79 research outputs found

    Bovine colostral antibodies and selected lactobacilli as means to control gastrointestinal infections

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of bovine colostrum and specific colostral antibodies, and some lactic acid bacteria on gastrointestinal infections, especially Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis and dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans. The effect of colostrum on the activity of the complement system in neonatal calves was also studied. It was possible to increase substantially complement and opsonization activities of serum by feeding colostral whey concentrate to neonatal calves. A colostral immune preparation (IP) containing specific antibodies against Helicobacter felis prevented but did not eradicate an experimental Helicobacter felis infection in mice. However, the IP combined with amoxicillin lowered the level of inflammation and colonization more than amoxicillin alone. The specific anti-cariogenic antibodies of IP remained active and functional when added to UHT milk or fermented with LGG and stored for an extended time. Further, the combination of IP and LGG prevented the adherence of Streptococcus mutans effectively. Lactobacillus plantarum MLBPL1 isolated from sauerkraut showed anti-Helicobacter activity mainly associated with cell wall, from where it can be extracted into the culture supernatant. Colostral preparations, and acidifying microbes (L. plantarum MLBPL1 and LGG) reduced the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori on human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. They also reduced the IL-8 production of the infected cells. IL-8 secretion is a primary response to Helicobacter pylori infection. Supplementation of an antibiotic treatment with a food product containing probiotic lactobacilli and/or IP could offer a potential complementary means to suppress gastrointestinal infections

    Research on bioactive compounds at MTT Agrifood Research Finland

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    pH dependence of antimicrobial activity of berries

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    We have analyzed phenolic compounds from organically and conventionally grown blackcurrants and strawberries to test the idea if organically grown berries contain a higher amount of health-promoting phenolic compounds. Statistically significant differences between farms were found for almost all compounds. In strawberry, the impact of genotype and environment on the flavonol content was more important than the cultivation practice. The "health quality" from organically grown berries does not differ from those grown conventionally

    Glycemic index of buckwheat bread

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    Glycemic responses (two hour tolerance test) of buckwheat bread containing buckwheat and oat flour and control bread containing oat flour only were measured in clinical studies according to FAO/WHO recommendations noticing the recent improvements in the methods; A standard evening meal (supper) was be provided for each test person for the nights before tests, and test persons got exact orders for the exercise on the test morning. Test persons (10) fasted 8-12 hours before each test. They ate a portion of bread or glucose containing 50 g available carbohydrates. The GI values of buckwheat bread and control bread will be shown in poster. The preliminary results of six test persons show that buckwheat bread has a slower but longer lasting glycemic effect than glucose. In addition, test persons commented in their questionnaires that the buckwheat bread kept feel of hunger away efficiently. According to the preliminary results, buckwheat bread seems to be a good choice to stabilize blood glucose levels after meal

    A pilot study: consumer acceptability of Polish style cooked sausages containing house cricket flour

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    There is a growing interest on insects as food in Western countries. Currently, EU legislation limits the use of insects as food, however, new regulation coming to force in 2018 will clarify the situation. In the ScenoProt project funded by Strategic Research Council of Finnish Academy insects are considered as potential protein source for human consumption, and therefore, some food technological properties of insects are studied in the project. Scientific research has proven mealworm larvae and silkworm pupae originated protein fraction equal to meat protein in emulsion sausages. Generally, it is also of interest how unfractionated, chitin containing insect flour would affect the sensory properties of sausages. The objective of the present study was to investigate the consumer attitudes to Polish style sausages containing unfractionated house cricket (Acheta domesticus) flour. Lean and fatty meat was purchased from local supplier, and three different sets of smoked and cooked sausages were made. The basic recipe contained pork, water, house cricket flour, nitrite salt, and spices. Salt content of sausages was approx. 1.8%. In the first set 1/5, and in the second and third set approx. 1/6 of lean meat was replaced with house cricket flour. The fat content was approx. 12% in the first and 19–20% in the second and third set of sausages. The third set included ordinary Polish style sausage as a reference. Cooking loss of the sausages was acceptable, below 10%. Odor, texture and taste were evaluated by ordinary consumers (n=26) for the first, by media people (n=34) for the second, and by representatives of food industry (n=17) for the third set. Because of potential allergic reaction in shellfish sensitive people, the consumers were informed about the contents of the sausages. Consumer willingness to eat sausages again was recorded for the first and second set and free comments were collected for all the sets. The evaluation scale had five points (1=extremely negative, 5=extremely positive).Only in the first set the evaluations on odor, texture, and taste of the sausages averaged lower than 3. Even the willingness to eat sausages again was approx. 3. This may reflect the interest of the consumers towards food containing insects in general. The increased fat content in the second and third sets of sausages may be one factor responsible for increase in the valuation of the sensory parameters as Finnish consumers are used to the fat content of around 20 % in cooked sausages. In the third set the control sausages showed slightly higher acceptance for texture than the house cricket sausages. In free comments, dryness, dark colour, floury texture, and liver flavor were most often mentioned. In conclusion, consumers may accept non-fractionated house cricket flour as a sausage ingredient but its strong flavor may limit the level of inclusion or lead towards stronger, masking, spicing in the house cricket sausages

    Monipuolisuus lautasella on monipuolisuutta pellolla

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    Neglected and underutilised species (NUS): an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)

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    Despite the growing attention to the neglected and underutilised species (NUS) as a valid instrument to promote not only sustainable agriculture and food systems but also sustainable development in rural areas, attempts to move from good intentions to effective actions have been limited. This is due, among others, to a gap in knowledge about the myriads of existing NUS and their potential. In this context, the present paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of crop NUS. Data for the SWOT analysis were retrieved through a review of the literature carried out in June 2022 on the Web of Science. Strengths relate, inter alia, to adaptability to harsh, marginal conditions, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses (e.g. pests and diseases, drought) and low external input requirements of NUS as well as their high medicinal and nutritional values combined with widespread culinary traditions. Weaknesses regard low productivity as well as difficult access to quality seeds, inputs, technologies and knowledge. Higher demand from consumers as well as increasing attention to sustainability and resilience in the whole agri-food system and agroecology represent opportunities for the promotion of NUS to address challenges such as food and nutrition insecurity and poverty. Climate change, biodiversity loss and genetic erosion, land and agroecosystem degradation, loss of traditional knowledge and heritage, and competition from commercial crops are among the main threats to NUS. The SWOT of NUS outlined in this work should inform evidence-based policies and strategies for the promotion of NUS, especially in developing countries. They should also guide the undertakings and actions of all stakeholders interested in the development of NUS value chains