25 research outputs found

    Optimizaci贸n de conductores en redes el茅ctricas por medio de un programa de computador

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Electricista)-- Corporaci贸n Universitaria Aut贸noma de Occidente, 1987PregradoIngeniero(a) Electricist

    Employability of specialists in health auditing, graduates of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga- CES agreement, cohorts from 2008 to 2010

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    Medir la empleabilidad de los egresados del postgrado de Auditor铆a en Salud de la UNAB en convenio con el CES de las cohortes a帽os 2008 a 2010, determinando cu谩ntos de ellos ejercen la especializaci贸n, el tipo de empresas donde trabajan, su rango salarial, y la percepci贸n y satisfacci贸n que tienen en cuanto a la formaci贸n recibida, datos que servir谩n de informaci贸n actualizada a la UNAB. M茅todos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal que incluy贸: 1) censo de las cohortes a帽os 2008 a 2010 y cruce de variables y asociaciones por SPSS 5.1. 2) Aplicaci贸n de la encuesta en modalidad combinada a los egresados que cumpl铆an los criterios. 3) Recolecci贸n de resultados y an谩lisis estad铆stico utilizando el programa SPSSS para la tabulaci贸n y codificaci贸n de la informaci贸n. Resultados: Se encontraron 67 egresados; de 茅stos, 27(40.3%) ejercen la especialidad, de los cuales 9(33%) se encuentran vinculados con el sector p煤blico y 18(67%) al sector privado. 18 egresados (67%) tienen ingresos superior a 2.4 SMLMV. El 91% perciben buena y excelente la formaci贸n y est谩n satisfechos con el postgrado. Conclusiones: Se encontr贸 que la especializaci贸n Auditoria en Salud permiti贸 adquirir conocimiento y habilidades para desempe帽ar mejor el trabajo y ascender laboral y profesionalmente.Universidad CESINTRODUCCI脫N 11 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 14 2. JUSTIFICACI脫N DE LA PROPUESTA 15 3. PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACI脫N 17 4. OBJETIVOS 18 4.1 Objetivo General 18 4.2 Objetivos Espec铆ficos 18 5. METODOLOG脥A 19 5.1 Enfoque Metodol贸gico de la Investigaci贸n 19 5.2 Tipo de Estudio 19 5.3 Poblaci贸n de Estudio 19 5.4 Variables Preliminares 20 5.5 Criterios de Inclusi贸n 20 5.6 Criterios de Exclusi贸n 20 5.7 Consideraciones 脡ticas 20 5.8 Recolecci贸n de Informaci贸n 20 5.9 Herramienta de Recolecci贸n 20 6. MARCO TE脫RICO 21 7. RESULTADOS 23 8. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 30 9. RECOMENDACIONES 31 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR脕FICAS 32Especializaci贸nTo measure the employability of the graduates from Health Audit program of UNAB-CES university, 2008 to 2010 cohorts, by determining how many practice the specialization, the companies where they work, their salary range, the satisfaction and perception of the program that gives a global update information for UNAB-CES. Method : descriptive and retrospective study ,transversal cohort, that included: 1) census of cohorts 2008 to 2010 and crossing variables and association by SPSS5.1 2) application of combined modality survey applied to the graduates who fullfill the criterion 3) data collection and statistical analysis using the SPSS program for coding and tabulate the information, Results: was found of the 67 graduates, of which 27 specialists (40.3%) are employees, 9 (33%) are linked in the public sector ,and 18 (67%) to private sector. 18 (67%) has wage income above to the 2.4 current monthly salary. 91% considered it was a good training and are satisfied with the postgraduate .Conclusions: it was found that in the specialization in health audit was a opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to perform the jobs ,and ascend professional and in the labor way.Modalidad Presencia

    Popular education and strengthening of recognition practices in two educational experiences in Peru and Colombia.

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    La presente investigaci贸n surge frente a la preocupaci贸n sobre c贸mo dialogan las experiencias de educaci贸n popular y el reconocimiento, sobre todo en contextos de diversidad y con la participaci贸n de ciudadanos que experimentan situaciones de exclusi贸n. En ese sentido, se analizan dos experiencias de educaci贸n popular en Per煤 y Colombia tomando la Teor铆a del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth en di谩logo con la propuesta educativa que proporciona la educaci贸n popular. La investigaci贸n es de corte cualitativo y sigue un dise帽o metodol贸gico de estudio de caso m煤ltiple desde un enfoque narrativo, por ello se usaron como t茅cnicas de recolecci贸n de informaci贸n las entrevistas semiestructuradas, talleres participativos, relatos de vida, as铆 como la revisi贸n de fuentes bibliogr谩ficas relevantes para cada una de las experiencias analizadas. Se cont贸 con la participaci贸n voluntaria y consentida de ni帽os, ni帽as, adolescentes y j贸venes involucrados en las actividades de formaci贸n de la Corporaci贸n Vahum en Colombia, y de cuatro l铆deres egresados de la Escuela Hugo Echegaray en Per煤. Asimismo, se cont贸 con la participaci贸n de los coordinadores, docentes y personal de ambas instituciones vinculados a las experiencias formativas. La informaci贸n obtenida fue analizada seg煤n el an谩lisis de contenido de acuerdo con las categor铆as propuestas en la investigaci贸n. Entre los principales hallazgos de la investigaci贸n est谩 la necesidad de profundizar la reflexi贸n, te贸rica y pr谩ctica, del reconocimiento en las experiencias educativas y con ello hacerlas visibles desde las propias particularidades propositivas y de contexto que caracterizan a cada una de las dos experiencias de formaci贸n. Asimismo, la investigaci贸n ampl铆a la teor铆a del reconocimiento de Honneth al dialogar sus postulados con los aportes de diversos pensadores, y da cuenta de la vigencia de la Educaci贸n Popular como corriente pedag贸gica que facilita procesos de liberaci贸n y reconocimiento.This research arises from the concern about how the experiences of popular education and recognition dialogue, especially in contexts of diversity and with the participation of citizens who experience situations of exclusion. In this sense, two experiences of popular education in Peru and Colombia are analyzed taking Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition in dialogue with the educational proposal provided by popular education. The research is of a qualitative nature and follows a methodological design of a multiple case study from a narrative approach, which is why semi-structured interviews, participatory workshops, life stories, as well as the review of relevant bibliographic sources were used as information collection techniques. for each of the experiences analyzed. There was the voluntary and consented participation of boys, girls, adolescents and young people involved in the training activities of the Vahum Corporation in Colombia, and four leaders who graduated from the Hugo Echegaray School in Peru. Likewise, the coordinators, teachers and staff of both institutions linked to the training experiences participated. The information obtained was analyzed according to content analysis according to the categories proposed in the research. Among the main findings of the research is the need to deepen the reflection, theoretical and practical, of recognition in educational experiences and thereby make them visible from the own propositional and context particularities that characterize each of the two training experiences. Likewise, the research extends Honneth's theory of recognition by discussing his postulates with the contributions of various thinkers, and accounts for the validity of Popular Education as a pedagogical current that facilitates liberation and recognition processes.Mag铆ster en Educaci贸n para la Innovaci贸n y las Ciudadan铆asMaestr铆

    Optimizaci贸n de conductores en redes el茅ctricas por medio de un programa de computador

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Electricista)-- Corporaci贸n Universitaria Aut贸noma de Occidente, 198

    Cirug铆a bari谩trica en diabetes: mitos y realidades

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    La adiposidad visceral se correlaciona con los niveles de sensibilidad a la insulina, por lo que la obesidad tiende a mantener una relaci贸n lineal en relaci贸n a la aparici贸n de la diabetes mellitus (DM). En efecto, la existencia de un nexo causal entre la obesidad y la DM, particularmente la DM tipo 2 (DM2), es innegable. El impacto generado por la DM2 en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y en los costos de salud p煤blica ha obligado a la comunidad cient铆fica a buscar nuevas estrategias para abordar esta problem谩tica. T铆picamente, el abordaje terap茅utico de la DM2 se concentra en los cambios en el estilo de vida, modificaciones nutricionales y el uso de f谩rmacos dirigidos a contrarrestar la hiperglicemia. No obstante, han tomado popularidad las medidas quir煤rgicas para obtener una reducci贸n de peso significativa y, por ende, mejorar el perfil metab贸lico de los pacientes con DM2. Dado el potente rol regulador que posee el tracto gastrointestinal en relaci贸n al control del metabolismo, las intervenciones quir煤rgicas que producen derivaciones anat贸micas, principalmente las exclusiones duodenoyeyunales, han mostrado de forma consistente mejorar la homeostasis de la glucosa en pacientes con DM. La cirug铆a bari谩trica (CB) tiene como poblaci贸n objeto a los individuos obesos; dada la frecuencia en la coexistencia de la DM y la obesidad, diferentes estudios han se帽alado que pacientes obesos sometidos a CB han mostrado mejor铆a significativa en su perfil metab贸lico. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta revisi贸n es evaluar los mecanismos que explican dichos beneficios metab贸licos en este grupo de pacientes, as铆 como la evidencia cl铆nica que avala dichos hallazgos

    Estudio gen贸mico de los determinantes de patogenicidad y marcadores VNTR en el pat贸geno bacteriano de la yuca Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Manihotis Strain CIO151

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    l pasado 21 de abril de 2009 la Honorable Consiliatura dio su aprobaci贸n al proyecto denominado Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la SaludXanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) is the causal agent of bacterial blight of cassava, which is among the main components of human diet in Africa and South America. Current information about the molecular pathogenicity factors involved in the infection process of this organism is limited. Previous studies in other bacteria in this genus suggest that advanced draft genome sequences are valuable resources for molecular studies on their interaction with plants and could provide valuable tools for diagnostics and detection. Here we have generated the first manually annotated high-quality draft genome sequence of Xam strain CIO151. Its genomic structure is similar to that of other xanthomonads, especially Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and Xanthomonas citri pv. citri species. Several putative pathogenicity factors were identified, including type III effectors, cell wall-degrading enzymes and clusters encoding protein secretion systems. Specific characteristics in this genome include changes in the xanthomonadin cluster that could explain the lack of typical yellow color in all strains of this pathovar and the presence of 50 regions in the genome with atypical nucleotide composition. The genome sequence was used to predict and evaluate 22 variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci that were subsequently demonstrated as polymorphic in representative Xam strains. Our results demonstrate that Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis strain CIO151 possesses ten clusters of pathogenicity factors conserved within the genus Xanthomonas. We report 126 genes that are potentially unique to Xam, as well as potential horizontal transfer events in the history of the genome. The relation of these regions with virulence and pathogenicity could explain several aspects of the biology of this pathogen, including its ability to colonize both vascular and non-vascular tissues of cassava plants. A set of 16 robust, polymorphic VNTR loci will be useful to develop a multi-locus VNTR analysis scheme for epidemiological surveillance of this disease

    A research agenda on geoinformation sciences towards responsible land administration in Colombia

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    After Peace Agreement 2016, new challenges in Land Administration and Land Tenure take relevance in Colombia. This document presents new perspectives on the challenges around land tenure in Colombia. We did three activities a SWOT analysis, a workshop on the research subject, and a literature review about the topics studied by the researchers. As a result, we found the internal and external relationships between Universidad Distrital, different actors, and trends in geoinformation science and land administration. For an efficient and reliable Land Administration System in the mid-term, Colombia needs articulation among different entities responsible for the different parts of the process. In that way, it is necessary to have an infrastructure for implementing multipurpose cadastre, tertiary roads, irrigation, electricity and connectivity, and areas of interest for conservation, which in Colombia are fundamental elements of the peace agreement for the comprehensive rural reform. This way, it is necessary to provide the country with knowledge and information that integrates technical concepts, geospatial technologies, and data sources

    Circular representation of the genome sequence of <i>Xam</i> CIO151.

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    <p>From outside to inside: first circle in blue indicates CDS predicted in the positive strands for the scaffolds classified as probable chromosomal regions. Second circle in red indicates the CDS predicted in the negative strand. Red spots in the black third circle indicate the region identified with atypical nucleotide composition. The fourth circle indicates the deviation pattern from the average G+C content. Inner circle shows GC skew values, positive values are shown in purple and negative values are shown in orange. Numbers correspond to scaffold IDs.</p