19 research outputs found

    Qualifikationsanforderungen und Berufsbildung im Postfordismus

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    The development of skill requirements and VET constitutes a central field of hegemonic struggles under Postfordism. This development is linked to far reaching economic changes and transformations in the labour process, which lead in part to a replacement of taylorist tendencies of deskilling and strict bureaucratic control of labour through a partial reintegration of planning and execution and an alleged rehabilitation of skilled work. The postfordist understanding of skill conceptualizes the capabilities of workers as human capital which constitutes endogenous growth factors. This understanding is accompanied by an expansion, dynarnisation and subjectivation of the socially dominant concept of skills, which leads to new forms of subordination of workers under capital

    Neoliberale Transformation der österreichischen Beschäftigungspolitik für Jugendliche

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    Arbeitsmarkt- und ausbildungspolitische Aktivitäten für Jugendliche am Übergang von der Pflichtschule in den Beruf sind auch in Österreich zunehmend von neoliberalen Konzepten wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Umbaus geprägt. Der Umbau ist einerseits durch eine verstärkte ­Orientierung an aktivierenden Maßnahmen, andererseits durch den Ausbau sozialinvestiver Strategien ­gekennzeichnet, die als förderlich für Wirtschaftswachstum und Wettbewerbs­fähigkeit gelten und insbesondere auf die »Erweiterung des Humankapitals« zielen. Der Artikel untersucht die damit verbundenen Ambivalenzen mittels einer detaillierten Analyse von ­ExpertInneninterviews. Die Sozialinvestitionsstrategie konstituiert eine neue Art des Regierens, die auf die Subjektivität von Jugendlichen zielt und sie zur eigenständigen Anpassung an den ­Wettbewerb drängt. Formen des Scheiterns, Abweichens und Verweigerns werden dagegen pathologisiert und dienen als Legitimation eines wachsenden Zugriffs auf Jugendliche, wie er exemplarisch durch die Einführung der Ausbildungspflicht realisiert wird.Neoliberal conceptions about the transformation of the welfare state influence increasingly the activities on employment and vocational training policies for young people, who leave compulsory school and start to work. This implies an orientation toward activating measures and social investment strategies. Both focus on the »accumulation of human capital« and are expected to accelerate economic growth and competitiveness. Based on expert interviews, this article scrutinizes the ambivalences of such measures. The social investment strategy constitutes a new way in governance, which focuses on the subjectivity of youth, furthermore pushing them towards selfadaptation to a competitive world. Failure, deviation and disobedience are considered pathological and serve as legitimation for imposing even more rigid measures on young people, as the example, of making vocational training mandatory, shows exemplarily

    Marxistische Theoriearbeit in der Krise

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    The economic as well as political and ideological crises and transformations of capitalist social formations have created a crisis for Marxist approaches. This affects their assumption about the necessity, desirability and possibility of social transformation, but also about the actors fighting them out and their activities. Thus, a far reaching reformulation of its fundamental epistemological and theoretical assumptions is necessary. This contribution argues that the crisis of Marxism demands a self-reflective engagement with conditions of Marxist theoretical work. The acknowledgement of the fundamental openness and incompleteness of Marxist social critique as well as its contested production is indispensable to avoid authoritarian forms of politics and to be implicated into the legitimation of domination again. The encompassing character of the crisis tendencies of capitalist social formations and the multiplication of fields of conflict demands to overcome a monistic interpretation of social dynamics. To conceptualise capitalist social formations as relation of relations is an indispensable precondition for the analysis of the connections between different social structures and relations of power and dominance. Furthermore, the ability of capitalist social formations to change, which has been shown by the recent crises and transformations, demands a fundamental dynamisation of the Marxist concept of reproduction. The dynamisation of relative surplus production in knowledge based capitalism moves the adaptability of the subjects and their capacity to work centre stage. Only against this background can the plurality of perspectives for emancipation and social struggles come into view for Marxist theoretical work.(VLID)347930

    Suchbewegungen gegen den Strom: Für eine Soziologie der ganzen Arbeit.

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    Haubner T. Suchbewegungen gegen den Strom: Für eine Soziologie der ganzen Arbeit. In: Atzmüller R, ed. Gesellschaft in Transformation: Sorge, Kämpfe und Kapitalismus. . Weinheim/Basel: Beltz-Juventa; 2024

    Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times: Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy

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    Following the 2008 economic crisis, the situation for young people deteriorated dramatically in many European countries. Employment and training opportunities have reduced, and levels of poverty and social exclusion have increased. This book evaluates both institutional frameworks and programmes as well as the quantitative and qualitative basis of judgements in European youth policies that dominate current strategies. This book evaluates both institutional frameworks and programmes as well as the quantitative and qualitative basis of judgements in European youth policies