2,744 research outputs found

    Extraction of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes from experimental event rate data

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    The precise knowledge of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes is a key ingredient in the interpretation of the results from any atmospheric neutrino experiment. In the standard atmospheric neutrino data analysis, these fluxes are theoretical inputs obtained from sophisticated numerical calculations. In this contribution we present an alternative approach to the determination of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes based on the direct extraction from the experimental data on neutrino event rates. The extraction is achieved by means of a combination of artificial neural networks as interpolants and Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figs, to appear in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelona, July 200

    Giant planets around two intermediate-mass evolved stars and confirmation of the planetary nature of HIP67851 c

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    Precision radial velocities are required to discover and characterize planets orbiting nearby stars. Optical and near infrared spectra that exhibit many hundreds of absorption lines can allow the m/s precision levels required for such work. However, this means that studies have generally focused on solar-type dwarf stars. After the main-sequence, intermediate-mass stars (former A-F stars) expand and rotate slower than their progenitors, thus thousands of narrow absorption lines appear in the optical region, permitting the search for planetary Doppler signals in the data for these types of stars. We present the discovery of two giant planets around the intermediate-mass evolved star HIP65891 and HIP107773. The best Keplerian fit to the HIP65891 and HIP107773 radial velocities leads to the following orbital parameters: P=1084.5 d; mb_bsinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.13 and P=144.3 d; mb_bsinii = 2.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.09, respectively. In addition, we confirm the planetary nature of the outer object orbiting the giant star HIP67851. The orbital parameters of HIP67851c are: P=2131.8 d, mc_csinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup} and ee=0.17. With masses of 2.5 M_\odot and 2.4 M_\odot HIP65891 and HIP107773 are two of the most massive stars known to host planets. Additionally, HIP67851 is one of five giant stars that are known to host a planetary system having a close-in planet (a<a < 0.7 AU). Based on the evolutionary states of those five stars, we conclude that close-in planets do exist in multiple systems around subgiants and slightly evolved giants stars, but probably they are subsequently destroyed by the stellar envelope during the ascent of the red giant branch phase. As a consequence, planetary systems with close-in objects are not found around horizontal branch stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    An eccentric companion at the edge of the brown dwarf desert orbiting the 2.4 Msun giant star HIP67537

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    We report the discovery of a substellar companion around the giant star HIP67537. Based on precision radial velocity measurements from CHIRON and FEROS high-resolution spectroscopic data, we derived the following orbital elements for HIP67537b\,b: mb_bsinii = 11.11.1+0.4^{+0.4}_{-1.1} Mjup_{\rm {\tiny jup}}, aa = 4.90.13+0.14^{+0.14}_{-0.13} AU and ee = 0.590.02+0.05^{+0.05}_{-0.02}. Considering random inclination angles, this object has \gtrsim 65% probability to be above the theoretical deuterium-burning limit, thus it is one of the few known objects in the planet to brown-dwarf transition region. In addition, we analyzed the Hipparcos astrometric data of this star, from which we derived a minimum inclination angle for the companion of \sim 2 deg. This value corresponds to an upper mass limit of \sim 0.3 M_\odot, therefore the probability that HIP67537b\,b is stellar in nature is \lesssim 7%. The large mass of the host star and the high orbital eccentricity makes HIP67537b\,b a very interesting and rare substellar object. This is the second candidate companion in the brown dwarf desert detected in the sample of intermediate-mass stars targeted by the EXPRESS radial velocity program, which corresponds to a detection fraction of ff = 1.60.5+2.0^{+2.0}_{-0.5}%. This value is larger than the fraction observed in solar-type stars, providing new observational evidence of an enhanced formation efficiency of massive substellar companions in massive disks. Finally, we speculate about different formation channels for this object.Comment: Accepted for publication to A&

    Four new planets around giant stars and the mass-metallicity correlation of planet-hosting stars

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    CONTEXT. Exoplanet searches have demonstrated that giant planets are preferentially found around metal-rich stars and that their fraction increases with the stellar mass. AIMS. During the past six years, we have conducted a radial velocity follow-up program of 166 giant stars, to detect substellar companions, and characterizing their orbital properties. Using this information, we aim to study the role of the stellar evolution in the orbital parameters of the companions, and to unveil possible correlations between the stellar properties and the occurrence rate of giant planets. METHODS. Using FEROS and CHIRON spectra, we have computed precision radial velocities and we have derived atmospheric and physical parameters for all of our targets. Additionally, velocities computed from UCLES spectra are presented here. By studying the periodic radial velocity signals, we have detected the presence of several substellar companions. RESULTS. We present four new planetary systems around the giant stars HIP8541, HIP74890, HIP84056 and HIP95124. Additionally, we find that giant planets are more frequent around metal-rich stars, reaching a peak in the detection of ff = 16.75.9+15.5^{+15.5}_{-5.9}% around stars with [Fe/H] \sim 0.35 dex. Similarly, we observe a positive correlation of the planet occurrence rate with the stellar mass, between M_\star \sim 1.0 -2.1 M_\odot, with a maximum of ff = 13.04.2+10.1^{+10.1}_{-4.2}%, at M_\star = 2.1 M_\odot. CONCLUSIONS. We conclude that giant planets are preferentially formed around metal-rich stars. Also, we conclude that they are more efficiently formed around more massive stars, in the mass range of M_\star \sim 1.0 - 2.1 M_\odot. These observational results confirm previous findings for solar-type and post-MS hosting stars, and provide further support to the core-accretion formation model.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Negative Electron-electron Drag Between Narrow Quantum Hall Channels

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    Momentum transfer due to Coulomb interaction between two parallel, two-dimensional, narrow, and spatially separated layers, when a current I_{drive} is driven through one layer, is studied in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field B. The current induced in the drag layer, I_{drag}, is evaluated self-consistently with I_{drive} as a parameter. I_{drag} can be positive or negative depending on the value of the filling factor \nu of the highest occupied bulk Landau level (LL). For a fully occupied LL, I_{drag} is negative, i.e., it flows opposite to I_{drive}, whereas it is positive for a half-filled LL. When the circuit is opened in the drag layer, a voltage \Delta V_{drag} develops in it; it is negative for a half-filled LL and positive for a fully occupied LL. This positive \Delta V_{drag}, expressing a negative Coulomb drag, results from energetically favored near-edge inter-LL transitions that occur when the highest occupied bulk LL and the LL just above it become degenerate.Comment: Text file in Latex/Revtex/preprint format, 7 separate PS figures, Physical Review B, in pres

    Detection of protection benefits for predatory fishes depends on census methodology

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used as fisheries management and conservation tools. Well-enforced no-take zones allow the rebuilding of natural populations of exploited species; however, there is still controversy on the role of buffer zones. The effectiveness of MPAs could be underestimated, as fish population assessments depend largely on traditional methodologies that have difficulties in detecting predatory fish because of their low abundances, their patchy distribution, and their reaction to the presence of divers. The performance of different census methods was compared in assessing the protection benefits for large predatory fishes under different protection levels (i.e. no-take and buffer zones) in five Mediterranean MPAs. Specifically, conventional strip transects (CSTs, 50 × 5 m2) and tracked roaming transects combined with distance sampling (TRT + DS, variable lengths) were compared, including a series of TRT-derived estimators with variable transect lengths and fixed widths of 20, 10, and 6 m (TRT20, TRT10, and TRT6, respectively). Additionally, the effectiveness of the MPAs studied and protection levels for conserving large predatory species was evaluated. Transects covering larger areas (i.e. TRT + DS and TRT20) allowed the detection of a greater number of species and yielded more accurate estimates of density and biomass than transects of narrower fixed widths, particularly the CSTs, which were associated with the lowest richness detection capability, accuracy, and precision. On average, both no-take zones and buffer zones appeared effective for the conservation of predatory fishes, indicating that multiple protection areas were ecologically effective. Differences between MPAs were also observed, however, probably arising from both local environmental and management factors. We suggest the implementation of methodologies with larger transects for the study of large predatory fish, combined with CSTs for the rest of the fish community, in order to avoid biases in predatory population assessments, which are key indicators of MPA effectiveness

    Anomalous Dimension and Spatial Correlations in a Point-Island Model

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    We examine the island size distribution function and spatial correlation function of a model for island growth in the submonolayer regime in both 1 and 2 dimensions. In our model the islands do not grow in shape, and a fixed number of adatoms are added, nucleate, and are trapped at islands as they diffuse. We study the cases of various critical island sizes ii for nucleation as a function of initial coverage. We found anomalous scaling of the island size distribution for large ii . Using scaling, random walk theory, a version of mean-field theory we obtain a closed form for the spatial correlation function. Our analytic results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations

    Characterization of the material response in the granular ratcheting

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    The existence of a very special ratcheting regime has recently been reported in a granular packing subjected to cyclic loading \cite{alonso04}. In this state, the system accumulates a small permanent deformation after each cycle. After a short transient regime, the value of this permanent strain accumulation becomes independent on the number of cycles. We show that a characterization of the material response in this peculiar state is possible in terms of three simple macroscopic variables. They are defined that, they can be easily measured both in the experiments and in the simulations. We have carried out a thorough investigation of the micro- and macro-mechanical factors affecting these variables, by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations of a polydisperse disk packing, as a simple model system for granular material. Biaxial test boundary conditions with a periodically cycling load were implemented. The effect on the plastic response of the confining pressure, the deviatoric stress and the number of cycles has been investigated. The stiffness of the contacts and friction has been shown to play an important role in the overall response of the system. Specially elucidating is the influence of the particular hysteretical behavior in the stress-strain space on the accumulation of permanent strain and the energy dissipation.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to PR