull or breastbone can serve as a reliable alternative method for sex estimation. In spite of the fact that the proximal femur exhibited high dimorphism when examining the skeletal material, there is still a lack of morphometric studies dealing with the CT imaging of this anatomical region that would confirm the relevance of the previously obtained results. The aim of this study was to validate the reliability and precision of some proximal femur measurements obtained in vivo from the 3D-CT models and to compare the accuracies of our findings with those formerly reported by other relevant research. The vertical diameter of neck and the vertical diameter of head were found to contribute the most when considered independently (90.4%–91.8%). When combining these with the other dimensions, the prediction accuracy increased up to 97.3%. The accuracy of CT measurements is in accordance with those obtained in the traditional morphometric studies on the skeletonized femurs of contemporary populations. The 3D-CT approach showed remarkably higher percentage of predictive ability in comparison with the 2D technique. 3D-CT is a suitable tool for the objective quantification of osteological data. The medical scans and measurements on living individuals offer a valuable source of data from which the highly reliable skeletal standards can be developed for estimating sex, even from the fragmented remains. The method proposed here can be highly useful especially in the identification of mass disaster victims when the direct osteometry is difficult to apply and maceration of the remains is not an option

    Prospective Evaluation of Intensity of Symptoms, Therapeutic Procedures and Treatment in Palliative Care Patients in Nursing Homes

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the intensity of symptoms, and any treatment and therapeutic procedures received by advanced chronic patients in nursing homes. A multi-centre prospective study was conducted in six nursing homes for five months. A nurse trainer selected palliative care patients from whom the sample was randomly selected for inclusion. The Edmonton Symptoms Assessment Scale, therapeutic procedures, and treatment were evaluated. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used to evaluate month-to-month differences and differences between those who died and those who did not. A total of 107 residents were evaluated. At the end of the follow-up, 39 had (34.6%) died. All symptoms (p < 0.050) increased in intensity in the last week of life. Symptoms were more intense in those who had died at follow-up (p < 0.05). The use of aerosol sprays (p = 0.008), oxygen therapy (p < 0.001), opioids (p < 0.001), antibiotics (p = 0.004), and bronchodilators (p = 0.003) increased in the last week of life. Peripheral venous catheters (p = 0.022), corticoids (p = 0.007), antiemetics (p < 0.001), and antidepressants (p < 0.05) were used more in the patients who died. In conclusion, the use of therapeutic procedures (such as urinary catheters, peripheral venous catheter placement, and enteral feeding) and drugs (such as antibiotics, anxiolytics, and new antidepressant prescriptions) should be carefully considered in this clinical setting.This paper has been partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía, by project FQM-235 and the Andalusian CICYE project AP-0105-201

    Obesity associated risk using Edmonton staging in bariatric surgery

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    Con una prevalencia de obesidad mórbida del 1,2% en población española, los criterios de indicación para Cirugía Bariátrica (CB) no consideran comorbilidades ni estado funcional. Es necesaria una aproximación diagnóstica capaz de predecir mortalidad y sustentar criterios de priorización terapéutica. Objetivo: Aplicar la propuesta Edmonton como sistema de estadiaje clínico para la clasificación de pacientes en lista de espera de CB. Método: Se recogen datos de 81 pacientes (2011 – 2013), tras protocolo prequirúrgico. Se registra peso, talla, IMC, cintura, determinaciones bioquímicas, TA, presencia de enfermedad hepática, renal, osteoarticular, síndrome apnea-hipopnea del sueño (SAHS) y reflujo gastroesofágico. Se aplica a cada persona la propuesta de estadiaje de Edmonton, con 10 variables. Resultados: 67% mujeres. Edad media: 47 años, 18% con edad inferior a 30 años. IMC medio: 47 (37-67), 90% IMC > de 40. El 34% de los pacientes presentan SHAS y el 25% enfermedad por reflujo. Un 9% asocia IMC > 45, disglucosis- diabetes mellitus y SAHS. Aplicando el modelo de Edmonton, nueve pacientes (11%) se sitúan en el rango de mayor riesgo (estadío 3), 70% en rango de riesgo elevado (estadío 2), y 15 pacientes (18%), están incluidos en la condición de bajo riesgo. Ningún paciente se situaba en estadio 0, sin factores de riesgo asociados a obesidad. Conclusiones: El estadiaje de Edmonton nos aporta información sobre la presencia y extensión de co-mobilidades, que apoye la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. La capacidad predictiva de mortalidad de la propuesta de Edmonton podría ser útil para establecer criterios de priorización quirúrgicaWith a prevalence of Morbid Obesity of 1,2% of the Spanish population, the current criteria for Bariatric Surgery do not classify patients taking into consideration co-morbidities or functional status. We need new staging systems useful in predicting mortality and able to support prioritizing treatments. Aim: Applying Edmonton staging system to patients awaiting Bariatric Surgery. Method: Data collected from 81 patients from 2011- 2013 after pre-surgery protocol. Weight, height, waist, BMI, biochemical parameters and blood pressure are registered. Also taken down are hepatic, renal, osteoarticular diseases, sleep-apnea syndrome and/or gastro-oesophageal reflux, if present. Edmonton staging of ten variables is applied to each patient. Results: 81 patients: 67% women, average age 47y, 18% below 30y. Average BMI of 47, 90% of patients have a BMI >40. 34% of patients show sleep-apnea syndrome and 25% gastro-oesophageal reflux. 9% of the patients have a BMI >45, diabetes mellitus and sleep-apnea syndrome. Applying the Edmonton Staging, nine patients (11%) are in the highest risk range (stage 3), 70% are in the high-risk range (stage 2) and 15 patients (18%) are included in the low-risk range. No patient was found to be in stage 0 without obesity risk factors. Conclusions: The Edmonton staging system provides us with information on presence or extent of co-morbidities that guide decision making in individuals. The mortality- predictive ability of Edmonton proposal could help to assist in determining the urgency of Bariatric Surgery and establish better criteria to prioritize these group of patient

