903 research outputs found

    Consumers’ and Professionals’ Responses to Situations Raising Ethical Questions

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    In this study we have attempted, in collaboration with an agrifood company, to compare and contrast the responses of consumers and professionals to the same set of situations raising ethical questions, in order to highlight the differences and the similarities of viewpoint between these two groups of stakeholders. In order to do this, we constructed multi-stakeholder scenarios comprising a description of the situation and the various possible approaches to managing the situation. We constructed two scenarios, dealing with the origin of the gelatin used in the company’s products and the company’s product information on livestock feed (GMO, genetically modified organisms). This allowed us to: - study the extent of the professionals’ ethical perceptions and the possible compromises between ethical values and business interests in the decision-making process. - compare and contrast the ethical perceptions of consumers and professionals. In the first part we discuss the exploratory phase which enabled us to construct the scenarios. In the second part we compare the ethical value of the decisions suggested for each scenario according to consumers and professionals and the probability of adopting the various decisions according to professionals. The third part compares consumers’ and professionals’ responses on the matching of each decision to consumer expectations and on the decision which would appear to them to be ideal. If there is a convergence between consumers and professionals in relation to the ethical classification of the various decisions, we can note, however, that consumers’ expectations with regard to ethics are little understood by professionals. This study leads to a better understanding of the significance of considerations of an ethical nature in consumer perceptions and allows them to be compared and contrasted with the ethical judgments of professionals. It gives professionals a better insight into consumer expectations on sensitive issues and highlights certain differences between consumer expectations and managers’ suggestions.Food, ethics, consumer expectations, GMO

    Consumers' and Professionals' Responses to Situations Raising Ethical Questions

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    In this study we have attempted, in collaboration with an agrifood company, to compare and contrast the responses of consumers and professionals to the same set of situations raising ethical questions, in order to highlight the differences and the similarities of viewpoint between these two groups of stakeholders. In order to do this, we constructed multi-stakeholder scenarios comprising a description of the situation and the various possible approaches to managing the situation. We constructed two scenarios, dealing with the origin of the gelatin used in the company's products and the company's product information on livestock feed (GMO). This allowed us to: - study the extent of the professionals' ethical perceptions and the possible compromises between ethical values and business interests in the decision-making process. - compare and contrast the ethical perceptions of consumers and professionals. In the first part we discuss the exploratory phase which enabled us to construct the scenarios. In the second part we compare the ethical value of the decisions suggested for each scenario according to consumers and professionals and the probability of adopting the various decisions according to professionals. The third part compares consumers' and professionals' responses on the matching of each decision to consumer expectations and on the decision which would appear to them to be ideal. If there is a convergence between consumers and professionals in relation to the ethical classification of the various decisions, we can note, however, that consumers' expectations with regard to ethics are little understood by professionals. This study leads to a better understanding of the significance of considerations of an ethical nature in consumer perceptions and allows them to be compared and contrasted with the ethical judgments of professionals. It gives professionals a better insight into consumer expectations on sensitive issues and highlights certain differences between consumer expectations and managers' suggestions.Food, ethics, consumer expectations, GMO, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Oral History Interview: Fred Rohrig

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    This interview is one of a series titled the Veterans History Project. Fred Rohrig served in the army just after World War II. He discusses: his military training; very detailed information about his service (mainly in Germany, but also Switzerland); other soldiers he knew; detailed information about his family (some of whom served in wars); baseball; his experiences after the war; his employment as a core maker; and other topics as well.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1552/thumbnail.jp


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    It is observed in the book Videiras de Cristal, by Luiz Antônio de Assis Brasil, an intense dialogue with others texts. The texts which this novel interactsare from different natures. The intertextuality occurs with a higher occurrence on historical, documental and religious content texts, specially the Holy Bible. Therefore, the major objective is to evidence the intertextualities in such book, specially the biblical text, highlighting the parody of certain fragments from the Sacred Scriptures in this novel. In face of that, it was investigated the possible distortions, inversions and subversions – on the probable intention of criticizing, being ironic and even ridicule the biblical truths, opposing the faith and the human reason – present and verifiable on this work.Observamos em Videiras de cristal, de Luiz Antônio de Assis Brasil, um in tenso diálogo da obra com outros textos. Os textos com o qual o romance interage são de naturezas diversas, mas a intertextualidade ocorre em maior recorrência com textos históricos, documentais e de teor religioso, em especial com a Bíblia Sagrada. Sendo assim, o maior objetivo é verificar  as intertextualidades da obra, especialmente com o texto bíblico, enfatizando a paródia de trechos das Sagradas Escrituras nesse romance. Diante disso, investigamos as possíveis distorções, inversões e subversões - no provável intuito de criticar, ironizar e até ridicularizar as verdades bíblicas, contrapondo fé divina e razão humana -presentes e verificáveis nessa obra


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    O presente artigo se propõe a reconstruir o desenvolvimento da cultura popular na província do Maranhão (MA) e ao mesmo tempo chamar a atenção para a originalidade de sua subcultura rural, sua vaidade, bem como suas subdivisões Internas. Espera-se com isso demonstrar que a cultura popular é o resultado de um confronto permanente entre a subcultura dos diferentes grupos subordinados, de um lado, e a cultura e suas intervenções do outro

    Psychophysiological Tracking of a Female Physique Competitor Through Competition Preparation

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(2): 301-311, 2017. Natural physique competitions are based on subjective judgments of how a competitor appears on show day. Prior to competition, there is a prolonged dieting phase referred to as contest preparation. The primary goal is to reduce body fat levels while maintaining skeletal muscle mass. The study tracked the physiological and psychological changes for a 24 year old female preparing for a physique competition. Purpose: The study was conducted to describe the physiological and psychological changes of a female physique competitor who engages in long-term contest preparation. Methods: Diet, body composition, blood work, energy expenditure, mood, and performance were evaluated through contest preparation. Results: The participant lost 10.1kg throughout contest preparation in a strong weekly linear pattern (R2=0.97). Body fat was reduced from 30.45% to 15.85% while fat free mass was maintained. Mood for the participant remained stable until month five, when an observed variation occurred, with performance maintaining. Conclusions: Contest preparation was successful in reducing the body fat in the participant while having a minimum effect on both performance and fat free mass. For athletes looking to lose large amounts of body fat with minimal performance decrements a prolonged diet period with moderate exercise and food restriction can be an effective solution

    Bioprospec??o de bact?rias, isoladas de diferentes sistemas de cultivo, para o controle de pat?genos habitantes de solo da cultura do feij?o

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    Phaseolus vulgaris common beans are widely cultivated and consumed in Brazil as well as in other countries. It is sensitive to both abiotic, such as temperatures and precipitation conditions and biotic conditions caused by interference by microorganisms, being the biocontrol of phytopathogens a sustainable alternative to the management of diseases in agroecosystems. Thus, rhizoplane and rhizosphere bacteria were isolated from different bean production systems, no-tillage system and conventional, verifying their potential as biocontrol agents for crop-infecting phytopathogens such as Macrophomina phaseolina, Sclerotinia sclereotiorum, and Rhizoctonia solani. For this, antibiotic tests and biocharacterization tests of the selected bacterial isolates were carried out: gelatin, starch and casein hydrolysis test, siderophores production, biosurfactant production, ammonia production, selected isolates motile and volatile compounds production. From the development of this work, six bacterial isolates, RD34, RD27, SD18, RD12, RD10 and RD06, with potential for the biocontrol of plant pathogens that affect the bean culture, were selected and presented the greatest number of mechanisms associated to the biocontrol of diseases studied.O feij?o Phaseolus vulgaris ? amplamente cultivado e consumido tanto no Brasil, como em outros pa?ses. ? uma cultura sens?vel tanto ? condi??es abi?ticas, como temperaturas e precipita??o, como por condi??es bi?ticas, causadas pela interfer?ncia por microorganismos, sendo o biocontrole de fitopat?genos uma alternativa sustent?vel ao manejo de doen?as nos agroecossitemas. Com isso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi isolar bact?rias do conjunto rizoplano e endof?tico e da rizosfera de diferentes sistemas de produ??o do feij?o, sistema plantio direto e convencional, verificando seu potencial como agentes de biocontrole para fitopat?genos que acometem a cultura, como Macrophomina phaseolina, Sclerotinia sclereotiorum, e Rhizoctonia solani. Para isso foram realizados testes de antibiose e testes de biocaracteriza??o dos isolados bacterianos selecionados como: hidr?lise de gelatina, amido e case?na, produ??o de sider?foros, produ??o de biossurfactantes, produ??o de am?nia, motilidade dos isolados selecionados e produ??o de compostos vol?teis. A partir do desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram selecionados seis isolados bacterianos, RD34, RD27, SD18, RD12, RD10 e RD06, com potencial para o biocontrole de fitopat?genos que acometem a cultura do feij?o, e que apresentaram o maior n?mero de mecanismos associados ao biocontrole das doen?as estudadas

    O poder de polícia delegado à Administração Pública indireta

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    O Estado Democrático de Direito trouxe uma série de direitos aos cidadãos. No entanto, para poder estabelecer a harmonia na convivência em sociedade, torna-se fundamental que a Administração Pública utilize o poder de polícia para condicionar e restringir os direitos individuais em prol da coletividade. Dessa forma, esta monografia teve como objetivo geral analisar o conceito de poder de polícia no âmbito do Direito Administrativo e à luz da Constituição Federal, de forma a esclarecer a competência e a delegação de seu exercício às entidades da Administração Pública indireta. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada através de método dedutivo e procedimento técnico bibliográfico. Assim, o estudo iniciou-se com noções gerais e evolução histórica do poder de polícia, vindo a analisar seu conceito, características, competência, delegação, extensão e limites. Em seguida, prosseguiu com a análise das pessoas jurídicas da Administração Pública, diferenciando a Administração Pública direta e indireta. Finalmente, foi verificado o exercício do poder de polícia por pessoas jurídicas da Administração Pública indireta. Neste sentido, concluiu-se que algumas controvérsias com relação à delegação do exercício do poder de polícia aos particulares já foram apreciadas, reconhecendo sua impossibilidade. Quanto à delegação do poder de polícia à Guarda Municipal, o Supremo Tribunal Federal manifestou-se, em repercussão geral, entendendo ser possível o exercício do poder de polícia no que concerne aos atos de fiscalização e aplicação de multa. No entanto, a respeito da delegação do poder de polícia às sociedades de economia mista para aplicação de multa, o tema ganhou repercussão geral e ainda aguarda julgamento da Suprema Corte