402 research outputs found

    The plasticity of berry shrivelling in 'Shiraz': A vineyard survey

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    Berry water loss during late ripening is a cultivar dependent-trait and is accentuated in wine grape varieties such as 'Shiraz'. 'Shiraz' berry development was monitored in twelve vineyards over two seasons to characterise the extent of weight loss that can occur within a grape growing region. From veraison onwards, berry fresh mass was greatest in vineyards using excessive irrigation and least in vineyards using cautious irrigation strategies. In the first season, berry fresh mass increased, reached a maximum and subsequently declined. Conversely, in the second season, characterised by rain and high humidity, berry fresh mass increased, then stabilised without a consistent decline. In both seasons, berry sugar import rates were highest shortly after veraison but then declined gradually, terminating several weeks after the weight maximum. Notwithstanding that berries with large maximum weights tended to undergo greater rates of weight loss, these berries remained heavier at harvest compared to those berries that were smaller prior to the onset of weight loss. Canopy size, yield and crop load were not key determinants of berry weight loss rates. Berry anthocyanin and sugar accumulation were closely correlated during early ripening but anthocyanin degradation took place during the late weight loss phase

    Timing of N application and water constraints on N accumulation and juice amino N concentration in Chardonnay grapevines

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    The amount and timing of nitrogen (N) application to a vineyard is critical for must yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) concentrations. YAN concentrations and amino acid profiles are important for the fermentation process and wine composition. Commonly, N is applied at flowering to optimize leaf functioning or after harvest to enhance vine productivity the following season. In this study N was applied at various stages of berry development to determine allocation patterns between vine perennial and annual components and to assess when berry YAN concentrations can best be optimized. Five year old potted 'Chardonnay' vines received ammonium sulfate fertilizer at six different times from full bloom to two weeks before harvest and were also exposed to either full or half irrigation during that period. Reduced water supply resulted in a higher allocation of N to the perennial structures and less to the annual components of the vine. N allocation to the annual components of the vine was greatest when it was applied at full bloom, however allocation to the perennial components was greatest when it was applied after fruit-set to veraison. The timing of N supply had a substantial influence on YAN concentrations, and was highest when N was applied about two weeks after veraison. Low water supply also resulted in higher juice YAN concentrations. The perennial N reserves in the roots were highest under low water supply and when N was applied at veraison, while the allocation to the annual parts was lower under this irrigation regime. The study indicates that timing of N application and the application of water constraints during berry development can impact on N partitioning, while the total amount accumulated by the vine is not altered

    Fine and ultrafine particle number and size measurements from industrial combustion processes : primary emissions field data

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    This study is to our knowledge the first to present the results of on-line measurements of residual nanoparticle numbers downstream of the flue gas treatment systems of a wide variety of medium- and large-scale industrial installations. Where available, a semi-quantitative elemental composition of the sampled particles is carried out using a Scanning Electron Microscope coupled with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (SEM-EDS). The semi-quantitative elemental composition as a function of the particle size is presented. EU's Best Available Technology documents (BAT) show removal efficiencies of Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) and bag filter dedusting systems exceeding 99% when expressed in terms of weight. Their efficiency decreases slightly for particles smaller than 1 mu m but when expressed in terms of weight, still exceeds 99% for bag filters and 96% for ESP. This study reveals that in terms of particle numbers, residual nanoparticles (NP) leaving the dedusting systems dominate by several orders of magnitude. In terms of weight, all installations respect their emission limit values and the contribution of NP to weight concentrations is negligible, despite their dominance in terms of numbers. Current World Health Organisation regulations are expressed in terms of PM2.5 wt concentrations and therefore do not reflect the presence or absence of a high number of NP. This study suggests that research is needed on possible additional guidelines related to NP given their possible toxicity and high potential to easily enter the blood stream when inhaled by humans

    Centimeter-scale secondary information on hydraulic conductivity using a hand-held air permeameter on borehole cores

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    Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is one of the most important parameters determining groundwater flow and contaminant transport in both unsaturated and saturated porous media. Determining the small-scale variability of this parameter is key to evaluate implications on effective parameters at the larger scale. Moreover, for stochastic simulations of groundwater flow and contaminant transport, accurate models on the spatial variability of Ks are very much needed. While several well-established laboratory methods exist for determining Ks, investigating the small-scale variability remains a challenge. If several tens to hundreds of metres of borehole core has to be hydraulically characterised at the centimetre to decimetre scale, several hundreds to thousands of Ks measurements are required, which makes it very costly and time-consuming should traditional methods be used. With reliable air permeameters becoming increasingly available from the late 80’s, a fast and effective indirect method exists to determine Ks. Therefore, the use of hand-held air permeameter measurements for determining very accurate small-scale heterogeneity about Ks is very appealing. Very little is known, however, on its applicability for borehole cores that typically carry a small sediment volume. Therefore, the method was tested on several borehole cores of different size, originating from the Campine basin, Northern Belgium. The studied sediments are of Miocene to Pleistocene age, with a marine to continental origin, and consist of sand to clayey sand with distinct clay lenses, resulting in a Ks range of 7 orders of magnitude. During previous studies, two samples were taken from borehole cores each two meters for performing constant head lab permeameter tests. This data is now used as a reference for the air permeameter measurements that are performed with a resolution of 5 centimetres. Preliminary results indicate a very good correlation between the previously gathered constant head Ks data and the air permeability measurements, but a systematic bias seems to exist. A geostatistical analysis with cross-validation is performed to assess the predictive uncertainty on Ks, using both types of data. We conclude that performing hand-held air permeameter measurements on undisturbed borehole cores provides a very cost-effective way to obtain very detailed information in the framework of stochastic simulation and conditioning of heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields

    Prevention of mist formation in amine based carbon capture : field testing using a Wet ElectroStatic Precipitator (WESP) and a Gas-Gas Heater (GGH)

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    This study presents the results of two field tests that aimed at evaluating two countermeasures (WESP and GGH) to avoid acid mist formation. A WESP is shown to be very efficient for the removal of nuclei from the flue gas (100 % efficient) and thus can prevent aerosol formation inside an amine based absorber. This is however only valid in the absence of SO2 in the flue gas entering the WESP. A decreasing WESP efficiency is noted in the presence of SO2 with increasing voltages as a result of newly formed aerosols inside the WESP. This implies that no or very low levels of SO2 should be present in the flue gas entering the WESP. Since most of the amine carbon capture installations have a pre-scrubber (usually using NaOH to remove residual SO2 in the flue gas leaving the power plant's Flue Gas Desulphurisation) in front of their amine absorber, the WESP must be installed behind this pre-scrubber and not in front of it. Having a Gas-Gas Heater (or any type of flue gas cooling such as a Low Temperature Heat Exchanger) installed upstream of the wet scrubbing may prevent homogenous nucleation and thus prevent the conversion of H2SO4 into sulfuric acid aerosols and consequently mist formation issues in the amine based carbon capture installation. Which option to choose amongst the two countermeasures presented in this study will depend on whether a new built installation is being considered or whether a carbon capture is planned as a retrofit into an existing installation. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Haemoptysis as the first presentation of COVID-19 : a case report

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    Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an ongoing pandemic that profoundly challenges healthcare systems all over the world. Fever, cough and fatigue are the most commonly reported clinical symptoms. Case presentation A 58-year-old man presented at the emergency department with acute onset haemoptysis. On the fifth day after admission, he developed massive haemoptysis. Computed tomography (CT) angiography of the chest revealed alveolar haemorrhage, more prominent in the left lung. Flexible bronchoscopy confirmed bleeding from the left upper lobe, confirmed by a bronchial arteriography, which was successfully embolized. Nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) tested for SARS-CoV-2 using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) repeatedly returned negative. Surprisingly, SARS-CoV-2 was eventually detected in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Conclusions Life-threatening haemoptysis is an unusual presentation of COVID-19, reflecting alveolar bleeding as a rare but possible complication. This case emphasises the added value of bronchoscopy with BAL in the diagnostic work-up in case of high clinical suspicion and negative serial NPS in patients presenting with severe symptoms

    Prevention of Mist Formation in Amine Based Carbon Capture: Field Testing Using a Wet ElectroStatic Precipitator (WESP) and a Gas-Gas Heater (GGH)

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    This study presents the results of two field tests that aimed at evaluating two countermeasures (WESP and GGH) to avoid acid mist formation. A WESP is shown to be very efficient for the removal of nuclei from the flue gas (100 % efficient) and thus can prevent aerosol formation inside an amine based absorber. This is however only valid in the absence of SO2 in the flue gas entering the WESP. A decreasing WESP efficiency is noted in the presence of SO2 with increasing voltages as a result of newly formed aerosols inside the WESP. This implies that no or very low levels of SO2 should be present in the flue gas entering the WESP. Since most of the amine carbon capture installations have a pre-scrubber (usually using NaOH to remove residual SO2 in the flue gas leaving the power plant's Flue Gas Desulphurisation) in front of their amine absorber, the WESP must be installed behind this pre-scrubber and not in front of it. Having a Gas-Gas Heater (or any type of flue gas cooling such as a Low Temperature Heat Exchanger) installed upstream of the wet scrubbing may prevent homogenous nucleation and thus prevent the conversion of H2SO4 into sulfuric acid aerosols and consequently mist formation issues in the amine based carbon capture installation. Which option to choose amongst the two countermeasures presented in this study will depend on whether a new built installation is being considered or whether a carbon capture is planned as a retrofit into an existing installation. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Impact of dynamic changes in MELD score on survival after liver transplantation : a Eurotransplant registry analysis

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    Background & Aims: With restricted numbers of available organs, futility in liver transplantation has to be avoided. The concept of dynamic changes in MELD score (DeltaMELD) has previously been shown to be a simple tool to identify patients with the greatest risk of death after transplantation. Aim was to validate this concept with the Eurotransplant (ET) database. Methods: A retrospective registry analysis was performed on all patients listed for liver transplantation within ET between 2006 and 2011. Patients <18 years of age, acute liver failure, malignancy and patients listed for retransplantation were excluded. Influence of MELD at listing (MELDon), MELD at transplantation (MELDoff), DeltaMELD, age, sex, underlying disease and time on the waiting list on overall survival after liver transplantation were evaluated. Results: A total of 16 821 patients were listed for liver transplantation, 8096 met the inclusion criteria. Age, MELD on and DeltaMELD showed significant influence on survival on the waiting list. Age and DeltaMELD showed influence on survival after liver transplantation, with DeltaMELD>10 showing a 1.6-fold increased risk of death. Conclusion: The concept of DeltaMELD was validated in a large, prospective data set. It provides a simple tool to identify patients with increased risk of death after liver transplantation and might help improve long-term results

    Glauber Critical Dynamics: Exact Solution of the Kinetic Gaussian Model

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    In this paper, we have exactly solved Glauber critical dynamics of the Gaussian model on three dimensions. Of course, it is much easy to apply to low dimensional case. The key steps are that we generalize the spin change mechanism from Glauber's single-spin flipping to single-spin transition and give a normalized version of the transition probability . We have also investigated the dynamical critical exponent and found surprisingly that the dynamical critical exponent is highly universal which refer to that for one- two- and three-dimensions they have same value independent of spatial dimensionality in contrast to static (equilibrium) critical exponents.Comment: 9 page
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