2,577 research outputs found

    A interpretación do patrimonio nos xardíns históricos con uso recreativo

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    [Resumo] A interpretación do patrimonio pode ser unha boa maneira de facilitar as conexións intelectuais e emotivas entre o visitante e os significados dos xardíns. Os xardíns históricos son os susceptibles de ser visitados, tanto por dispor dunha infraestructura que os fai accesibles como porque os usos permitidos teñan carácter marcadamente recreativo. Os visitantes que chegan a estos lugares non coñecen os seus valores patrimoniais e só teñen a intención de disfrutar de su tiempo libre, maís os xardíns históricos son algo máis que lugares para o esparcemento ao ár libre, o que xustifica as estratexias de comunicación propias da interpretación.[Abstract] The interpretation of an asset can be an excellent method to promote the intellectual and emotional connections between visitors and a garden’s history. Historical gardens are visited as much for their accessible infrastructure as for its recreational use and when visitors arrive with the intention of enjoying their free time, they are usually unaware of the garden assets. However, historical gardens offer far more than just outdoor leisure, accounting for the importance of strategies for interpretation and communication

    A Comparison of The Effectiveness of Various Social Media Platforms in Promoting Restaurants

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    The primary focus of this research is on how social media impacts the Colombian restaurant industry. Social media, without a question, has a significant impact on today's youth. Social media has a significant impact on a wide range of human activities. Using social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter has a significant influence on the behavior of many people. Despite this, little is known about the impact of social media on the restaurant industry. In addition to fashion, entertainment, and eating habits, there are several other things that may be affected by social media. Social media's impact on Colombian eateries was examined in this research. Five eateries in Colombia's capital city of Bogota were found through an internet search that included a glance at their social media pages. This study's evidence was matched to the data from these social media accounts as part of a literature review. This document outlines the study's recommendations and limitations. Social media may help restaurants in Colombia run more efficiently and generate more money if utilized appropriately, according to the study

    Inverted u-shaped impact of social media posting frequency on engagement and sentiment ratio

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    The frequency with which companies should publish on social media is one of the most often asked topics. It has been hypothesized that there is an optimal frequency of posting on social media networks that improves a business's capacity to engage with followers and to increase positive brand mentions. Surpassing this quantity and posting too often will leave followers feeling overwhelmed. Thus, it is important to figure out what frequency level is optimal for content posting in social media to increase follower engagement and positive brand mentions. The objective of this research is to verify this hypothesis and to find out the optimal frequency level for content posting on social media. Several quadratic longitudinal models have been implemented. The dataset contains weekly data from 2016 to 2017 for 5 companies, making 525 sample longitudinal data points. According to the findings of this research, the optimal frequency for social media content posting is 6-7 posts in a week. Publishing more than that reduces engagement and positive brand mention. The findings of this research will assist companies and social media executives in incorporating optimal frequency levels into their social media marketing plan

    Exploring the Interplay between CAD and FreeFem++ as an Energy Decision-Making Tool for Architectural Design

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    The energy modelling software tools commonly used for architectural purposes do not allow a straightforward real-time implementation within the architectural design programs. In addition, the surrounding exterior spaces of the building, including the inner courtyards, hardly present a specific treatment distinguishing these spaces from the general external temperature in the thermal simulations. This is a clear disadvantage when it comes to streamlining the design process in relation to the whole-building energy optimization. In this context, the present study aims to demonstrate the advantages of the FreeFem++ open source program for performing simulations in architectural environments. These simulations include microclimate tests that describe the interactions between a building architecture and its local exterior. The great potential of this mathematical tool can be realized through its complete system integration within CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software such as SketchUp or AutoCAD. In order to establish the suitability of FreeFem++ for the performance of simulations, the most widely employed energy simulation tools able to consider a proposed architectural geometry in a specific environment are compared. On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that FreeFem++ is the only program displaying the best features for the thermal performance simulation of these specific outdoor spaces, excluding the currently unavailable easy interaction with architectural drawing programs. The main contribution of this research is, in fact, the enhancement of FreeFem++ usability by proposing a simple intuitive method for the creation of building geometries and their respective meshing (pre-processing). FreeFem++ is also considered a tool for data analysis (post-processing) able to help engineers and architects with building energy-efficiency-related tasks

    On the Influence of Shade in Improving Thermal Comfort in Courtyards

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    This study analyzes the thermal performance of courtyards in traditional buildings in the city center of Córdoba (South of Spain), one of them displaying a shading component, to determine the influence of this precise element. The courtyards have been monitored simultaneously during a summer period when temperatures during the day reached over 45 °C. The obtained data was contrasted, and we confirmed that the shading element provided an improvement of the thermal performance of the courtyard which doubled the thermal leap between outdoor and inside the courtyard temperatures when the shading element was installed, in comparison to the courtyard without shade. Therefore, the tempering effect of courtyards can be significantly improved by means of using these simple elements

    La obra de Antonio Susillo en la Casa-Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija

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    En este artículo presentamos las obras del escultor Antonio Susillo (1855-1896) ubicadas en la colección de la Casa-Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija, en Sevilla. Analizamos, pues, seis sugestivas piezas del numeroso catálogo de este prolífico artista. En concreto, un relieve y cinco ejemplares en bulto redondo, todos en barro cocido en su color, que contribuyen al conocimiento del quehacer plástico del máximo exponente de la escultura sevillana del último cuarto del siglo XIX.This article presents the works of the sculptor Antonio Susillo (1855- 1896), located in the Lebrija Palace-House, in Seville. Six works are analysed of this prolific sculptor: one relief and five sculptural pieces, all made in terracotta, in its colour. All are outstanding works of this well known sculptor of the XIXth century in Seville

    «A Baptism of Fire»: Towards a Practical Hybrid Approach for the Lexicographic Indexation of Phraseological Units with Religious Lexical Components in English and Spanish

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    Traditionally, researchers have had a particular interest in the study of the relationship between phraseology and lexicography [e.g., Alonso Ramos (2006); Mellado Blanco (2008); Buendía Castro and Faber (2015); Paquot (2015); Nuccorini (2020)] to the point of having labeled it a «scientific marriage» (Leroyer 2006). In addition, scholars have been increasingly interested in the semantic analysis of phraseological units (henceforth PUs) [e.g., Grčić Simeunović and de Santiago (2016) and Torijano and Recio (2019)]. Among the problems that these and several other studies have pointed out, there is the recurrent reference to inaccuracy and difficulty in indexing PUs in lexicographic resources. Although some scholars consider onomasiological approaches as an interesting starting point [e.g., Bosque (2017) and Siepmann (2008)], a systematic methodology in phraseology that includes both the semantical analysis of the entries and their indexation is still needed./nWe intend to address that need here through the analysis of 242 idioms (199 in Spanish and 43 in English) extracted from a 21,045-idiom database that was compiled from two phraseological dictionaries: the Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual (henceforth DFDEA) (Seco, Andrés et al., 2004), and the Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms (henceforth CCDOI) (Sinclair and Moon 1997). The criteria employed to select the resulting analysis units were: (i) they had to include at least one lexical component related to religion, and (ii) the idiom had to be nominal or verbal. The religious component was identified semi-automatically by using the UCREL's Semantic Analysis System (USAS) (Archer et al., 2002)./nThe contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) it presents a lexicographic analysis of the macrostructure and microstructure of the two phraseological resources previously mentioned, (ii) it offers a model of semantic analysis for PUs with religion-related components, (iii) it proposes an alternative indexation method of PUs in lexicographic resources involving semasiological and onomasiological approaches; and finally, (iv) it shows a systematic way to use semantic and pragmatic information in order to create semantic entries for PUs./nIn conclusion, by closely examining said set of phraseological entries, this study sheds light on the semantic composition of Pus. It also suggests a systematic hybrid approach for their lexicographic indexation in English and Spanish.Tradicionalmente, los investigadores han demostrado un particular interés por el estudio de la relación entre fraseología y lexicografía [p. ej. Alonso Ramos (2006); Mellado Blanco (2008); Buendía Castro y Faber (2015); Paquot (2015); Nuccorini (2020)] hasta el punto de denominarlo «matrimonio científico» (Leroyer 2006). De igual manera, los académicos se han interesado de manera creciente por el análisis semántico de las unidades fraseológicas (en nuestro texto, PUs, por sus siglas en inglés) [e.g., Grčić Simeunović y de Santiago (2016) y Torijano y Recio (2019)]. Entre los problemas que estos y otros estudios han señalado se encuentra la recurrente referencia a la inexactitud y la dificultad para indexar las PUs en los recursos lexicográficos. Aunque algunos investigadores consideran los enfoques onomasiológicos como un interesante punto de partida [e.g., Bosque (2017) y Siepmann (2008)], sigue siendo necesario establecer una metodología sistemática respecto a la fraseología que incluya tanto el análisis semántico de las entradas como su indexación./nNos proponemos abordar esta necesidad analizando 242 modismos (199 en español y 43 en inglés) extraídos de una base de datos con 21.045 modismos que ha sido compilada a partir de dos diccionarios fraseológicos: el Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual (en adelante DFDEA) (Seco, Andrés et al., 2004), y el Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms (en adelante CCDOI) (Sinclair y Moon 1997). Los criterios empleados para seleccionar las unidades resultantes con vistas a su análisis han sido: (i) debían incluir al menos un componente léxico relacionado con la religión, y (ii) el modismo tenía que ser nominal o verbal. El componente religioso fue identificado de manera semi-automática utilizando el UCREL's Semantic Analysis System (USAS) (Archer et al., 2002)./nLas aportaciones de este artículo son las siguientes: (i) presenta un análisis lexicográfico de la macroestructura y la microestructura de los dos recursos fraseológicos antes mencionados, (ii) ofrece un modelo de análisis semántico para las PUs con componentes relacionados con la religión, (iii) propone un método de indexación alternativa de las PUs en recursos lexicográficos que implican enfoques semasiológicos y onomasiológicos; y finalmente, (iv) propone una manera sistemática de utilizar la información semántica y pragmática para crear entradas semánticas para las PUs./nEn conclusión, al examinar dicha serie de entradas fraseológicas, este estudio arroja luz sobre la composición semántica de las PUs. También sugiere un enfoque híbrido sistemático para su indexación lexicográfica en inglés y español

    Comunicación gráfica y publicitaria para el nuevo álbum musical de almas gemelas, soacha, 2º semestre del 2.009

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    Éste documento expone el proceso de investigación para obtener la información y los datos necesarios en el diseño y desarrollo de ciertos productos gráficos aplicables en el lanzamiento y promoción del nuevo álbum musical de la agrupación de rock latino “Almas Gemelas” dentro del mercado local de Soacha. La información se reunió en forma ordenada a través de varios apéndices; comenzando con el Brief, documento que indica el posicionamiento, los objetivos, la historia de la agrupación, los factores internos y externos que afectan el producto discográfico. Un segundo apéndice contiene el plan de mercadeo, en el cual se observa en forma detallada los datos relevantes de los clientes, los objetivos a lograr como el plan de investigación dentro del mercado musical de Soacha. La planeación del mercadeo presenta además las estrategias y tácticas para el producto, el precio y la distribución del mismo, las ventas, la comunicación, la promoción y las relaciones públicas. Conexo a la planeación del mercadeo se esboza el plan de ejecución que indica ciertas actividades a realizar en un período - fecha determinado y por cierto responsable. Igualmente se establece un presupuesto de ejecución donde se detallan los costos por actividad planteada según línea de producto, y en una instancia final se contempla el plan de medios que define el canal a usar, la duración, la frecuencia, el alcance, los costos y otros aspectos relevantes en la contratación de pauta en los medios de comunicación existentes en Soacha. El tercer apéndice corresponde a la estrategia creativa que enuncia el mensaje a comunicar como su declaración textual, y precisa algunos datos técnicos aplicables en el diseño y posterior desarrollo de cada producto gráfico seleccionado según etapa del plan de mercadeo, además define el receptor pretendido, las características del satisfactor (producto), los objetivos y el tratamiento de la campaña