    Evaluation of the use of multiflora bee pollen on the volatile compounds and sensorial profile of Palomino fino and Riesling white young wines

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    This study investigates the impact of bee pollen on volatile compounds, odour activity values and sensory profiles in Palomino fino and Riesling young white wines. Commercial bee pollen was added to grape must using six different doses (0 (control), 0.1, 0.25, 1, 5, 10 and 20 g/L) and fermented under controlled conditions. Volatile compounds were determined with GC and GC–MS chromatography and sensorial analysis using a qualified panel of tasters. Bee pollen produces an increase in volatile compounds depending on the grape variety and the dose applied. It also increases the synthesis of higher alcohols, methanol, esters, acetaldehyde and terpenes, reducing alcohols and fatty acids. Wines with low doses (0.1 and 0.25 g/L) showed the higher OAV values (fruity and floral) and scores in overall judgment for the sensory evaluation. High pollen doses decrease fruity character and could result in deviations affecting the sensorial quality.12 página

    Analysis of the Lifestyle of Spanish Undergraduate Nursing Students and Comparison with Students of Other Degrees

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    Background: Nursing students are exposed to concepts of healthy lifestyles while they are attending university. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze whether nursing students have a healthier lifestyle than non-nursing students and to determine whether their behaviour is consistent with their beliefs. Methods: A cross-sectional study, with 293 university students was performed by using a validated questionnaire to measure beliefs and behaviour regarding health. Results: The lifestyle pattern of the nursing students evaluated was characterised by a high percentage of nurses with low levels of physical activity, poor balanced diet and smoking habits. The comparative analysis showed no significant differences between nursing students and students from other degrees. Conclusions: Students have a positive attitude and knowledge about healthy lifestyle, but do not transfer it to their own lives. Nurses’ lifestyle can unintentionally affect the behaviour of other people through their own behaviour and beliefs because they serve as a model for a healthy lifestyle. These findings support that nurse educators have an active role as promoter of health by using lessons to modify the behaviour of their students

