19 research outputs found
Increasing competitiveness of the construction sector by adopting innovative clustering
Companies in today's world need to become and stay competitive. This means, among other things, that they have to create new ideas and turn them into innovative products and processes. Appropriate innovation management strategies, including creation of various kinds of alliances with other business entities, need to be adopted within the company. Clustering is one of such possibilities. The paper discusses the main features of clusters and the benefits for their members; in addition, it identifies specific features of the construction sector that require specific approaches to establish a cluster.\ud
The methodology Innovative Cluster Model with 3x3x3 mail elements (ICM333) is proposed and used to initiate and develop a cluster in the construction sector. In the cluster development three stages are identified: emergence, development and maturity of the cluster. Actions associated with these three stages tackle four areas (in each stage): rationale, organization, resources, and implementation. All areas are thoroughly elaborated and discussed in the paper. In the first step, the emerging cluster, the key element is identification, assessment and dissemination of development opportunities. It can run parallel with the cluster initiation, which is followed by the operation. Within the steps to be taken in the stage of the developing cluster, visions nad the goals have to be defined first, followed by the definition of the cluster organisation. The mature cluster stage has to focus on performance measurement and management, and take appropriate measures to garantee its sustainability and adequate innovative character.\ud
Implementation of the proposed cluster development methodology has the potential of greatly facilitating the betterment of a construction sector in a particular country. It can be a valuable tool, when available to policymakers, chambers of commerce and trade, and other stakeholders that wish to foster the development of such clusters.\ud
The paper reports on the results of the 7th Framework project FP7-REGIONS-2007-1 RegCon – Support Action for Innovation Driven Clusters in Construction.\u
Numerical models for seismic assessment of historic structures
The knowledge of the structural behaviour of existing masonry requires a multilevel approach, with proper application of different diagnostic and assessment methodologies. The paper presents successful application of the results of in-situ tests on modelling the behaviour of historical structures. In order to obtain reliable material parameters for the application of different numerical models, different test methodologies a combination of Destructive Tests (DT), Minor Destructive Tests (MDT) and Non-Destructive Tests (NDT) were performed. Following this, two different models were applied for the assessment of seismic resistance of Pišece Castle – structural element model (SEM) for non-linear seismic analysis and 3D finite element model (FEM) for linear analysis by means of modal response spectrum analysis. The results of numerical analysis provided valuable information of the loadbearing capacity of structures, their seismic resistance as well as possible causes for the observed crack patterns
Computer-based analysis of spatial frames according to second order theory
Nosivo staklo u kombinaciji s drvenim okvirom predstavlja kompozitni sustav koji ima predispozicije za dobro ponašanje prilikom potresa, istovremeno je energetski efikasno i isplativo, estetski prihvatljivo te ima dobre nosive karakteristike. U novije vrijeme provedeno je nekoliko istraživanja kompozitnih sustava drvo – nosivo staklo te se prema rezultatima tih ispitivanja mogu odrediti osnovne smjernice daljnjih istraživanja.Structural glass combined with a timber frame is a composite system that has a predisposition for good behavior during an earthquake, it is energy-efficient and cost-effective, aesthetically acceptable and has a good load-bearing characteristics. In recent years, several research projects of composite systems timber - structural glass are in progress and according to the present results basic guidelines for further research can be determined
Analysis of hysteretic response of glass infilled wooden frames
The idea of the present study is to determine the performance of timber-glass hybrid shear wall exposed to monotone and cyclic horizontal in-plane load at the level of story height which is simulation of situation during earthquake or wind load. Fourteen quasi-static in-plane racking tests of shear wall specimens have been conducted where the specimens are composed of laminated timber frame and heat strengthened laminated glass panels, which are adhesive less, connected to wooden frame with friction only. For the evaluation of the experimental results the software (HYSPA+) was developed which is giving the information on normalised stiffness degradation and equivalent viscous damping coefficient based on the in-plane hysteresis response. The results are showing that described structural components are ductile with relatively high potential for dissipating of induced energy due to friction connection of glass panel and wooden frame. Observed damages were concentrated in timber frame joints, while glass panels remained entirely undamaged. In continuation of development of glass infilled wooden frames the configuration of frame joints will be modified to achieve its higher load bearing capacity and lower deformability
