5,670 research outputs found

    El mercantilismo

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    Although, as a general rule, textbooks of international economics do not deal with the theme of mercantilism, leaving it for the texts of history of economic analysis, we think that it is important to study such school in a course of pure theory of international trade, not only because of the long period of time it covers, but also because it has been the only economic school whose main arguments are related to international trade and policy. In this short essay we try to emphasize the complexity of mercantilism, treating it not only as an economic school with both commercial and monetary doctrines, but also as a political system, and to do that we resort to authors such as Eli Heckscher, J.M. Keynes, and Joseph Schumpeter.

    Acceso a recursos energéticos y conocimiento tradicional. Elementos críticos para una política y legislación en Chile

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    A comprehensive survey of Rhinonyssid mites (Mesostigmata: Rhinonyssidae) in Northwest Russia: New mite-host associations and prevalence data

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    Background: Rhinonyssid mites are permanent parasites of birds that inhabit their respiratory tract. There are around 600 species described worldwide and almost all species of birds are found to have embedded rhinonyssid mites. Despite their presumed relevance, these mites are largely unstudied due to the difficulty in sampling them and, therefore, the majority of mite-host associations and species-prevalence data are unknown. New information: In this study, 179 mite specimens belonging to 27 species and eight genera were identified. Notably, 18 new mite-bird associations were documented for the first time, thus increasing the known host range for these mite species. In addition, mite-host associations found in this study were compared with known associations from these species of birds in the European part of Russia and in Europe. Overall, this study represents the largest survey to date carried out on rhinonyssid mites in Russia and one of the most comprehensive datasets on rhinonyssid host-rang

    Traditional Knowledge and Access to Genetic Resources Critical Elements towards a National Policy and Legislation for Chile

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    Traditional knowledge, hereinafter TK, is a broad concept that is deeply rooted in the life of billions of people, especially within the indigenous communities that have developed it either in the North or in the South. TK has multiple manifestations in several fields, from medicinal uses of plants and herbs, to artistic creations. Bio-prospective activities during the 90 have brought the TK problematic to the international fora: the indigenous communities, South Governments, NGO’s and some other groups have complained against the everlasting misappropriation of TK. Since genetic resources are scarce in the North, TK has been reaching increasing value for transnational companies and Universities research groups who have turned their interest to it as a critical source of their R+D projects to advance their business and academic agendas. This work addresses the problematic of TK as well as the Access to Genetic Resources and the benefit Sharing derived from it (hereinafter ABS). It intends to contribute to clarify some still obscure issues for Chile and to show some valuable international experiences to advance in the process of drafting a national strategy, policy and legislation to regulate the issues surrounding TK and AGR. The work calls for a collaborative approach between the main stakeholders to better achieve huge humanity challenges as fighting hunger and catastrophic diseases. The first part addresses the main concerns about TK from an international legal perspective, explaining different views and issues, some of them quite controversial. The second part brings up an interesting new approach to align conflicting interest in the international world, the so-called public-private partnership. The third part is an attempt to provide guidance to decision makers in Chile and eventually some other developing countries on how to face such a process having in mind the fulfillment of the principles and objectives surrounding TK and ABS. The work ends with some conclusions and thoughts regarding the matter.Traditional knowledge, hereinafter TK, is a broad concept that is deeply rooted in the life of billions of people, especially within the indigenous communities that have developed it either in the North or in the South. TK has multiple manifestations in several fields, from medicinal uses of plants and herbs, to artistic creations. Bio-prospective activities during the 90 have brought the TK problematic to the international fora: the indigenous communities, South Governments, NGO’s and some other groups have complained against the everlasting misappropriation of TK. Since genetic resources are scarce in the North, TK has been reaching increasing value for transnational companies and Universities research groups who have turned their interest to it as a critical source of their R+D projects to advance their business and academic agendas. This work addresses the problematic of TK as well as the Access to Genetic Resources and the benefit Sharing derived from it (hereinafter ABS). It intends to contribute to clarify some still obscure issues for Chile and to show some valuable international experiences to advance in the process of drafting a national strategy, policy and legislation to regulate the issues surrounding TK and AGR. The work calls for a collaborative approach between the main stakeholders to better achieve huge humanity challenges as fighting hunger and catastrophic diseases. The first part addresses the main concerns about TK from an international legal perspective, explaining different views and issues, some of them quite controversial. The second part brings up an interesting new approach to align conflicting interest in the international world, the so-called public-private partnership. The third part is an attempt to provide guidance to decision makers in Chile and eventually some other developing countries on how to face such a process having in mind the fulfillment of the principles and objectives surrounding TK and ABS. The work ends with some conclusions and thoughts regarding the matter.Traditional knowledge, hereinafter TK, is a broad concept that is deeply rooted in the life of billions of people, especially within the indigenous communities that have developed it either in the North or in the South. TK has multiple manifestations in several fields, from medicinal uses of plants and herbs, to artistic creations. Bio-prospective activities during the 90 have brought the TK problematic to the international fora: the indigenous communities, South Governments, NGO’s and some other groups have complained against the everlasting misappropriation of TK. Since genetic resources are scarce in the North, TK has been reaching increasing value for transnational companies and Universities research groups who have turned their interest to it as a critical source of their R+D projects to advance their business and academic agendas. This work addresses the problematic of TK as well as the Access to Genetic Resources and the benefit Sharing derived from it (hereinafter ABS). It intends to contribute to clarify some still obscure issues for Chile and to show some valuable international experiences to advance in the process of drafting a national strategy, policy and legislation to regulate the issues surrounding TK and AGR. The work calls for a collaborative approach between the main stakeholders to better achieve huge humanity challenges as fighting hunger and catastrophic diseases. The first part addresses the main concerns about TK from an international legal perspective, explaining different views and issues, some of them quite controversial. The second part brings up an interesting new approach to align conflicting interest in the international world, the so-called public-private partnership. The third part is an attempt to provide guidance to decision makers in Chile and eventually some other developing countries on how to face such a process having in mind the fulfillment of the principles and objectives surrounding TK and ABS. The work ends with some conclusions and thoughts regarding the matter