    Onion by - products as antioxidant food ingredients

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    [SPA] España es uno de los países de mayor producción de cebolla (Allium cepa L. var. Cepa) observándose desde el año 1998 un aumento constante en área cultivada y producción. En Europa se producen más de 450.000 toneladas de residuos de cebolla al año. El procesamiento y estabilización de excedentes y residuos de cebolla presenta ambas ventajas: la solución a la problemática mediambiental que supone el almacenamiento de estos residuos y la obtención de subproductos de cebolla con alto valor añadido como ingredientes alimentarios con propiedades antioxidantes. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue caracterizar diferentes subproductos –zumo, pasta y bagazo- de dos cultivares de cebolla españoles, ‘Figueres’ y ‘Recas’, estabilizados mediante técnicas térmicas –congelación, pasteurización y esterilización- para evaluar su potencial uso en la industria alimentaría como ingredientes alimentarios naturales, fuentes de compuestos bioactivos con propiedades antioxidantes y antipardeamiento enzimático. Las cebollas ‘Figueres’ y ‘Recas’ (excedentes y residuos) fueron suministradas por la Asociación Catalana de Productores de Cebolla (CEBACAT) en Lleida (Cataluña). El procesado y la estabilización fueron llevados a cabo en el Centro Nacional de Tecnología y Seguridad Alimentaria (CNTA) en San Adrián (Navarra). La determinación del contenido de fenoles totales se realizó espectofotómetricamente (Vinson et al, 1998). La quercetina total se determinó por Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Eficacia (HPLC) según Hertog et al, 1992 con modificaciones. La actividad antioxidante por el método del secuestro del radical comercial estable DPPH• (Sánchez-Moreno et al, 1998) y el ensayo de inhibición de la Polifenol Oxidasa (PPO) fue medido espectrofotométricamente según el método de Kim et al, 2005 con modificaciones. Nuestros resultados mostraron que el procesamiento de residuos y excedentes de cebollas del cultivar ‘Recas’ para obtener pasta como subproducto y la estabilización con un tratamiento suave como la pasteurización mostraron las mejores características para el potencial desarrollo de ingredientes alimentarios antioxidantes. La pasta ‘Recas’ pasteurizada mostró un contenido moderadamente alto en compuestos bioactivos (fenoles totales, 329.77 ± 83.49 mg Equivalentes Ácido Clorogénico (EAC)/100 g peso seco (ps); y quercetina total, 195.17 ± 7.27 mg/100 g ps). Esta pasta mostró ser un 15.21% y un 72.17% más eficaz como secuestradora de radicales libres que el bagazo y que el zumo ‘Recas’ pasteurizado, respectivamente. Además, su capacidad inhibitoria sobre la PPO de aguacate fue mayor (53.49%) que la alcanzada por la pasta ‘Figueres’ pasteurizada (32.82%). [ENG] Spain is one of the major mundial onion producing countries. Onion (Allium cepa L. var. cepa) production and cutivated area has increased constantly since 1998. More tan 450.000 tonnes of onion wastes is produced each year in Europe. Processing and stabilising onion wastes (residues and surplus of onion) could represent both advantages: a solution of the environmental problem derived from the great onion wastes disposal and the stabilised onion by-products obtaining as natural antioxidant food ingredients. Our objective was to characterize by-products -juice, paste and bagasse- from two Spanish onion cultivars -‘Figueres’ and ‘Recas’- that have been stabilised by temperature -freezing, pasteurization and sterilization- in order to evaluate their potential use in the food industry as natural food ingredients, sources of antioxidants and antibrowning bioactive compounds. ‘Figueres’ and ‘Recas’ onion wastes were supplied by a producing onion industry CEBACAT in Lleida (Catalonia). Their processing and stabilization was held in The National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) in San Adrián (Navarra). Total phenols were determined spectrophotometrically (Vinson et al, 1998) and total quercetin was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Hertog et al, 1992 with minor modifications. Antioxidant activity was determined by the measurement of the DPPH• radical scavenging (Sánchez-Moreno et al, 1998). Poliphenol Oxidase (PPO) inhibition assay was measured spectrophotometrically following the method of Kim et al, 2005 with minor modifications. Our results showed that process ‘Recas’ onion wastes to obtain paste as a by-product and stabilize onion by-products with mild treatments as pasteurization offered better characteristics in order to develop potential antioxidant food ingredients. Pasteurized `‘Recas’ paste showed a moderate high bioactive composition (total phenols, 329.77 ± 83.49 mg Clorogenic Acid Equivalent (EAC)/100 g dry weight (dw); and total quercetin, 195.17 ± 7.27 mg/100 g dw). This paste was a 15.2 % and a 72.17% more radical scavenging effective tan pasteurized ‘Recas’ bagasse or juice. Moreover, its inhibitory effect towards avocado PPO was higher (53.49%) than that found in pasteurized ‘Figueres’ paste (32.82 %).Estos estudios han sido llevados a cabo a través de la financiación de los proyectos de investigación AGL2003-09138-C04-01 y AGL2005-03849. Así mismo se quiere expresar el agradecimiento al Proyecto CYTED XI.22. Eduvigis Roldán agradece al Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España) la concesión de la Beca de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU)

    Diseño de actividades de escape room para dinamizar el trabajo en grupo en un contexto de docencia semipresencial

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    Diseñar actividades de escape room encuadradas como aprendizaje gamificado con el objetivo de incrementar la motivación, participación, interacción así como el desarrollo de habilidades de trabajo en grupo en un contexto de docencia semipresencialDepto. de Organización de EmpresasFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte