291 research outputs found

    Postharvest heat treatments to inhibit Penicillium digitatum growth and maintain quality of Mandarin (Citrus reticulata blanco)

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    Use of fungicides is a common practice as a postharvest treatment to control fruit decay. Nowadays, environment-friendly technologies, such as heat treatments, are viable replacements. This study evaluated the effects of post-harvest heat treatments (traditional and microwave-assisted) on mandarins intentionally inoculated with Penicillium digitatum. For the studied heat treatments, the target temperature was 50C, which was held for 2.5 min. After heating, mandarins were cooled and stored at 25C for 13 days. MW treatments effectively prevented mold growth during storage, while HW only delayed it. Control mandarins (without treatment) showed the highest significant weight loss. Neither thermal treatment nor storage affected fruit juice pH (p \u3e 0.05). Treated mandarins had a significantly lower vitamin C content than control fruits throughout storage, and all mandarins lost firmness by the 13th day (p \u3c 0.05). Control and MW-treated mandarins had lower citric acid content; however, they retained color, total soluble solids (TSS) and had a higher maturity index. While HW mandarins did not have changes in citric acid content, they had higher TSS, and lower maturity index. MW-assisted treatments were effective at inactivating molds and helped retain some nutritional and physical-chemical characteristics of mandarins. However, juice of MW-treated mandarins was not preferred by judges in the sensory tests, the juice was rated lower than that obtained from the other treatment. Postharvest heat treatments may constitute a helpful application to control mandarin’ fungal decay

    Implementación de la norma SGE 21 en el grupo empresarial Aviomar s.a.

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    AnexosEl presente trabajo se desarrolla con el fin de establecer mecanismos de control y seguimiento adicionales a los establecidos actualmente por el Grupo Aviomar, teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento a través del tiempo. Es importante realizar un análisis, teniendo en cuenta que la primera compañía Aviomar fue creada hace mas de 38 años, y posteriormente surgió Colvan, la Agencia de aduana creada hace mas de 13 años y en busca de prestar servicios integrales se creó el depósito habilitado Snider hace 12 años, a la fecha por su calidad, cumplimiento y especialización son empresas muy reconocidas en el mercado así: 1. Aviomar: Reconocida internacionalmente por su línea de menajes, por su fuerte manejo y conocimiento en diplomáticos y obras de arte 2. Snider: Por su pronta respuesta en la nacionalización de mercancías y la organización del deposito 3. Colvan: Por su seriedad y rectitud en este medio.No Abstrac

    Precision medicine for lysosomal disorders

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    Precision medicine (PM) is an emerging approach for disease treatment and preventionthat accounts for the individual variability in the genes, environment, and lifestyle of each person.Lysosomal diseases (LDs) are a group of genetic metabolic disorders that include approximately70 monogenic conditions caused by a defect in lysosomal function. LDs may result from primarylysosomal enzyme deficiencies or impairments in membrane-associated proteins, lysosomal enzymeactivators, or modifiers that affect lysosomal function. LDs are heterogeneous disorders, and thephenotype of the affected individual depends on the type of substrate and where it accumulates,which may be impacted by the type of genetic change and residual enzymatic activity. LDs areindividually rare, with a combined incidence of approximately 1:4000 individuals. Specific therapiesare already available for several LDs, and many more are in development. Early identification mayenable disease course prediction and a specific intervention, which is very important for clinicaloutcome. Driven by advances in omics technology, PM aims to provide the most appropriatemanagement for each patient based on the disease susceptibility or treatment response predictionsfor specific subgroups. In this review, we focused on the emerging diagnostic technologies that mayhelp to optimize the management of each LD patient and the therapeutic options available, as well asin clinical developments that enable customized approaches to be selected for each subject, accordingto the principles of PM

