381 research outputs found

    Coping strategies and quality of life in caregivers of dependent elderly relatives

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the importance of coping in caregiving, there are few studies on the relationship between coping and quality of life in caregivers of the frail dependent elderly. Thus, this study aims to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and quality of life dimensions in primary caregivers of dependent elderly relatives. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 86 caregivers. Predictive variables were coping strategies (problem-focused, emotion-focused, socially-supported, and dysfunctional); dependent variables were quality of life dimensions (psychological, physical, relational, and environmental); and potential confounding variables were age, gender, perceived health and burden of caregiver, and functional capacity of care receiver. Correlation coefficients were calculated and multiple linear regression analysis was performed. RESULTS: After controlling for potential confounders, dysfunctional coping was related to worse quality of life in the psychological dimension, while emotion-focused and socially-supported coping were related to superior psychological and environmental dimensions of quality of life. The physical and relational dimensions of quality of life were not related to coping strategies. CONCLUSIONS: 1) it is important to consider coping strategies in the assessment of primary caregivers of dependent elderly relatives; 2) the quality of life of caregivers is related to their coping strategies, 3) their quality of life can be worsened by avoidance-type coping, and 4) their quality of life can be improved by active emotion-focused coping and socially-supported coping

    Maladaptive facet trait profiles and psychopathology: a person‑centered assessment approach

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    Person-centered approaches in personality allow greater understanding of how different subpopulations with specific person- ality profiles are linked with relevant outcomes. Studies under the Five Factor Model agree on the observation of a Resilient, an Undercontrolled and an Overcontrolled profile. However, studies using maladaptive traits are much more limited. The present research identify personality profiles based on the 25 maladaptative facet and examined the relationships with per- sonality dysfunctioning, internalizing and externalizing symptoms. A mixed sample composed of community adults (n = 742) and patients (n = 312) completed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Short Form, the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms-II, Externalizing Spectrum Inventory–Brief From, the 12 items Spanish version of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule II and Level of Personality Functioning Scale- Brief Form 2.0. Latent profile analysis was performed on PID-5-SF score. The scores on internalizing, externalizing and functioning were compared across the profiles. Four profiles emerged: Resilient, Undercontrolled, Overcontrolled, and Ordinary type. The Overcontrolled and Undercon- trolled types showed higher scores on pathology scales. While the Overcontrolled profile appeared more related to inter- nalizing symptoms and impairment in self-functioning, the Undercontrolled profile was more linked to higher scores on externalizing symptoms and interpersonal dysfunctioning.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Huelva/ CBUA This work was supported by the grant “Reliable and clinical relevant change of Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms II – IDAS-II: a longitudinal clinical utility study (RELY-IDAS-II)”, project PID2020-116187RB-I00 on Proyectos I + D + i 2020 “Retos del Conocimiento” provided by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)

    Norms According to Age and Gender for the Spanish Version of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II)

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    Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms-II (IDAS-II) constitutes a useful measurement tool with demonstrated psychometric properties that is contributing to the advancement of knowledge of emotional disorders within transdiagnostic models. To implement its use in clinical settings it is important that the scores can be interpreted in order to guide clinical decisions. This study aims to develops normative data for the Spanish version of the IDAS-II. An anonymous online survey was applied to 1,072 subjects, recruited through a stratified random sampling procedure taking into account population gender, age, and geographical region of Spain. Results show that women tend to score higher than men, particularly on the Dysphoria, General Depression, Appetite Gain, and Lassitude scales. Largest effect sizes for differences in the scores according to age were found for Lassitude, Dysphoria, and General Depression. Therefore, normative data according to gender and age group for each IDAS-II scale is provided. The norms provided in this work complement those already available, facilitating the decision-making of clinical professionals. Evidence of unidimensionality is provided for the 19 IDAS-II scales that allows researchers and clinicians to use specific IDAS-II scales independently

