85 research outputs found

    What is at stake with globalization?

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    It is hard to explain why it is necessary to defend globalization even in the 21st century. Why globalization becomes the necessary evil every twenty years? And why there are plenty of organized movements against globalization, but no one for it? Answering these questions has become a kind of strange sport, because there are a few decent more than reasonable arguments that must be given every time globalization is under attack, and maybe other argument can’t be invented. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to be certain that people are able to find out these arguments and understand them, even they describe some situations that are apparently unfavorable for some people. However, the main cause of the continuing bombardment of globalization is in fact its destroying effect on states authority. As long as we are heading to a more global world, the power of governments over their modern subjects (not citizens as they wrongly believe they are) is falling apart. This fact is felt by all those who take a benefit from government protection and funding. As long as an individual can travel around the world and choose where to stay easier than 50 years ago, it is more difficult for the state to tax this citizen. And therefore, it is more difficult to provide funding to those who depend on the state help (and are a source of political power).peer-reviewe


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    The nineteenth century in our country may be considered as being very important from the intellectualperspective and not only. Although, Romanians proved to be less inventively or too moderate on economic issues, inthis century, some personalities, born in Romania and educated in the west part of Europe, tried to emancipate thecountry by spreading industrial and implicitly, economic ideas among Romanians, who did not wish for wealth, didnot start wars to seek for wealth because they were already proud of their riches which have to be defended in theirown country. The opening to Occident was a gradual but painful process, many of the original values disappearedbeing replaced by others more or less good, but bad behaviours and attitudes were naturally kept. We are convincedthat the process through which new ideas are generated and ultimately translated into policies and programs thatshape the flow of history may be too complex to be reduced to a simple and unidirectional schema; thus is why, weare going to present shortly the main ideas that changed the future of Romania in the nineteenth century

    Corporate culture and competition

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    Culture is one of those terms that are difficult to express distinctly, but everyone knows it when they sense it. Many articles have been written in recent years about corporate culture, which can be looked at as a system. Inputs include feedback from society, professions, laws, stories, heroes, values on competition or service, etc. Outputs are organizational behaviors, technologies, strategies, image, products, services, appearance, etc. Most organizations don't consciously try to create a certain culture, as it is typically created unconsciously, based on the values of the top management or the founders of an organization. In this paper we try to see whether corporate culture has any influence on competition and if it has, whether it is a positive one or a negative one.corporate culture, competition, corporate culture, society.

    The Spread of Economic Ideas among Romanian People. Case Study: Alexandru D. Xenopol

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    Alexandru D. Xenopol (1847-1920), a leading figure of the Romanian intellectual tradition of the turn of the century – academician, economist, philosopher, historian, educator, sociologist and writer – has remained in the universal cultural memory as a tireless promoter of the economic empowerment of the Romanian inhabited territories. Encyclopaedic, visionary and lucid mind, Alexandru D. Xenopol dedicated his work to searching the elements of the compatibility of the Romanians with the modernity and globalization in the cultural, educational and economic history of our people. Alexandru D. Xenopol has not remain unnoticed; scientists of this country, such as Nicolae Iorga, paid an homage to his great intellectual value: "educated in the best traditions of the economic school of the mid nineteenth century, and above all, a man with a philosophical mind, comfortable with abstractions and with an endless love for subtle links between them" (Iorga, 1975, p.190). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the spread of economic ideas in shaping the Romanian economic development stage

    Muzeul și democratizarea culturii. O perspectivă de ansamblu

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    Stabilizing CrO by epitaxial growth

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    This thesis describes the efforts to stabilize chromium monoxide (CrO) as a thin epitaxial film on various substrates. The most stable and common oxidation phase for chromium is in chromium sesquioxide (Cr2O3). CrO does not exist as a bulk material in nature, therefore we have to grow it in a artificial manner as a single crystal film using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The motivation behind this project is that in CrO, Cr ion has the same electronic configuration as the manganese ion in the lanthanum manganates (LaMnO3), a material that doped with strontium or calcium (La1-xSrxMnO3) is the so-called colossal magneto resistance material. One may expect that CrO has equally fascinating magnetic and electrical properties as the manganates. ... Zie: Summar

    Evolutionary dynamics of the cryptocurrency market

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    The cryptocurrency market surpassed the barrier of $100 billion market capitalization in June 2017, after months of steady growth. Despite its increasing relevance in the financial world, a comprehensive analysis of the whole system is still lacking, as most studies have focused exclusively on the behaviour of one (Bitcoin) or few cryptocurrencies. Here, we consider the history of the entire market and analyse the behaviour of 1469 cryptocurrencies introduced between April 2013 and May 2017. We reveal that, while new cryptocurrencies appear and disappear continuously and their market capitalization is increasing (super-)exponentially, several statistical properties of the market have been stable for years. These include the number of active cryptocurrencies, market share distribution and the turnover of cryptocurrencies. Adopting an ecological perspective, we show that the so-called neutral model of evolution is able to reproduce a number of key empirical observations, despite its simplicity and the assumption of no selective advantage of one cryptocurrency over another. Our results shed light on the properties of the cryptocurrency market and establish a first formal link between ecological modelling and the study of this growing system. We anticipate they will spark further research in this direction
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