    Estudio genotóxico de una bebida experimental de quinua, kiwicha y kañiwa

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    Genotoxic evaluation is an important step for a product that is aimed for human consumption. A beverage composed of pseudocereals with highly nutritious elements like quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus L.) and kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) was prepared to reduce lipid contents in a group of volunteers. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the genotoxic potential of an experimental beverage using two in vitro tests that have been validated by international agencies. For the Ames test, two strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA98 and TA100) with and without microsomal fraction (S9) were used. Four doses of the beverage were tested and also a possible protective effect (same four doses of beverage added to plates with mutagens). Cultures of binucleated lymphocytes and five doses of the beverage were used for the micronucleus test. Both Ames and the micronucleus tests showed the beverage has not genotoxic effect in all tested doses. However, in evaluating the possible protective effect of the beverage, it would be evident that on the contrary, the mutagenic effect of mutagens used for each strain is enhanced. These results suggest that additional tests should be performed to check the genotoxic potential of this beverage before consumption.La evaluación genotóxica de un producto es un paso importante para determinar su viabilidad para consumo humano. Se ha elaborado una bebida experimental a base de pseudocereales de alto valor nutricional como son quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus L.) y kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), preparada para inducir un posible efecto hipolipemiante en un grupo de personas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el potencial genotóxico de esta bebida experimental mediante dos pruebas in vitro validadas por agencias internacionales. En la prueba de Ames se utilizaron las cepas TA98 y TA100 de Salmonella typhimurium, con y sin fracción microsomal (S9). Se evaluaron 4 dosis de bebida y además un posible efecto antimutagénico (mismas 4 dosis más mutágeno). Para la prueba de micronúcleos se usó cultivos de linfocitos con células binucleadas, en presencia de cinco dosis de la bebida. Ambas pruebas indican que la bebida estudiada en sus distintas dosis, no presenta efecto genotóxico. Sin embargo, en la evaluación del posible efecto protector de la bebida, se evidenciaría que por el contrario, se potencia el efecto mutagénico de los mutágenos empleados para cada cepa. Por lo tanto, es importante que esta bebida experimental sea sometida a pruebas adicionales in vitro e in vivo para evaluar el potencial genotóxico antes de su consumo

    The epidemiology and transmissibility of Zika virus in Girardot and San Andres Island, Colombia, September 2015 to January 2016

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    Transmission of Zika virus (ZIKV) was first detected in Colombia in September 2015. As of April 2016, Colombia had reported over 65,000 cases of Zika virus disease (ZVD). We analysed daily surveillance data of ZVD cases reported to the health authorities of San Andres and Girardot, Colombia, between September 2015 and January 2016. ZVD was laboratory-confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the serum of acute cases within five days of symptom onset. We use daily incidence data to estimate the basic reproductive number (R0) in each population. We identified 928 and 1,936 reported ZVD cases from San Andres and Girardot, respectively. The overall attack rate for reported ZVD was 12.13 cases per 1,000 residents of San Andres and 18.43 cases per 1,000 residents of Girardot. Attack rates were significantly higher in females in both municipalities (p < 0.001). Cases occurred in all age groups with highest rates in 20 to 49 year-olds. The estimated R0 for the Zika outbreak was 1.41 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.15-1.74) in San Andres and 4.61 (95% CI: 4.11-5.16) in Girardot. Transmission of ZIKV is ongoing in the Americas. The estimated R0 from Colombia supports the observed rapid spread

    SUMOylated SNF2PH promotes variant surface glycoprotein expression in bloodstream trypanosomes

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    SUMOylation is a post¿translational modification that positively regulates monoallelic expression of the trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). The presence of a highly SUMOylated focus associated with the nuclear body, where the VSG gene is transcribed, further suggests an important role of SUMOylation in regulating VSG expression. Here, we show that SNF2PH, a SUMOylated plant homeodomain (PH)¿transcription factor, is upregulated in the bloodstream form of the parasite and enriched at the active VSG telomere. SUMOylation promotes the recruitment of SNF2PH to the VSG promoter, where it is required to maintain RNA polymerase I and thus to regulate VSG transcript levels. Further, ectopic overexpression of SNF2PH in insect forms, but not of a mutant lacking the PH domain, induces the expression of bloodstream stage¿specific surface proteins. These data suggest that SNF2PH SUMOylation positively regulates VSG monoallelic transcription, while the PH domain is required for the expression of bloodstream¿specific surface proteins. Thus, SNF2PH functions as a positive activator, linking expression of infective form surface proteins and VSG regulation, thereby acting as a major regulator of pathogenicity.The authors thank Dr. Alicia Barroso Del Jesus for excellent assistance and input with NSG methodology at the Genomic Unit and Dr. Laura Montosa at the Microscopy Unit (IPBLN-CSIC). This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-098834-B-I00) and the Wellcome Trust (WTI 204697/Z/16/Z to MCF) and thegrant from the Argentinian National Agency for Promotion of Scientific and Technological Research to VEA (PICT/2016/0465)

    Percepciones de productores sobre el bienestar de bovinos doble propósito en los llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    The aim of this observational-cross-sectional study was to determine the attitudes of producers regarding the welfare (CW) of double-purpose (DP) cattle. A face-to-face survey was carried out with 20 DP producers from Meta, Colombia to quantify their perceptions (using 5-point Likert scales) on the level of impact that environmental, health and management aspects have on CW and on the level of importance of indicators (environmental, management, health and affective states) of CW evaluation. The average scores awarded to each aspect and indicator were calculated. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess differences between categories of impact aspects and between categories of indicators. The health aspects were considered the ones with had the greatest impact (4.07/5), while the indicators of affective states were considered the least important (3.82). The key aspects categorized as 'Extreme Impact' factors were external parasite load (4.65), not checking colostrum intake (4.65), heat stress (4.55), myiasis (4.25) and disbudding/dehorning without anesthesia (4.25). Key indicators recognized as 'Essential' were access to shade (4.65), colostrum intake (4.55), staff skills (4.5), pup mortality (4.45) and drinking water (4.45). The results highlight the existing consensus between the impact of heat stress and the importance of the presence of shade as an indicator of CW, as well as between colostrum consumption and calf mortality. Likewise, there is evidence of a disagreement between the high impact of disbudding /dehorning without anesthesia and the low level of importance perceived as an essential indicator of CW.El objetivo de este estudio observacional-transversal fue determinar las actitudes de productores sobre el bienestar de bovinos (BB) doble-propósito (DP). Se realizó una encuesta presencial a 20 productores DP del Meta, Colombia, para cuantificar sus percepciones (utilizando escalas Likert de 5-puntos) sobre el nivel de impacto que tienen aspectos ambientales, de salud y de manejo en el BB y sobre el nivel de importancia de indicadores (ambientales, manejo, salud y estados afectivos) de evaluación del BB. Se calcularon las puntuaciones promedio otorgadas a cada aspecto e indicador. La prueba Kruskal-Wallis se utilizó para evaluar diferencias entre categorías de aspectos de impacto y entre categorías de indicadores. Los aspectos de salud fueron considerados como los de mayor impacto (4.07/5), mientras que los indicadores de estados afectivos fueron considerados como los de menor importancia (3.82). Los aspectos clave categorizados como factores de ‘Impacto extremo’ fueron carga parasitaria externa (4.65), no verificar consumo de calostro (4.65), estrés térmico (4.55), miasis (4.25) y topizar/descornar sin anestesia (4.25). Los indicadores clave reconocidos como ‘Esenciales’ fueron acceso a sombra (4.65), consumo de calostro (4.55), capacidades del personal (4.5), mortalidad de crías (4.45) y agua potable (4.45). Los resultados resaltan el consenso existente entre el impacto del estrés calórico y la importancia de la presencia de sombra como indicador de BB, así como entre el consumo de calostro y la mortalidad de crías. Asimismo, se evidencia un disenso entre el alto impacto que tiene topizar/descornar sin anestesia y el bajo nivel de importancia percibido como indicador esencial de BB