Renovation priority ranking by multi-criteria assessment of architectural heritage: the case of castles
Preservation of cultural heritage is related with high costs and required interventions generally exceed available funding. It is, therefore, necessary to prioritise renovation interventions. Multi-criteria assessment can lead to scientifically sound and informed decisions about interventions. The paper presents the results of research carried out with the purpose of establishing a multi-criteria method for the assessment of architectural heritage, specifically for castles in Slovenia. It explains the methodology used to develop the multi-criteria method. Its main elements are critical content analysis of relevant literature, comparative analysis between the Slovenian and international space, and identification of relevant criteria and sub-criteria of the decision method. The course and results of empirical research, based on interviews with selected experts, is presented together with the results of the criteria importance ranking based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The research presented in this paper is interdisciplinary and brings together tangible and intangible aspects of cultural heritage. The obtained results confirm that rational determination of relative importance of individual criteria for the assessment of architectural heritage can help decision-makers to identify buildings with higher refurbishment priority
Multicriterial sustainability assessment of residential buildings
A simple method for the assessment of sustainability of a residential building is proposed. The method consists of two steps. First, areas that influence sustainability level of the building (e.g. building architecture, design, in‐built materials) are identified. For each area, several elements and corresponding indicators are determined. Depending on their nature, the indicators are expressed either in quantitative or qualitative terms. The impact areas and their corresponding elements influence all three aspects of sustainability. In the second step, the indicators are aggregated according to their influence on individual sustainability aspects. Special attention is placed to the determination of weights assigned to the indicators in order to make the assessment method relevant in the local context. Initially, the consensus‐based method within the research team was used as a technique for aggregated indicators’ weighting. Later, the open discourses among the developers and stakeholders, as well as surveys, were employed to determine the aggregated indicators’ weights. The proposed method is applied to a selected sample building, and the analysis of the results is carried out. The results obtained show that the completeness and reliability of the input data is crucial for the reliability of the proposed assessment method. Subjectivity in evaluators’ judgments required to score some indicators needs to be reduced by introducing adequate training of the assessors. The feedback from the potential users shows that the method has a potential for wider future implementation in practice.
Straipsnyje siūlomas paprastas gyvenamųjų namų darnos vertinimo metodas. Šiuo metodu skaičiuojama dviem etapais. Pirmuoju etapu nustatomi kriterijai, darantys įtaką pastato darnos lygiui (pavyzdžiui, pastato architektūra, konstrukcija, medžiagos). Nustatomi keli kiekvieną kriterijų apibūdinantys rodikliai. Priklausomai nuo pobūdžio jie gali būti kiekybiniai arba kokybiniai ir gali apibūdinti visus tris darnos aspektus. Antruoju etapu rodikliai sugrupuojami pagal jų įtaką atskiriems darnos aspektams. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas rodiklių reikšmingumų nustatymui. Tai vertinimo metodą daro tinkamą konkrečioms sąlygoms. Rodiklių reikšmingumai nustatomi grupės ekspertų nuomonių sutarimo metodu. Vėliau reikšmingumai tikslinami diskusijoje tarp susinteresuotų grupių narių. Pasiūlytas metodas pritaikytas pasirinktam tipiniam pastatui, atlikta gautų rezultatų analizė. Rezultatai atskleidė, jog pradinių duomenų išsamumas ir tikrumas daro lemiamą įtaką pasiūlyto vertinimo metodo patikimumui. Tinkamai apmokant vertintojus galima sumažinti kai kurių rodiklių vertinimo subjektyvumą. Potencialių vartotojų reakcija rodo, kad ateityje šis metodas gali būti plačiai taikomas.
