8 research outputs found

    The role of environmental performance to strengthen firm values to financial performance

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    Firm value is very closely related to financial performance, which reflects management's achievements in generating profits. For investors, financial performance is an important aspect in determining investment. In addition to financial results, a company's environmental compliance is also important information to attract and influence investors' perceptions, which can add value to the company. Tobin's Q is used to measure the value of the corporate. ROA and ROE measure financial performance, while environmental performance is measured by PROPER. The study results show that ROE positively affects firm value, while ROA has no effect. Environmental performance can strengthen the impact of ROA on firm value, while the relationship between ROE and firm value cannot be strengthened. However, at an alpha level of 0.1, financial results can increase the impact of ROE on firm value

    Mosque Management as Islamic Religious Education Laboratory (Research Study at SMPN 17 Bandung)

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    The function and role of the mosque which was carried out by the Prophet Muhammad when he first founded the mosque, that is, apart from being a place of worship, it is also a place of education. Based on the researcher's observations from the preliminary study conducted, the mosque at SMPN 17 Bandung is highly optimized and used as a laboratory for Islamic religious education in the midst of other junior high schools that already have a special laboratory for Islamic religious education. The problem is, how is the effectiveness of the management of the mosque as a laboratory for Islamic religious education at SMPN 17 Bandung, which encourages the author to conduct research on this matter. This study aims to (1) describe the profile of the mosque, (2) describe the effectiveness of planning, organizational effectiveness, implementation effectiveness, and effectiveness of supervision of mosque management as a laboratory for Islamic religious education. This research starts from the idea that achievement in managing mosques as Islamic Education laboratories can be measured through 4 aspects, namely planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring which will be used as a measure of the effectiveness of mosque management. This research uses a qualitative approach, the research method is descriptive, with the type of research being field research. Which is located at SMPN 17 Bandung. Data collection techniques using observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The result of the research is that the effectiveness of mosque management as an Islamic religious education laboratory can be said to be quite effective with the running of each planned program, although there are still some that are less than optimal in technical implementation, such as in organizing in terms of the person in charge still lacking human resources but does not hinder the activities. In terms of implementing the activities, everything went well, only because of the large number of students, the activities carried out in the mosque were only certain programs, and the researchers focused on activities that went well in the mosque. For supervision, teachers and related parties in the ongoing activities take attendance before starting and directly monitor the course of activities by paying attention to students who do not participate in activitie


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    Secularism assumes that scientific progress can only be built by separating it from religion, because the basis of truth for the two is different. The truth of religion is spiritual-transcendental, while the truth of science is rational-empirical. The impact of the development of science based on secularism will be the focus of the study in this paper. This research is a literature review with a qualitative approach. The data were obtained using documentary techniques and the collected data were analyzed by descriptive-critical-analytical methods. This study concludes that secularization is a natural emptying of religious values ​​and teachings. The worst impact of this ideology is that the development of science in the future will only occur and is limited in the empirical dimension. This research proves that in reality, science is beyond the realm of pure empirical and experimental. Existence has unobservable and non-empirical elements that are real and true. This perspective will increase the significance of scientific discoveries that are not limited to the empirical world alone and at the same time make scientific research will have a more meaningful impact on human life as a whole

