55 research outputs found

    [The influence of parental healthy behaviors on healthy lifestyles of early adolescents].

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    BACKGROUND: Family behavior models may influence health promoting conducts among adolescents. AIM: To determine the association between health promoting behaviors among parents and healthy behaviors of early adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of the baseline assessment of a longitudinal study of early adolescents in the city of San Felipe, Region of Valparaiso, Chile. Parents and their teenage children, attending 5th to 7th grade, from ten municipal schools, participated in this study. Self-reported questionnaires were used to assess healthy lifestyles, answered separately by parents and their children. Univariable and multivariable ordinal logistic regression analyses with complete data were carried out, using the students� health promoting behaviors as dependent variables and the same behaviors among parents as the main predictors, controlling for other personal and family variables. RESULTS: We contacted 1,035 parents and 682 consented to participate along with 560 students. The mean age of adolescents was 11.5 ± 1.2 years (49% females) The mean age of parents was 39.8 ± 8.8 years and 90% were women. The parental behaviors associated with teenage health promoting behaviors were eating vegetables (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, p < 0.05), having breakfast (OR = 1.27, p < 0.05), do stretching exercises every day (OR = 1.19, p < 0.05) and take some time for relaxation (OR = 1.24, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results show an association between healthy behaviors among parents and these behaviors among their adolescent offspring

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Scale in Chilean Adolescents and Its Association with School-Related Outcomes and Substance Use.

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    School membership appears to be an important factor in explaining the relationship between students and schools, including school staff. School membership is associated with several school-related outcomes, such as academic performance and expectations. Most studies on school membership have been conducted in developed countries. The Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) scale (18 items: 13 positively worded items, 5 negatively worded items) has been widely used to measure this construct, but no studies regarding its validity and reliability have been conducted in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. This study investigates the psychometric properties, factor structure and reliability of this scale in a sample of 1250 early adolescents in Chile. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses provide evidence of an excellent fit for a one-factor solution after removing the negatively worded items. The internal consistency of this new abbreviated version was 0.92. The association analyses demonstrated that high school membership was associated with better academic performance, stronger school bonding, a reduced likelihood of school misbehavior, and reduced likelihood of substance use. Analyses showed support for the reliability and validity of the PSSM among Chilean adolescents

    Mental health among children and adolescents: Construct validity, reliability, and parent-adolescent agreement on the 'Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire' in Chile.

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    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a screening tool used to measure psychological functioning among children and adolescents. It has been extensively used worldwide, but its psychometric properties, such as internal structure and reliability, seem to vary across countries. This is the first study exploring the construct validity and reliability of the Spanish version of SDQ among early adolescents (self-reported) and their parents in Latin America. A total of 1,284 early adolescents (9-15 years) and their parents answered the SDQ. We also collected demographic variables. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the latent structure of the SDQ. We also used the multitrait-multimethod analysis to separate the true variance on the constructs from variance resulting from measurement methods (self-report vs. parent report), and evaluated the agreement between adolescents and their parents. We found that the original five-factor model was a good solution and the resulting sub-scales had good internal consistency. We also found that the self-reported and parental versions of SDQ provide different information, which are complementary and provide a better picture of the emotional, social, and conduct problems of adolescents. We have added evidence for the construct validity and reliability of the Spanish self-reported and parental SDQ versions in a Chilean sample

    Calidad de vida desde la recreación para prevenir la depresión en los adultos mayores de los hogares Casa Club Pontevedra y Hospital del Sur de Bogotá.

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    El motivo por el cual se abre campo a la realización de una investigación para el adulto mayor en los lugares geriátricos Casa club Pontevedra y Hospital del sur del Bogotá tiene que ver con el sedentarismo reportado por los cuidadores y evidenciado desde una observación directa. Al analizar la agrupación de adultos mayores del hospital del sur que se reúnen con el fin de realizar ejercicios de actividad física por medio de la recreación dirigida, se evidenció más alegría, , gozo y disfrute de la vida; es por ello, que se realizó un estudio en el cual se describió como un ambiente donde se desarrolle programas de actividad física recreativa para el adulto mayor permite mejorar su calidad de vida desde el bienestar subjetivo y específicamente prevenir comportamientos depresivos

    Calidad de vida desde la recreación para prevenir la depresión en los adultos mayores de los hogares Casa Club Pontevedra y Hospital del Sur de Bogotá.

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    El motivo por el cual se abre campo a la realización de una investigación para el adulto mayor en los lugares geriátricos Casa club Pontevedra y Hospital del sur del Bogotá tiene que ver con el sedentarismo reportado por los cuidadores y evidenciado desde una observación directa. Al analizar la agrupación de adultos mayores del hospital del sur que se reúnen con el fin de realizar ejercicios de actividad física por medio de la recreación dirigida, se evidenció más alegría, , gozo y disfrute de la vida; es por ello, que se realizó un estudio en el cual se describió como un ambiente donde se desarrolle programas de actividad física recreativa para el adulto mayor permite mejorar su calidad de vida desde el bienestar subjetivo y específicamente prevenir comportamientos depresivos

    Substance Use among Adolescents Involved in Bullying: A Cross-Sectional Multilevel Study.