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    Objetivos: determinar los niveles de calidad de vida relacionados con la salud y los factores psicológicos asociados: optimismo, afecto, estrés y sucesos vitales. Materiales y Métodos: se trabajó con población adulta entre 18 y 59 años no diagnosticada, de los municipios de Dosquebradas (Risaralda) y Villamaría (Caldas), de los cuales se extrajo una muestra representativa con un 95% de confianza y un 5% de error. La recolección de datos se hizo con base en 403 hogares, de los cuales hicieron parte 1.115 personas. El análisis se realizó con base en los siguientes instrumentos: Datos socio-demográficos y Conductas relacionadas con la salud, Sucesos Vitales Estresantes, Cuestionario PANAS de Afecto Positivo y Negativo, Cuestionario SF-12,&amp;nbsp; Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud y Optimismo Disposicional (DIOP). Resultados: los niveles de&amp;nbsp; calidad de vida relacionados con la salud frente a los aspectos de optimismo disposicional, conductas&amp;nbsp; relacionadas con la salud, sucesos vitales estresantes, afecto positivo y negativo, y el nivel de insatisfacción&amp;nbsp; de las personas y&amp;nbsp; expectativas positivas frente a su mejoría en la calidad de vida y bienestar, no tienen una&amp;nbsp; tendencia positiva.&amp;nbsp; Ello contrasta con la misma tendencia de investigaciones realizadas con poblaciones&amp;nbsp; diagnosticadas.&amp;nbsp; Conclusiones: la salud y la calidad de vida no se relacionan con una tendencia positiva en la&amp;nbsp; población&amp;nbsp; estudiada. Se muestra en los datos altos niveles de insatisfacción de las necesidades y bajas&amp;nbsp; expectativas de&amp;nbsp; mejoría de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud hacia el futuro. Los factores&amp;nbsp; psicológicos mantienen&amp;nbsp; esta misma tendencia.Objectives: to determine the levels of quality of life related to health and the associated psychological factors: optimism, affection, stress and life events. Materials and methods: we worked with undiagnosed adults 18 to 59 years old from Dosquebradas (Risaralda) and Villamaría (Caldas), from whom a representative sample was extracted with 95% reliability and 5% error. Data collection was based on 403 homes from which 1,115 people made part. The analysis was based on the following instruments: Social-demographic and&amp;nbsp; Health Related Behaviors, Stressful Life Events, Positive and Negative Affection -PANAS- Questionnaire, SF-12 Questionnaire, Life Quality Related with Health and Dispositional Optimism (DIOP). Results: the levels of&amp;nbsp; quality of life related to health against the aspects of dispositional optimism, health-related behaviors,&amp;nbsp; stressful life events, positive&amp;nbsp; and negative affection, and the level of dissatisfaction of people and positive&amp;nbsp; expectations in front of their&amp;nbsp; improvement in quality of life and welfare, don’t have a positive tendency. This&amp;nbsp; contrasts the same tendency&amp;nbsp; from previous research carried out with diagnosed populations. Conclusions:&amp;nbsp; health and quality of life were&amp;nbsp; not associated with a positive tendency in the population studied. The data&amp;nbsp; shows high levels of&amp;nbsp; dissatisfaction of the needs and low expectations of improvement in quality of life&amp;nbsp; related to health, into the&amp;nbsp; future. Psychological factors keep the same tendency.&amp;nbsp

    Garantismo y crisis de la justicia

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    Esta obra representa una importante reflexión teórica producto de la labor investigativa de sus autores, en torno a uno de los problemas de mayor actualidad en la sociedad contemporánea, cual es, la tensión permanente que se presenta entre la necesidad que tiene el Estado de garantizar un orden o control social y al mismo tiempo, la exigencia actual de la garantía y protección de los derechos fundamentales