    Capturando Valor en las Universidades y Centros Tecnológicos. Hacia la Definición de Estrategias, Políticas y Procedimientos de Apropiabilidad, Protección Legal, Explotación y Transferencia Tecnológica de Resultados de Proyectos de I+D+I en Chile.

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    Article in Spanish The universitary institutions and the national technology centres, have principally public economic support, and invest a significant amount of these resources in research and development projects, creating significant results with a potential industrial applicability. Until now, the public policy has followed the US model established from 1980 Bayh-Dole Act. Although the use of this scheme suppose an analysis that is not included in this article, if it is followed in the correct way, this entities must set suitable policies of intellectual property and use of the results raised from that research, using the institutions of intellectual and industrial property. In this article it is reviewed supperficially, comparing with the American experience, the elements that support the present Chilean public policy in research and development matter, as well as the contract responsibilities of the institutions with the economic support agencies, elements that make mandatory the establishment of intellectual property policy development for each University, with the main objective to kept properly the benefits of the results obtained from the execution of these projects.Las instituciones universitarias y los centros tecnológicos nacionales, con financiamiento mayoritariamente público, están invirtiendo un monto significativo de recursos en proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, generando resultados significativos y con eventual aplicación industrial. Hasta ahora, la política pública nacional ha seguido de cerca el modelo norteamericano establecido a partir de la Bayh-Dole Act de 1980. Aunque la utilización de ese esquema supone un análisis que escapa a este articulo, si ha de seguirse bien, estas entidades deben establecer adecuadas políticas de apropiabilidad y explotación de los resultados de esa investigación, usando a tal efecto los institutos de la propiedad intelectual e industrial. En este artículo se revisan someramente a la luz de la experiencia norteamericana, los elementos que fundan la actual política pública chilena en materia de investigación y desarrollo, así como las obligaciones contractuales de las instituciones con las agencias de fomento, elementos que hacen imperativo para las universidades establecer su propia política de apropiabilidad, a fin de que capturen debidamente los beneficios de los resultados derivados de la ejecución de esos proyectos.Article in Spanish The universitary institutions and the national technology centres, have principally public economic support, and invest a significant amount of these resources in research and development projects, creating significant results with a potential industrial applicability. Until now, the public policy has followed the US model established from 1980 Bayh-Dole Act. Although the use of this scheme suppose an analysis that is not included in this article, if it is followed in the correct way, this entities must set suitable policies of intellectual property and use of the results raised from that research, using the institutions of intellectual and industrial property. In this article it is reviewed supperficially, comparing with the American experience, the elements that support the present Chilean public policy in research and development matter, as well as the contract responsibilities of the institutions with the economic support agencies, elements that make mandatory the establishment of intellectual property policy development for each University, with the main objective to kept properly the benefits of the results obtained from the execution of these projects

    VolumeEVM: A new surface/volume integrated model

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    Volume visualization is a very active research area in the field of scien-tific visualization. The Extreme Vertices Model (EVM) has proven to be a complete intermediate model to visualize and manipulate volume data using a surface rendering approach. However, the ability to integrate the advantages of surface rendering approach with the superiority in visual exploration of the volume rendering would actually produce a very complete visualization and edition system for volume data. Therefore, we decided to define an enhanced EVM-based model which incorporates the volumetric information required to achieved a nearly direct volume visualization technique. Thus, VolumeEVM was designed maintaining the same EVM-based data structure plus a sorted list of density values corresponding to the EVM-based VoIs interior voxels. A function which relates interior voxels of the EVM with the set of densities was mandatory to be defined. This report presents the definition of this new surface/volume integrated model based on the well known EVM encoding and propose implementations of the main software-based direct volume rendering techniques through the proposed model.Postprint (published version

    Aproximación al contrato de Gestión de Carteras de Inversión

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    En este trabajo de Fin de Grado vamos a estudiar algunas de las cuestiones relativas al contrato de gestión de carteras de inversión. En particular el concepto, características, naturaleza jurídica y modalidades, sus elementos personales, con especial análisis de la figura del inversor y las obligaciones y responsabilidades que asume el gestor. Lo que nos obliga a detenernos en algunas sentencias del Tribunal Supremo, en las que se condena a la entidad gestoras de cartera por negligencia en su actuación.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida