43 research outputs found

    Defensive behavior of Dipsas sanctijoannis (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

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    Herein, we report the defensive behavior of Dipsas sanctijoannis (Boulenger, 1911) for first time, based on observations of three different individuals in the Municipality of Manizales, Departamento de Caldas, Colombia

    Ninia hudsoni (SERPENTES: DIPSADIDAE) as prey of the coral snake Micrurus hemprichii ortonii (SERPENTES: ELAPIDAE) in northwestern amazonia

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    Objetivo: Realizar una descripción de un evento depredatorio por parte de la serpiente coral Micrurus hemprichii ortonii sobre la serpiente Ninia hudsoni. Alcance: Contribuir al conocimiento de la historia natural de serpientes neotropicales, particularmente en lo referente a interacciones tróficas. Metodología: Disección en laboratorio. Principal resultado: Este es el primer registro de interacción trófica entre M. h. ortonii y N. hudsoni. Conclusiones: La relación entre la longitud total de la presa respecto a la longitud rostro-cloaca del depredador, fue muy alta (> 90%), indicando que esta especie de serpiente coral puede ingerir presas de gran volumen y tamaño respecto a su propio cuerpo.Objective: To make a description of a predatory event by the Micrurus hemprichii ortonii coral snake on the Ninia hudsoni snake. Scope: Contribution to the knowledge of the natural history of Neotropical snakes, particularly in relation to trophic interactions. Methodology: Dissection in the laboratory. Main result: This is the first record of the trophic interaction between M. h. ortonii and N. hudsoni. Conclusions: The relation between the total length of the prey and the snout-vent length of the predator was very high (>90%), indicating that this species of coral snake can ingest preys of great volume and size in relation to its own body

    Canto de advertencia de una población de la rana nodriza Leucostethus fraterdanieli (Anura: Dendrobatidae), con notas sobre su historia natural

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    We describe the advertisement call of seven males and observations on the natural history related to the parental attention by males, of a population of nurse frogs attributed to the Leucostethus fraterdanieli complex from the Central Cordillera in the Department of Caldas, Colombia. The advertisement call consists of a long sequence of repeated (x̅ = 143 notes.min-1) pulsed notes, which have an average duration of 79 ± 17 ms (range 63-122 ms), separated by time intervals between 187-413 ms (289 ± 67 ms). The dominant frequency values are in the range between 3209-3520 Hz. Our results suggest differences in temporal and spectral parameters between the population studied and other populations assigned to L. fraterdanieli, L. brachistriatus, and the recently described L. jota.Describimos el canto de advertencia de una población atribuida a Leucostethus fraternadieli de los Andes centrales de Colombia, basados en el análisis temporal y espectral del canto de siete machos, y aportamos observaciones de historia natural asociadas al cuidado parental de los machos. El canto de advertencia consiste en una larga secuencia de notas pulsadas repetidas (x̅ = 143 notes.min-1), las cuales tienen una duración promedio de 79 ± 17 ms (rango 63-122 ms), separadas por intervalos de tiempo de entre 187-413 ms (289 ± 67 ms). Los valores de frecuencia dominante registrados están en el rango entre 3209-3520 Hz. Nuestros resultados sugieren diferencias en parámetros temporales y espectrales entre la población estudiada y otras poblaciones asignadas a L. fraterdanieli, L. brachistriatus, y la especie recientemente descrita L. jota

    Predicting distributions of rare species: the case of the false coral snake Rhinobothryum bovallii (Serpentes: Colubridae)

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    Predicting distributions of rare species: the case of the false coral snake Rhinobothryum bovallii (Serpentes: Colubridae). Typically, the lack of enough high-quality occurrence data makes it diffcult to defne the geographic distribution of rare species. However, species distribution models provide a powerful tool for biodiversity management, including efforts to predict the distributions of rare species. Herein, new and historical data are used to model the distribution of the False Tree Coral snake, Rhinobothryum bovallii. The prediction map reveals a disjunct distribution for this species, from the Central American Isthmus to the northwestern portion of South America, with the species occupying lowlands and premontane forests below about 1500 m elevation. We identifed 491,516 km2 of suitable habitat for R. bovallii (minimum training presence threshold of 0.424) and 59,353 km2 of core habitat, with concentrations in three relatively isolated core areas (10-percentile training presence threshold of 0.396), as follow: (1) a “northern core” along the Pacifc and Caribbean coasts of Panama; (2) a “central core” in the Middle Magdalena Valley in Colombia; and (3) a “southern core” in the Ecuadorian Chocó. The occurrence of this species has a strong positive association with low precipitation seasonality, high precipitation in the warmest quarter, and low variability in annual temperature. Xeric and semiarid areas are unsuitable for this species and may pose environmental barriers limiting its distributional range. These results may lead to the discovery of additional populations of R. bovallii, identify priority survey areas, and by determining the extent of its natural habitat promote effective conservation strategies.Prevendo distribuições de espécies raras: o caso da falsa cobra coral Rhinobothryum bovallii (Serpentes: Colubridae). Normalmente, a falta de dados de ocorrência de alta qualidade sufcientes torna difícil defnir a distribuição geográfca de espécies raras. No entanto, os modelos de distribuição de espécies fornecem uma ferramenta poderosa para a gestão da biodiversidade, incluindo esforços para prever a distribuição de espécies raras. Aqui, dados novos e históricos são usados para modelar a distribuição da serpente Rhinobothryum bovallii. O mapa de previsão revela uma distribuição disjunta para essa espécie, do Istmo da América Central à porção noroeste da América do Sul, com a espécie ocupando terras baixas e forestas pré-montanas abaixo de cerca de 1.500 m de altitude. Identifcamos 491.516 km2 de habitat adequado para R. bovallii (limite de corte de presença mínima de treino de 0,424) e 59.353 km2 de habitat central, com concentrações em três áreas centrais relativamente isoladas (limite de corte de 10-percentil de presença de treino de 0,396), como segue: (1) um “núcleo norte” ao longo das costas do Pacífco e do Caribe do Panamá; (2) um “núcleo central” no Vale do Médio Magdalena, na Colômbia; e (3) um “núcleo sul” no Chocó equatoriano. A ocorrência dessa espécie tem forte associação positiva com a baixa sazonalidade da precipitação, alta precipitação no trimestre mais quente e baixa variabilidade na temperatura anual. Áreas xéricas e semiáridas são inadequadas para essa espécie e podem representar barreiras ambientais que limitam sua faixa de distribuição. Esses resultados podem levar à descoberta de populações adicionais de R. bovallii, identifcar áreas prioritárias de levantamento e, ao determinar a extensão de seu habitat natural, promover estratégias de conservação efcazes

    Vigilancia Tecnológica: Actividad física e hipertensión

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    This document is derived from the execution of a macro-project aimed at designing a prototype of a mobile application (app), which allows the evaluation and intervention of this population , initially, in the department of Antioquia (Colombia). The work was developed, following the predetermined phases for an effective technological surveillance, focused on patents, documents and commercial products, published in databases, specialized documents and social networks. To make an assertive query, the following keywords were used: physical activity, hypertension, cardiovascular, telehealth, app. As a result, it was evidenced that there are educational strategies that are supported by technological tools such as telephones, web pages, apps and telehealth platforms that are useful when carrying out an intervention to hypertensive patients. It is concluded that health entities are implementing digital resources for the inclusion of special populations; but at the moment, from the area of physical activity, there is not much evidence of intervention in hypertensive patients, through mobile applications.Este documento se desprende de la ejecución de un macroproyecto encaminado a diseñar un prototipo de aplicación móvil (app), que permita la evaluación e intervención de esta población, inicialmente, en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia). El trabajo se desarrolló, siguiendo las fases predeterminadas para una efectiva vigilancia tecnológica, centrada en patentes, documentos y productos comerciales, publicados en bases de datos, documentos especializados y redes sociales. Para realizar una consulta asertiva, se acudió a las siguientes palabras clave: actividad fisica, hipertensión, cardiovascular, telesalud, app. Como resultado, se evidenció que existen estrategias educativas que se apoyan en herramientas tecnológicas como los teléfonos, páginas web, app y plataformas de telesalud que son útiles a la hora de realizar una intervención a pacientes hipertensos. Se concluye que las entidades de salud están implementando recursos digitales para la inclusión a poblaciones especiales; pero en el momento, desde el área de actividad fisica, no hay muchas evidencias de intervención a pacientes hipertensos, por medio de aplicaciones móviles

    Anfibios y reptiles de la región centro-sur del departamento de Caldas, Colombia

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    Based on specimens housed in a scientific collection, besides literature and field observations, we present an updated list of the herpetofauna of the south-central region of Caldas, Colombia. The composition of anurans, lizards and snakes was compared with other Colombian assemblages. In addition, all species were categorized according to the extent of its distribution range. A total of 36 amphibians (35 anurans and one salamander) and 38 reptiles (15 lizards, 22 snakes and one turtle) are currently known for the south-central region of Caldas. Comparisons of the amphibians and reptiles assemblages showed low and moderate values (Coefficient of biogeographic resemblance, range = 0,018–0,440; X̅ = 0,152), indicating that about frogs, lizards, snakes, and overall herpetofauna, the south-central region of Caldas is more akin to the Yotoco Forestal Reserve (0.326, 0.421, 0.585, 0.440, respectively). Regarding geographical distribution patterns, six species (8.1%) are endemic to the Northern region of the Cordillera Central, 40 species (54%) correspond to elements of an Andean-tropical fauna, 14 species (18.9%) are distributed from Central America to the Andes, and eight species (10.8%) have a wide distribution throughout the continent.Se presenta un listado actualizado sobre la herpetofauna de la región comprendida entre el centro y el sur del departamento de Caldas, con base en especímenes de colección, literatura especializada y observaciones en campo. La composición de anuros, lagartos y serpientes, se analiza y compara con otras regiones de Colombia. Todas las especies registradas fueron categorizadas según el patrón de su distribución geogrí¡fica en función de su amplitud. Un total de 36 anfibios (35 anuros y una salamandra) y 38 reptiles (15 lagartos, 22 serpientes y una tortuga), son conocidos actualmente para la región centro-sur de Caldas. Las comparaciones de los ensamblajes de anfibios y reptiles conjuntamente mostraron valores bajos y moderados (coeficiente de semejanza biogeográfica, intervalo = 0,018–0,440; X̅ = 0,152), indicando que en cuanto a anuros (0,326), lagartos (0,421), serpientes (0,585), y la herpetofauna en general (0,440), la región analizada es más afín al bosque de la Reserva Forestal Yotoco. Seis especies (8,1%) son endémicas del norte de la Cordillera Central, 40 especies (54%) corresponden a elementos propios de la fauna andina-tropical, 14 especies (18,9%) están distribuidas desde Centroamérica hasta los Andes, y ocho especies (10,8%) presentan una amplia distribución en todo el continente