31 research outputs found

    Deviant workplace behavior in organizations

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    Abweichendes Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz ist freiwilliges Verhalten, das wichtige Normen des Arbeitgebers verletzt, und dadurch das Wohl des Unternehmens, seiner Mitglieder, oder beider gefährdet. Abweichendes Verhalten kann sich gegen das Unternehmen oder gegen Mitarbeiter richten. Betrug, Diebstahl, Sabotage, absichtlich langsam arbeiten und Aggressivität sind häufige und ernst zu nehmende Probleme. Eine Untersuchung ergab, dass Arbeitnehmer im Einzelhandel für mehr Diebstähle verantwortlich waren als Kunden. In einer anderen Studie haben bis zu 75 Prozent aller Beschäftigten eine abweichende Handlung am Arbeitsplatz verübt. Abweichendes Verhalten ist nicht nur die Ursache für hohe wirtschaftliche Kosten (jährlich ca. 600 Milliarden US-Dollar in der Vereinigten Staaten), sondern ist auch Ursprung sozialer und psychologischer Kosten. Daher ist es äußerst wichtig die Faktoren, die zu solchem Verhalten führen, zu identifizieren und Lösungsansätze für dieses Phänomen anzuführen. Faktoren, die abweichendes Verhalten beeinflussen, sind individuelle, soziale und interpersonelle und jene, durch das Unternehmen bedingte. Individuelle Faktoren beinhalten Persönlichkeit und Demographie. Diese Faktoren sind: Wertorientierung, Liebe zum Geld, Persönlichkeitsstörungen, Geschlecht, Beschäftigungsdauer, Ausbildungsgrad, Alter, etc. Soziale und interpersonelle Faktoren inkludieren Einflüsse von Arbeitsgruppen, Einflüsse von Vorgesetzten, Opportunität, Notlagen, Verpflichtungen und Verschiedenheit. Unternehmensbedingte Faktoren sind reichlich, deshalb möchte ich nur einige ausschlaggebende erwähnen: Das Unternehmensumfeld, die Unternehmenskultur, die Bindung an das Unternehmen, die Gerechtigkeit im Unternehmen, das ethische Arbeitsklima und Stress. Abweichendes Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz kann am besten unter Berücksichtigung individueller und Arbeitsplatzcharakteristika prognostiziert werden. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Ursachen, die zu abweichendem Verhalten führen, erweist es sich als schwierig Richtlinien zu dessen Bekämpfung zu entwickeln. Die Schritte, die das Management einleiten kann, beinhalten Kontrolle und gründliche Personalauswahl. Wesentlich erfolgreicher dürften Maßnahmen wie das Bereitstellen einer korrekten Unternehmenskultur, ein ethischer Führungsstil und geeignetes Training sein. Dadurch erreicht man eine Sensibilisierung der Entscheidungsfindung in ethischen Belangen und man bindet die Arbeitnehmer stärker an das Unternehmen.Deviant Workplace Behavior is behavior that violates organizational norms and threatens the well being of an organization and its members. Deviant behavior can be either aimed at the organization (Organizational Deviance) or at co-workers (Interpersonal Deviance). Behaviors such as fraud, theft, sabotage, withholding effort, and aggressiveness are prevalent and very serious. In a survey employees accounted for a higher percentage of retail thefts than did customers. Up to 75 percent of all employees have engaged in some deviant action. Besides huge economical costs of approximately 600 billion $US (in the United States) deviant workplace behavior is also linked to social and psychological costs. Hence it is crucial to identify the factors that contribute to such behavior and to find solutions to prevent it. Factors that influence deviant behavior are individual, social and interpersonal, and organizational. Individual factors include both personality and demographics. Factors are value orientation, love of money, personality flaw, gender, tenure, education, age, etc. Social and interpersonal factors include influence of work group, influence of supervisors, opportunity, need, indebtedness, and dissimilarity. Organizational factors are abundant: Operational environment, organizational culture, organizational commitment, organizational justice, ethical work climates, and stress, only to mention some. Deviant behavior can be best predicted by considering a combination of both individual characteristics and workplace situation. Norms and values imposed by organizations can induce an otherwise moral individual to commit unethical and deviant acts. Difficulties in developing policies to battle against deviant behavior occur because of the different reasons leading to deviant behavior. The steps that can be taken by management to prevent deviant behavior include control and personnel selection. More importantly is providing a proper culture, ethical leadership, and training in order to guarantee that employees improve their ethical decision-making and that they are committed to their organizations

    Directly photoinscribed refractive index change and bragg gratings in ohara WMS-15 glass ceramic

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    We inscribed thick volume gratings in WMS-15 glass ceramic by ultraviolet light at 193 and 248 nm. Unlike earlier work in ceramic materials, the inscription process modified the optical properties of the material without the need for any additional chemical or thermal processing. Experimental evidence from measurements of grating growth, thermal annealing, and spectral absorption indicates that two distinct physical mechanisms are responsible for the grating formation. Weak, easily thermally bleached gratings resulted from exposure fluences below 0.3 kJ/cm2. Optical absorption measurements suggest that these low fluence gratings are predominantly absorption gratings. More thermally stable gratings, found to be refractive index gratings with unsaturated refractive index modulation amplitude as large as 6 × 10 -5 were formed at cumulative fluences of 1 kJ/cm2 and above

    Linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance micro-ondes par la méthode de prédistorsion RF

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    Caractéristiques des amplificateurs de puissance et méthodes de linéarisation -- Types de distorsions -- Points de compression et d'interception -- Retraits en puissance d'entrée et sortie -- Méthodes de mesures de linéarité -- Méthodes de linéarisation -- Architecture du circuit de linéarisation pour les amplificateurs de puissance avec les diodes en parallèle et en polarisation directe -- Architecture du circuit de linéarisation pour les amplificateurs de puissance avec les diodes Schottky en connexion anode à cathode -- Conception et mesures des systèmes de linéarisation

    Baia Mare Mining Area. Effects of the Policy of Disadvantaged Areas

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    The policy of the disadvantaged areas was a component of the regional development policy in Romania between 1998 and 2010. It aimed to delineate those areas that underwent serious economic and social issues that were mainly generated by industrial restructuring in order to take specific measures to revive them. Baia Mare mining area is one of the 38 disadvantaged areas that were identified in Romania. The present article aims to emphasize the results of such a policy within Baia Mare mining area, the way in which the status of disadvantaged area had effects on the economic development of the city of Baia Mare and on the other localities included. Therefore, the companies that invested in the area once it was declared a “disadvantaged area” were analyzed, along with the new jobs, the facilities for companies, the total value of investments and the way these influenced (in a positive or negative manner) the decrease in the unemployment rate and the economic revival through activities from new economic domains. The conclusion is that a high number of companies had investments during its existence as a disadvantaged area, yet the effects they had on the economic development are evident particularly in the city of Baia Mare. The poor quality of the transport infrastructure and of the business infrastructure restricts the economic potential of the other localities that are part of the area, therefore they registered few investments

    Directly photoinscribed thick bragg gratings in ohara WMS-15 glass-ceramic

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    Volume gratings were UV inscribed in WMS-15 glass-ceramic at 193 and 248nm without additional processing. Weak, easily bleached gratings resulted from fluences below 0.3kJ/cm2. Stable gratings with Δn ~ 6×10-5 were formed at higher fluences