    Relasi makna al-Din dan al-Islam dalam pendekatan semantik Al-Qur'an

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    Kata al-di>n dan al-Isla>m merupakan dua kata penting dari banyaknya kata dengan konseptual dalam Al-Qur'an. Sehingga kajian ini sangat penting untuk dikaji, karena berorientasikan terhadap relasi makna dua kata konseptual dalam Al- Qur'an. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari relasi makna antara kata al-dȋn dan al-Islȃm dengan menggunakan pendekatan Semantik Al- Qur'an. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data library research. Kemudian analisis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Semantik Al- Qur'an dengan tahapan: (1) menginventarisir ayat-ayat kata al-di>n dan al-Isla>m; (2) menganalisisnya dengan pencarian makna sesuai dengan pendekatan semantik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah relasi antar kedua kata tersebut terhubung pada tiga unsur, yaitu: ajaran, konsekuensi, dan musuh/lawan. Mengenai unsur pertama, yaitu ajaran. Ajaran dalam kata al-di>n dan al-Isla>m memiliki kesamaan yaitu: perintah, larangan, dan nasehat. Terdapat banyak ayat mengenai hal tersebut. Kemudian unsur kedua, yaitu konsekuensi. Konsekuensi yang disebabkan dua kata tersebut mengacu kepada dua hal, yaitu: kebaikan dibalas pahala; dan keburukan dibalas siksa/azab. Kebaikan tersebut adalah manifestasi dari perbuatan yang didasarkan atas ajaran agama dan Islam. Begitupun dengan siksa/azab diberikan kepada orang yang membangkang dari ajaran agama dan Islam. Unsur terakhir adalah musuh/lawan. Kiranya kata al-di>n sering ditafsirkan dengan agama Islam, maka musuh kata al-di>n dan al-Isla>m memiliki kesamaan. Muna>fiqu>n, musyriku>n adalah dua yang sering disebutkan berlawanan dengan agama dan Islam. Kemudian ada murtadhi>n yang hanya ditemukan bersandingan dengan kata al-di>n


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    Agama Islam berlandaskan wahyu berupa kitab suci al-Qur’an. Bagi saintis Muslim, al-Qur’an merupakan sumber ilmu pengetahuan yang darinya dikembangkan segala macam disiplin ilmu. Ilmu syari’ah seperti, akidah, fikih, kalam, filsafat tanpa menafikan disiplin ilmu umum seperti astronomi, kedokteran, fisika, kimia dan sebaginya. Pada sisi yang berbeda, sains Modern menafikan peran agama dalam kajian keilmuan. Hingga pada akhirnya, sains Modern menjauhkan diri dari doktrin agama. Makalah ini terfokus mengkaji statum (posisi) agama dalam perspektif sains Islam dan sains Modern (Barat) dengan kajian kepustakaan yang menekankan pada aspek tekstual. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa agama adalah inheren tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan sains. Sains Islam berpegang kepada dîn atau agama, sedang sains Modern tidak lagi berpijak pada agama, hingga berakumulasi pada kerusakan yang ditimbulkan. Hal ini memicu saintis Muslim mengambil sikap tanggap yaitu dengan menyodorkan solusi gagasan Islamisasi terhadap sains Modern. Langkah tersebut sebagai respon atas dampak yang dirasakan oleh umat Islam. Islamisasi terhadap sains Modern selayaknya mampu menjadi solusi terhadap kerusakan dan kehancuran yang ditimbulkan oleh para saintis Modern

    Aphrodisiac Activity of Ethanolic Extracts from the Fruits of Three Pepper Plants from Piperaceae Family

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    Background: Pepper plants belong to the Piperaceae family with many pharmacological activities. The fruits of these plants have been widely used traditionally for various therapies, one of which is an aphrodisiac. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the aphrodisiac activity of the fruits of three pepper plants, Piper nigrum, Piper retrofractum, and Piper cubeba to prove their traditional use. Methods: The level of piperin, the active compound of plants from the family Piperaceae, was also determined in the ethanolic extract of those three fruits of the pepper plant. The aphrodisiac activity was determined by counting the number of introducing and mounting mice. The acute toxicity test of the extract was carried out according to the OECD-423 guidelines. Results: The ethanolic extract of Piper nigrum fruits had the highest piperin concentration, while the ethanolic extract of Piper retrofractum fruits had the highest aphrodisiac activity, according to the findings. During the entire duration of the acute toxicity study, no signs of toxicity or mortality were discovered. Conclusion: This study proves that all fruits of three species of pepper plants exhibit aphrodisiac activity. Furthermore, this study also shows that not only piperin is responsible for the aphrodisiac effect

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has “Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.  Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme: Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms: ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi