253 research outputs found

    Perceptions and Understandings about Domestic Violence among Afghan Women in Australia and Barriers to Seeking Help

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     This study answered how Afghan women perceive domestic violence and gender roles during the time of settlement in Australia. The study identified Afghan women barriers to seeking help from informal social networks and domestic violence service providers. The findings have important implications for community involvement, domestic violence policy and social work practice with the multicultural society of Australia

    Phonon mediated conversion of exciton-polaritons Rabi oscillation into THz radiation

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    Semiconductor microcavities in the strong-coupling regime exhibit an energy scale in the THz frequency range, which is fixed by the Rabi splitting between the upper and lower exciton-polariton states. While this range can be tuned by several orders of magnitude using different excitonic medium, the transition between both polaritonic states is dipole forbidden. In this work we show that in Cadmium Telluride microcavities, the Rabi-oscillation driven THz radiation is actually active without the need for any change in the microcavity design. This feature results from the unique resonance condition which is achieved between the Rabi splitting and the phonon-polariton states, and leads to a giant enhancement of the second order nonlinearity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Localization transition in presence of cavity backaction

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    We study the localization transition of an atom confined by an external optical lattice in a high-finesse cavity. The atom-cavity coupling yields an effective secondary lattice potential, whose wavelength is incommensurate with the periodicity of the optical lattice. The cavity lattice can induce localization of the atomic wave function analogously to the Aubry-Andr\'e localization transition. Starting from the master equation for the cavity and the atom we perform a mapping of the system dynamics to a Hubbard Hamiltonian, which can be reduced to the Harper's Hamiltonian in appropriate limits. We evaluate the phase diagram for the atom ground state and show that the transition between extended and localized wavefunction is controlled by the strength of the cavity nonlinearity, which determines the size of the localized region and the behaviour of the Lyapunov exponent. The Lyapunov exponent, in particular, exhibits resonance-like behaviour in correspondence with the optomechanical resonances. Finally we discuss the experimental feasibility of these predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Investigation Of Ion Current Signal In A Modern Automotive Diesel Engine

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    Research is driven towards finding an alternative or extender to the conventional diesel fuel for compression ignition engines. Such alternative fuels have wide ranges of physical and chemical properties which is not suitable for CI engines. Therefore, experimental investigation to understand the effects of different fuels on engine performance, combustion, and emissions are necessary. A complete understanding of ion current signal during heterogeneous diesel combustion has not yet been made. Implementation of ion current signal as a feedback in diesel engines, during all operating conditions needs further research and understanding. This thesis covers the investigation of ion current signal characteristics as well as combustion, auto-ignition and engine out emission characteristics during the operation of modern high speed diesel engine using ULSD. Furthermore, the study covers the effect of using different fuels such as JP-8 and Sasol-IPK on a multi cylinder, direct injection diesel engine. Comparative results of three fuels are presented considering ULSD as a baseline fuel. This work aims to identify the possibility of using jet fuels in a modern automotive diesel engine without any modifications. Ion current signal characteristics during the operation with the three fuels and its correlations with combustion parameters and emissions are presented

    The Correlation between COVID-19 and Cytokine Storms ‘The Treacherous Immune Response’

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    SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, is a quickly spreading global virus that has been reported as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO). COVID-19 is spread by droplets or direct contact and, in most cases, infects the respiratory tract leading to pneumonia and, in around 15% of cases, to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Mortality in COVID-19 patients has also been linked to the existence of the virus-induced cytokine storm. Excessive pro-inflammatory cytokine production contributes to the aggravation of ARDS and significant damage to tissues, leading to multi-organ failure and death. The cytokine storm's pathogenesis is very complex. Much data suggests that the extreme worsening in several patients was directly linked to the cytokine storm in their bodies during the COVID-19 epidemic. This article discusses the cause of incidence and management methods of the inflammatory storm caused by the COVID-19 virus to offer useful clinical treatment advice without using drugs