    Inclusión escolar de primera infancia con necesidades educativas especiales: imaginarios de los docentes

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    Este artículo exploró los imaginarios y referentesque poseen los docentes acerca de la atención educativaintegral de la primera infancia con necesidadeseducativas especiales en Florencia (Caquetá). Laaplicación de una encuesta estructurada recolectóinformación relacionada con primera infancia, necesidadeseducativas especiales y atención educativaintegral. Se evidencia poca apropiación de la norma yacompañamiento interinstitucional. A pesar de existirla legislación no se han garantizado las condicionespara su implementación

    Formación continuada docente: desafíos y oportunidades para una educación de calidad

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    This paper aims to present a literature review in relation to the continuing education of teachers with their pedagogical practice, with special emphasis on the Dialogical Pedagogical Education, understood as a type of documentary research on how different authors have dealt with a specific topic (Gomes, 2019. p.1). ) The information used for this literature review was obtained through a bibliographic search in databases and academic search engines such as: SCIELO, REDALYC, HIGHBEAM, DIALNET and GOOGLE ACADEMIC, which initially yielded a total of 195 products related to the topic. After applying the selection criteria, 52 references were included. After an analysis of the information, it can be concluded that there are some successful continuous teacher training practices, such as Dialogical Pedagogical Training. This practice, centered on dialogue, allows teachers to reflect on their pedagogical practice and encourages collaboration between teachers and their students, in addition to promoting a constructivist approach to learning, where students actively participate in the teaching-learning process. Despite the efforts made to date to improve teacher training in Colombia, there are still many important challenges, such as the consolidation of a teacher training subsystem that guarantees resources to finance graduate studies. Also required is the implementation of rigorous continuing education programs for teachers, so that they can keep abreast of new educational trends and didactic tools appropriate to the Colombian reality, in order to ensure quality education for all Colombians.El presente trabajo pretende presentar una revisión bibliográfica en relación de la formación continuada de maestros con su práctica pedagógica, haciendo un especial énfasis en la Formación Pedagógica Dialógica, entendido este artículo como un tipo de investigación documental acerca de la forma en que diferentes autores han tratado un tema específico (Gomes, 2019. pág.1) La información usada para esta revisión de literatura se obtuvo mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos y buscadores académicos tales como: SCIELO, REDALYC, HIGHBEAM, DIALNET y GOOGLE ACADÉMICO, lo que arrojó un total de 195 productos relacionados con el tema. Luego de aplicar los criterios de selección se incluyeron 52 referencias. Luego de un análisis de la información, se puede concluir que existen algunas prácticas exitosas de formación continua para maestros, como la Formación Pedagógica Dialógica. Esta práctica, centrada en el diálogo, permite que el profesor reflexione sobre su práctica pedagógica e incentiva la colaboración entre maestros y sus alumnos, además de promover un enfoque constructivista del aprendizaje, donde los estudiantes participan en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados hasta la actualidad para mejorar la formación de docentes en Colombia, todavía hay muchos desafíos importantes, como la consolidación de un subsistema de formación docente que garantice recursos para el financiamiento de estudios de posgrado. También se requiere la implementación de programas de formación continua rigurosos para los maestros, para que puedan estar al tanto de las nuevas tendencias educativas y de las herramientas didácticas adecuadas a la realidad colombiana, con el fin de garantizar una educación de calidad para todos los colombianos

    Covalent Immobilization of Antibodies through Tetrazine-TCO Reaction to Improve Sensitivity of ELISA Technique

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    This research was funded by Compra Publica Precomercial, Reference 2012/000069, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Espana. ONCOVER project: Volatile compound detection system for early cancer diagnosis.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is routinely used to detect biomolecules related to several diseases facilitating diagnosis and monitoring of these, as well as the possibility of decreasing their mortality rate. Several methods have been carried out to improve the ELISA sensitivity through antibodies immobilization on the microtiter plates. Here, we have developed a strategy of antibodies immobilization to improve the ELISA sensitivity increasing the antibody density surface through the tetrazine (Tz)-trans-cyclooctene (TCO) reaction. For this, we prepared surfaces with tetrazine groups while the captured antibody was conjugated with TCO. The tetrazine surfaces were prepared in two different ways: (1) from aminated plates and (2) from Tz-BSA-coated plates. The surfaces were evaluated using two sandwich ELISA models, one of them using the low-affinity antibody anti-c-myc as a capture antibody to detect the c-myc-GST-IL8h recombinant protein, and the other one to detect the carcinoembryonic human protein (CEA). The sensitivity increased in both surfaces treated with tetrazine in comparison with the standard unmodified surface. The c-myc-GST-IL8h detection was around 10-fold more sensible on both tetrazine surfaces, while CEA ELISA detection increased 12-fold on surfaces coated with Tz-BSA. In conclusion, we show that it is possible to improve the ELISA sensitivity using this immobilization system, where capture antibodies bond covalently to surfaces.Compra Publica Precomercial, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Espana 2012/00006

    Characterization of the volume and thickness of DIEP flap by CTA image processing

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksBreast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in more than 100 countries. Breast cancer surgery, especially when it involves a mastectomy, is associated with unaesthetic results that can be traumatic. Therefore, breast reconstruction is crucial for the patient to return to normal life, avoiding the psychological consequences. Based on free tissue transfer with microsurgery, autologous breast reconstruction is the gold standard for breast reconstruction, especially in irradiated patients. To plan the reconstruction surgery and locate the cutaneous perforating vessels supplying blood to the flap, preoperative Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is usually performed. However, only approximate and qualitative measurements are obtained and the location of the umbilical perforators reported by the radiologist. This paper advances a quantitative method to assess autologous Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) flap volume and thickness from CTA images. This method is validated by measuring flap volume intraoperatively in the operating room of the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. These measurements could improve preoperative planning by reconstructive surgeons as they would know beforehand whether the amount of adipose tissue that can be harvested is sufficient to reconstruct the breast completely. This information could be crucial in thin and large breasted women or if bilateral breast reconstruction is planned.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ciudad y rebeldía

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    PublishedTodo en Andrés Caicedo es Ciudad y rebeldía. Esta obra a varias manos también es un capricho literario, donde sus autores derivan entre los espíritus propios del transeúnte caleño, de los sesenta y setenta, y los referentes teóricos de las ciencias humanas. Se trata de una producción que revisa las palabras dichas de forma escueta y se balancea en la dulce melodía de la música, categoría incluyente donde caben propios y ajenos porque ella no es de nadie, ni siquiera de sus compositores. Las historias, que permiten descifrar los enclaves hallados en esta compilación de ensayos, y los personajes caicedianos dejaron huellas marcadas por el humo propiciado en las rumbas de un grupo de jóvenes burgueses, empeñados en sostener una contracultura que se detuvo en las nubes de las despedidas pensadas y arrojadas. Ellos lo dejaron todo, pero no lo abandonaron. Movilizaron una parte de Cali y quedó su legado, ese nuevo trazo ideológico regurgitante de placeres, hastiado de experimentar y de romper su propio estigma

    Genética, riesgo y derecho penal: una aproximación interdisciplinaria

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    Este texto presenta un estudio científico y jurídico sobre la genética y el derecho penal, con el objeto de realizar un pequeño aporte para la superación de la polarización política y moral de los debates sobre la genética y el derecho, que sólo ha conducido a una desafortunada paralización de la regulación sobre el tema que aumenta los riesgos para la salud humana y el equilibrio de los ecosistemas. Ante una problemática tan compleja, el derecho moderno no plantea una solución unitaria, sino una metodología a través de la cual cada sociedad democráticamente pueda adoptar sus propias decisiones frente a la salvaguarda de su patrimonio genético