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    Being involved in bullying as a victim or perpetrator could have deleterious health consequences. Even though there is some evidence that bullies and victims of bullying have a higher risk for drug use, less is known about bystanders. The aim of this research was to study the association between bullying experience (as victims, bullies, or bystanders) and substance use. We gathered complete information from a nationally representative sample of 36,687 students (51.4% female) attending 756 schools in Chile. We used a self-reported questionnaire which was developed based on similar instruments used elsewhere. This questionnaire was piloted and presented to an expert panel for approval. We used multilevel multivariate logistic regression analyses, controlling for several variables at the individual (e.g., school membership, parental monitoring) and school levels (e.g., school type, school denomination). This study shows that bullies and bully-victims have a high risk for cigarette, alcohol, and cannabis use than bystanders. This is one of the few studies exploring the association between witnessing bullying and substance use. These findings add new insights to the study of the co-occurrence of bullying and substance use. Other factors, such as higher academic performance, stronger school membership, and better parental monitoring reduced the risk of any substance use, while the experience of domestic violence and the perception of social disorganization in the neighborhood, increased the risk. These findings may help the design of preventive interventions

    The KiVa antibullying program in primary schools in Chile, with and without the digital game component: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Bullying is a major problem worldwide and Chile is no exception. Bullying is defined as a systematic aggressive behavior against a victim who cannot defend him or herself. Victims suffer social isolation and psychological maladjustment, while bullies have a higher risk for conduct problems and substance use disorders. These problems appear to last over time. The KiVa antibullying program has been evaluated in Finland and other European countries, showing preventive effects on victimization and self-reported bullying. The aims of this study are (1) to develop a culturally appropriate version of the KiVa material and (2) to test the effectiveness of the KiVa program, with and without the online game, on reducing experiences of victimization and bullying behavior among vulnerable primary schools in Santiago (Chile), using a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) design with three arms: (1) full KiVa program group, (2) partial KiVa (without online game) program group and (3) control group.Methods and design: This is a three-arm, single-blind, cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) with a target enrolment of 1495 4th and 5th graders attending 13 vulnerable schools per arm. Students in the full and partial KiVa groups will receive universal actions: ten 2-h lessons delivered by trained teachers during 1 year; they will be exposed to posters encouraging them to support victims and behave constructively when witnessing bullying; and a person designated by the school authorities will be present in all school breaks and lunchtimes using a visible KiVa vest to remind everybody that they are in a KiVa school. KiVa schools also will have indicated actions, which consist of a set of discussion groups with the victims and with the bullies, with proper follow-up. Only full KiVa schools will also receive an online game which has the aim to raise awareness of the role of the group in bullying, increase empathy and promote strategies to support victimized peers. Self-reported victimization, bullying others and peer-reported bullying actions, psychological and academic functioning, and sense of school membership will be measured at baseline and 12 months after randomization.Discussion: This is the first cluster RCT of the KiVa antibullying program in Latin America

    Evaluando el conocimiento emocional: estudio de las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento Assessment of Children’s Emotions Scales (ACES) en una muestra de niñas y niños que cursan pre-kinder, kinder, primero y segundo básico en Chile

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    71 p.El conocimiento emocional es la habilidad para entender las señales emocionales manifestadas a través de expresiones faciales, entornos sociales y expresiones vocales, desde los primeros años de infancia. Considerando las diferentes modalidades de medición del conocimiento emocional, se encuentra el instrumento Assessment of Children’s Emotions Scales (ACES). El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento ACES en una muestra de 118 niñas y niños que cursan Pre-Kinder, Kinder, Primero y Segundo Básico en Chile. La investigación se enmarca en una metodología cuantitativa no experimental, con alcance descriptivo correlacional. Los resultados fueron analizados en los programas SPSS 15.0 y MPLUS 7, donde se calculó validez de constructo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y factorial confirmatorio, como también la confiabilidad mediante la prueba Alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados indicaron que el instrumento muestra una buena consistencia interna, las subpruebas de comportamientos y situaciones igualmente obtuvieron puntuaciones satisfactorias, mientras que la subprueba expresiones faciales obtuvo puntuaciones más bajas de lo esperado, similar a lo obtenido en otros estudios que utilizaron el ACES. En cuanto al análisis factorial, arrojó una configuración de 3 factores con 32 ítems. Así la evaluación psicométrica del instrumento ACES indica que es confiable y válida, para la muestra de población infantil chilena. // ABSTRACT: Emotional awareness is the ability to understand the emotional cues manifested through facial expressions, social settings, and vocal expressions, from the earliest years of childhood. Considering the different methods of measuring emotional knowledge, there is the Assessment of Children’s Emotions Scales (ACES) instrument. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the ACES instrument in a sample of 118 girls and boys who attend Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First and Second Basic in Chile. The research is framed in a non-experimental quantitative methodology, with a correlational descriptive scope. The results were analyzed in the SPSS 15.0 and MPLUS 7 programs, where construct validity was calculated using an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as reliability using the Cronbach's Alpha test. The results indicated that the instrument shows good internal consistency, the behavioral and situation subtests also obtained satisfactory scores, while the facial expressions subtest obtained lower scores than expected, similar to that obtained in other studies that used ACES. As for the factor analysis, it showed a configuration of 3 factors with 32 items. Thus, the psychometric evaluation of the ACES instrument indicates that it is reliable and valid, for the sample of Chilean children

    Resultados de la enseñanza de estrategias de lectura y escritura en la alfabetización temprana de niños con riesgo social

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    Introducción: La evidencia científica reciente destaca la importancia de la alfabetización temprana como fundamento del aprendizaje lector posterior, especialmente en niños en riesgo social, pero no existen las condiciones adecuadas para alcanzar su desarrollo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los resultados de una intervención focalizada en el aprendizaje temprano de la lectura y la escritura de niños con riesgo social (5 años 3 meses promedio). Material y Métodos: Se evaluaron 339 niños(as) (132 grupo intervención/207 grupo comparación), al inicio y al fin del año escolar. Los profesores del grupo de intervención participaron en un programa de desarrollo profesional de un año que incluyó capacitación y acompañamiento para la aplicación de estrategias de enseñanza de la alfabetización temprana. Resultados: Se observó un resultado positivo en el conocimiento del alfabeto, la escritura emergente y el reconocimiento visual de palabras, no en comprensión oral. Discusión: Se contrastan los resultados con otros programas de intervención en niños con riesgo social, resaltando la importancia de la capacitación y el acompañamiento a los educadores

    Funções executivas em crianças com transtorno da linguagem: alguns antecedentes desde a neuropsicologia

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    Language disorder is a communication disorder with high incidence and prevalence in the school population and wich negatively affects the academic performance, and the social and emotional development of the children suffering this condition. There is evidence that in this disorder the executive functions (ef) are affected, in addition to the language (phonological, morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic) components, which have been traditionally studied. This article aims to characterize the main ef that are affected in language disorder. For this purpose, we worked with a method of narrative review. A review of language development from early childhood, language disorder and ef was made. Studies report that the main ef affected in the language disorder are working memory, some deficits in attention, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. Finally, the role of the ef in language disorder is discussed and the implications that this has both for the evaluation and for the generation of pertinent pedagogical supportsEl trastorno del lenguaje es un problema de la comunicación con alta incidencia y prevalencia en la población escolar, el cual afecta negativamente el desempeño académico, y el desarrollo social y afectivo de los niños que lo padecen. Existe evidencia de que en este trastorno se encuentran afectadas funciones ejecutivas (fe), además de los componentes del lenguaje (fonológico, morfosintáctico, semántico y pragmático), los cuales se han estudiado tradicionalmente. Este artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar las principales fe que se encuentran afectadas en el trastorno del lenguaje. Para ello, se trabajó con un método de revisión narrativa. Se realizó una revisión del desarrollo del lenguaje desde la primera infancia, del trastorno del lenguaje y de fe. Los estudios reportan que la principal fe afectada en el trastorno del lenguaje es la memoria de trabajo, y se presentan algunos déficits en atención, flexibilidad cognitiva y control inhibitorio. Finalmente, se discute el rol de las fe en el trastorno del lenguaje y las implicancias que esto tiene tanto para la evaluación como para la generación de apoyos pedagógicos pertinentes.O transtorno da linguagem, é um transtorno da comunicação com alta incidência e prevalência na população escolar e afeta negativamente o desempenho acadê- mico, desenvolvimento social e afetivo das crianças que o padecem. Existe evidência que neste transtorno encontram-se afetadas funções executivas (fe), para além dos componentes da linguagem (fonológico, morfossintático, semântico e pragmático), os que se têm estudado tradicionalmente. Nesta linha, este artigo tem por objetivo caracterizar as principais fe que se encontram afetadas no transtorno da linguagem. Para isso, se trabalhou com um método de revisão narrativa. Se realizou uma revisão do desenvolvimento da linguagem desde a primeira infância, do transtorno da linguagem é a memória de trabalho, também se apresentariam alguns déficits em atenção, flexibilidade cognitiva e controle inibitório. Finalmente, discute-se o papel das fe no transtorno da linguagem e as implicâncias que isto tem tanto para a avaliação quanto para a geração de apoios pedagógicos pertinentes