    Evaluation of the Regression Coefficient between the Activity of FoxP3 Gene on Regulatory T Cells and Glucose Level in Patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus In the City of Mosul

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    لا يزال العلاج بالأنسولين الخارجي بانواعه المتعددة يسبب مجموعة متنوعة من ردود الفعل المناعية من خلال سيطرته المتباينة على مستوى السكر لدى مرضى داء السكر النمط الاول. ومع ذلك، فإن المشاكل المناعية الرئيسية غير شائعة، والأحداث المرافقة لداء السكر الأقل خطورة لها تأثيرات طويلة الأمد على الاستجابات المناعية. هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى متابعة تأثير مستويات الكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 احد اهم الجينات المسؤولة عن فعالية الخلايا المنظمة Regulatory T cells لدى مرضى داء السكر النمط الاول. تم جمع (26) نموذجاً من الدم لافراد مشخصين باصابتهم بداء السكر النمط الاول لمدة تزيد عن (5) سنوات، تراوحت اعمارهم من (15- 35) سنة، ومن كلا الجنسين من مركز الوفاء لمعالجة مرضى السكر والغدد الصم في مدينة الموصل ، تم تقسيم المرضى الى اربع مجاميع اعتمادأ على نوع حقن الانسولين المستخدمة للسيطرة على مستوى الكلوكوز في مصولهم تضمنت هذه المجاميع ( مجموعة مرضى الصافي Actrapid، مجموعة مرضى الخابط Insulatard، مجموعة مرضى الصافي والخابط Insulatard / Actrapid ، واخيرا مجموعة مرضى المزيج Mixtard)، كما تضمنت مجموعة السيطرة (7) عينات دم لاشخاص اصحاء كمتبرعين باعمار ترواحت من (15-30) سنة،(ذكور واناث)، غير مصابين بامراض انتقالية اوعدوى جرثومية اوامراض المناعة الذاتية. اظهرت النتائج اثر تركيز الكلوكوز في مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 بنسبة (26%) لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يستخدمون الانسولين نوع المزيج، في حين اظهرت نتائج تحليل الاثر للكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 نسبة (76%) لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يستخدمون الانسولين نوع الخابط ، على العكس من ذلك لم تظهر علاقة اثر لتركيز الكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 لدى المرضى المستخدمين للانسولين الصافي و الصافي والخابط عند (P≤0.05).Still, external insulin therapy with its various types causes a variety of immune reactions through its variable control of the glucose level in patients with type 1 diabetes. However, major immune problems are uncommon, and less serious diabetic events have long-term effects on immune responses. The current study aimed to follow up the effect of glucose levels on the level of gene expression of the FoxP3 gene, one of the most important genes responsible for the activity of Regulatory T cells in patients with type 1 diabetes. (26) blood samples were collected from individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for a period of more than (5) years, their ages ranged from (15-35) years, and from both sexes, from Al-Wafa Center for the treatment of diabetics and endocrine glands in the city of Mosul. The patients were divided into four groups, depending on the type of insulin injection , These groups included (Actrapid patients group, Insulatard patients group, Insulatard / Actrapid patients patients group, and finally Mixtard patients group). The control group also included (7) blood samples of healthy people as donors, ages ranging from (15-30) years, (males and females), without communicable diseases, bacterial infections, or autoimmune diseases. . The results showed an effect of glucose concentration on the expression level of the FoxP3 gene by (26%) in the group of patients who used insulin mixtard type, while the results of the effect analysis of glucose on the level of gene expression of the FoxP3 gene showed a rate of (76%) in the group of patients who used insulin type Insulatard, On the contrary, there was no effect of glucose concentration on the level of FoxP3 gene expression in patients using Actrapid and  Insulatard / Actrapid insulin at (P≤0.05)

    Tannin Acyl Hydrolase Production by Citrobacter sp. isolated from Tannin rich Environment, using Tamarindus indica seed powder