First published online: 21 Oct 2010
Reikšminiai žodžiai: gyvenamasis namas, statybos kokybė, vertinimo metodas, sprendimo priėmimo metodas, darnos rodikliai, žymėjimas
Testing and analysis of walls strengthened with FRP
U radu je opisana usporedba laboratorijskih i terenskih ispitivanja na posmik zidova ojačanih karbonskim (C) trakama i staklenim (G) mrežicama u polimerima s rezultatima proračunskih modela za zidove s FRP-om. Rezultati ispitivanja na zidovima od nove i stare pune opeke pokazali su povećanje posmične nosivosti i graničnog pomaka - najviše za horizontalne i horizontalno-vertikalne epoksidom zalijepljene trake te mrežice u modificiranom cementnom mortu, a najmanje za dijagonalne trake zbog odstupanja sa zida. ACI i CNR računski modeli pokazali su najbolje podudaranje s eksperimentima.Laboratory and in-situ shear tests of walls strengthened with Carbon FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) strips and Glass FRP grid were compared to the results of different calculation models for masonry with FRP. Tests on new and old solid brick specimens showed an increase in shear strength and ultimate displacement. The best results were obtained with horizontally and horizontally-vertically epoxy-bonded strips and modified cement mortar grid configurations, worse with diagonal strips due to peeling failure. ACI and CNR calculation approaches showed the best agreement with experimental results
Seismic resistance of stone masonry building and effect of grouting
Injektiranje je jedan od najdjelotvornijih, a često i najprikladnijih postupaka za ojačanje zidova starih zidanih građevina. Da bi se ocijenio utjecaj raznih vrsta injekcijskih smjesa na mehanička svojstva zidanih građevina, obavljeno je ispitivanje in situ postojeće zidane građevine. Dobiveni rezultati korišteni su za ocjenu seizmičke otpornosti građevine pomoću metode postupnog guranja, uz primjenu pristupa katnog mehanizma i mehanizma globalnog odziva. Prihvatljivije vrste injekcijskih smjesa usporedive su s cementnim injekcijskim smjesama. Dobiveno je da se pristupom globalnog odziva postižu realniji rezultati čak i kod niskih zidanih građevina.Grout injection is one of the most effective and often most appropriate techniques for strengthening of old stone masonry walls. In order to assess the influence of different types of injection grouts on the mechanical properties of masonry, an actual stone masonry building was tested in-situ using various testing methods. The results obtained were used to evaluate seismic resistance of a building using the pushover method, and considering the storey mechanism approach and the global response mechanism. More compatible types of grouts can match cement grouts. The results show that the global response approach provides more realistic results even for low-rise masonry buildings
Izhodišča za projektiranje potresnoodpornih montažnih hiš
Pri gradnji lahkih montažnih objektov na potresnih območjih se pogosto postavlja vprašanje o varnosti tovrstnih objektov pri potresni obtežbi. Tudi gradbeniki oziroma konstruktorji ne znamo zanesljivo odgovoriti na to vprašanje, če ne poznamo mehanskih lastnosti osnovne enote konstrukcijskega nosilnega sistema, ki jo predstavlja poln segment stene (dolžine okoli 240 cm in etažne višine). Vsak od proizvajalcev montažnih objektov uporablja lasten sistem za izvedbo stenskih elementov, ki se jim zaradi zelo široke izbire različnih materialov in veznih sredstev z računskimi metodami ne da določiti mehanskih lastnosti, ki so potrebne za določitev nosilnosti in stabilnosti objekta. Eksperimentalno določen odziv osnovnega stenskega elementa pri kombinirani navpični in ciklično spreminjajoči se vodoravni obtežbi je tako osnova za izračun celotne konstrukcije, ki ji pri načrtovanju, dimenzioniranju in konstruiranju zagotovimo določeno potresno varnost