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    Bacterial isolate, Citrobacter sp., from tannery effluent loaded sites has proved as a potent producer of tannase. Production of tannase was compared in solid-state and submerged fermentation using tamarindseed as sole carbon source. Two times increase in tannase activity was seen in solid-state fermentation (90 U) than submerged fermentation (50 U) at 48 h from 5 g substrate

    Moving a Market: Impacts of Heritage Nomination on a Local Community. A Case Study of Delal Khaneh in Iraqi Kurdistan

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    The process of globalization has become a common factor in evolving cities in many developing countries. In Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq, current urban redevelopment plans not only involve design features imported from elsewhere, but also substantially affect urban land use. The primary goal of the regional government is to transform Erbil, Kurdistan’s capital city, into a leading city in terms of attracting foreign investments and tourists. To achieve this, Kurdistan Regional Government is leaning towards urban transformation as the solution. The city is striving to achieve a global status and in doing so, it is inevitably involved in the process of displacement. This study explores neoliberal urban transformation process within Erbil’s historic city centre and its impacts on the local residents, which has resulted in the demolition of an old bazaar and the displacement of its merchants who were relocated into a new shopping mall. In order to achieve its objectives, this study employed in-depth interviews with relocated merchants from Delal Khaneh bazaar to Nishtiman Mall and key informants in the planning and redevelopment field, as well as personal field observation. The findings indicate that the displacement of merchants had both social and economic impacts. The lack of amenities and failure to apply appropriate design standards in the new mall, Nishtiman, are two other implementation failures that the findings reveal. The demolition of the old bazaar and the relocation of its merchants to the new mall illustrate a new form of spatial fix, where the poor are purged from the city centres, a neoliberal ideology that tries to conceal urban poverty. Based on the findings, this study proposes recommendations to Kurdistan’s Regional Government and to the city of Erbil to clarify and redefine their planning objectives and implementation. As well, the concept of public participation is reconsidered while the adaptation of urban design guidelines and thorough market assessment are proposed. This study contributes to the literature on the redevelopment of historic city centres, the development of shopping malls at city centres and the adaptation of neoliberal goals for cities in developing countries.4 month

    The Immediate Effects of Kinesio Taping Versus Thoracic Manipulation in Subjects with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Pilot Study

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    Title: The Immediate Effects of Kinesio Taping Versus Thoracic Manipulation in Subjects with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Pilot Study. Authors: Brynn A. Blickenstaff, SPT1; Jenae L. Perman, SPT1; Ashley N. Rojan, ATC, AT/L, SPT1; Dr. Robert E. Boyles, PT, DSc, OCS, FAAOMPT1. Affiliation(s): 1. Physical Therapy Program, University of Puget Sound. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term effects of thoracic spine thrust manipulation and exercise (TSM-EX), cervical spine Kinesio Taping and exercise (KT-EX), and exercise only in subjects with mechanical neck pain (MNP). Subjects: Eleven participants who met all eligibility criteria with complaints of MNP were included in the study. Materials & Methods: Following self-reported outcome measures were used: the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), the Neck Disability Index (NDI), and the Global Rating of Change (GRC). Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: TSM-EX (n=6), KT-EX (n=2), or HEP alone (n=3). All participants were treated once weekly for 2 weeks, with a follow-up visit on the third week for a total of 3 visits. Results: KT-EX and TSM-EX showed a trend of decreased NDI and NPRS scores each week. The exercise group showed a decrease in NDI and NPRS scores between baseline and week 1. All groups showed improvement in symptoms on the GRC all weeks except week 2 for the exercise group, which on average remained the same. Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrates the need to further investigate the effects of Kinesio Taping compared to thoracic manipulation in patients with MNP. We are unable to report significant differences due to the low power of this study. However, KT-EX and TSM-EX groups demonstrated superior results in all outcome measures compared to the control group